Tara Sampalli
, Michael Shepherd
and Jack Duffy
Capital Health, Fall River, Nova Scotia, Canada
Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Keywords: Ontologies for complex chronic conditions.
Abstract: Complex and chronic health conditions have domain knowledge that is multidisciplinary, inconsistent, non-
standardized and poorly categorized making them heterogeneous. Consequently, challenges for collabora-
tive care management are widely prevalent due to lack of interoperability. Ontologies have come to the
forefront as effective method to improve interoperability in a domain due to their ability to enable higher
levels of specification. The primary objective of this study was to develop, test and evaluate a model and a
methodology for creating ontologies in heterogeneous domains of complex conditions, an area where there
is great paucity for research. The methodology in this research applied a two-staged approach for enabling
interoperability in the heterogeneous domain of two complex chronic health conditions, namely, multiple
chemical sensitivity and chronic pain. Four hundred and eight and three hundred forty five multidisciplinary
concepts were specified in the profile ontologies for multiple chemical sensitivity and chronic pain. A test-
ing and an evaluation process conducted in this research demonstrated that a high percentage of the multid-
isciplinary clinicians (>80%) agreed on the overall usefulness of the ontologies in improving the collabora-
tive environment. The results from the research are promising in terms of the potential applications of on-
tologies in heterogeneous knowledge domains.
Chronic conditions such as multiple chemical sensi-
tivity (MCS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and
fibromyalgia (FM) are a significant burden to the
healthcare system. In a report by Statistics Canada,
at least 5% of Canadians have symptoms that cannot
be medically explained (Verhaak et al., 2006). Mul-
tidisciplinary care teams have come to the forefront
as an effective management strategy for these condi-
tions (Dysvik et al., 2005); (Fox et al., 2008). Stu-
dies have shown the consequences of poor commu-
nication among multidisciplinary care providers
resulting in poor care experiences for patients and
errors in care management such as repetitive or
redundant medical tests, misdiagnoses, delayed care
and inaccurate treatment plans (Pace et al., 2004);
(Schoen et al., 2008); (Kennedy, 2008). The domain
knowledge for these conditions is obscure with lack
of consensus among experts, non-standardized and
multidisciplinary. There is a clear need to enable
interoperability and better communication among
multidisciplinary care providers to improve care
environment for patients (Fox et al., 2008). An on-
tology approach to capturing domain knowledge is
explored as a possible modus operandi to organizing
knowledge in a heterogeneous knowledge base.
Ontologies have gained importance in recent years
as a knowledge management platform in many areas
including health care (Dominigue et al., 2001); (Ba-
neyx et al., 2005); (Mostefai et al., 2006). Ontolo-
gies are preferred to conventional classifications due
to the higher level of expressiveness that is possible
in describing concepts and their relationships
(Dominigue et al., 2001). Ontologies have been
typically developed in stable knowledge domains
(Lin et al., 2006); (Larson and Martone, 2009).
Challenges in developing ontologies in heterogene-
Sampalli T., Shepherd M. and Duffy J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003744700460052
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 46-52
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ous domains have been discussed in the literature. In
this paper, heterogeneous domains are defined as
domains that are poorly categorized, multidiscipli-
nary, non-standardized and inconsistent.
Dominigue et al. (2001) identify the key re-
quirement for an ontology approach to knowledge
management as a community’s perspectives being
stable on an issue with “well defined roles”, “speci-
fied criteria” and “codified procedures”. Challenges
related to developing ontologies when there is a lack
of consensus in a community are discussed in the
subsequent paragraphs.
A study by Larson and Martone (2009), the chal-
lenges of formalizing knowledge for neuroscience
were explored. The authors claimed that formalizing
knowledge about poorly understood biological sys-
tems presents many obstacles to the development of
ontologies. This study highlighted the importance of
developing a layer of standardization prior to at-
tempting higher level specification such as the crea-
tion of ontologies in the domain.
In a study by Lin et al. (2006), the challenges of
a mental health group of professionals working with
emerging knowledge was discussed. This study
describes the challenges and importance of building
knowledge through ontologies in heterogeneous
situations. This study presented the preliminary
challenges that exist in the knowledge capture for a
domain that has obscure definitions, lack of consen-
sus, unstructured data, inconsistent use of vocabu-
lary and assessment scales. A significant challenge
encountered in this work was to bring structure to
knowledge that continues to be generated in an ad
hoc manner.
In a study by Qin and Paling (2001), the impor-
tance of developing ontologies in heterogeneous
domain was examined. The research describes the
creation of an ontology from a well defined and well
used controlled vocabulary in order to provide a
higher level of semantics to the concepts in the vo-
cabulary. Digital objects, such as those in the Gate-
way to Educational Materials (GEM ontology) en-
compass multiple dimensions of characteristics
which often play important roles for users in search
of precise information in an efficient manner. The
authors suggest that a conventional cataloguing code
will be inadequate to describe these details in a les-
son plan, as many of these elements do not even
exist in the vocabulary. In this study, the authors
developed an ontology with the intention of adding
another layer of semantic operability to the termi-
nologies found in controlled vocabularies.
The review of literature has highlighted the fol-
lowing areas of research needs in the domain of
complex chronic conditions and the application of
ontologies in heterogeneous domains. Studies have
discussed the challenges of collaboration among
clinicians in the domain of complex chronic condi-
tions and the need to develop standardization and
interoperability in this domain. The potential of
ontologies is well recognized in the literature as
effective platform to enable interoperability and
standardization in a domain and finally researchers
have recognized the challenges of developing on-
tologies in heterogeneous domains. Overall, the
review has indicated that there is no research to-date
that has developed ontologies in the heterogeneous
domain of complex chronic conditions.
In this paper, we have discussed the development
of ontologies in the heterogeneous domains of two
complex chronic health conditions, multiple chemi-
cal sensitivity (Bartha, 1999) and chronic pain (Peng
et al., 2008). Both conditions require a multidisci-
plinary care management scheme and have all the
characteristics of heterogeneity defined in this paper.
Model and methodology proposed in this research to
develop a layer of pragmatic interoperability in the
heterogeneous domain included a two-staged ap-
The first stage of the two-staged approach in-
cluded the creation of a standardized and controlled
clinical vocabulary. SNOMED CT® (2008), a
widely used reference terminology was used to stan-
dardize the concepts and terminologies found in the
patient charts. A pragmatic approach (Carlile, 2002)
was applied in the development of the controlled
vocabulary as the domain knowledge is heterogene-
The development of the controlled vocabulary
involved the developing of standardized and con-
trolled clinical vocabularies at the levels of syntac-
tic, semantic and pragmatic interoperability. The
method for creating the controlled vocabulary was
driven by the purpose of generating the goal and
usage of the vocabulary: chart audit and interviews
with experts to identify key concepts in the domain
of the complex condition (syntactic), standardization
of the vocabulary (semantic), and testing and eval-
uation of the vocabulary by the users (pragmatic).
The chart audit and interviews with experts helped
generate the vocabulary. SNOMED CT® was used
as a reference terminology to standardize the terms
retrieved in the chart audit process. The re-coding of
patient profiles, evaluation and feedback from the
domain experts tested and evaluated the vocabulary.
A further step in the evaluation included feedback
from clinicians in the community.
The two-staged approach applied in this re-
search is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The two-staged methodology applied in the
The second stage of the two-staged approach
was the creation of an ontology in the heterogeneous
domain consisting of 3 phases: Development, testing
and evaluation. The development phase included the
experts in the domain specifying and organizing the
knowledge in the domain. This phase primarily drew
the knowledge from the controlled vocabulary. The
testing phase included the clinicians browsing the
profile ontology developed in this research to exam-
ine the concepts in the ontology, the relationships
between concepts, concept attributes and the indi-
viduals populated in the ontology. Following this
was an evaluation phase that included feedback from
the domain experts on the overall usefulness of the
ontology in patient care with emphasis on usefulness
from a health discipline perspective, from other
health disciplines and the multidisciplinary nature of
interactions captured in the ontology.
3.1 Development of the Ontology
The generic framework for the development of an
ontology was divided into three important phases: a
specification phase, a conceptualization phase, and
an implementation phase (Noy and McGuinness,
3.1.1 Specification Phase
Establishing the goal and scope was the first step in
developing the ontology. The goal of an ontology
determines the overall objective for developing an
ontology. The goal of the profile ontology devel-
oped in this study was to create a comprehensive
hierarchical controlled vocabulary and a representa-
tion of the multidisciplinary and multidimensional
relationships that exist among the concepts in the
controlled vocabulary. The scope of the ontology for
this research was maintained in the first layer of
organization, that is, in the domain of patient pro-
files. A patient profile or problem list generation is
typically the starting point of a care management
scheme for patients. The elements in this ontology
were maintained on the knowledge that existed in
this domain.
3.1.2 Conceptualization Phase
The conceptualization of the ontology commenced
with the controlled vocabulary that specified the
concepts that existed in the patient profile domain
for complex health condition. The key concepts
were explicitly related by establishing relationships
and attributes in the domain. Multidisciplinary inte-
ractions in the management of symptoms were spe-
cified in the ontology through relations and
attributes. Multidisciplinary classes were also
created in the profile ontology which showed the
involvement of various grouping of clinicians in the
management of a specific grouping of multidiscipli-
nary symptoms for patients. The knowledge in this
phase was derived from the patient charts and from
the domain experts. Instances from one-hundred
patient profiles were populated in the ontology.
3.1.3 Implementation Phase of the Ontology
Protégé 3.4.2 was used to implement the patient
profile ontology (Knublauch, 2004). The profile
ontology was exported into the Web Ontology Lan-
guage (OWL). A consistency check of the classes in
the ontology was conducted. Consistency checking
helped detect classes that cannot have instances.
The implementation phase also included the
evaluation of the ontology by domain experts for
accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the
knowledge represented in the ontology. The evalua-
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
tion phase included the clinicians browsing the on-
tology using an ontology browser. They browsed
various aspects of the ontology such as the classifi-
cation scheme, multidisciplinary relations between
concepts, instances, and standardization of concepts.
Google ontology browser was used by clinicians to
browse the ontology (Horridge et al., 2006). They
provided feedback on the usefulness of the ontology
through a survey questionnaire. Specifically, they
offered feedback on the overall usefulness of the
ontology, the relevance of the ontology in the con-
text of patient care and the value of shared knowl-
edge in the multidisciplinary domain. Individuals or
instances are used in the profile ontology to present
list of concrete concepts of relevance for each class.
Two complex and chronic health conditions, name-
ly, multiple chemical sensitivity and chronic pain
were selected to test the viability of the proposed
methodology in heterogeneous knowledge systems.
One-hundred patient charts were reviewed, 9 do-
main experts and 36 community clinicians partici-
pated in the development of the MCS controlled
vocabulary. One-hundred patients, 8 domain experts
and 42 community clinicians participated in the
development of the chronic pain vocabulary. Seven
domain experts from MCS group and 6 from chronic
pain group participated in the development of the
4.1 Profile Ontologies for MCS and
Chronic Pain
The ontologies present a detailed taxonomic over-
view of the domain of complex health conditions.
The profile ontology for MCS contained 408 classes
describing the profile concepts for the condition of
MCS. At the basic level there are five relevant su-
per-classes under the primary areas of health focus
identified for the condition of MCS: Medical, Physi-
cal, Psychosocial, Rehabilitation and Nutrition (Fig-
ure 2). The profile ontology includes definitions of
over 70 properties, 46 data and 30 object properties.
The profile ontology for chronic pain contained
345 classes describing the profile concepts for the
condition of chronic pain. At the basic level there
are three relevant super-classes under the primary
areas of health focus identified for the condition of
chronic: Medical, Physical and Psychosocial. The
profile ontology includes definitions of over 80
properties, with 51 data and 38 object properties.
The profile ontologies contained explication of
all concepts included in the ontology such as the
multidisciplinary nature of patient profile, the man-
agement scheme and the various concepts under
each area of health focus. The properties in the on-
tologies introduce relations among concepts. A pa-
tient HasOrganization and the organization are
inversely linked to the class Patient by HasPatient.
The class Profile is linked to the class Management
Scheme by property hasCollaborativeManagement.
The class Psychosocial Profile is linked to the man-
agement scheme by property ManagementRequired
which has individual dietitian_referral or physi-
Figure 2: View of MCS ontology in Protégé showing the
five super classes.
Standardized concepts are specified with their
SNOMED CT ID number (Concept Unique Identi-
fier) and with a list of synonyms. Class Fatigue has a
SNOMED CT concept ID of 84229001 with parent
concept being Energy and Stamina and synonyms
Weariness and Tiredness as shown in shown in
Figure 3. Examples of more intricate concepts that
benefit from standardization and consistency rele-
vant to this health condition include heightened
visual perception, heightened auditory perception,
emotional hypersensitivity, impairment of balance,
emotional regulation or emotional state finding and
hypervigilant behaviour. Similarly in the chronic
pain ontology, standardized concepts are specified
with their SNOMED CT ID number (Concept
Unique Identifier) and with a list of synonyms. Class
Lumbar spine - tender has a SNOMED CT® con-
cept ID of 298673002 with parent concept being
Finding of sensation of lumbar spine with finding
site as lumbar spine structure.
Figure 3: Query of a symptom “Fatigue” in the profile
Multidisciplinary classes were created in the pro-
file ontologies which shows the involvement of
various grouping of clinicians in the management of
the multidisciplinary symptoms for patients with a
diagnosis of MCS. For instance, Multidisciplinary
class A involved management by a physician, a
nurse, a psychologist or a psychotherapist, a voca-
tional counselor and a physiotherapist or an occupa-
tional therapist. Multidisciplinary class L involved
management by a physician, a nurse and a dietitian.
The knowledge of these classes demonstrated to the
experts that despite the diagnosis, the management
schemes were driven by the presenting symptoms
which could greatly vary for patients. This was
evident in the knowledge that was retrieved from the
100 patient charts.
4.2 Evaluation of the Ontologies
Google ontology browser (Horridge et al., 2006)
was used by clinicians to browse the ontology and
offer their evaluation. They viewed the individual
patient profiles, multidisciplinary information rele-
vant to their discipline and other disciplines, in-
depth query of symptoms and their management
Query of a symptom such as Lumbar spine –
tender shows the number of patients with the symp-
toms and the super class of the concept in the ontol-
ogy. The instances in profiles show the multifaceted
nature of symptoms as substantiated under each area
of health focus that exist in the domain of a patient.
Pain symptom as presented in the patient charts
has been viewed in the patient charts by a psycho-
therapist, physician or physiotherapist from various
angles of importance such as pattern of pain, ana-
tomical site or in relation to the pain threshold. Fig-
ure 4 shows the view of a patient profile that shows
the multidisciplinary care involved in the manage-
ment of Pain symptom.
Figure 4: Multidisciplinary interactions in the categoriza-
tion of Pain.
The clinicians also viewed information on vari-
ous symptoms including the profiles under which a
symptom was categorized, the number of patients
that had a symptom and the standardization informa-
tion for the symptoms.
Figure 5 shows the evaluation of the ontologies
by the domain experts of both groups. The ontology
had > 80% of agreement from the experts on its
usefulness in direct patient care. The use of the mul-
tidisciplinary classes in the ontology brought a high-
er level of agreement from both groups of experts
(62%). The ontology had a consistently small to
moderate percentage of clinicians showing strong
agreement on its usefulness on all categories of the
questionnaire. The ontology also had a very small
percentage of disagreement on all categories of the
survey questionnaire.
Figure 5: Evaluation of the ontologies.
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
A novel methodology and model has been presented
in this research for the development of ontologies in
heterogeneous knowledge domains. The broad ob-
jective of the research was to enhance communica-
tion in the multidisciplinary care management of
chronic, complex and lesser known health condi-
tions. The ontology approach was selected to de-
velop consistency, standardization, organization and
interoperability of domain knowledge with the broad
goal of improving collaboration and communication
for multidisciplinary clinicians involved in the care
of patients with complex chronic conditions.
The development of the profile ontologies in this
study was divided into three phases: specification,
conceptualization and implementation (Noy and
McGuinness, 2000). The methodology includes
several key components or criteria that were identi-
fied in past research such as acknowledging the
heterogeneous nature of the domain knowledge
(Larson and Martone, 2009) involving clinicians
(experts and non-experts) in the process of devel-
opment and evaluation and exploring the potential of
the study by testing it in clinical workflow (Lin et
al., 2006). However there are several limitations to
this research such as the scope being limited to the
domain of patient profile information, a convenience
sample of participants, size of the sample, the fact
that the potential of the boundary objects in improv-
ing communication or collaboration among clini-
cians or the impact on patient care was not explored.
The results do indicate that this direction of research
has significant potential and requires further explo-
An ontology can reach a wider audience and has
been deliberately selected to explicate the knowl-
edge of lesser known and complex health condi-
tions. Ontologies provide a pragmatic interoperable
format for collaborative sharing of knowledge
across communities of practice. The ontology has
the potential to get richer as more users contribute
new knowledge and as more patient instances are
populated in the ontology. The overall agreement
shown by experts in this study is very promising for
the use of ontologies in the heterogeneous domains
of complex health conditions.
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HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics