Laure Bourgois, Julien Saunier and Jean-Michel Auberlet
e Paris Est, ISFTTAR-IM-LEPSIS, 58 Bld Lef
ebvre, 75015 Paris, France
Simulation, Evaluation, Perception.
Perception is often seen in multiagent systems and in robotics from a passive point of view. The sensors of the
agent collect information on its environment; however the potentially important number of percepts is not real-
istic and may decrease the agents efficiency. In this article, we introduce a contextual goal-oriented perception
filtering. Besides the lack of plausibility of omniscient agents, it addresses the problem of transmitting too
much information to the agents. This goal-oriented perception module is evaluated model in terms of validity
of the resulting behavior and of time complexity.
The use of traffic simulation tools to design and as-
sess the infrastructure is widespread for highways or
interurban networks. However, several issues remain
to apply it realistically, in urban areas, because the
environment is more complex. In particular, pedes-
trians are difficult to take into account, since their
behavior is less constrained and normative than the
behavior of the vehicles. Current pedestrian simula-
tion tools do not consider heterogeneity and dynam-
ics of the environment sufficiently, especially for road
crossing or sidewalk following. This paper describes
a pedestrian model that takes into account the interac-
tion with other pedestrians (on sidewalks) and vehi-
cles (for road crossing). This model is based on per-
ception operations which are inputs of decision and
action components.
Perception is often seen in multiagent systems
from a passive point of view. The sensors of the agent
collect information on its environment; however the
potentially important number of percepts is not realis-
tic and may decrease the agents efficiency. Moreover,
an agent does not always need a complete information
about its environment. The complexity of simulation
models and the amount of information clearly leads to
a bottleneck for the simulation of thousands of pedes-
The perception can be seen as a three-part pro-
cess (Weyns et al., 2004): an agent senses the state of
the environment to get a raw perception, then it inter-
prets the raw perception to transform the data into per-
cepts (consistent with its internal representation of the
world), and finally it filters these percepts to keep only
relevant percepts (filtered perception). In this frame-
work, we propose a refinement of the classical percep-
tion model that improves the filtering to keep only the
relevant information. The filters are goal-driven and
depend on the current task of the agent. They also
take into account the context of the agent. Besides the
lack of plausibility of omniscient agents, the problem
of transmitting too many information to the agents is
that of scalability. Accessing and treating this infor-
mation is combinatorial in function of the number of
agents. Henceforth, many simulation tools include ad
hoc ways to limit the perception, but to the best of our
knowledge they are rarely evaluated.
In section 2, a non exhaustive state of the art on
microscopic pedestrian models is presented, stressing
on the computational features of perception and nav-
igation space representation. Section 3 presents our
pedestrian model, which enable the agents to move in
urban areas thanks to two different models (one for
moving and the other for decision making).Section 4
deals with the navigation model. In this case, the field
of vision depends on the agent dynamic context. We
present our model and assess both the validity of the
model and its computation cost. Section 5 presents
the road-crossing decision model. Here, the percept
filtering depends both on the context (traffic fluidity)
and on the agent’s goal (crossing decision). We show
some results of our simulations in terms of treatment
complexity gains. To conclude, we present our works
Bourgois L., Saunier J. and Auberlet J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003743601970202
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 197-202
ISBN: 978-989-8425-96-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The Social Force Model (SFM) (Helbing and Molnar,
1995) is the most used in crowd simulation commu-
nity. A pedestrian agent acts as if it was subject to at-
tractive forces (its destination ...) and repulsive forces
(pedestrians ...). It tries to trail straight ahead in order
to reach its destination following a shortest path route,
and avoiding obstacles. Helbing interprets the private
sphere notion as ”repulsive sustained field” sum com-
puted in function of environment obstacles and an at-
tractive field function of a wanted walking speed and
a given destination (and possible ”attractive” pedes-
trians to form groups (Moussa
ıd et al., 2010)). This
model has several limitations; due to its reactive fea-
ture, a pedestrian agent avoids obstacles at the last
moment, moreover it has an unlimited depth of the
field of vision that leads to a perception complexity in
) (with n the number of pedestrians).
Hoogendoorn’s model (Hoogendoorn and Bovy,
2000) partially takes up SFM and adds control theory
concepts to it. A pedestrian agent optimizes an utility
function with a set of different costs for acceleration,
private space sphere and path diversion.
In graphical computer community, Reciprocal Ve-
locity Obstacle model (Guy et al., 2010) is widely
used and shows the advantage of avoiding the clas-
sical phenomenon of oscillation between pedestrian
(major shortcoming of SFM model). This model takes
into account for a pedestrian agent the reaction time
and the altering pedestrian speed time. Authors code
pedestrian agents trajectory as a linear programming
problem. As the SFM, these models use a continuous
space representation with at least a O(n
) complex-
ity (n the number of pedestrians) (Hoogendoorn and
Bovy, 2000).
However, some other environment modelings ex-
ist with different shape cells division (Blue and Adler,
2001) or data structures. These cells enable to geo-
metrically characterize a set of zone perceived by the
pedestrian agents. Their major advantage lies in the
decreasing of the perception complexity. Indeed, the
complexity of Reynolds initial method is O(n
) for
boids modeling (n the number of boids); it falls to
O(kn) with a discrete space (k the number of cells)
(Reynolds, 2000). Nevertheless, this approach has a
certain time computation cost, merely, it is executed
off line. The method has the major shortcoming of a
constant perception modeling, whereas a pedestrian
does not necessarily pay attention to every nearby
zone with the same intensity.
Collision avoidance is generally based on the per-
ception in order to detect moving and/or fixed ob-
stacles (other pedestrians, vehicles, walls). Although
perception has long been considered as an undergone
state, it has emerged recently that awareness is an ac-
tive state, and not only the result of stimuli. The per-
ception is directed towards a subject via a receptor.
The detection of the obstacles is executed at each
time step. Therefore, in order to simulate several
thousands of agents, the perception process should be
implemented with a low complexity algorithm. We
choose to characterize the complexity of the interac-
tion between agents as the number of perceptual op-
erations that an agent must perform to interact with
another agent, whereas we consider that the agent’s
decision time and the agent’s decision execution time
are constant.
As our model does not depend on a space represen-
tation, we consider in this article a continuous space
(the worst case in term of complexity). Besides, a
continuous-space model is well suited for simulating
real pedestrians and allows to know for each step the
exact position of each agent. Moreover, we focus
on the inputs of perception and decision components,
hence we do not go into details regarding action algo-
rithms (more details in (Bourgois et al., 2010)).
We use the simplifying assumption that the pedes-
trians do not try to form groups. We do not focus on
the lane formation self organization.
Our model consists of two models, one for mov-
ing and one for road-crossing decision. In this section,
we will first present the general characteristics of an
agent then we will detail each model.
3.1 Pedestrian Agent Characteristics
Following Helbing recent model (Johansson et al.,
2007), a pedestrian is represented by a circle with
a variable radius. Each agent has a set of variables
and parameters P for the pedestrian interactions that
mainly are : its obstacle reaction intensity A and a
reactivity threshold B, over which the agent does not
react anymore to environmental elements.
We add here I the set of characteristics necessary
to model pedestrian-vehicle interactions: a vehicle
perceptual field, that is to say the depth of the field
of vision on the infrastructure (e.g. the street) and a
crossing willingness, which depends on the environ-
mental context perceived by the agent.
3.2 Models Involved
We follow Hoogendoorn’s model concepts (Hoogen-
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
doorn and Bovy, 2000) that distinguish 3 decision lev-
els: strategic, tactical, and operational. We assume
that the route of an agent (its origin and destination)
is already known (strategic level). The model is there-
fore composed of: a moving model for obstacle avoid-
ance (operational level) and a decision model for road
crossing (tactical level).
The moving model takes place within the frame-
work of perception-action, and the decision model
lies in the perception-decision framework. To ensure
the continuity of pedestrian movement (along a side-
walk, pedestrian crossing), we must articulate these
two models. If an agent always tries to avoid all the
obstacles, the priority of an agent crossing a street is
above all to avoid vehicles. When the agent decides
to stop at the curb to allow vehicles to pass, it does
not apply the moving model.
We briefly detail the behavior of an agent accord-
ing to its position (sidewalk / road) and its state. For
each situation, we distinguish two main functions: fi-
nal destination computation and navigation. The fol-
lowing Navigation algorithm is given here:
IF local destination is not reached
use navigation model
ELSE IF next destination is a crosswalk
Find a gap to cross the road
IF Gap is found
use navigation model
calculate number of steps n while crossing
is predictably unfeasible
wait n steps
Once an agent reaches a sidewalk, it computes its lo-
cal destination. To avoid artificial pedestrian conver-
gence on the same geometrical destination, an agent
randomly calculates its own local destination corre-
sponding to an area surrounding the given local desti-
4.1 Moving Model (Operational Level)
Perception is based on the depth of the field of vi-
sion and the sensibility parameter (that determines
the anisotropy of the agent). In the initial perception
model, an agent α may be influenced by the agent β,
if is in the field of vision of agent α. This influence is
represented by a force exerted on α by β. This force
depends on the sensibility of α to β and on g(d
) the
distance dependant reaction of agent α to β which is
defined as :
) = A
where R
, R
are the radii of the agents and d
is the
distance between their centers.
We see that the force decreases when the distance
between the pedestrians increases. We remark here
that perception does not take into account the speed
nor the course of the agents α and β, but only their re-
spective locations. Helbing did not mention the depth
of the field of vision, we thus added a variable in or-
der to perceive only the neighbors. We calibrated A
and B with the same value as recent SFM.
In the initial moving model, each agent has a de-
sired speed, and tries to walk in a (desired) direction,
which depends on its current position and its desti-
nation. It also tries to maintain its speed to its de-
sired speed, which is therefore the target for the agent
to reach. Agent acceleration is then defined by: its
actual speed, its impatience and the repulsive forces
to avoid obstacles (pedestrians, walls) and to keep its
private sphere.
In previous works, we enhanced this model (Bour-
gois et al., 2010) with sensitivity measures and by in-
troducing a depth of the field of vision for pedestrian-
pedestrian interactions. We have proved that the depth
of the field of vision influences the pedestrians’ flows.
In those research, we tested a depth that is a good
trade-off collision avoidance and speed preservation.
The depth of the field decreases the number of
perception operations. This perception efficiency im-
provement comes from the filtering of the perception.
We now add a dynamic adaptation of the depth
of the field of perception to acquire only the relevant
data depending on the agent context.
Relevance distance We compute the depth of the
field of vision depending on the density of agents in
the neighborhood of the agent. Indeed, we observed
in our simulations that the high density of agents tends
to reduce the agent acceleration to zero. Based on the
intuitive idea that in congestion situations, a pedes-
trian perceives only pedestrians nearby, we propose
to modify the depth of the field of vision in function
of the density of agents surrounding the agent.
To reproduce this phenomenon, we introduce a fil-
tering function that allows relevant agent selection ac-
cording to the density of agents. This function con-
sists in a distance computation from which the neigh-
bors are taken into account for the acceleration com-
putation. In this way, if the number of neighbors is
low, the agent takes into account distant neighbors,
while if the density is large, it only considers the near-
est neighbors. The following filtering function has
been determined empirically:
= (e
1) α (2)
with D
the relevance distance, nb
the raw
number of neighbors perceived by the agent and α a
factor which has been calibrated to 10 × e.
Thanks to this formula, the agent relevance dis-
tance variates according to the number of pedestrians
present in its field of perception. We initialize the pa-
rameters thanks to the results found in our previous
study : the depth of the field of vision ranges from
1,65m to 9m.
From the relevance distance, we compute theoret-
ically the maximum number of agents that could be
present (i.e. treated) surrounding the given agent for
that distance. It is the relevant-distance area divided
by the maximum surface occupied by one pedestrian
(even though the maximum possible density, reported
to be 5.4 ped/m
(Weidmann, 1993) is use, the number
of perceived pedestrian is bounded). After a threshold
(15), the field of vision becomes too little to contain
more than 12 agents. This result can be explained by
the underlying formula: when there are few agents in
the system, the field of vision is wide, hence enabling
the agents to perceive all the other agents. However,
the field of vision diminishes when the number of
agents increases.
The operational complexity of perception is O(kn)
where n is the number of simulated agents and k the
maximum number of agents that can fit in the neigh-
borhood of an agent. We now compare these theoret-
ical computations to empirical results.
4.2 Experimentation and Results
In order to validate and verify the consistency of our
model, we executed several series of simulations. For
these simulations, we have recreated the standard con-
ditions described in (Lobjois and Cavallo, 2009).
The next sections present our simulation results
in order to quantify the validity and efficiency of the
perception function. In the first case, we simulated a
bidirectional corridor, which is similar to a sidewalk:
pedestrians enter the corridor at one end and leave it at
the other end. The size of the corridor is 10m × 60m.
The flow (ped/h) is the number of agents created at
each end of the corridor.
Perceptual Improvements. For each simulation of
bidirectional corridor, we recorded the average inten-
sity difference between the force sustained with a raw
perception and the one with a filtered perception. In
this way, we measure the difference in behavior in-
duced by the filtering process. We see in Figure 1
that for high flows, the pedestrian acceleration force
with a filtered perception is weaker than the one with
a raw perception; although the maximum difference
is 0.4dm/s
(at worst a 3% average speed deviation).
Therefore, the behaviors are not or slightly modified
by the active perception. A second validation aims
Figure 1: Average intensity difference (2000, 4000 ped/h).
to compare our simulation with a global behavior of
pedestrian flows. For that aim, we have aggregated
the individual data and compared with the existing
data like fundamental diagrams (FD) (which describe
the relation between mean speed, density and flow of
Unfortunately, literature concerning pedestrian
FD is poor, mainly because of the difficulty to ac-
quire data. Our experimental results shows that our
model approximates correctly other aggregate mea-
sures found in the literature (Weidmann, 1993).
Improvements in Bidirectional Corridors. Figures
2 present for each minute of simulation, the records
for all agents, of: the average and maximum number
of agents perceived (raw perception) and the average
and maximum number of agents treated (filtered per-
For a low flow, the average number of agents per-
ceived and treated are comparable, the difference be-
tween the maximum number of perceived and treated
agents is negligible. Indeed, with a low density, the
relevance distance is always close to the maximal
distance of perception (9m). The efficiency gain is
marginal but always positive.
The more the flow increases (Figure 2) , the more
the difference between raw and filtered perception in-
creases. For 2000 agents, the filtered perception treats
only 30% of the raw perception.
Figure 2: Flow of 2000 ped/h.
In the previous section, we showed that the filter-
ing function did not deteriorate noticeably the behav-
ior of the agents. The simulation results show that the
filtering function is very efficient in mid to high flows
and that the number of percepts an agent has to treat
decreases strongly (70 to 90%).
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
5.1 Decision Model (Tactical Level)
This model involves two models: Tom’s model
(Auberlet et al., 2011) and a ”gap acceptance” model
(acceptance of time slot for road crossing).
Tom’s model is based on the environment percep-
tion. It establishes a set of Boolean variables, each
corresponding to a visual cue used cross. The model
allows to predict with a reliability close to 70% the
decision in these contexts. We interpret the output of
this model as a crossing willingness This value mod-
ulates a ”gap acceptance” model (the pedestrian de-
cides to cross if the time slot offered by the traffic is
higher than its own estimate of the crossing time).
For the decision model, the agent gets one or
several vehicle queues moving along the road. The
agent selects the first vehicle that can either let it pass
through or block it. Other vehicles are not treated.
This filter is thus based on a prediction : the time to
collision (TTC) between the pedestrian and the ve-
hicle, if all agents maintain their actual speeds. We
point out this filter is different from the relevance filter
(based on the actual situation, the density of agents).
This prediction is based on the assumption that one
can anticipate the movement of perceived vehicles
(a standard procedure in agent-oriented or distributed
We distinguish two types of context for vehicles
perception: free traffic flow and congested traffic flow.
In case of congested traffic flow, the agent avoids
the vehicles on the roadway as fixed obstacles. In
this situation, the agent only perceives the station-
ary vehicles between which it wants to get through.
Hence, the perception depends on the current goal of
the agent and of its context (free or congested traffic).
In a free traffic flow context, if the agent raw percep-
tion is an upstream queue of vehicles, it selects only
the vehicle with which it might interact.
The perception and decision functions must take
into account: ”side time”: time taken by the pedes-
trian to reach the vehicle’s side (in function of the dis-
tance between the side of the vehicle and the pedes-
trian), ”lag before” (or front lag) (time for the vehicle
front bumper to reach the side of the pedestrian), ”lag
behind” (time for the vehicle rear bumper to be com-
pletely beyond the pedestrian).
We notice that if the agent is waiting on the curb,
it does not longer need to perceive. We can compute
the time it has to wait before deciding to cross again
with the no perception condition.
WHILE Lag behind < Side time
wait without perception
This function decrease the computation time because
the agent no longer has to perceive and to treat infor-
mation while it is stopped.
5.2 Tactical Perception Complexity
Each time an agent decides to cross, it must perceive
a set of lanes and for each a set of vehicles. The num-
ber of perceived vehicles depends on: the number of
lanes, m and the field of perception, implying a maxi-
mum number of vehicles perceived, k.
Taking into account exceptional situations with a
very high traffic density and assuming that there is no
perception filter, the maximum number of perceived
vehicles for a crossing decision is O(mk).
5.3 Results
The vehicles are modeled as agents which have a ba-
sic car following task behavior. We use Ketenci’s
work (Ketenci et al., 2010) to animate these agents.
However, here we do not focus on the vehicle coor-
dination task on roads intersections. Currently, the
vehicle agents only perceive each other.
In order to study plausible situations, we initial-
ized the parameters with values found in the literature
(Lobjois and Cavallo, 2009). The vehicle agents are
created with the following features: Time Headway
(THW) between the vehicles, distributed according
to the normal law on [1, 2, ..., 8]s, speed is distributed
uniformly on the intervals [38 42], [48 52], and
[58 62] km/h. We simulated the road crossing of
a 285m long unidirectional road (Staplin, 1995). We
simulate two different vehicle flows: 400 and 600 ve-
hicles per hour.
Behavior Validity. For each simulation, we recorded
for each decision taken by an agent: the speed of the
selected interacting vehicle and the TTC (in seconds).
Indeed, referring authors take into account an initia-
tion crossing time (the pedestrian start to move on the
sidewalk toward the road whereas there is still a vehi-
cle in front of him). Actually, a pedestrian take also
into account the time of arrival of the upstream vehi-
cle, i.e., the TTC.
We observed that the mean values of TTCs belong
to the following range of values : [5.02, 7.8]. In our
simulations, the crossing behavior is consistent with
the time slots observed. Indeed, for the time slots
taken by the agents, more than 95% of pedestrians
would cross in the reality.
Improvements in Street Crossing Situations. We
recorded for each agent: the number of decision(s)
condition it has to make to cross the road, with the
possibility to block the perception (no perception con-
Table 1: Average gain of decision depending on the average
vehicle speed.
Vehicle speed
30 40 50
Flow of 400 veh/h 6,79 5,56 5,67
Flow of 600 veh/h 15,62 11,88 9,25
dition) when the agents knows it will not be able to
cross because of an incoming vehicle, the number of
decision(s), no condition it would have to make with-
out the no perception condition.
Table 1 presents the average gain of perception-
decision cycles with the no perception condition : it
is the difference between the average of condition and
no condition for all the agents. We see an impor-
tant gain, even for high speeds. It is not surprising
that this gain also increases with a higher flow, since
the agent has less opportunities to cross. The road-
crossing model diminishes the number of treatments,
both in terms of road-crossing decisions and of num-
ber of vehicles perceived, while keeping acceptable
behavior results.
We have presented a pedestrian agent model encom-
passing both action (locomotion) and decision (street
crossing). Both tasks are highly dependent on the per-
ception of the situation, but do not rely on the same
pieces of information. Hence, we have shown that the
refinement of the perception, based on a goal-oriented
filtering of the percepts, enables the decrease of the
number of objects treated by the agents while keep-
ing consistent results in term of behavior.
The difference between the raw perception and the
filtered perception has been evaluated and depends
on the model: from 70% to 90% for the locomotion
model. The filtering we have proposed is not an im-
plementation artefact to ameliorate the time complex-
ity of our agents, but a part of the human cognitive
process. We note that humans can only acknowledge
and handle a limited amount of information. Future
works needs to be done to establish which percepts
must be kept to ameliorate the perception process.
More research is needed to better understand and
reproduce a group behavior (Moussa
ıd et al., 2010),
on particular in the street crossing case. Donikian
notes that groups show bolder behavior by accepting
shorter time gaps and by forcing the vehicle drivers to
slow down (Donikian, 2004). Several problems arise
(group identification and formation). Another inter-
esting possibility to model large areas would be to
switch from a microscopic to a macroscopic model
at run-time.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence