A Bayesian BDI Agent Model with Causal Belief Updating based on MSBN
Alvaro Carrera and Carlos A. Iglesias
Departamento de Ingenier
ıa de Sistemas Telem
aticos, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Distributed, Agents, Bayesian, BDI, MSBN, Belief, Sharing.
In this paper, we introduce B2DI model that extends BDI model to perform Bayesian inference under uncer-
tainty. For scalability and flexibility purposes, Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Network (MSBN) technology has
been selected and adapted to BDI agent reasoning. A belief update mechanism has been defined for agents,
whose belief models are connected by public shared beliefs, and the certainty of these beliefs is updated
based on MSBN. The classical BDI agent architecture has been extended in order to manage uncertainty using
Bayesian reasoning. The resulting extended model, so-called B2DI, proposes a new control loop. The pro-
posed B2DI model has been evaluated in a network fault diagnosis scenario. The evaluation has compared this
model with two previously developed agent models. The evaluation has been carried out with a real testbed
diagnosis scenario using JADEX. As a result, the proposed model exhibits significant improvements in the
cost and time required to carry out a reliable diagnosis.
Many problems of our everyday life are connected in
huge information networks both computer and human
networks. Some of these problems are too complex to
be completely modelled and described. Thus, these
problems have been solved through distributed sys-
tems. Multi-agent systems (MAS) provide a suitable
abstraction level for dealing with the complexity of
large scale, open, heterogeneous, and evolving sce-
In recent past, several works have studied differ-
ent approaches (Fagundes et al., 2009; Casali et al.,
2011) to reason with uncertainty in a single agent. In
this work, an approach to deal with uncertainty in a
distributed way to achieve collaborative goal delib-
eration based on a BDI MAS is presented. Multi-
ply Sectioned Bayesian Network (Xiang et al., 1993)
(MSBN) approach is proposed to handle uncertainty
in a distributed way, to keep coherence in the infer-
ence process and to allow flexibility in the multi-agent
system. We adopt the terminology by Xiang (Xiang
et al., 1993; Xiang, 2002; Xiang et al., 2006) in his
The reminder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Sect. 2 presents the proposed Bayesian agent
model to perform distributed causal inference of be-
liefs. Sect. 3 presents the evaluation of the model on
the basis of a real testbed diagnosis scenario. Finally,
Sect. 4 presents several important related works and
Sect. 5 presents the reached conclusions and possible
future research areas.
This section presents the extended BDI model to per-
form distributed causal inference using MSBNs.
Definition 1. Causal Model CM is a Bayesian Net-
work used by an agent to perform distributed causal
inference. CM is a subnet that is part of a MSBN.
The agent uses this CM to perform belief updating
depending on the current available data.
The proposed model is based on sharing a dis-
tributed causal model, that is partitioned among the
agents. In this partitioning, beliefs can be private or
shared with other agents.
Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of a B2DI Agent.
A B2DI agent works with a modified BDI architec-
ture. This model updates beliefs based on a dis-
tributed causal inference through MSBN.
A B2DI agent starts its behaviour with initial be-
liefs and intentions (Alg. 1). These beliefs are added
to the CM and synchronized (Algs. 2 and 3) with other
Carrera Á. and A. Iglesias C..
B2DI - A Bayesian BDI Agent Model with Causal Belief Updating based on MSBN.
DOI: 10.5220/0003746003430346
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 343-346
ISBN: 978-989-8425-96-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: B2DI Agent Model.
agents through MSBN. After deliberation process, a
plan is selected and executed. Any data obtained after
the execution of a plan is added to the CM.
Alg. 1 shows the agent control loop proposed in
this work. Several functions are used in this algo-
rithm. This control loop is similar to the previous
classic BDI model, but it has been extended with the
following functions: connect function (Alg. 2), be-
lief initialization function (Alg. 3), update notification
function (Alg. 4), belief update function (Alg. 5) and
communicate belief function (Alg. 6).
One new variable is added in this proposed con-
trol loop algorithm (Alg. 1). Mod CM represents the
Causal Model (Def. 1) of the agent.
