Maths and Storytelling together in an Educational Game
Isabel Machado Alexandre
, David Jardim
and Pedro Faria Lopes
Instituto de Telecomunicações & Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL)
Av. Forças Armadas, 1646-026 Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) & ADETTI-IUL, Av. Forças Armadas, 1646-026 Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Maths, Interactive storytelling, Education environment, Games for children, Agents.
Abstract: In this paper, we describe a novel approach to teaching early mathematical concepts to young children. The
approach aims to merge storytelling and Maths. Evidence show that through dramatic games and role-
playing activities young children (aging from 5-7 years old) learn to master new knowledge, to fit in a new
school setting and to socially relate with their peers. So taking this evidence into account, it is possible to
devise an innovative learning scenario that teaches early mathematical concepts by telling and creating
stories. To explore this idea, we first started by developing an application that provides children from 5 to 7
years old to learn simple maths concepts by interacting and playing in a game. Then, we take this project a
step forward and explore the introduction of storytelling by devising an engaging approach of presenting the
maths concepts through the use of a story.
Stories have always been part of human culture, and
although civilization has passed through several
changes (cultural, evolutionary, etc.), they remain
inside and around us. Each of us is capable of telling
a story about his/her own life, each of us stores in
his/her memory what happens in the world in the
format of stories, and each of us uses stories to
understand not only what surrounds us, but also
what our role is in such a big play.
Young children start to construct their first
stories by imitating their parents' daily routines and
actions. Under such conditions, children introduce
variations in the flow of their imaginative play (i.e.,
introducing new elements or situations in their
plays) and through this, they acquire knowledge
about the external and mysterious world that
surrounds them.
In their early childhood (2-6 years old), children
tend to use fantasy activities to explore the
differences between right and wrong; develop their
communication skills; and, develop their
imagination and capacity to play. At middle
childhood (7-12 years old), children start attending
school - This period is dependent to the age children
start attending school.- and are first exposed to
formal forms of knowledge (such as reading, maths,
etc.) and to the discipline of being a student.
Nevertheless, new forms of make-believe and
fantasy take place in their lives: video games,
computer games, television cartoons and the
opportunity to participate in dramatic games and
theatre performances at school. There is evidence
that through these games children at these ages learn
to master all the new knowledge, to fit in the new
school setting and to socially relate with their peers.
Further, dramatic play promotes social
competence, emotional development, or general
well-being of the child, by enhancing each child’s
capacities of imagery and developing overt social
and behavioural skills. Additionally, children have
become capable of using their capacity for
operational thought in the ordering and sequencing
performances necessary to play rule-based games.
Based on these finding, it is clear that drama
education is an excellence medium to convey
learning and knowledge acquisition.
From another perspective, there is also the fact
that the digital games industry increasingly exerts
considerable influence in the lives of children and
teens, emerging the opportunity to use the games to
create learning experiences that are interesting and
enable them to acquire or strengthen knowledge by
Machado Alexandre I., Jardim D. and Faria Lopes P..
HAND IN HAND - Maths and Storytelling together in an Educational Game.
DOI: 10.5220/0003744303350338
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 335-338
ISBN: 978-989-8425-96-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
enjoying themselves (Prensky, 2007).
Taking all these findings in consideration, it is
possible to envision the application of such methods
in a Mathematical learning environment. The
research projects developed in the field of
educational storytelling have as their main goal to
portray educational material in an interactive format
that aims to provide a higher level of engagement of
learners. Learners no longer have a passive role in
their learning process, but they take part now in
interactive and appealing situations, in which their
actions matter. The knowledge acquisition processes
itself in a more implicit and natural way, since it is
now mainly achieved by a direct exploration and
intervention of the learner of different learning
The idea of portraying Mathematics into a make-
believe environment emerges from the success of
several research projects which used a narrative
approach for attaining educational and edutainment
objectives. For example, the Networked Interactive
Media In Schools (NIMIS) project – in particular
Teatrix application (Machado and Paiva, 2002), the
POGO project (Rizzo et al., 2003), Adventure
Author (Good and Robertson, 2003), etc.
The envisaged environment not only promotes
the acquisition and development of mathematical
concepts and structures, but also the integration of
the needed reflection for the understanding of
mathematical reasoning process.
Many psychologists and educators have studied
and investigated the influence of narratives and
stories during child development phases. It is now
very clear that narrative can be an important vehicle
to structure the knowledge and to help in the process
of meaning making (Mott et al., 1990). From
Malone’s perspective (Malone, 1984) narrative plays
a central role in memory by providing an organising
structure for the knowledge.
Other educators complement such ideas by
arguing that imagination is a crucial and central
factor to promote an effective learning process. The
use of narrative to convey such an important
knowledge as Mathematics can be seen as quite
relevant and appropriate. In fantasy and make-
believe contexts, children allow to explore new
situations, since they know that in such contexts they
are in a safe environment. Additionally, make-
believe activities are repetitive by nature so it is
possible for a child to practice multiple times the
same situation before achieving a proficiency level
on a new concept.
Our aim is to develop such an intelligent learning
environment for young children aging from 5-7
years old (pre-schoolers and 1
graders) who are
challenged with new situations as: acquiring new
knowledge, finding their places in a new school
environment with more rules and to social relate
with their teachers and colleagues.
By experiencing new and varied situations and
by sharing multiple points of view, children can
develop new skills that might help them to face the
real life problems. Also, by adding fantasy and
imagination to a learning environment, we reach the
concept of drama education (Bolton, 1998).
The environment was design in such a way that
children interact with it and have the chance to
strengthen their Maths concepts, by gaining
knowledge about the geometry, the numbers and the
numerical relations through the use of the
technology. Besides the maths concepts, we tried to
instil the concept of mass/weight of an object
associated with its numerical value.
The project was developed with a participatory
design approach (Schuler and Namioka, 1993)
through several meetings were promoted with
Preschool Educators. Their role was basically to
choose the pedagogical content of the application
and to validate the interaction forms used. The
content chosen was:
Discovering the numbers:
o Identify the number and the counting
o Quantify objects and express the
o Develop numerical capacities.
Numerical Relations:
o Relations between numbers;
o Develop arithmetic skills.
Identify/Categorise objects
Temporal and Logical Sequencing
Concept of mass/weight of objects.
Fifteen children participated in intermediate and
final usability tests – aged from 5 to 7 years old.
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
3.1 Mini-games
Six mini-games were developed which include
counting units and tens, ordering by size or age:
arithmetic calculations by taking into account the
weight of the objects – using a virtual scale -,
construction of object sequences and grouping
objects based on categories and number of the
objects. For global coherence of the application, the
interface, interaction and reinforcing mechanisms
were maintained the same in the main menu and
mini-games. In case of needing help, a video is
always available.
In Figure 1, the mini-game joins the concepts of
counting and association by comparison. It consists
in putting the right number of a specific vegetable in
the bag. It is possible to break the bag - if the
necessary strength is applied in it. In this case the
bag breaks and the vegetables fall and the child
player receives less points. The bag breaks in a non-
deterministic way, and it is possible to break in
multiple points due to the dynamics imposed to the
bag. Although not trivial this discovery (usually only
the youngest discover it spontaneously) it is an
amusing feature of the application.
Figure 1: Counting and Grouping.
The tests were performed with a group composed by
15 children aging from 5 to 7 years old. The children
were arranged in groups of three to interact with the
application. The number of elements in a group was
imposed by the lack of time to conduct an individual
interaction with each child. The teacher was asked to
provide groups with mixed ages (children ages
varied from 5 to 7 years old) and also with mixed
personalities and development skills.
In this first prototype we assessed only the
acceptance of the different exercises by the children
and also a new interaction approach. In terms of
interaction the approach is quite challenging for the
children – and even for adults – since it is based on
Physics Laws. Both issues were successfully
evaluated by the children although the way of
interaction was more appropriated for the oldest
Sometimes, an interesting event occurred when
some children felt frustrated they started to amuse
themselves by moving the objects around and
watching the way they collide. In these cases, the
Preschool educator had to intervene and call their
attention to the main goal of mini-game. The oldest
children were able to solve the mini-games in a very
fast and spontaneous way.
From corporal signs, we were able to evaluate
the interest shown by the children, which were
always high due mostly to the engaging colours, to
the interaction of the objects between themselves,
and the sounds played for specific actions. When
children solved the problems correctly, they were
supported with a positive message and a sound. To
what concerns to negative feedback, the strategy was
to underline the incorrect results with red colour,
avoiding the use of negative messages.
By assessing the acceptance of each exercise we
wanted to guarantee that children are able to
recognise the mini-games that are presented and that
from this point forward we can enhance the
application with the narrative approach.
The main idea is that the mathematical concepts may
be introduced in the form of an interesting plot
where children play a specific role – by choosing a
character to control - and alone or collaboratively
with other children find the solution of a mystery or
a problem. For the creation of the story to be played
by the children there are also different possibilities
since it can be:
Scripted by the teacher: This mode is quite
interesting from a teachers’ perspective because it
allows them to define the concepts to be presented to
the children. From another perspective, this poses an
additional challenge for the development of the
Intelligent Learning Environment (ILE), since it
must accommodate the possibility of teachers –
usually without technical skills – to introduce
concepts and learning objectives in pre-defined story
Interactive: This mode poses also very
interesting challenges, since it allows the children to
HAND IN HAND - Maths and Storytelling together in an Educational Game
interact with an environment that covers a wide
range of mathematical topics but their progression
depends only on their own decisions/actions within
the environment. It is also possible to envision the
introduction of a tutor like character that guides the
children during the interaction.
In the following subsection, a small example of the
environment is going to be presented, with the aim
of clarifying how the application is going to be
5.1 An Example
Children gather together around the table enter
Maths4Kids: “Welcome, to the Mathematical land...
today, we will start with a story about our friends Mr.
Onion, Mr. Tomato and Miss Carrot. They decided to go
to the park but they need your help to get there!”
this piece of information, children should be
introduced to the story scenario and they should
discover what they have to do to compose a
sequence with the vegetables to reach the park. In
order to arrange the vegetables in the correct
sequence, children should pay attention to the piece
of the story that the vegetable is telling whenever it
is picked.
The development of this prototype was achieved by
using Microsoft´s XNA Framework and Microsoft´s
XNA Game Studio 3.1, which enables a way to
easily create video games for Xbox 360, Windows
and Zune by using the optimized cross-platform
libraries based on the .NET Framework in the C#
programming language.
This paper presents an application that portrays a set
of mini-games that cover initial Maths concepts, and
explores the idea of enhancing such application with
a storytelling approach. With this approach we argue
that it is possible to promote an engaging learning
environment where children are motivated to
explore new theoretical concepts just by interacting
within an already known environment/activity –
story creation or role playing. Some initial
evaluation tests were performed which guarantee us
a set of results that will allows in the future to
compare with the storytelling version of the
The authors would like to thank to TutorTime, in
particular to Sofia Valente for the availability and
collaboration provided during the project. Also a big
thank you to all the children involved that helped us
to achieve this preliminary prototype.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence