decision support in the diagnosis process of
dementia cases. The model is tackled using a
methodology based on an outranking relation, which
is exploited for a sorting problem in which
individuals are assigned to categories associated
with the perceived status of the disease. Categories
are defined using references profiles with which
individuals are compared to check the outranking
This approach offers the possibility to adjust the
reference profiles as well as other technical
parameters required by the method to better suit the
different usage scenarios. The use of ELECTRE
TRI’s technical parameters may help to cope with
subjectivity issues that are present in the traditional
processes of applying pre-defined scales. This multi-
criteria approach offers a flexible methodology
capable of being adjusted according to the objectives
of medical staff in the assessment of dementia
Future developments include using previous
examples of classified individuals to infer new
reference profiles and classification assignments,
analyze thoroughly the reliability of considering
“non-central” classifications in the output results as
tendency indicators, perform tests with other multi-
criteria decision aid methodologies to conclude
about the reliability achieved when using different
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