Algorithm 1: B2DI Agent Control Loop.
1: B := B
2: I := I
3: CM := connect(CM);
4: B := belie f initialization(B, CM)
5: while true do
6: if update noti f ication(CM) then
7: B := belie f update(B, CM);
8: else
9: get next percept ρ;
10: B := br f (B, ρ);
11: end if
12: CM := communicate belie f (B, CM);
13: D := options(B, I);
14: I := f ilter(B, D, I);
15: π := plan(B, I);
16: execute(π);
17: end while
Alg. 2 presents connect function to set-up the
agent CM (a subnet) with the distributed inference en-
gine. This function consists of two steps: moraliza-
tion and triangulation to achieve coherence.
Once the subnet is ready, the belief initialization
function is called to synchronize the shared know-
ledge. First of all, the agent receives a notification of
Algorithm 2: B2DI Connect Function.
1: connect : (CM) Mod;
3: MCM := null; {Moralized Causal Model}
4: TCM := null; {Triangulated Causal Model}
5: MCM := moralization(CM);
6: TCM := triangulation(MCM);
7: connect := TCM;
9: end connect;
belief updating and it updates its own beliefs through
local inference process. After this, the agent propa-
gates its beliefs to other agents.
Algorithm 3: B2DI Belief Initialization Function.
1: belie f initialization : (B, CM) Bel;
3: UB := null; {Updated Beliefs}
4: UB := belie f update(B, CM);
5: B := communicate belie f (U B);
6: belie f initialization := B;
8: end belie f initialization;
Alg. 4 shows the update notification function.
This function simply notifies when it exists a change
in the set of shared beliefs.
Algorithm 4: B2DI Update Notification Function.
1: update noti f ication : (CM) boolean;
3: boolean result := f alse;
4: result := changedAnySharedBelie f ();
5: update noti f ication := result;
7: end update noti f ication;
Alg. 5 shows the process required to receive be-
lieves. First of all, new beliefs are received through
linkages. Then, this beliefs are locally propagated in
the subnet CM (Def. 1) of the agent.
When local beliefs are modified or external be-
liefs are received, the agent must communicate this
updates to the rest of the MSBN. This process is com-
posed of two steps: collect beliefs and distribute be-
The evaluation has been carried out based on a bench-
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
mark for a real diagnosis scenario of the R&D project
“Magneto” (Arozarena et al., 2010). This scenario
consists of a P2P streaming scenario where a user
provides multimedia content and another user con-
sumes this content. Many faults may occur both in
connection and in services. The system is designed
to provide, to an end-user or an operator, the result
of the diagnosis made upon receipt of a notification
of a symptom of failure. We have clustered all possi-
ble diagnoses of this scenario in 13 diagnosis cases to
simplify comparison and shown results.
The evaluation consists of the comparison of three
models that use Bayesian networks to perform causal
inference to diagnose faults:
Algorithm 5: B2DI Belief Update Function.
1: belie f update : (B, CM) Bel;
3: AB := null; {Absorbed Beliefs}
4: AB := absorb through linkage(CM);
5: B := uni f y belie f (B, AB);
6: belie f update := B;
8: end belie f update;
Algorithm 6: B2DI Communicate Belief Function.
1: communicate belie f : (B, CM) Mod;
3: CB := null; {Collected Beliefs}
4: CB := collect belie f (B);
5: CM := distribute belie f (CB, CM);
6: communicate belie f := CM;
8: end communicate belie f ;
Model 1 (Belief Flooding): All agents have
Bayesian Networks with duplicated part of their
causal model CM to keep coherence in the process
inference. Agents share beliefs about the available
information of the current environment. When
new information is received from other agents, it
is propagated to the rest of the agents to assure
the coherence of the distributed reasoning pro-
cess. After this propagation, each agent continues
with its own behaviour and shares its beliefs if it
is required.
Model 2 (Filtered Belief Flooding): Same than
Model 1 but this time when new information is
received from other agents, it is processed and fil-
tered. Then, the agent takes its own decision and
execute a selected plan. Finally, only filtered in-
formation is propagated to its neighbours.
Model 3 (B2DI, Belief Sharing based on Causal
Dependencies): This model represents the pro-
posed B2DI model. These agents share their be-
liefs only with other agents which are interested
in them. When new information is available, it is
automatically propagated through MSBN mecha-
Table 1 shows the evaluation results in several
columns. MTTD (FitzGerald and Dennis, 2008)
(Mean Time to Diagnose) usually is the average num-
ber of minutes until the root cause of the failure is
correctly diagnosed; but, in this table, we show this
time rounded in seconds.
Model 3 presents a reduction of 48% in time and
37% in number of executed tests comparing with
Model 1 and a reduction of 40% in time and 60% in
number of executed tests comparing with Model 2.
Although uncertain belief representation in BDI-like
systems have been studied in AI over recent past (Fa-
gundes et al., 2009; Casali et al., 2011), this work
is novel in several respects. It proposes transpar-
ently sharing beliefs methods through MSBNs (Xi-
ang, 2002), i.e. an agent do not have to send its be-
liefs through a message. MSBN model assures con-
sistency and coherence during the inference process.
This MSBN model is embedded in the proposed B2DI
model (Sect. 2).
Furthermore, MSBN offers dynamically reconfig-
uration (Xiang et al., 2006) if any agent is born or dies
in the environment. Thus, all agents that share any set
of beliefs can reconfigure its causal model to link to
the global inference mechanism (MSBN) even if an
intermediate agent disappears.
The use of distributed causal models to fault di-
agnosis has been previously studied (Bocaniala and
da Costa, 2004) and the proposed methodology to par-
tition the global causal model in causally indepen-
dent (d-separated) regions. But, that methodology
only exposes how to fragment the causal model in
smaller pieces. It does not deal with how the inference
should be performed in a distributed way. Our pro-
posed approach (B2DI agent model) uses distributed
causal models and presents a framework to perform
distributed inference.
B2DI - A Bayesian BDI Agent Model with Causal Belief Updating based on MSBN
Table 1: MTTD and number of test comparison.
Diagnosis case MTTD (in seconds) Number of executed tests
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Case 1 22 19 6 6 7 4
Case 2 9 8 4 5 2 2
Case 3 12 9 5 4 6 2
Case 4 15 10 9 6 9 4
Case 5 3 4 3 1 1 1
Case 6 16 15 5 4 8 2
Case 7 13 10 6 3 6 2
Case 8 15 14 7 3 9 2
Case 9 18 24 13 7 12 5
Case 10 15 19 13 5 8 3
Case 11 9 6 6 2 2 2
Case 12 13 9 7 3 5 2
Case 13 21 14 10 5 9 3
Average 14.4 12.5 7.4 4.2 6.9 2.6
This paper proposes a Bayesian BDI agent model
with causal belief updating based on MSBN. This
process implies a modification in the BDI control
loop. In B2DI model, there are several additional
operations to keep coherence and consistency in the
sharing process. These additional operations in the
control loop (see Alg. 1) allow to decrease the com-
plexity of the belief sharing process. This sharing pro-
cess is performed transparently through MSBN mech-
anisms and it has not to be implemented explicitly in
the agent behaviour. MSBN mechanisms offer flexi-
bility (reconfiguration capabilities) and robustness to
allow new agents to join the belief sharing group and
keep coherence in the reasoning process without any
modification of the agent behaviour.
As future work, several paths can be explored.
One interesting option is the extension of MSBN use
for distributed goal deliberation. The sharing process
offered by MSBN can be used to achieve common
or private goals knowing intentions of other agents in
a transparent way. Further, another option to work
is a formal methodology to apply this model during
the development of multi-agent systems. Based on
graph theory, agents causal models (see Def. 1) could
be dynamically generated from a global knowledge
base, i.e. from a global causal model that deals with
the domain knowledge. For future scenario, sensor
networks will be applied. B2DI model meets the re-
quirements of sensor networks, such as distributed
data processing, robustness or reconfiguration capa-
bilities during the inference process.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence