(Ray, 2004) to academic departments of FIUBA,
taking those departments as operative units and
asessing, analyzing and evaluating their possible
inputs and outputs.
This project was accredited by University of
Buenos Aires with code 2002 0090 2006 29 in the
UBACyT 2010-2012 period.
2.1 Hypothesis
In order to achieve that, validity of a quantitative
approach like DEA methodology will be
experimented. This methodology bases in this
essential hipothesis:
Input and output measures for each university
unit are known;
Efficiency for each unit is presented as a
weighted sum of the outputs defined divided
by the weighted sum of the inputs defined;
All efficiencies will be restricted to the (0, 1)
Mathematical model proposed will ougth to
determine efficiency value for each unit by
maximizing its efficiency and determining
weights for inputs and outputs.
2.2 Information Used
The first plan is to use information that belongs to
last years of management in FIUBA. In subsequent
stages, when methodology would be validated,
extension to other internal academic units and
external units is planned.
One of the core aspects of the process will be the
selection of units to be evaluated. We have used
academic units as FIUBA Departments, Institutes,
Schools, trying to be relatively similar in dimension
and characteristics.
Once the units to be evaluated were identified
we defined inputs and output, according to available
information and apply some appropriate method for
selecting variables, restricting its quantity in order to
obtain a reasonable degree in discriminating
efficiencies and taking into account (Cooper et al,
2000, 2007) refering compliance of >= max((m .
s);3(m + s)) being m inputs and s outputs.
Other aspect that should be matter of analysis is
DEA's classical assumption that efficiencies of units
for every activity are equal. This assumption could
not be true in case of academic units, where
activities as teaching, research, extension may have
different efficiencies. This situation would force
rethinking the model to consider that fact.
2.3 Method
As mentioned early, a quantitative method based on
DEA approach is used. Within this central idea,
DEA method has a group of alternative models
available, from which the basic are CCR models,
owing their name to their authors: A. Charnes, W.
W. Cooper and E. Rhodes (Charnes et al, 1978),
who initially proposed them with a non linear
optimization structure.
Non-linear CCR DEA model has an objective
function that maximizes efficiency E
, where j = o
means the generic S
system subscript. In this paper,
j is an academic or management unit for which
weights u
and v
are to be determined. This weights
and v
are applied in every S
efficiency expression
within ≤ 1 inequalities, trying to normalize its
values, therefore forming the model restrictions,
which are complemented with non-negativity
conditions for the weights u
and v
. The model
obtained has a non-linear structure.
Subject to:
The process is repeated for each of the n S
systems, leading to a series of n groups of weights u
and v
To determine efficiency of each functional unit,
it is needed to solve n models, one for each unit. The
basic model is a non-linear model, which can be
solved with non-linear optimizers. However, this
model can be taken to an equivalent linear form,
with the inherent advantages of linear models. This
is achieved fixing the objective
denominator as 1. In that way, the numerator itself
will measure efficiency, passing denominators of the
n restrictions to the second member and, then, the
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems