ED (Roberts et al., 2006).
Managing the performance of complex environ-
ments, such as an ED, is difficult and expensive when
carried out by human beings alone. A new approach,
called self-managed ED, is discussed here. The pa-
per discusses the mechanisms required to self-adjust
the configuration parameters of an ED so that its QoS
goals are constantly met. In (Almomen and Menasc´e,
2011) we discussed the potential benefits of apply-
ing autonomic computing (Huescher and McCann,
2008) techniques to design self-managed EDs. In
this paper we provide a detailed design of an au-
tonomic controller for a self-managed ED. Our ap-
proach combines an ED simulator with combinatorial
search techniques (Rayward-Smith et al., 1996) to de-
sign controllers that run periodically (e.g., every few
hours) to determine the best possible configuration
for an ED given its current and predicted workload.
The paper also demonstrates the operation of the au-
tonomic controller as it maximizes a utility function
of the ED subject to cost-constraints.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents the architecture and the algorithm used
by the ED controller of the self-managed ED. Section
3 presents the experimental setting and the next sec-
tion describes the results under various circumstances
to illustrate the operation of the method. Finally, Sec-
tion 5 presents some concluding remarks.
Our framework, discussed initially in (Almomen and
Menasc´e, 2011), consists in developing an autonomic
controller for a self-managed ED system that can reg-
ulate and maintain itself with minimal human inter-
vention. This is ideal in an ED environment since the
goal is to create a system that is able to adapt to a con-
stantly changing environment (such as patient flow,
workload, and resource availability) in a way that pre-
serves given operational goals (such as performance
goals or QoS goals).
2.1 The Control Loop
This framework, implements the MAPE-K (Monitor/
Analyze/ Plan/ Execute - Knowledge)model (Kephart
and Chess, 2003) in an ED environment as shown
in Fig. 1. Within the ED context, autonomic man-
agers define a control loop (the MAPE-K loop) that
continuously monitor the environment and handles
events that need action to be taken. Changes are
made through action operations. Sensors determine
the state of the managed ED resources and action
operations may change the current state. The entire
ED environment is a set of managed resources (e.g.,
doctors, nurses, lab technicians, X-ray machines, CT-
scan machines, beds). Autonomic managers contin-
uously monitor the system and record the values of
various performance metrics (e.g., Length of Stay,
throughput, and utilization of various resources). A
group of stakeholders (e.g., managers and executives)
define a utility function to be maximized. This func-
tion measures how well the ED is meeting its goals
and is a function of its various performance metrics.
For example, the utility of the ED decreases as the
Length of Stay (LOS) increases and increases as its
throughput increases. Based on the defined utility
function, the autonomic manager then plans and ex-
ecutes any specific actions needed to maximize the
utility function and optimize pertinent QoS metrics.
The steps of monitoring, analyzing, planning, and ex-
ecuting may be executed concurrently.
It is worth noting that our model takes into account
the Human-in-the-loop(HITL) element (Parasuraman
et al., 2000) (see Fig. 1). This means that in order for
the ED autonomic manager to work sucessufully, hu-
man interaction is required. The resource in charge of
managing the ED, such as a charge nurse, will be part
of the decision making process of the autonomic man-
ager and will be able to change the outcome, or re-
configuration commands, of the autonomic manager.
HITL is important in our model because we realize
that in the ED, an expert nurse can influence the out-
come of the system in a way that is difficult if not im-
possible to autonomically reproduce exactly. HITL in
the ED environment also readily allows for the iden-
tification of problems and requirements that may not
easily be identified by other means of the system. Uti-
lizing HITL provides a more realistic implementation
approach to a self-managed ED.
2.2 Architecture of the Controller
Figure 2 shows details of the autonomic manager in
an ED. The ED autonomic manager is based on the
notion that the ED is enhanced with an ED controller
that monitors the ED performance, monitors the re-
source utilization of the various resources of the ED,
and executes, at regular intervals called controller in-
tervals (CI), a controller algorithm to determine the
best configuration for the ED. As a result of running
the controller algorithm, reconfiguration options are
generated that will help charge nurses change the ED
configuration to maintain optimal QoS. As shown in
Fig. 2, the ED controller has four main components:
Utility Function Computation, ED Simulator, Work-
load Analyzer, and Controller Driver.