Figure 2: SCOPE results for Scenario 3.
We have developed SCOPE, a framework with a
modular design for SCN simulation and analysis.
This tool may help SCN managers and researchers
to better understand how a given SCN configuration
performs in the presence of external and/or internal
disturbances. SCOPE is completely open for
improvement, which can be done in several ways:
New functions, i.e. more policies, planning
models, heuristics methods, priority rules,
forecast methods, etc.
New behaviours in order to have agents more
proactive and with negotiation abilities.
Including a User Interface.
Future work includes the following lines:
Studying the Bullwhip Effect and optimizing
inventory policies when there are multiple
Providers, each one providing different raw
materials with different stochastic lead times.
Testing up-to-date heuristic rules for
scheduling. Simulation of full-scale SCNs and
analysis of the impact that these have on lead
times and customer satisfaction when they are
implemented at different levels of the SCN.
Studying different policies for purchase
selection, giving to the agents the ability of
selecting the best offer in each purchase and
analyzing their individual and global benefits.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence