parison of the extent of power gain or benefits that are
possible for manipulating agents in a restricted ver-
sion of this problem using the two indices.
We extend the simple random simulation of (Lasisi
and Allan, 2011) on susceptibility of power indices
to annexation and merging in WVGs to consider a
much improved benefit achievable by manipulating
agents. Using similar assumptions for annexation and
meging as employed in the simulation of (Lasisi and
Allan, 2011), we show that manipulators need to do
only a polynomial amount of work to find a much
improved benefit and then present two search-based
pseudo-polynomial manipulation algorithms that ma-
nipulators can use.
We provide a modified version of the simple ran-
dom approach that considers the best benefit from
three random choices (which we refer to as the
best-of-three method) that we compare results of
our search-based approach with. Experimental results
show that our search-based method achievesimprove-
ment in benefits of over 300% more than those of the
best-of-three approach in annexation, while the im-
provement in benefits is 28% to 45% more than the
best-of-three method in merging for all the WVGs
we considered. We conclude that since this percent-
age increment of the search-based approach over the
best-of-three method for both annexation and merg-
ing can be achievedwith only a polynomial amount of
work, and using pseudo-polynomial algorithms, then,
manipulators are more likely to seek for a much im-
proved power gain when faced with annexation and
merging in WVGs. Thus, we advance the state of the
art by showing that annexation and merging can be
more serious than as presented in the previous work.
This work is supported by NSF research grant
#0812039 entitled “Coalition Formation with Agent
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