Frank Kleiner
, Andreas Abecker
and Marco Mauritczat
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14, Karlsruhe, Germany
disy Informationssysteme GmbH, Erbprinzenstr. 4-12, Karlsruhe, Germany
Infomotion GmbH, Ludwigstr. 33-37, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
IT service management, Semantic Wiki, Ontology-based information systems, Collaborative ITSM.
IT Service Management (ITSM) is concerned with providing IT services to customers. In order to improve
the provision of services, ITSM frameworks (e.g., ITIL) mandate the storage of all IT-relevant information in
a central Configuration Management System (CMS). This paper describes our Semantic Incident and Problem
Analyzer, which builds on a Semantic Wiki-based Configuration Management System. The Semantic Incident
and Problem Analyzer assists IT-support personnel in tracking down the causes of incidents and problems in
complex IT landscapes. It covers two use cases: (1) by analyzing the similarities between two or more system
configurations with problems, it suggests possible locations of the problem; (2) by analyzing changes over
time of a component with a problem, possible configuration changes are reported which might have led to the
The increasing complexity of IT landscapes, paired
with an increasing dependency on IT services from
almost all functions within an organization has led
to new paradigms for managing information technol-
ogy. While for a long time, the technical aspects
of IT were the center of attention, the IT Service
Management (ITSM) approach centers around ser-
vices, while putting technical aspects into the back-
ground. Focusing on the customer helps to align
services provided by the IT department with an or-
ganization’s business goals (Addy, 2007; Clacy and
Jennings, 2007). There exist a number of frame-
works which give guidelines for the implementation
of ITSM-relevant functions and processes within or-
ganizations. Currently, the IT Infrastructure Li-
brary (ITIL) (Caetlidge et al., 2008; Cannon and
Wheeldon, 2007) is the most widely used general-
purpose IT Service Management framework. ITIL
consists of five volumes, which describe the lifecy-
cle of IT services. The topics addressed in this pa-
per make use of and build on the following ITIL pro-
Service Asset and Configuration Management
(SACM) deals with maintaining a system for
managing all entities used for providing IT ser-
vices, including their relations to and dependen-
cies from each other. Entities are referred to as
Configuration Items (CIs) and are stored in the
Configuration Management System (CMS). Infor-
mation about CIs is stored in one or more Config-
uration Management Database(s) (CMDB), which
are part of the Configuration Management Sys-
tem (Lacy and Macfarlane, 2007). A simple ex-
ample for CMDB entries goes as follows: a ser-
vice which is responsible for providing an organi-
zation’s Web site is provided by a Web Content
Management System running on an instance of
the Apache Web server on a certain computer. It
uses a MySQL database instance, which runs on
another computer. In order to communicate, the
computers are networked together by using a net-
work switch. The network switch is connected to
a router, which provides Internet access. As can
be seen, in order for the Web site to be available
(customer perspective), a number of services and
systems have to be running and reachable via the
network (technical perspective).
Change Management is concerned with the ap-
plication of changes to an IT infrastructure (e.g.,
hardware, software, services) in a controlled man-
ner. The goal is to assess the potentials for prob-
lems with planned changes and to mitigate the
Kleiner F., Abecker A. and Mauritczat M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003751303630372
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 363-372
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
associated risks. Change Management depends
heavily on Service Asset and Configuration Man-
agement for understanding dependencies between
IT components when planning changes (Lacy and
Macfarlane, 2007). Resuming the example, this
means that before upgrading the MySQL database
to a new version, it has to be made sure that it does
not break the database access of the Web Con-
tent Management System before performing the
Incident Management is the process within the
ITIL framework which is responsible for fixing
the causes of service interruptions. An incident in
ITIL is defined as an “unplanned interruption to
an IT service or reduction in the quality of an IT
service” (Cannon and Wheeldon, 2007). The fo-
cus of the Incident Management process is clearly
on restoring the service as soon as possible, with-
out necessarily being concerned with the under-
lying cause of the incident (Cannon and Wheel-
don, 2007). For example, if the Web site stops
working, a solution within Incident Management
would be to restart the Web server or to rebuild a
broken database.
Problem Management is concerned with finding
the underlying causes of service failures. Even if a
service was successfully restored within the Inci-
dent Management process, it has to be made sure
that the error which caused the outage will not re-
occur in the future (Cannon and Wheeldon, 2007).
For example, the cause of the database crash could
be a relatively rare error in the underlying hard-
ware, which has to be detected and which leads to
replacing the problematic hardware component.
In (Kleiner and Abecker, 2009; Kleiner et al.,
2009a), we motivated and described a collaborative,
semantics-enabled ITSM software support based on
the Semantic MediaWiki. In the works published so
far, we focussed on the Service Asset and Configu-
ration Management process above. The value-added
of that ITSM software infrastructure mainly comes
from the use of a Semantic Wiki as a “single point
of information” that collects and integrates manifold
kinds of information and knowledge about an orga-
nization’s hardware and software environment. In
this paper, we aim at drawing further benefit from
the collected information in order to support addi-
tional ITSM processes, namely Incident Management
and Problem Management; by examining the stored
knowledge about configuration items, their structure
and relationships, we want to analyse the causes for
occurring incidents or documented fault situations. If
such an analysis tool works well, the created new
knowledge about problem causes may also be ex-
ploited for Change Management. In this paper, we
present a prototypical tool with the desired function-
ality, called Semantic Incident and Problem Analyzer
This paper is organized as follows: first, a detailed
problem description is given in section 2, followed by
a description of our design in section 3. The imple-
mentation of the Semantic Incident and Problem An-
alyzer is described in section 4. In section 5, a con-
clusion is given, followed by a discussion of related
work and an outlook on future work.
2.1 Application Environment
The solution presented in this paper addresses a num-
ber of real-life problems encountered in the daily op-
erations within the IT department of an SME orga-
nization with about 150 full-time employees as well
as 250 part-time employees. Because the organiza-
tion’s core business is mainly IT-centric, the knowl-
edge of the majority of its employees can be rated
high or very high. The IT department, which con-
sists of four full-time and eight part-time employees,
provides IT services mostly for in-house customers.
Services include the design and maintenance of the
network infrastructure (ethernet, wireless networks,
telephone, VoIP), email services, Web services, and
database services. Furthermore, it includes the cov-
erage of IT equipment through its life-cycle, e.g., the
acquisition, testing, commissioning, maintenance and
decommissioning of servers, desktop computers, and
notebooks. While key infrastructure components and
services are maintained by the IT department, em-
ployees are free to install software required for their
work on their workstations, as well as to set up ser-
vices for testing purposes within the internal network.
2.2 Incident Classes
After analyzing the incidents reported to our IT de-
partment’s help desk system and their underlying
causes, it was observed that there are three main
classes of incidents:
Class 1: Multiple incidents with a common
cause. Two or more incidents occur, which are
related to each other by a common cause. An ex-
ample for this kind of incident is the failure of a
network switch, which leads to a number of users
having network problems.
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Class 2: Single incident evolved over time. An
incident occurs, where a single computer evolves
a problem which can be traced back to a change
which was applied to the computer by the user or
the IT department. An example is an upgrade to a
Web browser, which crashes when visiting a cer-
tain Web page, which loaded perfectly fine before
the upgrade.
Class 3: Stand-alone incident. An incident oc-
curs on a single system without a previous change
to any component. Examples are mostly found
when looking at hardware failures (e.g., a failed
harddisk or main-board).
Because incidents generally have an underlying
problem, which has to be found and fixed in order
to prevent an error from reoccurring, tracking down
the cause of an incident means finding the incident’s
underlying problem. Depending on the class of the
incident, different techniques have to be applied and
different knowledge of the support personnel is re-
quired. In order to find the cause of a class 1 incident,
a detailed knowledge of similarities between IT com-
ponents has to be possessed by the person assigned
to find the problem. If this is not the case, informa-
tion has to be gathered from the CMDB, which can be
cumbersome if done manually. For class 2 incidents,
in some cases the user of a system can give valuable
hints by narrowing down the time interval when the
undesired behavior occurred for the first time. Class 3
incidents are usually relatively easy to detect, because
they are limited to a single system.
