Providing Agents with Humanlike Topic Awareness
in Everyday Dialog Situations
Alexa Breuing and Ipke Wachsmuth
Artificial Intelligence Group, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
Embodied conversational agents, Human-agent interaction, Topic detection, Information retrieval, Wikipedia.
Spoken interactions between humans are characterized by coherent sequences of utterances assigning a the-
matical structure to the whole conversation. Such coherence and the success of a meaningful and flexible
dialog are based on the cognitive ability to be aware of the ongoing conversational topic. This paper presents
how to enable such topically coherent conversations between humans and interactive systems by emulating
humanlike topic awareness in artificial agents. Therefore, we firstly automated human topic awareness on
the basis of preprocessed Wikipedia knowledge and secondly transferred such computer-based awareness to
a virtual agent. As a result, we contribute to improve human-agent dialogs by enabling topical talk between
human and artificial conversation partners.
Topic awareness plays an important role in human
conversations. Besides resolving linguistic references
and ambiguities which often arise in natural lan-
guage talks, it enables the interlocutors to interaction-
ally produce coherent sequences of spoken utterances.
More precisely, every spoken contribution may raise
new potential topics whose actual realization depends
on the co-participant’s acceptance by picking up one
of these topics within his or her reply (Svennevig,
1999). Hence, a topic can be described as a joint
project (Clark, 1996) as it is jointly established dur-
ing ongoing conversations. Furthermore, being aware
of topics helps us to touch the right subject according
to the social circumstances enclosing the interactional
situation. Assuming an everyday small talk conver-
sation, for example, so-called unsafe topics such as
religion and death should be avoided (Endrass et al.,
2011). Altogether, the competence to talk topically
constitutes a basic requirement to carry on meaning-
ful, flexible, and appropriate conversations with other
Embodied conversational agents (ECAs) are vir-
tual characters possessing humanlike conversational
behaviors to establish an intuitive human-machine in-
terface (Cassell et al., 2000). That is, they are ca-
pable of holding face-to-face conversations with hu-
mans by understanding and producing speech, ges-
tures, and facial expressions. Nevertheless, they often
fail to converse in great depth and hence to mutually
establish a topical talk with their human opponent. In
addition, many ECAs lack in simulating a sense for
the adequacy of certain topics during dialog. To rem-
edy these weaknesses, the artificial interlocutor needs
to be aware of ongoing and potential conversational
topics like humans.
To provide conversational agents with artificial,
humanlike topic awareness in everyday interactions
two main tasks need to be automatized: First, the de-
tection of topics raised in ongoing natural language
dialogs and second, the adequate integration of the
resulting topic information into the agent’s underly-
ing system architecture. This paper introduces an ap-
proach tackling both tasks: We show how to connect
well-established linguistic information retrieval meth-
ods with benefits originated from collaborative work
provided by Wikipedia to automatically detect dialog
topics. Additionally, we present how to utilize the ob-
tained information to improve the conversational abil-
ities of virtual computer characters regarding topic
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
the next section we introduce our notion of dialog
topics establishing the basis for the present work.
Subsequently, the several processes of our automatic
topic detection approach are described in Section 3.
Thereby we especially emphasize the application of
Breuing A. and Wachsmuth I..
LET’S TALK TOPICALLY WITH ARTIFICIAL AGENTS! - Providing Agents with Humanlike Topic Awareness in Everyday Dialog Situations.
DOI: 10.5220/0003745900620071
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 62-71
ISBN: 978-989-8425-96-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
collaborative knowledge provided by Wikipedia. Sec-
tion 4 highlights the embedding of the resulting topic
information into the existing architecture of the con-
versational agent Max. As a result, we contribute
in emulating humanlike topic awareness in artificial
agents as described by means of our dialog scenario
in Section 5. Moreover, we present how to evaluate
our model in the near future. In Section 6 we give
an overview of related work before closing the paper
with a short conclusion and discussion.
Assuming dialogs to be face-to-face conversations be-
tween two partners, a dialog topic emerges from a
joint activity performed by both interlocutors (Juraf-
sky and Martin, 2009). That is, considering single
utterances to specify a dialog topic is insufficient as
they do not have topics in isolation. They rather pro-
vide topic suggestions (Schank, 1977). However, the
topic formulation of the particular topic is done at dif-
ferent levels of abstraction and from different subjec-
tive positions (Svennevig, 1999). Speaker A, for ex-
ample, might categorize a dialog about Whiskey and
Brandy using the term Alcohol”, whereas speaker B
might choose the term “Drinks” or “Spirits” referenc-
ing the same topic. According to this, we define a
dialog topic to be an independent, self-selected cat-
egory superordinate to a co-constructed sequence of
dialog contributions (Breuing et al., 2011).
2.1 Topic Shifts
A dialog topic subordinates a sequence of coherent
dialog contributions as wholes (Bublitz, 1989; Sven-
nevig, 1999). Hence, they generalize the concepts
mentioned in these contributions to a certain degree.
A potential topic shift in dialogs occurs, once previ-
ous concepts and concepts coming up subsequently
cannot be generalized to one topic anymore. If at-
tending to the new concepts opens a completely dif-
ferent dialog topic and comes along with a drop of the
present one, we refer to this kind of shift as topic leap
(Svennevig, 1999).
On the other hand, a topic shift might happen
gradually. Imagine the following dialog sequence:
A: “In which city do you live?”
B: “Munich.
A: “Ah, then you are a fan of Bayern Munich?”
B: “Actually no. I like Arsenal.
By mentioning the concept “city”, speaker A sug-
gests to talk about places. Speaker B agrees to this
topic by replying with an utterance containing the
concept “Munich” specifying a German city. “Mu-
nich” in turn is unrelated to the upcoming topic
“Sports”, however, it is conceptually closely con-
nected to Munich’s local soccer club “Bayern Mu-
nich”. Thus, the dialog merges seamlessly from the
topic “Places” to the topic “Sports”. Hobbs calls this
phenomenon topic drift (Hobbs, 1990).
2.2 Selection of Dialog Topics
Raising an issue requires choosing a dialog topic first.
Thereby, the amount of possible topics is constrained
due to the given dialog scenario, the personal relation
between the dialog partners, and their cultural back-
ground. Accordingly, not every dialog topic is appro-
priate for everyday small talk conversations.
Referring to Schneider (Schneider, 1988), there
are three groups of basic options for topic selection:
(1) The immediate situation involves all topics ad-
dressing the frame of the dialog situation.
(2) The external situation represents the larger con-
text of the immediate situation and hence of its
(3) The communication situation refers to the con-
versation partners and holds private topics such as
hobbies or family.
A typical small talk starts with a topic related to the
immediate situation and continues with topics from
the external or communication situation. Due to these
social conventions, most small talk structures are very
similar and ease striking up a conversation with other,
especially unknown persons.
Constituting a matter of course for humans, the au-
tomatic detection of dialog topics poses a great chal-
lenge. Given a dialog situation as defined before, it
has to meet several requirements. First of all, the
underlying processes have to work online. As di-
alogs are continuous and demand adaptive moment-
by-moment decisions, it is necessary to incessantly
provide the system with information about the current
topic situation directly influencing the agent’s conver-
sational behavior. Additionally, this information has
to be processed within a short time frame to guar-
antee humanlike reaction time. Moreover, the wide
LET'S TALK TOPICALLY WITH ARTIFICIAL AGENTS! - Providing Agents with Humanlike Topic Awareness in
Everyday Dialog Situations
range of possible topics, for example being discussed
in everyday conversations, calls for a dynamic han-
dling of previously unknown contributions. This in
turn presumes an access to huge amounts of previ-
ously unlearned topics and how they are correlated.
According to the dynamic factor and for further rea-
sons assigned subsequently, the online encyclopedia
Wikipedia proved to be the ideal knowledge source.
3.1 Topics Provided by Wikipedia
According to our definition, dialog topics are con-
sidered to be categories subordinating a sequence of
dialog contributions. The Wikipedia category sys-
tem is composed of categories subordinating articles
presented by natural language texts. Utilizing the
similarity between dialog-based utterance-topic rela-
tions and Wikipedia-based article-category links con-
stitutes the basis for our dynamic topic detection ap-
proach. Generally speaking, we identify a dialog
topic by mapping the several utterances to Wikipedia
articles and specifying their shared Wikipedia cate-
gories as potential topics. Thus, the detection process
does not simply consider the terms contained in the
utterances, but is capable of identifying a topic t with-
out having a priori knowledge of the domain underly-
ing t.
A big advantage of accessing Wikipedia for our
purpose is the fact that its encyclopedic knowledge is
constructed collaboratively by numerous volunteers.
Hence, Wikipedia provides huge amounts of infor-
mation whose maintenance is done by others. Fur-
thermore, the resulting description and categorization
of concepts reflect the participants’ perception of con-
ceptual structures and delivers insights into the human
understanding of topics and their relations.
3.2 Online Detection
Within our approach, realizing an automatic topic de-
tection mainly involves the implementation of auto-
matic processes that identify potential topics, track
ongoing topics, detect topical shifts, and label the co-
herent dialog sequences. To ensure an online work-
ing topic detection the first two tasks need to be per-
formed continuously, that is on every incoming utter-
ance. Their outcomes simultaneously affect the re-
maining processes. In the following, the several tasks
are described in more detail. Additionally, Figure 1
gives an overview of the presented topic detection ap-
proach and illustrates the relations between its associ-
ated processes.
3.2.1 Identification of Potential Topics
Referring to Schank (1977), an utterance said in re-
sponse to an input provides both a conceptual inter-
section to the present dialog topic and a new concep-
tualization introducing potential new topics. Accord-
ingly, to automatically identify potential topic direc-
tions, at first every single dialog contribution has to
be conceptualized by identifying its contained con-
cept terms. Therefore, the system first preprocesses
the present utterance by means of the Stanford Part-
Of-Speech Tagger (Toutanova and Manning, 2000).
Afterwards, all nouns and proper nouns are identified
and specified as concept terms. Moreover, the system
extracts the verbs contained in the present utterance
and transforms them to their substantive as provid-
ing potential conceptual information as well. There-
fore we make use of the online dictionary Wiktionary.
Then, the system searches for a Wikipedia article giv-
ing a concept description for the substantive. If a cor-
responding article can be found, as for example given
for the term “swimming”, the substantive is consid-
ered as a concept term furthermore. In case no article
is found, the substantive is not considered as a con-
cept term as probably not providing conceptual infor-
mation (like the term “doing”). In addition, auxiliary
verbs such as “having” are excluded in the first place.
In order to detect named entities consisting of
more than one word, adjectives and/or nouns, and
proper nouns appearing successively are tested for
their lexical “togetherness”. Therefore we make use
of the concept information provided by Wikipedia in
terms of single articles (Gabrilovich and Markovitch,
2007). More precisely, each of these potential named
entities are mapped onto the set of all Wikipedia arti-
cles A
twice: once as a whole and once noun-wise.
This mapping process is accomplished via a mapping
f : cterm 7→ A
where cterm is either the potential named entity or
a single noun. To realize f , we built up an Apache
Lucene (McCandless et al., 2010) search index con-
taining documents for every Wikipedia article includ-
ing information about their titles, textual descriptions,
textual anchors of their incoming links, and redirects.
This allows us to estimate both mappings by means of
the Lucene similarity score
score(q, d) = Σ
(t f (t d)·id f (t)·b
·n(q, d)) (2)
where t f (t d) specifies the term frequency of each
term t cterm in d, id f (t) indicates the general im-
portance of t within all documents, b
refers to the
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Overview of the processes involved in our automatic topic detection approach.
field boost in case of an exact match of cterm in the ar-
ticle title, and n(q, d) combines Lucene-internal nor-
malization factors. The outcome providing the bet-
ter result determines the final composition of the con-
cept term. By this, Wikipedia is acting as a concept
identifier. As a result of the conceptualization step,
a set of concept terms providing the basis for the au-
tomatic detection of potential dialog topics is deter-
mined. Thus, for the utterance “Ah, then you are a
fan of Bayern Munich?” the concept terms “fan” and
“Bayern Munich” are specified.
One concept term can be related to more than
one topic although in various extents. Within our ap-
proach, the automatic assignment of concepts to top-
ics is implemented by mapping all concept terms to a
set of predefined Wikipedia categories. Therefore, a
number of categories from Wikipedia best presenting
a set of topics possibly addressed in the given dia-
log scenario has to be specified previously. Basically,
every category contained in the Wikipedia category
system can be considered to present a potential dialog
topic. But it is advisable to choose those categories
having a high degree of abstraction as best reflecting
more general topic areas such as “Sports” or “Poli-
Subsequently, for every chosen category all sub-
ordinated Wikipedia articles are extracted, that is, all
articles assigned to the considered category or to at
least one of its subcategories. Afterwards, the rele-
vant information parts are stored in a second Lucene
index. More precisely, documents for every prede-
fined Wikipedia category including field specifica-
tions about its title as well as information about the
titles and textual contents of their subordinated arti-
cles are set up. Thereby, articles that are related to
one predefined category several times are contained
accordingly often in the category document to boot
its importance within the presented topic area.
To retrieve a list of categories representing pos-
sible topics sorted in descending order according to
their relatedness to the concept term cterm we search
the index for each category document d matching
cterm in a query q on the basis of the scoring formula
presented in equation (2). As a result, each concept
term of the present utterance is represented as a vec-
tor within a space of predefined Wikipedia categories
constituting potential dialog topics. For the rest of
the paper, we refer to these vectors capturing the rela-
tive importance of the dialog topics for the considered
concept term as concept topic vectors.
3.2.2 Identification of Dialog Topics
As stated before, a dialog topic is established con-
sensually from both conversation participants. That
is, a single utterance does not have topics in isolation
but rather provide topic suggestions (Schank, 1977).
Based on this idea we have to consider at least two
successive utterances to define a topical intersection.
Accordingly, the topic tracking process begins with
the second dialog contribution.
To detect topical overlaps between two successive
dialog contributions, we compare each of the concept
topic vectors specified for one utterance with each
of the concept topic vectors of the subsequent utter-
ance separately using the cosine similarity. That is,
we quantify the similarity between two concept terms
and cterm
of successive utterances utt
on the basis of their concept topic vector repre-
V (cterm
) and
V (cterm
) via
LET'S TALK TOPICALLY WITH ARTIFICIAL AGENTS! - Providing Agents with Humanlike Topic Awareness in
Everyday Dialog Situations
, cterm
) =
V (cterm
V (cterm
V (cterm
V (cterm
where cterm
and cterm
If the comparing process detects a significantly
high similarity between two concept topic vectors,
that is, their similarity is higher than a given similar-
ity threshold, a topical overlap between utt
and utt
is identified. For every topical overlap, the involved
concept topic vectors are summed up resulting in a
new vector, called dialog topic vector. The several
components in this vector provide probabilities for
each predefined Wikipedia category possessing a rela-
tion to the considered concept terms. If a probability
again exceeds a given probability threshold, its corre-
sponding category constitutes the current topic of the
ongoing dialog. In case the described conditions are
fulfilled several times within one topic tracking pro-
cess, the system is not able to determine one single
Wikipedia category to be the current dialog topic but
rather keeps all topic options open. Figure 2 graph-
ically presents possible results of the topic tracking
process for our example dialog introduced in 2.1 by
means of a bar diagram. As reaching the threshold
represented by the horizontal line in black, the cate-
gories “Regions” and “Sports” constitute the dialog
topics within this illustration.
Utterances which do not provide any concept in-
formation, like the utterance “Okay”, have no impact
on the probabilities for the several dialog topics.
3.2.3 Topic Shift Detection
As mentioned before, we distinguish between a topic
leap as described by Svennevig (1999) and a topic
drift as introduced by Hobbs (1990). Based on this,
systems are capable of detecting radical topic shifts
enabling the particular conversational agents to gen-
erate an appropriate conversation behavior. Accord-
ing to this, the agent might refer to this topic leap via
a suitable utterance such as “What made you think of
this topic?”.
To distinguish between the two types of topic shift
automatically, the transition from one dialog topic to
the next is evaluated based on the outcomes of the
topic tracking process. That is, if no topical over-
lap between the utterances utt
and utt
can be de-
termined, the system detects a topic leap. In contrast,
a topic drift is characterized in that topical overlaps to
both the old and the new dialog topic exist during the
topic transition as shown in Figure 2.
(a) Results for utterances 1 and 2.
(b) Results for utterances 2 and 3.
(c) Results for utterances 3 and 4.
Figure 2: Bar diagrams presenting results of the topic track-
ing process for our example dialog (see 2.1). For lack of
space only a subset of the bars can be presented. Actually,
all active topics in terms of bars are displayed.
3.2.4 Topic Labeling
To be able to refer to a dialog topic later on, for exam-
ple in another dialog, a descriptive topic label has to
be defined. Wikipedia provides topic labels in terms
of category titles. Thus, a topic can be labeled with
the title of the Wikipedia category that constitutes the
current dialog topic. Thereby, the labels do not have
to be mentioned during dialog before as they are al-
ready existent. However, some category titles might
need to be changed to more intuitive labels allowing
a more humanlike term for a dialog topic. The cate-
gory title “Leisure”, for instance, can be replaced by
“Hobbies” as the latter provides a more intuitive label
for a dialog topic raised in smalltalk conversations.
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
So far, we described how to detect topics in ongo-
ing dialog automatically by means of collaborative
knowledge provided by Wikipedia. However, to emu-
late humanlike topic awareness in artificial agents our
presented topic detection model needs to be embed-
ded into the agent’s underlying system architecture.
More precisely, the agent’s conversational behavior
has to be adapted by means of the gained topic in-
formation to enable coherent dialogs between human
and artificial interlocutors. In this section we propose
our approach for improving the conversational abili-
ties of the ECA Max by integrating topic information
into the agent’s existing dialog system.
4.1 The Conversational Agent Max
Max (Kopp et al., 2005) is a virtual character act-
ing as a conversational computer interface that allows
for face-to-face dialogs with humans in German lan-
guage. By means of keyboard-based, textual inputs
human users are able to communicate with the agent.
Max is capable of responding to these inputs with spo-
ken language realized by a synthesized voice. Figure
3 shows Max in his current state acting as a museum
guide where he provides information about the exhi-
bition and involves human visitors in everyday small
Figure 3: Max at the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum in
Paderborn, Germany.
4.2 Max’ Existing Dialog System
The agent’s verbal communication is realized by a di-
alog system consisting of three modules successively
processing the input of the human dialog partner. In
a first step the interpreter of the dialog system deter-
mines the meaning of the user’s input text. The result
of this analysis is then delivered to the dialog man-
ager. By accessing the dialog knowledge, the dia-
log manager chooses an according answer which is
sent to behavior planning afterwards. The behavior
planning component translates the answer into a mul-
timodal utterance for the virtual character.
Both the interpretation of natural language inputs
and the generation of an adequate response to the
user’s utterance are based on a set of rules. Thereby
the interpretation is composed of two steps: First, the
identification of modifiers specifying the expression
type such as negation, agreement, or greeting. Sec-
ond, the identification of the conversational function
reflecting the pragmatic and semantic meaning of the
considered utterance. These processes currently em-
ploy about 1.200 rule plans which are selected and
executed via pattern matching processes. These rules
in turn direct the choice of an adequate response.
Due to the rule-based input interpretation cover-
ing a broad spectrum of possible utterances and an
additional, Wikipedia-based question answering com-
ponent (Waltinger et al., 2011), the agent’s system
never fails in computing an appropriate reply. Hence,
Max never stays speechless even if an input cannot
be decoded in detail. Nevertheless, the system has
not yet been able to establish coherent sequences of
dialog contributions as humanlike topic awareness is
not accessible for the agent. The integration of our
online topic detection model into the ECAs system
architecture is twofold: First, we contribute to im-
prove human-agent conversations by enabling topi-
cal dialogs between human and artificial conversation
partners. Second, the existing human-machine inter-
face provides an optimal platform for the evaluation
of our approach.
4.3 Integrating Topic Information
The complete system underlying the ECA Max is
based on a multi-agent system composed of several
interacting agents. The conversational behavior, for
example, is realized via a dialog system in terms of
an intelligent dialog agent. According to this, we
built up a topic agent implementing the presented pro-
cesses and integrated this agent into the existing sys-
tem as shown in Figure 4.
The topic agent obtains every dialog contribution,
that is the user’s inputs as well as the agent’s out-
puts, and constantly provides up-to-date information
about the current topic situation of the ongoing dia-
log. It is directly connected to the dialog agent due
to interdependencies. More precisely, the interpreter
of the dialog agent sends its interpretation results to
the topic agent which decides on the topical relevance
LET'S TALK TOPICALLY WITH ARTIFICIAL AGENTS! - Providing Agents with Humanlike Topic Awareness in
Everyday Dialog Situations
Figure 4: Integration of our topic detection model into the existing architecture of the ECA Max.
of the considered utterance on the basis of the iden-
tified modifier. That is, if an utterance is specified as
a greeting or farewell, the topic agent does not con-
sider it as being topically relevant. Additionally, if
one interlocutor proposes a dialog topic directly and
the interpreter specifies a rejection in response to this
suggestion, the topic agent again assigns the proposed
topic to irrelevant topics. To give an example, if Max
says “Let’s talk about music!” and his human dia-
log partners answers with “I don’t want to talk about
music!”, the topic agent does not identify “Music” to
be the dialog topic even if it was mentioned in two
successive utterances.
The topic agent in turn sends the results of its
topic detection process to the dialog manager which
has an impact on the conversational behavior of Max.
For this purpose, the rules contained in the knowl-
edge base of the dialog agent are topically arranged
to distinguish between their adequacies according to
the given dialog setting. In the following, an example
extract of the resulting rule library based on the agent
architecture JAM (Huber, 1999) is given.
Plan {
NAME: ’askFor-homeTown’
GOAL: get user’s home town
BODY: <act> Where are you from? </act>
Plan {
NAME: ’tell-favoriteCountry’
GOAL: tell system’s favorite country
BODY: <act> I love Portugal. </act>
Plan {
NAME: ’reply-likingSports’
GOAL: tell system’s interest in sports
BODY: <act> Yes, I like soccer. </act>
Plan {
NAME: ’askFor-politicalAttitude’
GOAL: get user’s party affiliation
BODY: <act> What’s your preferred
political party? </act>
The topical classification of the rules allows their
execution based on the dialog situation. Given a
first encounter. the dialog participants would not talk
about their political affiliation, for instance. Accord-
ingly, Max avoids making use of the rules dealing
with so-called unsafe topics. That is, he neither uses
such a rule pro-actively raising a topic nor reactively
to answer a user question. According to the latter, he
rather gives an evasive answer (as shown in Figure 4).
In our scenario, a human participant has a face-to-
face small talk encounter with the virtual agent Max.
Thereby, the human dialog partner expresses him or
herself via keyboard-based text inputs whereas the
artificial interlocutor answers with spoken language
based on speech synthesis. Thus, the contributions of
either side exist as textual information redundantiz-
ing additional speech recognition processes. More-
over, preprocessing steps to handle incomplete and
non-standard sentences are not required as typed in-
puts mostly consist of complete sentences containing
little abbreviations and slang expressions. However,
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
textual inputs preclude the perception of topic ending
indicators (such as repetitions, pauses, laughter, etc.
(Howe, 1991)). Thus, they can not be considered in
the process of topic detection although often used in
human conversation.
Enabling a coherent dialog between Max and a hu-
man user necessitates the presetting of a topical struc-
ture allowing to introduce the emulated topic aware-
ness into the dialog and to cause a corresponding con-
versational behavior on the agent’s part. Schneider
(1988) assigns a structure to a typical small talk se-
quence as follows:
1. Question.
2. Answer.
3. Reply.
4. Further turns.
Furthermore, a typical small talk topically covers
the immediated, external, and communication situa-
tion (Schneider, 1988). In their study, Endrass et al.
(2011) identified a typical distribution of these top-
ics within a dialog between Germans. Thus, Ger-
mans address less of the immediated and approxi-
mately equivalent of the external and communication
situation during small talk. According to these find-
ings, and considering the conditions arising from the
fact that Max is situated in an university environment,
the beginning of topical small talks with the conver-
sational agent Max is structured as follows: In his
first turn, Max asks the interlocutor for his or her sub-
ject of study as most potential dialog partners are stu-
dents. Subsequently, the agent tries to find out the in-
terlocutor’s origin. If successful, Max is able to deter-
mine the interlocutor’s favorite football club from this
knowledge and to continue with the football topic. In
case the human does not want to talk about football
or sports in general, he or she has the opportunity to
suggest another topic. Thus, the first dialog topics
are solely initiated by Max. This is important insofar
as this scenario also establishes a basis for the devel-
opment of a personal memory for the agent. This re-
quires the gathering of a lot of information concerning
social categories about the human interlocutor.
5.1 Planned Evaluation
Upon successfully completing a preliminary eval-
uation identifying the topics of newspaper arti-
cles, which has shown an average accuracy of 61.0
(Breuing et al., 2011), we plan to accomplish a more
adequate evaluation considering and addressing the
introduced dialog scenario. Accordingly, we searched
for a corpus comprising dialog information of Ger-
man small talks occurring during first encounters be-
tween two persons. The CUBE-G corpora (Endrass
et al., 2011) provides analyzed records of 21 first
interaction scenarios each between a student and a
professional actor and each lasting around five min-
utes. Amongst others, the dialogs were tested for the
amount of topics and topic shifts which is why the
corpus contains topical annotations for each recorded
small talk. Thus, the CUBE-G corpus presents the
optimal basis for our following evaluation.
In preparation for the planned evaluation, we al-
ready determined a list of predefined main categories
that represent typical dialog topics for everyday small
talks. Thereby, we omitted so-called unsafe top-
ics (see Section 1) and especially focused on topics
raised in the given university scenario. Table 1 shows
the resulting list of main categories. Moreover, we
downloaded the German database dump from May
14, 2011 and built up a Lucene index containing all
information parts relevant for our purpose.
Table 1: List of predefined main categories adequate for our
dialog scenario.
Main Category
Science Economics
Family Education
Studies Literature
Mass media Music
Arts Health
Ecology Digital media
Sports Occupations
Fashion Food and drink
Leisure Transport
Intimate relationships Regions
The next step is the preprocessing of the corpus in
that incomplete sentences and expressions are com-
pleted to adapt the recorded utterances to the condi-
tions given by the fact that human-sided utterances
are based on keyboard inputs. Then, we will accom-
plish the evaluation by automatically identifying the
dialog topics and topic shifts within the CUBE-G in-
teractions by means of our proposed method to sub-
sequently compare the results with the manual anno-
tations included in the corpus. If showing promising
performance, a user study evaluating the application
of emulated human topic awareness in the agent Max’
conversational behavior will be scheduled next.
A lot of work has been carried out on offline topic
identification. A prevalent model was developed
LET'S TALK TOPICALLY WITH ARTIFICIAL AGENTS! - Providing Agents with Humanlike Topic Awareness in
Everyday Dialog Situations
in the context of the Topic Detection and Tracking
(TDT) research program (Allan, 2002). Within the
TDT research, Allan determined five tasks (i.e., Story
Segmentation, First Story Detection, Cluster Detec-
tion, Tracking, and Story Link Detection) for detect-
ing the several topics outlined in a text-based news-
cast. Further offline approaches compute the co-
herence between documents via similarity measures
(e.g., (Makkonen et al., 2004; Zhang and Wang,
2010)). Others rank Wikipedia articles according
to their relevance to a given text fragment, for ex-
ample via text classification algorithms (Gabrilovich
and Markovitch, 2007) or by simply exploiting the
Wikipedia article titles and categories (Sch
2006). One recent approach uses the Wikipedia cate-
gory network as a conceptual taxonomy and derives a
directed acyclic graph for each document by mapping
terms to a concept in the category network (Chahine
et al., 2011).
Approaches for the online identification of topics
in natural language dialogs are rare. One work re-
alizing a “Dynamic Topic Tracking” of natural lan-
guage conversations between a human and a robot
roughly adapted the ve tasks from the TDT project
(see above) to make the robot more situation aware in
human-robot interaction (Maas et al., 2006). Thereby
the amount of topics and the according topic names
are created dynamically by gathering the topic names
from content words most occurring in the dialog utter-
ances. On the contrary, existing taxonomies can serve
as a source for topic labels, for example derived from
the online encyclopedia Wikipedia (Breuing et al.,
2011; Waltinger et al., 2011). Furthermore, con-
versation clusters visually highlight topics discussed
in conversations using Explicit Semantic Analysis
based on Wikipedia articles (Bergstrom and Kara-
halios, 2009).
We presented an approach for the automatic emula-
tion of humanlike topic awareness in ongoing small
talk dialogs to extend the conversational abilities of a
virtual agent in human-agent interactions. More pre-
cisely, we proposed solutions for both tasks the auto-
matic identification of dialog topics and the integra-
tion of the resulting topic information into the agent’s
existing system architecture. The several associated
processes fulfill the requirements given by a face-to-
face encounter between a human and a conversational
agent and enable both a coherent and socially ade-
quate dialog between the human and the artificial in-
terlocutors. Thereby, we exploit Wikipedia knowl-
edge and hence the benefits originated from collab-
orative work (namely the existence of information
whose maintenance and expansion is carried out by
numerous volunteers and the reflection of the partici-
pants’ common perception of conceptual structures).
In future, we will extend our approach by detect-
ing and linking topical affiliations to previous dialog
topics to handle short side trips to past topics. More-
over, we will resolve ambiguities by taking into ac-
count the current dialog topic to influence the concept
detection process.
This work is kindly supported by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the
KnowCIT research project in the Center of Excel-
lence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) at
Bielefeld University. We thank Birgit Endrass and
Elisabeth Andr
e from the University of Augsburg for
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LET'S TALK TOPICALLY WITH ARTIFICIAL AGENTS! - Providing Agents with Humanlike Topic Awareness in
Everyday Dialog Situations