Maxim Davidovsky
, Vadim Ermolayev
and Vyacheslav Tolok
Department of Mathematical Modeling, Zaporozhye National University, Zhukovskogo 66, Zaporozhye, Ukraine
Department of Information Technologies, Zaporozhye National University, Zhukovskogo 66, Zaporozhye, Ukraine
Keywords: Ontology, Ontology Alignment, Ontology Matching, Ontology Mapping, Intelligent Agent, Meaning
Abstract: Ontologies today are increasingly used as consensual knowledge representations in many distributed
applications. However, if a system of knowledge based nodes is decentralized, the ontologies at those nodes
differ. Therefore the alignment of knowledge representations is required. One of the promising approaches
to solve this heterogeneity is the use of agents for aligning knowledge representations. The paper presents a
brief survey of the approaches to agent-based ontology alignment. The analysis of these approaches is
grounded on the analysis of the requirements to ontology alignments by typical applications that address
semantic heterogeneity in open and decentralized settings.
Nowadays ontologies are used in many applications
for knowledge management, e-commerce,
information retrieval and sharing, etc. One of the
promising approaches in application scenarios that
require operating knowledge representations is the
use of intelligent software agents capable of
processing ontologies in order to achieve specific
goals. Typically in open and decentralized systems,
such as the Semantic Web (Berners Lee et al., 2001)
different agents possess varying ontologies. These
semantic differences entail wrong processing or
possible misunderstanding between agents.
Ontologies may evolve in time – differently at
different processing nodes. Moreover, different
parties in an application encounter are not aware of
the changes occurred in ontology evolution. The
heterogeneity of knowledge representations
amplified by the distortion caused by uncoordinated
changes makes the use of knowledge in distributed
intelligent applications a challenging problem. A
possible solution is the use of ontology matching
that discovers possible mappings between concepts
forming respective ontologies (Euzenat and Shvaiko,
2007). The result of matching is ontology alignment.
It may be argued that the challenge mentioned
above is artificial and arises only because the
scenarios are over-complicated by the use of
distributed ontologies. Unfortunately this is not true
and ontologies are a means to solve a number of
problems such as domain analysis, knowledge
sharing and reuse, etc (Bermejo-Alonso et al., 2006),
(Huhns and Singh, 1997). Consequently, ontologies
are a means to provide a semantic foundation for
solving interoperability challenge in open distributed
settings, using agent paradigm in particular. A
number of proposed solutions is based on the use of
a common shared ontology(-ies) that can be
instantiated by agents for a particular encounter
(Van Aart et al., 2002), (Tamma, Wooldridge and
Dickinson, 2002), (Mascardi et al., 2007). The two
major uses of ontologies are outlined by Dong,
Hussain and Chang (2008).
The first one assumes that ontologies
conceptualize the protocols for guiding agents’
behaviour in interactions. The problem in this case is
the change of interaction protocols to apply new
negotiation goals and strategies reflecting the
varying nature of environment(s). Different agents
can also use different negotiation terms causing
ambiguity or misinterpretation of communicated
content in interactions.
Consequently the second case is the use of
ontologies as shared vocabularies for resolving
content heterogeneity problems in agents
communications, for example to carry out
translations between ontologies (Obitko, 2007).
A typical difficulty however is that a central or
shared ontology or vocabulary is rarely available.
Davidovsky M., Ermolayev V. and Tolok V..
DOI: 10.5220/0003748603550361
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 355-361
ISBN: 978-989-8425-96-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
So, the communicating nodes in a decentralized
system have to align their knowledge representations
and respective interpretations. Many of the
published solutions rely on the existence of a
centralized authority that provides such aligned
interpretations. In agent-based approaches a
specialized agent offering an ontology alignment
service is typically involved (e.g. (Cardoso, Teixeira
and Oliveira, 2008)). However, it is typically
considered that the ontology mappings leading the
required alignment are somehow available off the
Interestingly, ontology alignment in its essence
is the problem that has the same nature as the
interoperability challenge in open and decentralized
systems. So, it may be expected that it may be
solved using a similar approach – i.e. having a good
solution technique for ontology alignment will
facilitate solving the mentioned interoperability
challenge. In this paper the frameworks and existing
agent-based solutions for ontology alignment are
surveyed. The paper starts with the explicit formal
definition of ontology alignment. It continues with
the analysis of the known challenging applications
that involve semantic heterogeneity and require
interoperable solutions. Our focus in examining
those cases is the severity of the requirement of
using the alignments of knowledge representations.
Finally, the paper overviews and analyses the agent-
based frameworks that aim to solve ontology
alignment. Some conclusions on the state of the art
in the field are drawn out of those analyses.
The analysis of the literature on ontology alignment
reveals some terminological ambiguity. Some
authors e.g. Abolhassani, Hariri and Haeri (2006),
Euzenat (2004a) denote ontology alignment as a
process of finding correspondences between
ontology entities. Other publications e.g. Euzenat
and Shvaiko (2007), Gargantilla and Gomez-Perez
(2004) define this process as ontology matching and
regard alignment as a result of matching. The key
concept of “ontology” is also denoted in different
ways depending on the viewpoint. In our research
the following notions are used.
Following Euzenat and Shvaiko (2007), an
ontology is formally denoted as a tuple
== ,,,,,,,, VTIRCo
C is the set of
concepts (or classes);
is the set of relations
(object and datatype properties);
is the set of
is the set of datatypes;
is the set
of values;
is a reflexive, anti-symmetric and
transitive relation on
)( )( )
specialization, that form partial orders on
C and
called concept hierarchy and relation hierarchy
is an irreflexive and symmetric
relation on
)( )
called exclusion;
is a relation over
()( )
is a relation over
assignment; (the sets
VTIRC ,,,,
are pairwise
Hereby, ontology matching is denoted as a
process of finding correspondences (or mappings)
between the elements of
VTIRC ,,,,
. Mapping (or
mapping rule (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007)) is a
neem ,,,
are the elements
TIRC ,,,
of respective ontologies
is a set of relations; and
a confidence value (typically in the range of
According to the specification of OWL
(www.w3.org/standards/techs/owl#w3c_all), that is
a de facto standard ontology representation language
are represented in OWL as classes,
datatypes, object properties, data properties,
annotation properties or named individuals.
A good survey of ontology-based applications is
(Gargantilla and Gomez-Perez, 2004). The
applications of agent-based ontology alignment are
surveyed by Euzenat and Shvaiko (2007), ontology
matching applications in particular. A
comprehensive summary of ontology matching
techniques and applications is (Scharffe et al., 2007).
Based on these we figure out the following several
typical applications, specifically those using agent
orientation, and analyse to which extent they require
ontology alignment.
Information retrieval and knowledge sharing:
A number of proposals address Information retrieval
(IR) supported by intelligent software agents – for
example (Zuo, 2006), (Mohammadian and Jentzsch,
2004), (Finin et al., 2005).
A well founded framework based on a multi-
agent system for querying heterogeneous data
sources integrated using ontologies was developed
in the SEWASIE project (Dongilli, Fillottrani,
Franconi and Tessaris, 2005). In IR intelligent
software agents are used for extracting information
or knowledge satisfying the semantics and the
context of a user query. Alignments are needed for
correlating query structure and semantics with
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
information resource schemas and metadata. The
critical characteristic here is high recall as it is
important not to miss any potentially relevant
information while non-relevant can be sifted out in
subsequent steps.
Data/ information integration: Ontology
alignments are used in this application for
integrating data stored in separate, partial and
heterogeneous sources into a single asset. Integration
of the schemas of different databases can also be
regarded in this category. A multi-agent architecture
for data integration based on ontologies is presented
in (Medcraft, Schiel and Baptista, 2003). A method
for specifying schema mappings and agents actions
in XML data integration task is described in
(Brzykcy et al., 2008). A detailed problem statement
and solution is elaborated in (Nagy and Vargas-
Vera, 2010). For this kind of applications the degree
of automation is very important as data/information
integration is a laborious task. Besides the effort to
be spent, the involvement of a human in the loop
may be the cause of errors.
Dynamic data/information fusion:
based solutions are used in fusion scenarios for
dynamic creation of semantically adequate samples
from heterogeneous sources. (Sobh, 2009) proposes
a multi-agent model for carrying out information
fusion from multiple sensors in dynamic
environment. An in-depth analysis of the
information fusion problem together with respective
solutions and implementations in the field of
geographical information processing are presented in
(Duckham and Worboys, 2007). As argued by these
authors, the critical parameters for those solutions
are speed and level of automation as information
fusion is usually carried out in real-time (e.g. signal
processing from multiple sensors).
Human-machine dialogues: Alignments are
used in human-agent interaction to provide mutual
understanding between a user and an agent. They
can be used for intelligent human-machine
dialoguing in order to obtain a formalizable set of
requirements, structures, queries, etc. from informal
or poorly structured user descriptions. As a rule such
dialogs are run in iterative way. (Brasoveanu et al.,
2010) argue the importance of using generic
multimodal ontologies on the Semantic Web and
propose an approach to enhance human-agent
interaction based on multimodal ontologies.
(Guzzoni et al., 2007) propose a toolkit-based
approach for modeling human-agent interaction.
Their toolset provides a means to model different
aspects of an intelligent assistant such as: ontology-
based knowledge structures; service-based primitive
actions; composite processes and procedures; natural
language and dialog structures. (Tijerino et al.,
2004) report a framework for human-agent
collaboration for the purpose of problem solving on
the Semantic Web. In human-machine dialogue
scenarios the most critical features are adaptability,
integrativity, and scalability that allow enhancing
human-machine mutual understanding.
Ontology evolution, versioning, refinement,
instance migration: Ontology evolution and
refinement are the necessary conditions for
adequately representing knowledge for dynamically
changing domains. Agents use ontology matching to
determine the knowledge that remains adequate to
the changes for reuse in a new ontology version or in
a new ontology. A typical subtask is instance
migration in order to populate the obtained target
ontology ABox based on the analysis of the
structural differences between the sorce and the
target TBoxes (Davidovsky, Ermolayev and Tolok,
2010). Packer, Gibbins and Jennings (2009) present
an approach for ontology evolution and knowledge
acquisition based on agent collaboration. The
approach enables agents augmenting their ontologies
by selecting and sharing the fragments of ontologies
that correspond to a particular domain of interest, or
even narrower – to a particular concept. The
highlights of the approach are complexity and
concept acquisition cost reduction by sharing only
those concepts and relationships that relate to a
particular case. The agent-based approach for
ontology evolution is presented in (Li and Yang,
2008) where the process of ontology refinement is
driven by negotiation rounds among agents. The
approach is applied to supply chain case study.
Similarly to data/information integration task, the
importance of a high level of automation and
decreasing human effort is emphasised for this kind
of applications.
Web service composition: Agents draw up
compositions of services conforming the
requirements and privileges of a user or an agent.
Agents use alignments between ontologies
describing service interfaces (or profiles) in order to
compose web services by connecting their
interfaces. The aspects of ontology reconciliation
with respect to Web services and their composition
are elaborated in (Li and Yang, 2008), (Paurobally,
Tamma and Wooldridge, 2007), (Huang, Zavala,
Mendoza and Huhns, 2005). An important
requirement for such systems is the capability of
adaptation and integration for providing compliant
access and making the use of aggregate and atomic
services more convenient.
Table 1: Requirements for ontology alignment in typical applications in open and distributed settings. (Legend: c – crucial,
n – necessary, a – advisable, u – uncritical).
level of
Information retrieval and knowledge sharing n c a u n a a c
Data/information integration u c u n n a c c
Dynamic data/information fusion n c a n n n a n
Ontology evolution, refinement, instance migration u c u a a a c c
Human-machine dialogues n a n c c c a a
Web service composition n c u c c a c c
The requirements for the described typical
software applications that require ontology
alignment are summarized in table 1. The
characteristics along which the requirements are
assessed are implementation independent. In the
next section we focus on the solutions of the
ontology alignment problem that use agent
orientation. The plethora of non-agent oriented
approaches have been surveyed by other authors –
for example (Chuttur, 2011), (Vázquez-Naya et al.,
2009), (Zhdanova et al., 2004), (Euzenat and
Shvaiko, 2007), (Euzenat et al., 2004b).
Many influential publications, for example (Berners
Lee et al., 2001), envision that intelligent software
components, like agents, need to be used together
with ontologies for making semantic technologies
accepted and effective in open and decentralized
scenarios. For such agent based solutions,
comprising industrial applications, the heterogeneity
problem is the challenge that has to be faced.
Ontology alignments are a means to solve the
challenge. The problem has received substantial
attention in the literature. In this section the
frameworks aiming at solving ontology alignment
problem are surveyed. Attention is paid to the basic
theoretical formalism and the fitness of the solution
for the applications summarized in table 1.
(Schorlemmer et al., 2007) presents a formal
foundation for ontology alignment regarding it as a
product of meaning negotiation between intelligent
software agents. The focus is the introduction of
general alignment interaction models. The approach
is grounded on Barwise and Seligman’s theory of
information (Barwise and Seligman, 1997) and uses
their notion of information flow as a basic
formalism. Alignment is defined as a system of
classifications and infomorphisms and obtained by
meaning coordination between agents
Ag and
Ag through the information channel
⎯⎯⎯→ , where C is the classification
determined by the meaning coordination done
A ,
A – respective classifications;
f ,
– respective infomorphisms. The IF-based approach
has been implemented as the IF-Map method for
automated ontology mapping (Kalfoglou and
Schorlemmer, 2002).
Atencia and Schorlemmer (2008) argue that
semantic alignment in most cases is strongly relative
to a particular interaction between agents and even
more strongly depends on a particular state of this
interaction. Hence, the context of an interaction
should be taken into account. This observation is
also concurred by a number of approaches
addressing the problem (e.g. (Besana and Robertson,
2006)). Information flow theory is sufficiently
general and abstract to be applied in almost all
application scenarios.
A variety of alternative approaches are grounded
on Argumentation Frameworks (AF) introduced in
(Dung, 1995) and widely adopted in Artificial
Intelligence in broad (Rahwan and Simari, 2009)
and in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) applications
(Maudet, Parsons, and Rahwan, 2007).
Argumentation is used for ontology alignment by
agents to determine acceptable mappings in
negotiations. Argumentation-based solutions for
negotiations between agents using different
ontologies are considered in (Euzenat et al., 2006)
with a focus on presenting an argumentation
framework for arguing about ontology alignments.
Dung defined argumentation framework as a pair
attacksARAF ,=
is a set of
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
attacks is a binary relation on
BAattacks , signifies that argument
. (Bench-Capon, 2003) extends it to the
Value-based AF (VAF) as a 5-tuple
PvalVattacksARVAF ,,,,=
V is a non-
empty set of values,
is a function which maps
the elements of
to the elements of V and
the set of possible audiences. An audience represents
one ordered set of values that states if an attack
succeeds or fails according to the values the
arguments promote. The use of VAF allows
prescribing assigning different strengths to
arguments depending on the values and accounting
for different interests and preferences over
arguments with respect to a particular agents
audience. VAF is used as a common ground for the
approaches described in (Laera, Tamma, Euzenat,
Bench-Capon and Payne, 2006), (Trojahn, Moraes,
Quaresma and Vieira, 2008), and (Isaac et al., 2008).
In (Trojahn et al., 2008) VAF is used for alignment
compositions and is complemented with a set of
confidence degrees and a mapping of those degrees
to arguments representing the confidence of an agent
in some argument. (Isaac et al., 2008) present a
Voting-based VAF (V-VAF) and a Strength VAF
(S-VAF). S-VAF extends the VAF with a function
that maps elements of
to real values within
representing the strength of the argument. V-VAF is
defined by adding a notion of support (a reflexive
binary relation over
disjoint to attacks) which
allows counting arguments as defenders (or co-
attackers) within a particular attack. Taking into
consideration the obtained counts, voting allows
determining whether an attack is successful or not.
An interesting comparison of AFs is presented in
(Trojahn et al., 2009) which analyzes VAF, S-VAF
and V-VAF and evaluates them using ontologies
from the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative
(OAEI, oaei.ontologymatching.org) evaluation data
set. (Maio and Silva, 2010) propose an approach
based on the Bipolar AF (BAF) by (Cayrol and
Lagasquie-Schiex, 2005). Similarly to V-VAF, BAF
extends the AF with the capability of representing
the support relation between arguments. In BAF the
support relation allows indicating the arguments
which are assumed to be independent of the attack
relation. (Trojahn and Euzenat, 2010) presents both
theoretical and empirical study of ontology
consistency state depending on argumentation-
grounded alignments. Comparing to approaches
based on IF-theory, AF-based ones better fit to those
application scenarios where the agent paradigm is
commonly used – in information retrieval, human-
machine dialogues and web-service composition.
However, it is a promising approach also for such
tasks as ontology evolution, refinement and instance
migration especially in decentralised settings where
manipulating of distributed heterogeneous
ontologies is a necessary subtask.
(Ermolayev et al., 2005) elaborate a strategy for
automated meaning negotiation. Similarly to
(Atencia and Schorlemmer, 2008) their approach
aims at aligning ontologies by parts (contexts) that
are relevant to a particular negotiation encounter.
Negotiations imply iterative reduction of semantic
distance between the contexts. An agent uses
propositional substitutions which may reduce the
distance and support them with argumentation. The
process is stopped when the distance reaches a
commonly accepted threshold or the involved parties
exhaust their propositions and arguments. As
opposed to the above-mentioned AF-based
approaches this framework addresses the entire
process of semantic reconciliation between
ontologies and does not require off-the-shelf
mappings. The approach is oriented to a specific task
of meaning coordination between a query submitter
and a mediator agent in distributed information
retrieval. However, essentially it does not use any
application dependent features and could therefore
be used in other applications of ontology alignment.
In a summary it has to be noted that the majority
of agent-based solutions use negotiation techniques
as the most natural and well-proven mechanism for
agent interaction. Several basic theoretical
approaches with different expressive power are
exploited. However the most widely used formalism
is the Dung’s Argumentation Framework (or its
The paper presented a brief survey of the approaches
to agent-based ontology alignment. The analysis of
these approaches is grounded on the analysis of the
requirements to ontology alignments by typical
applications that address semantic heterogeneity in
open and decentralized settings.
All the solutions that have been surveyed are
rather abstract ones that can be used for different
applications than they are application dependent.
The majority of the reviewed frameworks still
wait for their implementation and experimental
validation. Trojahn (2009) and Isaac (2008) report
their experimental setups and evaluation results.
Kalfoglou (2002) also reports implementation and
application case study. With respect to the rest of
the frameworks it is hard to assess and compare the
fitness of their approaches to the range of typical
applications of ontology alignment.
The research presented in this paper has been
supported in part by DataArt. The company has
provided the travel grant for attending and
presenting at ICAART 2012.
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