In addition to the different classes, incidents with
the same class of underlying problem can occur on
different systems independently from each other and
distributed over time. This means that in order to
speed up locating problems, it is necessary to docu-
ment fixed problems and make them searchable for
further use.
2.3 Requirements Analysis
After studying the different classes of incidents, the
requirements for a tool which helps in tracking down
the underlying problems were formulated. Because
class 3 incidents are on the one hand restricted to a
single system, which makes locating them relatively
easy, and on the other hand not detectable via com-
paring CIs, class 3 incidents are not pursued further
and partly left to mechanisms used for detecting fail-
ing equipment.
The requirements for the Semantic Incident and
Problem Analyzer are as follows:
Ability to find the cause of class 1 incidents by
comparing a given list of IT components for sim-
ilarities. E.g., to detect a failing network switch
from incidents reported by independent users in-
dicating a problem.
Ability to find the cause of class 2 incidents by
comparing configurations in time. For example, to
detect the cause of an incident report which states,
that a program was running fine two days ago, was
not used yesterday and does not start today.
Ability to find problems which were fixed on
the same or other computers in the past, e.g., a
browser update caused problems with a browser
plug-in, which happened again on another com-
puter, with another browser version and another
Before presenting the implementation of the Se-
mantic Incident and Problem Analyzer, an overview
of the Semantic Wiki-based IT Service Management
platform and of the ontology of the Semantic Incident
and Problem Analyzer domain, is given.
3.1 Wikis and Semantic Wikis
Wikis are Web sites which enable visitors to con-
tribute to their content by editing the content from
within their Web browsers. The Wikipedia
clopedia is a shining example for the possibilities
of Wikis. In the corporate context, Wikis are often
used for knowledge management for projects, as
portals, and as tools for project management. More
information about Wikis can be found in (Barrett,
2008; Ebersbach et al., 2007).
Semantic Wikis extend Wikis by adding fea-
tures to express semantic statements. These explicit
semantic statements allow a better processing of
Wiki articles and their relations by a computer. In
(Schaffert et al., 2008), an overview of characteristics
of Semantic Wikis as well as some examples for
implementations are given. The main characteristics
of a Semantic Wiki are (Schaffert et al., 2008):
Semantic Wikis extend non-semantic Wikis by
adding means to express structured data, while
keeping the Wiki’s flexibility and collaborative
working style. In order to achieve this goal,
“meta-data in the form of semantic annotations of
the Wiki pages themselves and of the link rela-
tions between Wiki pages” (Schaffert et al., 2008)
is supported.
An ontology (Staab and Studer, 2009) forms the
underlying knowledge model of the Wiki. Added
and changed annotations in the Semantic Wiki
are reflected in the ontology. Usually, Ontologies
used by Semantic Wikis are represented in RDF
Schema or OWL (Allemang and Hendler, 2008),
which simplifies the exchange of data with exter-
nal applications.
Additional implicit information can be derived
from information present in the Wiki by using de-
ductive reasoning (Kr
otzsch et al., 2007).
Semantic Wikis provide simple means for anno-
tating links, articles and other content.
Attributes and relations can be used in queries
which extend the possibilities of queries from
simple keyword searches to more complex ones.
There is a number of different implementations
of Semantic Wikis
. The work presented in this pa-
per builds on top of the Semantic MediaWiki soft-
ware (Kr
otzsch et al., 2007; Vrande
c and Kr
2009). Semantic MediaWiki is an extension for the
popular MediaWiki software which is the technical
basis for Wikipedia and numerous other Wiki sites.
MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki were selected
because of their reliability, extensibility, and the qual-
ity of their documentation.
3.2 Semantic Wiki-based IT Service
Management Platform
When looking at the IT landscape of organizations,
it can be seen that there exists a multitude of differ-
ent hardware components (e.g., desktop computers,
servers, notebooks, network switches, routers, print-
ers), software components (e.g., operating systems,
Web server software, database server software) and
services (e.g., an organization’s Web site, email ser-
vice). In addition, there exist dependencies between
these CIs, e.g., an instance of an operating system is
running on a certain physical server, which is con-
nected to a certain network switch and is providing
a number of specific services. As shown in (Kleiner
and Abecker, 2009; Kleiner et al., 2009b), a Seman-
tic Wiki can be used as a Configuration Management
System for managing information about CIs as well as
the relations between the CIs. In our scenario, each CI
is described in a Wiki article which means that each
computer and other hardware component has an as-
sociated Wiki page which lists its properties. In the
case of a computer, properties range from its name to
its serial number. Relations to other CIs are expressed
2 wiki projects
as relations between Wiki articles, e.g., the manufac-
turer of a computer has its own Wiki page, which is
linked to by all relevant CIs and which includes infor-
mation about the manufacturer relevant for delivering
IT services. In order to simplify the editing of struc-
tured information, the Semantic Forms
extension is
used, which provides a forms-based interface which
abstracts from the underlying semantic relations.
3.2.1 Architecture
Figure 1 gives an overview of the architecture of
the Semantic Wiki-based IT Service Management
platform. The core of the system is the Seman-
tic Wiki-based Configuration Management System,
where all information relevant for providing IT ser-
vices is stored. This ranges from formal statements
about IT components in the form of attributes and re-
lations (e.g., a computer has a certain kind of graphics
adapter and is connected to a network switch) to free
text used to describe, for example, work processes
and best practices (Kleiner and Abecker, 2009). In
order to provide additional functionalities, extensions
can be added to the IT Service Management platform.
Figure 1 shows three extensions which are used to in-
teract with hardware and software components that
are part of our organization’s IT landscape. Further-
more, the Semantic Incident and Problem Analyzer is
shown, which is described in detail in this paper.
3.2.2 Configuration Gathering
The first extension is used for Configuration Gath-
ering, i.e., the automatic acquisition of information
from computers and other IT components over the
network. At the current implementation stage, in-
formation can be read from Windows computers via
the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
(Jones, 2007) infrastructure. This enables to auto-
matically read information about hardware compo-
nents of a computer (e.g., its graphics adapter, CPU,
RAM, harddisk, network adapter), installed software,
and configurations (e.g., the computer’s network ad-
dresses). Another supported protocol is the Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP) (Case et al.,
1990) which is used to communicate with network
hardware (e.g., network switches) and other compo-
nents (e.g., printers) (Kleiner et al., 2009b).
3.2.3 Intrusion Detection
A part of ensuring the security of an organization’s
computer networks is the detection of suspicious ac-
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Overview of the Semantic Wiki-based IT Service Management Platform.
tivities by using a network intrusion detection sys-
tem. These systems scan network traffic for pat-
terns which indicate malicious activities (Northcutt
and Novak, 2002). The Intrusion Detection exten-
sion interacts with the Open Source network intrusion
detection tool Snort (Roesch, 1999) in order to inte-
grate intrusion detection events into the IT Service
Management Wiki. By using the knowledge stored
in the Semantic Wiki-based Configuration Manage-
ment System, events from the intrusion detection sys-
tem can be better classified as relevant or not relevant
than without this knowledge. Rules are used to sort
out events which do not represent a threat to the at-
tacked systems. At the moment, the intrusion detec-
tion extension is under development, an evaluation of
the extension will be performed within the next six
3.2.4 Systems Monitoring
Another aspect of ensuring the delivery of services is
the monitoring of service availability. The Systems
Monitoring extension interacts with Nagios (Barth,
2005), an Open Source systems monitoring tool. Na-
gios tests services for availability by sending requests
and analyzing the answers. Our systems monitor-
ing extension simplifies the administration of Nagios
by creating Nagios configuration files from informa-
tion stored in the Semantic Wiki-based Configura-
tion Management System. Furthermore, information
about failed services is presented within the Wiki in-
terface (Kleiner et al., 2009a).
3.2.5 Semantic Incident and Problem Analyzer
The Semantic Incident and Problem Analyzer, which
is presented in detail in this paper, uses information
about CIs which is stored in the Semantic Wiki-based
Configuration Management System. IT support per-
sonnel is able to query the Semantic Incident and
Problem Analyzer when suspecting class 1 or class 2
incidents. The Semantic Incident and Problem An-
alyzer is embedded into the Wiki interface, which
means that support personnel uses the same interface
as when documenting changes or looking up informa-
tion about CIs.
3.3 Ontology
This paragraph describes the structure of the ontol-
ogy, which was developed as the data model for the
Semantic Incident and Problem Analyzer. In the text,
class names are printed in bold, while relations are
printed in italic. One of the main classes of the ontol-
ogy is Computer System. It represents any computer
in operation in an organization, either physical or vir-
tual. Subclasses are Desktop Computer, Notebook
Computer, Server Computer, and Virtual Com-
puter. Computer systems are composed of hard-
ware components, which are modeled in the Hard-
ware Component class. The relation has Hardware
is used for stating which hardware components com-
prise which computer system. Examples for hardware
components are CPU, Graphics Card, Main Board,
RAM, Harddisk, and Network Adapter. The Net-
work Adapter class is part of the domain of the con-
nected to Network Component property, which has
the class Network Equipment as its range. Another
part of the domain of the property connected to Net-
work Component is the class Network Equipment
itself, which enables the modeling of network equip-
ment being connected to other network equipment,
e.g., network switches connected to each other or a
router. Subclasses of Network Equipment are Fire-
wall, Network Switch, Router, and Wireless Ac-
cess Point. Computer systems and network equip-
ment are located at a certain location, which is ex-
pressed by the located in relation. Locations are rep-
resented by the Location class, which has Building,
Room, and Server Rack as subclasses. Server racks
are located in rooms, which is expressed by located
in Room, while rooms are located in buildings, which
is expressed by the relation located in Building. Soft-
ware is modeled in the Software class, with Applica-
tion Software and Operating System as subclasses.
The relation has installed Software between the Com-
puter System and the Application Software class in-
dicates, which software is installed on a computer.
The property has Operating System has Computer
System as domain and the class Operating System
as its range. The relation was introduced in addi-
tion to the has installed Software property to address
the special status of operating systems on computers.
Services are modeled in the Service class. Computer
systems provide services, which is expressed by the
use of the provides Service relation. Computer sys-
tems and services have one or more owners, which is
stated by the has Owner relation. The Standard class
is used to model all kinds of standards, e.g., RAM
standards, or network standards. The associated re-
lation is has Standard, with the classes Hardware
Component, Service, Network Equipment, Com-
puter System, and Software as domain. The man-
ufacturer of hardware and software is expressed in
the class Manufacturer and the relation has Manu-
facturer. Incidents and problems are modeled in the
classes Incident and Problem. Incidents can be re-
lated to other incidents, or to problems, which is ex-
pressed by the related to Incident relation. Accord-
ingly, problems can be related to other problems or
incidents. Problems and their solutions are modeled
with the has Solution relation, with the class Problem
as domain, and the class Solution as range.
The implementation of the Semantic Incident and
Problem Analyzer is built on top of Semantic Media-
Wiki’s extension architecture. A Special Page exten-
sion, realized in PHP provides the foundation for the
process of finding similarities between configuration
items. Two different operation modes have been im-
plemented to find problems of configuration items:
The first idea relies on the assumption that once
two or more different Configuration Items show
an identical problem, the cause is possibly iden-
tical as well. A comparison of equalities of all
problem-affected Configuration Items will lead to
a set of properties which all affected Configura-
tion Items have in common. While more than
one Configuration Item is needed for this opera-
tion mode of the Semantic Incident and Problem
Analyzer to work, it is of special interest for Prob-
lem Management.
The second approach to find possible causes for a
specific problem can be used especially in cases,
where only a single Configuration Item shows a
certain problem. By comparing a single Con-
figuration Item’s properly working configuration
with the configuration after a problem emerged,
changes which may have caused the malfunction
should become obvious. This procedure is of
particular interest for Incident Management, as a
single malfunctioning Configuration Item is suffi-
cient to use this structured approach for tracking
down the incident’s cause.
Independent of which approach is used, the set of
identified properties can be used as a structured entry
point for further manual troubleshooting. The imple-
mentation of these two ideas is mainly identical:
1. Semantic relations and individuals are recursively
retrieved from the Semantic MediaWiki in order
to build a tree-like data structure of every origi-
nating CI and all succeeding CIs. Whether a CI
succeeds another CI is defined through semantic
properties inside the Semantic MediaWiki. The
nodes of such a tree structure hold the name of an
individual and the class it is an instance of. The
connecting edges between the nodes represent a
property between two individuals, thus forming a
set of semantic triples between a node and all suc-
ceeding nodes, as provided by the Semantic Me-
diaWiki’s annotated links. Care was taken to de-
tect cyclic relations between individuals, in order
to prevent the generation of infinite trees.
2. Each tree structure is successively compared with
an initially empty compare tree in an depth-first
search manner. For each node it is checked
whether the triple it forms together with its suc-
ceeding node and the property-edge is already
present at the actual level in the compare tree. If
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the triple is found, the compare tree increases a
counter for the object node of that triple, in or-
der to represent a match with a previously added
node. In case the triple is not yet present in the
compare tree, the algorithm clones the triple and
adds it to the compare tree. At this point it is in-
spected if the preceding node already has a rela-
tion to an individual of the same class with the
same property like the newly added triple. In Fig-
ure 2 this is the case when adding the node marked
with “B”, because node A was added previously.
This step is necessary to detect similarities be-
tween the trees at a deeper level. Even though
the recently added node (B) might not be equal to
any already present nodes at that level, it is pos-
sible that another individual of the same class has
a similar subtree (A). Therefore the subtree of the
recently added node (B) would be compared to all
similar node’s subtrees as well (A). An example
for similarities in subtrees are two graphics cards,
which have the same chip vendor, but use a dif-
ferent chip set and are manufactured by different
graphics card manufacturers. While in the pre-
sented example, the tree depth is two, trees with
a greater depth occur in more complex scenarios.
For example, when comparing hosts in a network,
including connections between network switches
and routers, trees depths of seven were found in
the test environment. In more complex environ-
ments, in some cases it might make sense to limit
the tree depth in order to limit the processing time
when using the analyzer.
3. The compare tree contains the union of all triples
of all trees which have been compared to each
other. The occurrence of correspondences be-
tween triples can easily be identified through the
size of the matches counter. During the final third
step, the compare tree is visualized using the Me-
diaWiki extension GraphViz
code is gen-
erated and gets passed to GraphViz which returns
an appropriate bitmap file containing the tree vi-
sualization. It can be parameterized which nodes
should be displayed according to their matches
counter. After a comparison of n different config-
uration items, first of all one would be interested
in nodes which have a matches counter of n-1, be-
cause these nodes were part of all n trees. Thus
it can easily be achieved to hide potentially un-
interesting nodes and improve the readability of
the graphical tree representation as shown in Fig-
ure 2. The more matches a node has, the stronger
it gets colorized, dependent on the selected color
scheme. For improved usability, nodes can be
clicked to open their Wiki page.
Figure 2 shows the screenshot of a comparison be-
tween two different configuration items. The visual-
ized tree indicates through the matches counter inside
the node MDT 1024 equaling 1 (and all its succeed-
ing nodes), that the two previously compared config-
uration items are both connected with this configura-
tion item through the same property. The two nodes
names Asus with the matches counter set to 1 both
bear the information, that both configuration items
have the property has hardware connecting them with
an instance of Graphics card. While the instances of
Graphics card are different from each other, each in-
stance in return has an semantic relation to the same
instance of the class Manufacturer, namely Asus. One
could therefore read the matches counter equaling 1 in
the Asus node as “The compared configuration items
have a mutually different graphics card of the same
manufacturer. In order not to loose the information
about the actual instances of the class Graphics card,
both unique instances Asus ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT
and Asus Pro Gamer are present in the tree.
In case a single configuration item was compared
with itself at a different point of time, the visualization
needs to emphasize those nodes with zero matches.
While the properties of the configuration which did
not change will have exactly one match, zero matches
indicate that either before or after the problem oc-
curred this property of the configuration was differ-
5.1 Summary and Related Work
This paper presented our Semantic Incident and Prob-
lem Analyzer which assists IT-support personnel in
tracking down problems in complex IT landscapes.
Built on top of Semantic MediaWiki, it makes use
of the information about Configuration Items stored
in the Wiki. The application scope of the Semantic
Incident and Problem Analyzer can be divided into
two main scenarios: first, problems which occur at
roughly the same time period on different hardware
components and can be narrowed down to a common
cause; second, problems which occur on the same
hardware component and can be tracked down by
comparing the configurations of the component at dif-
ferent times. We have designed an ontology for prob-
lem analysis, which will be extended towards a com-
prehensive ontology for IT landscapes and IT Service
Management support.
Figure 2: Screenshot of the Semantic Incident and Problem Analyzer.
With regard to using a Semantic Wiki in the IT
Service Management domain, the work presented in
(Alquier et al., 2009) describes a Semantic Wiki-
based Knowledge Management System, which is
used for Asset and Configuration Management, docu-
mentation, as a self-help system, and for system out-
age tracking. As far as documented in that paper, the
authors follow exactly the same line of thinking as
we do in our prior work (Kleiner and Abecker, 2009),
i.e. they support the SACM process of ITIL; but they
do not offer any help in Incident or Problem Manage-
ment which is our focus with the SemPA extension.
In a recent communication, (Lane, 2010b) also sup-
ported the idea of an SMW-based ITSM infrastruc-
ture; in (Lane, 2010a), an SMW-integrated ticketing
system is discussed which could be a useful comple-
ment for our approach. However, for the time be-
ing, our organization’s requirements are satisfied by
the existing OTRS ticketing system. In the future, the
benefits of a deeper semantic integration of the ticket-
ing system may be examined.
Regarding related work in the application task, we
are, of course, well aware that the task of diagnosing
problems in complex technical systems has been thor-
oughly investigated in the area of knowledge-based
systems (KBS) for many years (see, e.g., (Darling-
ton, 1999)). However, it is also a long-standing and
not yet satisfactorily solved problem to widen KBSs’s
knowledge acquisition bottleneck. This is the reason
that many technology providers and researchers in the
KBS area also produce, since a number of years, in-
telligent advisory and assistant systems in order to
find the sweet spot in the trade-off between power and
maintainability of software systems. In this sense, the
Semantic Incident and Problem Analyzer represents a
light-weight approach which totally avoids the prob-
lem of upfront knowledge engineering and simply ex-
ploits the already existing IT Service Management
knowledge base to locate potential problem causes—
thus helping the human problem-solver to analyze the
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
situation and navigate through the problem space. In
this way, the system can start-up almost without any
specific additional effort. If the system is in place for
some time, it may be an option to gradually enrich the
system’s capabilities, for instance, by fault diagnosis
heuristics derived from prior problem cases.
5.2 Implementation Status and Next
The Semantic Incident and Problem Analyzer is cur-
rently in productive use and evaluated in a produc-
tive environment with about 500 computers. An early
qualitative evaluation analyzing a few problems previ-
ously encountered in productive use, has shown that
the time needed for tracking down problems can be
reduced by the Semantic Incident and Problem An-
alyzer. The amount of time reduction is related to
the knowledge about the details of the IT landscape
of the person working on the problem, with inexpe-
rienced personnel benefitting more from the Problem
Analyzer than experienced employees.
However, before having a reasonable critical mass
of usage experience for a valid quantitative evalua-
tion, a several-months period of operational use will
probably be required. At the moment, a handful of
full-time and part-time employees of our IT-support
personnel is using the whole Semantic Wiki-based IT
Service Management solution (sketched above in sec-
tion 3) for their daily work. This leads already to a
more collaborative work-style and allows for more
agile and light-weight IT Service Management pro-
cesses than typically asked for in IT Service Man-
agement endeavors. Next steps of the system roll-out
will comprise to open the platform for technologically
knowledgeable end users, thus enabling some IT Ser-
vice Management self-service offerings. This must
be accompanied by appropriate considerations about
usage incentives such that the self-service IT Service
Management portal will offer win-win situations for
end users and for IT support personnel as well. In
the long-term, we hope that we can study kind of col-
laborative knowledge creation and exchange through
the IT Service Management Wiki, especially regard-
ing observed system failures and problematic config-
urations. The so-collected experience about observed
problems will be the basis for an increasing useful-
ness of the Semantic Incident and Problem Analyzer.
Seen from the Artificial Intelligence point of view,
the presented solution in its current status is certainly
a ”lightweight semantics” solution profiting not so
much from deep and sophisticated ontologies and au-
tomated inferences; instead, it is a first, pragmatic
and practically useful solution which puts a Seman-
tic Wiki into a daily-business context, addressing a
widespread application problem; before coming to the
sophisticated stuff, we first implemented all necessary
interfaces and connectors to integrate the system into
a real-world environment in its full complexity.
In this application context, our first benefits are
based on the simple and easy-to-use features for col-
laboratively creating and editing in a browser-based
style, a knowledge base, in the case of a Semantic
Wiki containing both structured (i.e., data) and un-
structured (i.e., text and multimedia documents) in-
formation. The second benefit is realized through the
”integrative power” of the Semantic Wiki which is
an extremely flexible and open tool with an expres-
sive data model that allows to integrate practically all
kinds of ITSM-relevant data, information, and knowl-
edge in the appropriate way. To do so, a first reusable
result of our work is the ITSM ontology that com-
bines all ITSM-related aspects of hardware, software,
infrastructure and organizational aspects and which
can serve of kind of a reference ontology for semantic
ITSM / CMDB applications.
In the presented application for finding the
possible causes of system problems, simple tree-
comparison algorithms have been applied to the for-
mally represented CMDB data. In a traditional AI-
approach, one would probably have tackled such
problems by a rule-based or a case-based expert sys-
tem. While the former can only be built when a rea-
sonable account of expert knowledge is available and
formalized (which is not always the case, but is al-
ways expensive), the latter is also applicable in cases
where the problem-analysis knowledge is just slowly
growing with experience and may change often over
time; and this is exactly the case for our applica-
tion scenario which can very easily be sorted into
the case-based reasoning paradigm, but with a very
lightweight knowledge-representation approach that
allows for simple and efficient analysis algorithms. In
later extensions of our system, we may also investi-
gate the usefulness of complex similarity measures to
assess the usefulness of slightly different stored infor-
mation. But this only makes sense when some longer
user experience will have shown which kinds of prob-
lem causes can be found by the system and which
ones cannot.
One further system extension is probably more
nearby and more obviously useful: If longer use of
the system will have identified a number of problem-
atic system configurations, these configurations (or,
abstractions of them) can be converted into forbid-
den configuration patterns which could proactively be
tested for when new systems are configured or new
software is installed. In this manner, known prob-
lems can be avoided before they are repeated. If we
are analysing system change logs over time, we might
even be able to identify forbidden configuration paths
(sequences of actions) that might proactively be tested
for by Complex-Event-Processing machinery.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence