Salvatore Venticinque
, Viorel Negru
, Victor Ion Munteanu
, Calin Sandru
Rocco Aversa
and Massimiliano Rak
Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy
Research Institute e-Austria (IeAT), Timisoara, Romania
Computer Science Department, West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania
Negotiation, Sky computing, Multi-agent system, Negotiation policies, Cloud resources, Quality of services,
Service-level agreement, Resource provisioning.
Cloud represents today a computing market where users can buy resources according to a pay-per-use business
model. Cloud providers offer different kind of services which can be characterized by different service levels.
Negotiation of the best resource can be very difficult because there is a semantic gap between the different
provider SLAs and the requirements of an user’s application. We address the negotiation issue within the
research activity of the mOSAIC project by designing and developing an agents based service at platform
level for provisioning of cloud resources. In order to allow the execution of the application and fulfill the
developer’s requirements, the service uses a policy based approach that is able to choose, at infrastructure
level, the best solution, in terms of a collection of cloud resources from different providers.
Cloud Computing has emerged as the reference
paradigm for selling or renting computing resources.
Let’s imagine the Internet as a huge computer mar-
ket where customers look for, and get any kinds of
computer resources. We mean hardware, operating
systems, development platforms, application servers
or complete applications.
In this context, the problems that this paper ad-
dresses are on how to describe one’s own require-
ments, how to buy, pay and get cloud resources,
how to check if the resources are compliant with the
provider’s service level agreement.
The business model of cloud computing is pay per
use. It means that the business model does not tie
customers to one provider and that they could change
it when the application requirements change or when
a more convenient offer is available.
However this opportunity is limited by the fact
that, currently, providers use proprietary technologies
which make it impossible for a transparent migration
of users’ applications and platforms from one cloud
solution to another. This is known as vendor-lock-in
problem. It represents a relevant issue that is adressed
by the scientific community and founding calls. In
this context, the mOSAIC project (mOSAIC, 2010)
proposes a new, enhanced, programming paradigm
that is able to exploit the cloud computing features,
building applications which are able to adapt them-
selves as much as possible to the available resources
and to acquire new ones when needed. mOSAIC of-
fers together an API for flexible, scalable, fault tol-
erant, provider independent cloud applications and a
framework for enriching them with all needed fea-
tures by programming.
When interoperability and portability of applica-
tions across heterogeneous clouds are supported, au-
tonomous services, which can automatically manage
discovery, negotiation and monitoring of cloud re-
sources, represent an added value for users within the
sky computing paradigm (Aversa et al., 2011).
This article presents the state of art of research ac-
tivities on negotiation and complementary services in
Cloud. Furthermore it focuses on the agent based so-
lution proposed within the mOSAIC project and pro-
vides details about the last design choices and devel-
opments. Section 3 covers negotiation as a service.
The negotiation module, policies, models and algo-
rithms are discussed in section 4. Related work is dis-
Venticinque S., Negru V., Ion Munteanu V., Sandru C., Aversa R. and Rak M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003747003470350
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 347-350
ISBN: 978-989-8425-96-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
cussed in section 5. Finally, we come to conclusions
in section 6.
In the current context of the Cloud market, mOSAIC
is expected to offer the freedom of choice at program-
ming level as well as at the resource level. It intends
to create and promote an open-source Cloud applica-
tion programming interface and a platform targeted
for developing multi-Cloud oriented applications.
The Cloud Agency represents the central point for
resource management in the mOSAIC project. As a
multi-agent system, the Cloud Agency has been de-
signed to offer resource negotiation, monitoring and
reconfiguration services. These services can be ac-
cessed by the user’s application either through mO-
SAIC’s runtime (using mOSAIC’s SDK) or indepen-
dently (using API calls). For the purpose of this pa-
per, the focus will be on the negotiation service. The
process of resource provisioning involves specifica-
tion of parameters, gathering of offers and selecting
the best ones that suit the application needs. Once the
resources have been chosen, the SLA can be finally
generated. A long study has been made in order to
identify SLAs and QoS requirements that are the in-
puts of a negotiation module. These requirements are
the basis for defining resources and for defining both
negotiation policies and for defining monitoring and
reconfiguration policies.
The Cloud Agency’s negotiation service is provided
as an asynchronous API that is designed around an
event driven model. The service calls are divided in
Service Requests, Callbacks and Queries. Access is
enabled through a HTTP REST interface.
Service Requests are used execute something and
generate events within the agency (ex. to start a
negotiation, to accept to refuse a SLA, to change a
policy, etc). They are asynchronous and the result
comes through a CallBack.
CallBacks are used to receive and handle events
which follow previous Service Requests.
Queries are used to get information (ex. get
the list of vendors or resources). They are syn-
chronous and return immediately the response if
it is available, an exception otherwise.
Figure 1: Asynchronous behavior of the Negotiator.
This service is implemented by distributed and spe-
cialized agents, which interact using standard pro-
tocols. A Client Agent acts as access point (proxy
between the HTTP REST interface and the internal
Agent Communication Language). It receives the
user’s requests and cooperates with the Negotiator
Agent in order to broker cloud services and resources.
The Negotiator Agent handles SLA Template (Call
For Proposal) analysis and proposal evaluation. It
works with Mediator Agents in order to broker each
needed resource. The Mediator Agent identifies avail-
able Vendor Agents and contacts each of them for
bids on the needed resources. The Vendor Agents are
wrappers (drivers) that translate the specific provider
protocols into the uniform protocol used inside the
mOSAIC framework.
The cooperation among agents has been designed
adopting well defined Agents Interaction Protocols of
the FIPA standard (Grama et al., 2000). The Client
Agent implements a standard FIPA Contract Net In-
teraction Protocol with the Negotiator Agent. It sub-
mits a call for proposal using an SLA Template with
the application requirements and gets the SLA Pro-
posal. The Mediator Agent implements the stan-
dard FIPA Brokering Interaction Protocol. The sub-
protocol used to talk with vendors is again the stan-
dard FIPA Contract Net Interaction Protocol.
The behavior of each agent has been designed as
an automata. In Figure 1 the behavior of the Nego-
tiator Agent is shown. All the states can be followed
(from receiving a Call For Proposal to building a SLA
Proposal and, once accepted, booking the resources).
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The negotiation model was designed around the co-
operation of the agents involved (Client Agent, Ne-
gotiator Agent, Mediator Agents and Vendor Agents.
These agents work together to achieve a first-price
sealed-bid auction. The Vendor Agents submit bids
and the Negotiator Agent awards the contract to the
lowest price bidder.
Communication needs (with the client and within
the agency) led to the adoption of WS-Agreement
as a protocol for establishing agreements. The pro-
tocol has been used to describe documents ranging
from Call for Proposal to SLA Proposal. Each WS-
Agreement document has it’s terms defined using
OCCI resource specification. Once such a resource
has been negotiated it will contain additional infor-
mation offered by the provider (ex. price, QoS, access
Having all this information enables possible rea-
soning about it. It thus makes the creation of rules for
filtering for the best candidates or for specific criteria
Negotiation policies are a set of high level govern-
ing rules which define assertions or actions to be taken
when certain conditions are met. The language cho-
sen for describing these policies is WS-Policy which
is an XML-based standard that is integrated within the
WS-Agreement. We have extended this language in
order to accommodate for our specific goals.
When designing the policies, there were several
features sought like the ability to:
define the interaction with resource parameters
and provider parameters;
control the way matching is performed (exact, ap-
proximate etc);
identify common elements that are relevant to the
negotiation process;
haveflexibility when defining policies: in terms of
resources, providers, negotiation mechanism, etc;
be able to combine policies easily (as long as they
are not in conflict);
All the policies are defined within a < wsp :
Policy > XML tag that is within the WS-Agreement.
They are defined as blocks of < neg : Constraint >.
Each such block is composed of < neg : Targets >
and < neg : Conditions >. The < neg : Targets >
block describes a list of targets that that policy ap-
plies to. The < neg:Conditions> block describes the
Figure 2: Policy example.
rule conditions. Conditions can apply to any of the re-
source attributes both defined through the OCCI spec-
ifications and those added by the provider for QoS
and pricing. If the targets satisfy the conditions then
the whole < neg :Constraint > block is validated. If
all < neg : Constraint > blocks are validated then the
chosen resources are valid for building the SLA Pro-
Figure 2 expresses the flexibility of the policy sys-
tem. The figure describes a policy that targets com-
pute elements and forces their vendor to be either
Google or Microsoft.
Research into cloud market-oriented resource man-
agement and QoS-based resource allocation mecha-
nisms has been done by (Buyya et al., 2009). An
attempt to define several QoS metrics is presented
in (Cao et al., 2009): response time, availability, re-
liability, cost and reputation are considered. A refer-
ence of SLA model is provided in (Sim, 2010) where
SLA objectives (SLOs) are used to compose an SLA.
A number of service levels and performance metrics
for each resource results in multiple SLOs for ev-
ery service. The work presented in (Kertesz et al.,
2009) represents a first proposal to combine SLA-
based resource negotiations with virtualized resources
in terms of on-demand service provision.
Cloud multi-agent management architectures have
been proposed in (Cao et al., 2009) and (You
et al., 2011).The implementation that was presented
in (Sim, 2010) is very interesting because it supports
dynamic negotiations.
Approaches to policy based automatic SLA nego-
tiation have been made by (Zulkernine and Martin,
2011) for Web Services and by (Xiao and Cao, 2010)
for Internet-based Virtual Computing Environments.
Preliminary investigations by the authors on re-
lated topics have been presented in (Venticinque et al.,
2011) and (Aversa et al., 2010). Here we describe last
advances within the scheduled activities of the mO-
SAIC project.
In this paper we described the requirements, the
design and the prototype implementation of Cloud
Agency, an agent based software that provides pro-
visioning capability to Cloud, the focus of the paper
being on the policy based negotiation module. The
Cloud-Agency has been conceived to be used both as
a stand-alone software and as a component of the mO-
SAIC framework. The agency exposes negotiation,
monitoring and autonomic reconfiguration services.
Asynchronous APIs have been designed and provided
by a REST interface, which follows the OCCI ref-
erence model. To execute services, agents commu-
nicate using standard FIPA messages and according
to FIPA interaction protocols. A demonstrator has
been implemented using the Jade platform. Detection
of critical situations and autonomic reconfiguration
of cloud resources are based on reconfiguration poli-
cies. Reconfiguration policies are event-condition-
action rules that allow to design autonomic behavior
in a flexible and dynamic way. Future works aim at
engineering the complete Cloud Agency also by im-
plementing and testing effective algorithms for nego-
tiation, and real profiles for monitoring and recon-
figuration in real case studies. Components of the
mOSAIC framework that allows to automatically in-
tegrate the agent services into the Cloud applications
will be also developed.
This research is supportedby the European grant FP7-
ICT-2009-5-256910 (mOSAIC) and partially sup-
ported by the grants POSDRU 21/1.5/G/13798, POS-
DRU/88/1.5/S/49516 and by the Romanian Govern-
ment PNII grant nr. 12118/2008 (SCIPA).
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence