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Renz, 2002; Liu et al., 2009)). The problem of identi-
fying maximal tractable subsets of RCD is still open.
It would be interesting to search for tractable classes
(strictly) including the convex fragment.
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mission under grant TIN2009-14372-C03-01, and
the Spanish MEC through the project 15277/PI/10,
funded by Seneca Agency of Science and Technol-
ogy of the Region of Murcia within the II PCTRM
2007-2010. Finally, Guido Sciavicco and Angelo
Montanari were also partially founded by the Span-
ish fellowship ‘Ramon y Cajal’ RYC-2011-07821and
by the Italian PRIN project Innovative and multi-
disciplinary approaches for constraint and preference
reasoning, respectively.
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