IN EcoSim
Meisam Hosseini Sedehi, Robin Gras and Md Sina
School of Computer Science, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada
Keywords: The Species’ extinction, Demographic factor, Genetic factor, Individual-Based Model, Fuzzy Cognitive
Map, EcoSim, Feature selection.
Abstract: The process of evolution involves the emergence and disappearance of species. Many factors affect on the
survival of species. Real study of factors’ influence is particularly difficult due to the complex interaction
between them. An individual-based model (IBM) can assist in the analysis of effective factors. In this study,
using an IBM called EcoSim, we have examined the impact of some factors on the prediction of the
imminent extinction. By applying some machine learning’s techniques for feature selection and
classification, we have shown that demographic and genetic factors have a critical role for the prediction.
Especially, paying attention to both factors can highly improve the accuracy of the species’ prediction.
In the course of gradual long-drawn-out evolution,
there has been an innumerable number of species;
not all of them could manage to live until now, and
some of them lived longer than the others. For a
species to survive, its individuals have to reproduce
and tolerate the environmental conditions.
The conservation of endangered species and
expansion of their longevity have always
encouraged scientists to be in search for the
fundamental reasons of species’ extinction. Each
species can be combined as one or more distinct
populations with similar ecological niche.
Populations’ extinction which is a milestone of
biology and ecology has applications in conservation
biology, biological control, epidemiology and
genetics (Drake, Shapiro, & Griffen, 2011), (Griffen
& Drake, 2008). Although much research has been
carried out in populations’ extinction and
populations’ persistence, these phenomenons are
still open questions.
There are many factors involved in extinction
that can be classified into three main realms of
Demography, Genetics and Environment (Griffen &
Drake, 2008). In real life, it is difficult to identify or
compute an exact effect of these factors separately;
it is even harder to do it altogether. Therefore,
scientists have been devising techniques, which
make it possible to compute different attributes of
species. These techniques can be separated into two
broad categories, modelling and simulation based on
the laboratory tests or the computer simulations.
Laboratory tests of extinction allow running
tests by providing simplified and tractable systems
where interactions of factors can be eliminated and
tests can be done under control. In general,
producing an apt condition and an exact repeatable
experiment is difficult, in particular, when more than
one factor has been used. Simulation techniques can
be a good alternative to inspect factors together.
In this study, we have applied a computer
simulation based on an individual-based model
(DeAngelis & Mooij, 2005) named EcoSim
(Devaurs and Gras 2010), and worked on the
prediction of species’ extinction. For this purpose,
we used different species’ attributes, linked to
demographic and genetic factors, called features.
These features were gathered from individuals who
belong to distinctive species of simulation. After
some feature selection tools have been applied, we
have used a decision tree method on the selected
features to predict if extinction occurs in a close
future. By analyzing the obtained results, we were
able to understand the effect of these features on
extinction better. We have done three experiments,
each one of them using different features set. We
have shown these features can predict species’
extinction with high accuracy.
Hosseini Sedehi M., Gras R. and Sina M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003737703180323
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 318-323
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
More information at:
The organization of this study is as follows: In
second and third section, respectively some related
work and EcoSim are reviewed briefly. Fourth and
fifth sections contain methodologies for computation
and selection of important species’ features. Results
are discussed on sixth section. Finally, in the section
seventh, a general conclusion is given.
The major factors affecting on the extinction process
are Demography, Genetics and Environment
(Griffen & Drake, 2008). Demographic factors are
impacted by the population growth, the reproduction
rate and the individual’s lifespan including the
population variability, the initial population size and
the migration (Ovaskainen & Meerson, 2010).
Genetic factors correspond to a shortage of genetic
variations, which can be caused by a decrease in
fitness due to the inbreeding depression (Reed,
Lowe, Briscoe, & Frankham, 2003). Finally, factors
such as the habitat quality, the habitat fragmentation
and the environmental stressors have a major role in
extinction as the environmental factors (Patten,
Wolfe, Shochat, & Sherrod, 2007), (Drake & Lodge,
2004). The effects of most of these factors depend
on interactions with other factors and conditions
impeding the careful study of each factor.
Scientists have endeavored to clarify the impact
of extinction’s factors. For instance, Drake et al.
(2011) have experimentally investigated the effect of
population size on the extinction populations of the
flea, Daphnia Magna, in two phases: initial
population and quasi-stationarity population. They
concluded that the population size has less effect on
populations with high resilience, but the habitat size
and the environmental variability have more impact.
In another experiment, Drake and Griffen (2010)
have used laboratory populations of Daphnia Magna
to test the population dynamics due to declining
levels of food provision. They showed that the
impending extinction will be revealed by slowing
down the growth rate.
In addition to experimental works, simulation
techniques based on IBM has been used in the
simulation of ecological and evolutionary processes.
For example, Walters et al. (2002) utilized IBM to
explore the effect of demographic and
environmental stochasticity on vulnerability of Red-
cockaded Woodpecker populations. In (2007), Hovel
and Regan introduced an IBM to assess a relation
between the habitat fragmentation and the predator-
prey interactions on a group of settling blue crabs.
They have shown that the predator hunting strategy,
the prey movement and the patterns of settled prey
can modify the effect of habitat fragmentation.
Schueller and Hayes (2011) have also employed an
IBM to investigate the relationship between the
extinction risk and the minimum viable population
size for a lake sturgeon and demonstrated the
influence of inbreeding depression over the viable
population size.
IBM also can implement a speciation process
which generates new species from existing ones by
an evolutionary process. Gras, Devaurs, Wozniak, &
Aspinall, (2009) have introduced a predator-prey
ecosystem simulation called EcoSim, which
combining an IBM with Fuzzy Cognitive Map as the
behaviour model for the agents. This model allows
investigating different aspects of life by evolving
individuals in a multi-level food chain simulation.
The predators act as a pressure factor on a prey and
can be seen as an environmental stress. The prey
eats grass which availability is based on a spatial
diffusion model leading to a dynamically changing
environment. Due to the abilities of this model, we
chose it as our platform for the prediction of species’
3 EcoSim
Gras et al. (2009) have presented EcoSim
, an IBM
including a behavioural model based on Fuzzy
Cognitive Maps (FCM) (Kosko, 1986). The
evolutionary world in this model is a grid of
1000x1000 discrete cells. Besides preys and
predators, every cell in this world may contain some
amount of grass and meat of dead prey. Predators
live on preys and preys live on grass, which is a
natural resource for preys. Every individual acts
according to its FCM which is coded in its genomes
and assigned to it at birth time. The FCM is a
directed graph containing nodes called concepts and
edges representing the influence of concepts on each
other. When a new offspring is created, it is given a
genome which is a combination of the genomes of
its parents with some possible mutations.
There are three kinds of concepts: sensitive
(such as the distance to food, to a friend and to a
sexual partner), internal (such as fear, hunger and
satisfaction) and motor (such as an escape, eat and
reproduce). In addition, each concept has an
activation level which depends on its current
perception and the past internal state. The current
activation level of a concept is computed with the
FCM and is used to choose the next action of the of
an agent is used to compute the activation level of a
sensitive concept. The activation level of an internal
concept is influenced by the sensitive concepts of
the agent. And finally, the action of agent is selected
based on the activation levels of the motor concepts
that are affected by the sensitive and internal
concepts. Each activation level can have a positive
value between [0-1] that show an excitatory or an
inhibitory influence. EcoSim iterates continuously,
and each iteration (time step) consists in the
computation internal concepts, the choice and
application of an action for every individual. A time
step also includes the update of the world:
emergence and extinction of species and growth and
diffusion of grass. The maximum longevity of each
individual is less than 40 time steps.
This model takes advantage of a speciation
mechanism. A species is a set of individuals, which
have similar genetic characteristics (Mallet, 1995).
The species’ genome is computed by averaging the
genomes of all its members. Thus similarity can be
computed by the genetic distance between an
individual and a species. A new individual is a
member of the species of one of its parents whom
the most similar (Aspinall & Gras, 2010); unless a
hybridization event occurs, two parents are from the
same species. A speciation occurs if an individual in
a species has a genetic distance greater than a
predefined threshold from the species’ genome. As a
speciation, two new sister species are created by
splitting the species using a 2-mean clustering
algorithm. Afterward, all the individuals of the split
species are attached to one of two new species that
has fewer genetics distances. The two sister species
are initially quite similar, allowing for some
hybridization events to occur. Although they are
similar, soon they diverge genetically and became
two completely independent species. The
hybridization happens in the nature, although the
effective mechanisms on and long-time impact of it
is unclear (Gilman & Behm, 2011).
For predicting the species’ extinction based on
demography and genetics factors, we need to find
features of all species. In EcoSim, every individual
has a certain number of attributes, which are fully
quantiable at each time step of the simulation.
Moreover, each species’ attribute is the average
value of this attribute for all individuals belonging to
that species. Let ={
, ...,
} be the set
ofm species at a given time step, where each
is a
set of individuals ={i
}. The value of m
may vary over time since species can emerge or
extinct. The same is true for p as individuals can be
born or die at any time step. In addition,
, ..., a
} is the set of n
attributes of i
individual. We define AS
as a
function that maps one attribute of individuals to one
attribute of species by equation,
(k) =
In addition to these features, a species has few
specific attributes that do not apply to a single
individual, such as the spatial diversity, the genetic
diversity and the number of species per step time.
The spatial diversity measures the distribution of
individuals in one species based on the locations of
all its individuals and is computed in two steps:
computation of a spatial centre of the species and the
spatial standard deviation. EcoSim’s world is a torus
which means that the opposite boarders of the grid
are adjacent. Therefore, we apply the circular
statistics (Jammalamadaka & Sengupta, 2001) to
compute the centre of the species’ spatial
The genetic diversity of a species measures how
much diversity exists in the gene pool of the
individuals of a species. The entropy measure is
commonly used as an index of diversity in ecology
and increasingly used in genetics (Sherwin, 2010).
As a result, the genetic diversity is the entropy of the
genomes of all individuals belonging to a species,
and represents the level of similarity between all the
genomes of a species.
Preparing one dataset of features takes as long as
one month because we have to run a complex
simulation, in which the number of individuals is
often more than two hundred thousand at a time.
EcoSim generates massive raw data about the
individuals and the species in each time step. In this
study, we have focused on prediction of prey’s
species extinction. We have created a dataset, each
sample of the dataset shows the information about
one species at a given step time. Moreover, for
making a prediction, each sample is labelled positive
or negative respectively, meaning that extinction
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
will appear during the next 50 time steps or not.
The raw dataset includes 52 features, combining
demographic and genetic factors. These features of
each species contain: 12 sensitive concepts’ average
activation level, 7 internal concepts’ average
activation level, 7 motor concepts’ average
activation level, 11 actions frequency, the population
size, the ratio of individuals to whole population, the
number of dead individuals, the genetic diversity,
the spatial diversity, the average of age of
individuals, the energy and speed of individuals, the
average of failed reproduction events based on age,
the genetic distance and energy of individuals, the
average of genomes of individuals, the average
genetic distance from species’ genome and the
average amount of energy transmit from a parent to
a child. There is also a global feature representing
the current number of species.
Table 1: List of the 22 selected features for each species
contains three parts: 1) demographic factors, 2)
individuals’ perceptions and actions 3) the genetic, energy
and age factors.
Part # Features
Number of species
Population size
The ratio of individuals to whole population
Spatial diversity
Number of dead individuals
Perception of predators’ distance (sense.)
Perception of food’ distances (sense.)
Perception of friend’ distances (sense.)
Perception of amount of food (sense.)
Perception of amount of mating’s partner
Rate of prey’ escape from predators (act.)
Rate of search for food (act.)
Rate of exploration inside the world (act.)
Rate of eating food (act.)
Rate of reproduction (act.) [percentage of
individuals breeding]
Rate of failed reproduction (failed act.)
Perception of amount of energy (sense.)
Average of age
Average energy
Average of age failed reproductions events
Average energy reproductions events
Genetic diversity
These amounts of features led to slow
classification with the lower level of accuracy.
Moreover, we tried to work on the features having
more impact on classification. Therefore, we have
reduced the number of features with machine
learning’s techniques. For this purpose, different
methods such as simple Genetic Search (crossover-
prob: 0.6, mutation-prob: 0.03, population-size: 20)
(Goldberg, 1989), Best First Searches (the space of
attribute subsets by hill-climbing augmented), and
Greedy (stepwise) Search have been tested on
WEKA (V3.6.4). A weighted linear combination of
their results leads to the selection of 22 features that
will be used for learning the prediction model. The
list of these selected features has been shown in
Table 1.
In our dataset, most of the samples are labelled
negative, because in most of the time steps a given
species will not become extent in the next 50 time
steps that makes a bias in the number of negative
samples to positive samples. Then, we divided the
initial dataset into a training set made of 80 percents
of the positive samples plus two times the same
amount of randomly selected negative samples and
the rest of the samples as the testing set.
The prepared dataset contains 120,000 samples
related to about 150 species coming from 10000
time steps of one unique run. The training set has
formed about 24,000 samples contains 8000 positive
samples and 16000 negative samples. For comparing
the quality of classification based on different
experiences, four measures of accuracy, true positive
(TP) rate, true negative (TN) rate, global accuracy,
and ROC area have been used. The global accuracy
shows the percentage of correctly classified samples.
The true positive (negative) rate presents the
percentage of true classified positive (negative)
samples. Finally, ROC area reveals sensitivity by
measuring the fraction of true positives out of the
positives versus the fraction of false positives out of
the negatives.
We chose to use decision tree with the
confidence factor 0.25 for pruning and 100
minimum instance per leaf (Quinlan, 1993) as a tool
for prediction, because it reduced the number of
produced rules and therefore, allows an analysis of
the produced model. This reduction in the number of
rules has only decreased very slightly the prediction
accuracy but has increased a lot the interpretability
of the rules. However, we also tested several other
learning techniques, and they all led to similar
results. We have arranged three experiments for
training a decision tree based on three parts of
selected features of Table 1. These three parts
contain respectively demographic factors, features
related to individuals’ perception and action, and
finally a combination genetic factor and features
linked to energy and age.
To test how general the predictors we have
obtained, and to validate our results, we have
Table 2: Results of train set, test set and validation set.
Experience Dataset Accuracy TN Rate FN Rate TP Rate FP Rate ROC Area
Train 80.16% 0.76 0.11 0.88 0.23 0.84
Test 75.11% 0.74 0.12 0.87 0.25 0.83
Validation 67.78% 0.65 0.11 0.88 0.34 0.77
Train 92.02% 0.95 0.15 0.84 0.05 0.96
Test 94.90% 0.95 0.15 0.84 0.04 0.96
Validation 90.30% 0.91 0.23 0.76 0.08 0.92
Train 92.97% 0.95 0.13 0.87 0.04 0.95
Test 95.33% 0.95 0. 14 0.85 0.04 0.95
Validation 91.81% 0.92 0.17 0.82 0.09 0.92
performed an independent run of the simulation, to
generate a new dataset. This dataset consists of
about 30,000 positive samples and 280,000 negative
In the first experiment, we trained a decision
tree using only features that can be provided by
observation in the real ecosystem to see how good
they are for prediction alone. This set is made up of
five features: the number of species, the population
size, the ratio of individuals to whole population, the
spatial diversity and the number of dead individuals
that present demographic factors.
It can be seen in Table 2 that, with these five
features, the accuracy of the species’ prediction is
about 80%. The high true positive rate implies these
features can alert for the possibility of extinction.
Furthermore, the test set confirms the validity of
selected features in prediction of survival or
extinction. However, results of the validation set are
not as good as test set; and they imply that these
features are not sufficient as a general predictor.
According to the decision tree’s results (not
shown here), spatial diversity has a great impact on
accuracy. Based on ecological studies, this
phenomenon was expectable (Griffen & Drake,
2008), although population size did not have a
considerable effect. This weak influence on
prediction quality can be due to a quasi-stationarity
population (Drake et al., 2011).
In the second experiment, in addition to the
features of the first experiment, the second set of
features has been used. These 11 features include the
rate of actions of individual and their sensitive
concepts. The results of the second experiment have
been shown in Table 2. The second features have
increased the prediction of species’ extinction from
80% accuracy to more than 90% accuracy. The
value of true positive rate and ROC area reveals that
the second set of features are highly associated with
an occurrence of extinction. The high accuracy on
the test set and validation set prove the validity of
this experiment. In this experiment, in addition to
the spatial diversity, features: the rate of failed
reproduction, the perception of predators’ distance,
the perception of the amount of food, the perception
of the amount of mating’s partner, the rate of eating
food and the rate of prey’ escape, are the ones that
have the more important effect on prediction
In the third experiment, all selected features have
been applied in prediction. The added features
mostly are a representation of the characteristics and
genetic traits of an individual. Based on Table 2,
using all features together leads to a better prediction
than what is obtained in first and second
experiences. Especially, value of accuracy, true
positive rate and true negative rate all show an
increase. More interestingly, the increase accuracy
in validation set demonstrates that these gains are
not due to over fitting problem. Generally, validation
set reveals that these features correspond to general
characteristics, which can prognosticate species’
trend toward extinction in quite diverse situations.
As a result, the more accurate determination of
extinction is obtainable through the combination of
various features which means that the association of
demographic and genetic factors can increase the
power of diagnosis an imminent extinction.
According to the decision tree, genetic diversity, the
average age of failed reproductions events and
average of age have the more impact on extinction’s
Species’ extinction is affected by demographic,
genetic and environmental factors. Analysis of
effects of these factors in real life due to the
complex interaction between these factors is very
hard. IBM models are an alternative way for scrutiny
the effects of different factors.
In this study, we used EcoSim, an IBM with
genetic traits, for finding critical features of
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
extinction’s prediction. This model allows us to
work on numerous factors simultaneously. Based on
this model we set up three experiences with different
species’ features on two datasets. Results confirmed
the impact of demographic and genetic factors on
prediction of species extinction and showed that
very good predictor can be built. We demonstrated
that a combination of these factors can improve the
prediction’s accuracy. Moreover, the accuracy of
validation set presented the general ability of
selected features in prediction of impendent
extinction of species.
In a next step, we want to focus on correlation
and dependency between features. For this purpose,
we have to work on the analysis of features’
interactions and on the extraction of biologically
significant rules. These rules will help to reveal the
priority and relation between features and provide
some insight about the biological mechanisms
involved in species’ extinction.
This work is supported by the NSERC grant
ORGPIN 341854, the CRC grant 950-2-3617 and
the CFI grant 203617 and is made possible by the
facilities of the Shared Hierarchical Academic
Research Computing Network (SHARCNET, www.
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WEKA, V3.6.4,