Kris Cuppens
, Bert Bonroy
, Anouk Van de Vel
, Berten Ceulemans
, Lieven Lagae
Tinne Tuytelaars
, Sabine Van Huffel
and Bart Vanrumste
Mobilab, K. H. Kempen, Geel, Belgium
KULeuven, ESAT, SISTA, BioMed, Leuven, Belgium
UZAntwerpen, Child Neurology, Edegem, Belgium
UZLeuven, Pediatrics, Leuven, Belgium
KULeuven, ESAT, PSI, Leuven, Belgium
KU Leuven-IBBT Future Health Department, Leuven, Belgium
Keywords: Epilepsy, Seizure detection, Image motion analysis, Video monitoring, Optical flow, Mean shift clustering.
Abstract: Epileptic seizure detection in a home situation is often not feasible due to the complicated attachment of the
EEG-electrodes on the scalp. We propose to detect nocturnal seizures with a motor component in patients
by means of a single video camera. To this end we use a combination of optical flow and mean shift
clustering to register moving body parts. After extraction of seven features, related to amplitude, duration
and direction of the motion, we carry out a first validation with a linear support vector machine classifier.
This resulted in a sensitivity of 80.60% and a positive predictive value of 62.07%.
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological
disorders in the world, that affects approximately
one percent of the world’s population. In 80% of the
patients the seizures can be controlled by medication
or surgery. In the other group (20%), patients need
to be monitored on a regular basis to follow up their
disease, especially during the night when there is no
social control by the patient’s environment.
However knowing the number of seizures during the
night would provide the neurologist with an
objective measure to alter the medication and
increase the quality of life of the patient. A second
advantage of a nocturnal monitoring system is that
an alarm can be given if a heavy seizure occurs
which needs care afterwards.
Currently the most widely used method for
monitoring epilepsy is video/EEG-monitoring. But
the attachment of EEG-electrodes, which measure
the electrical activity of the brain, is complicated,
labor intensive and mostly restricted to a clinical
setting. For monitoring patients in a home setting, a
more practical setup is required.
Monitoring a patient with a video recording
system can offer a solution, as it monitors the patient
without making physical contact and it is easy to
install in the bedroom.
Human motion analysis has already been studied
extensively in other applications such as gesture
recognition or surveillance (Hu et al, 2004); (Turaga
et al., 2008). The nocturnal detection of seizures is
in some points more challenging. We cannot use the
skin color information, which is often used in
gesture analysis, due to the gray scale images
because of night vision. Also, detecting the patient’s
extremities is most of the time not feasible because
the patients are covered with a blanket. And finally,
there are different types of motor manifestations in
seizures. Therefore we focus on one type of seizure
only, namely the myoclonic seizure. Even then,
there is a considerable variation in manifestation
within a dataset of one patient and the datasets
between patients.
In Cuppens et al. (Cuppens et al., 2010) body
movement is detected in nocturnal recordings from
epileptic patients as a data reduction step. The
optical flow based method reaches a sensitivity of
100% and a positive predictive value between 82%
and 100% when testing it on three test sets.
Cuppens K., Bonroy B., Van de Vel A., Ceulemans B., Lagae L., Tuytelaars T., Van Huffel S. and Vanrumste B..
DOI: 10.5220/0003742903420345
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2012), pages 342-345
ISBN: 978-989-8425-89-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Karayiannis (Karayiannis et al., 2006) already
studied the detection of seizures in neonates, with a
focus on focal clonic and myoclonic seizures. The
patients were monitored in the neonatal intensive
care unit where all the body parts were clearly
visible for the camera. The motion of the body parts
was quantified by temporal motion-strength signals
based on optical flow computation, and by motion
trajectories. The classification based on neural
networks resulted in a sensitivity and specificity
above 90%.
The difference in our study is that we focus on a
different patient group. Furthermore, the setting is as
natural as possible, i.e. the patients can be covered
with a blanket and we do not make use of markers,
just as in a normal home situation. And finally, we
also make use of new features that we extract from
the motion tracks.
2.1 Data Acquisition
The data was acquired at the Pulderbos rehabilitation
centre for children and youth. In this centre,
epileptic patients up to the age of 18 years are
monitored. Video data is acquired during the night
with a near-infrared camera. The frame rate is 25
frames per second and the resolution is 320 by 240
pixels. The datasets are labelled by an expert based
on the video and EEG recordings.
Figure 1: Motion vector field in one frame from epileptic
patient, the colors represent the direction of motion
vectors (a) the frame after thresholding (b).
2.2 Motion Detection
The extraction of motion from the video sequences
is carried out by the Horn-Schunck optical flow
calculation (Horn and Schunck, 1981). The motion
vector field is thresholded to remove low amplitude
noisy motion vectors and to get a first segmentation,
as shown in figure 1.
Figure 2: Result after clustering the motion vectors. The
red circles indicate the modes of the clusters. The colors
indicate here the direction of the motion.
2.3 Spatial Clustering
In a next step the motion vectors are clustered in
homogenous blobs with similar motion directions.
This is realized by a slightly modified version of the
mean-shift clustering algorithm (Cheng, 1995);
(Fukunaga and Hostetler, 1975), which was
proposed in (Min et al., 2008) for the classification
of movements in ballet sequences.
The mean shift algorithm is an iterative
procedure that starts in a pixel in the segmente d
area. In the next iteration the point moves to a new
location according to eqn. (1).
where p is the original location, q are the pixels in
image I, K is the chosen kernel, F is the amplitude of
the motion vector and w is a weight function based
on vector similarity.
The point moves towards the location with the
local maximal vector amplitude (mode). All the
points in the segmented frame that iterate to the
same local maximum belong to the same cluster.
As a kernel we use a parabolic function with a
fixed bandwidth. The weight function w gives a
measure for the similarity of the vector directions,
with a value of zero if the angle between the two
vectors is 180° and one if the angle is 0°. This way,
vectors with a different direction are not clustered
Figure 2 shows the result of clustering the frame
from figure 1. The two parts in the frame with a
different movement direction are well split up.
2.4 Tracking
After the motion vectors in the frames are clustered,
they are tracked over time based on the location of
the cluster modes, as explained in (Crocker and
Grier, 1996), assuming that the location of the object
would not change too much from one frame to
another (proximity) and the maximum velocity
defines an upper bound on the object velocity and
limits the possible correspondences to a circular
neighborhood around the object (Yilmaz et al.,
2006). If the tracked body part stops moving for
more than half a second, the movement is split up in
two tracks, otherwise they are considered as one.
Figure 3: Motion tracks (green and red) with the
corresponding motion vectors in blue, the YZ-plane
represent the locations in the image frame, the X-direction
corresponds to the time (a) motion tracks represented with
the amplitude and sign (Y-axis) and time (X-axis) (b).
2.5 Feature Extraction
From every cluster in every frame the average
motion vector is calculated. Every motion track
results in a series of two dimensional motion vectors
from which we derive different features. This is
visualized in figure 3.
Because the myoclonic shocks are characterized
by a short and intense movement of the limbs,
mostly in arms or shoulders, in one direction
followed by a movement in the opposite direction,
e.g. the relaxation after the contraction of the arms
muscles, we incorporate features that quantify the
change in motion direction.
Therefore we use two features covering the
change in direction, namely slow and fast phase
changes. Other features we use are the duration of
the movement, the maximal, median and average
vector amplitude and the number of vectors in the
track. The number of vectors is sometimes smaller
than the length because the body part can stop
moving for up to half a second and still be in the
same track.
2.6 Classification
The classification of the seizures is carried out by a
support vector machine (SVM) classifier. We use a
linear kernel on all seven features for classification.
This classification was done on one training and test
set, to get our first preliminary results. Notice that
the classification was performed on the tracks, not
on the seizures as a whole.
Table 1: Feature values of tracks.
Normal movement
#1 3 0.67 0.71 0.73 0 0 3
#2 48 0.72 0.75 0.95 0 2 49
#3 15 0.43 0.47 0.52 2 0 33
#4 6 0.71 0.71 0.84 0 0 7
#5 6 0.41 0.39 0.48 0 0 6
Epileptic movement
#1 6 0.26 0.28 0.37 1 0 8
#2 5 0.09 0.10 0.11 1 0 7
#3 33 0.20 0.13 0.59 0 1 44
#4 4 0.38 0.42 0.51 2 0 7
#5 12 0.11 0.12 0.22 0 0 24
Some typical values for the track features can be
found in table 1. This table shows the values for 5
epileptic and 5 non-epileptic tracks from motions.
For the validation of our approach we use a
training set containing 100 motion tracks from
normal nocturnal movement from an epileptic
patient, and 113 tracks from 10 myoclonic shocks.
All the data is from one patient. During the time that
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
a seizure occurs, all the tracks are labeled as
epileptic. The test set consists also of 100 normal
motion tracks and 67 epileptic motion tracks from 5
myoclonic seizures. For the time being, the
classification is based on the single tracks, so not on
the whole seizures, thus we have 113 positive
samples in the training set and 67 in the test set, each
of them being labeled as part of a myoclonic shock.
After training the linear SVM model once, we
tested it on our test set which resulted in 54 true
positives, 67 true negatives, 33 false positives and
13 false negatives. This corresponds to a sensitivity
of 80.60%, a Positive Predictive Value of 62.07%
and a specificity of 67.00%.
The classification is carried out on individual motion
tracks. The motion tracks extracted during an
epileptic shock are possibly not all from the epileptic
movement itself, but also from e.g. movements of
the bed because of the seizure. So the classification
can be improved on this point. Moreover, the
features from different tracks originating from one
seizure can be combined, to further improve the
The training and testing is now performed on a
small dataset. To have more solid validation, a larger
dataset should be used. These results are preliminary
but give an indication that the detection of specific
types of seizures by the proposed algorithm is
The obtained results in this paper are less optimal
than in (Karayiannis et al., 2006), namely a
sensitivity of 80.60% and a specificity of 67.00%
compared to a sensitivity and specificity above 90%
in (Karayiannis et al., 2006). But the circumstances
in our setup were more difficult as the patients’ body
parts are most of the time not clearly visible.
Removing the blankets is not an option as it would
reduce the sleeping quality of the patients too much.
But notice that there is still some room for
improvement in our algorithm.
The detection of seizures based on motion tracks
extracted from the optical flow calculation and the
mean shift clustering algorithm is possible. In the
first test on 15 myoclonic shocks a sensitivity of
80.60% and a positive predictive value of 62.07% is
reached. Further research is required to confirm
these first results and to test the algorithm on other
Research supported by Research Council KUL:
GOA-MANET, IWT: TBM070713-Accelero,
Belgian Federal Science Policy Office IUAP P6/04
(DYSCO, ‘Dynamical systems, control and
optimization, 2007–2011); EU: Neuromath
(COSTBM0601). Kris Cuppens is funded by a Ph.D
grant of the Institute for the Promotion of Innovation
through Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT-
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