create a bottleneck for the computational time of the
SM-LDA method, because the size of HF vector is
much less then total data samples. In this test, the size
of n is 53 elements, the L is 2000 and the M is 10000
The retraining time of LS-ILDA can not be com-
pared with that of GSVD-ILDA, SP-ILDA, and our
proposed method because the retraining was done
by insert a block of data consisting of 100 classes
and each class consisting of 5 face images. In case
of retraining experiment using 1 face image inser-
tion, the LS-ILDA requires almost the same retrain-
ing time as that of GSVD-ILDA, SP-ILDA, and SM-
LDA for 200 data classes data training initial which
each class consists of 5 face images (the M is 1000,
L is 200, and n is 53). For one sample insertion, the
retraining time of LS-ILDA is 0.19 second while the
GSVD-ILDA, SP-ILDA, and SM-LDA just require
0.31, 0.17, and 0.13 second, respectively. As our
evaluation of the LS-ILDA, it has computationalcom-
plexity O(min(M,n)×n)+O(M×L×n) for each up-
dating W when training data have M ≫ Ł ≫ n. If the
retraining is done by inserting a block data consist-
ing of q samples (q ≫ n) into the LS-ILDA method, it
requires much longer time complexity than SM-LDA
(q{O(min(M,n) × n) + O(M × L × n)} > O(n
) for
updating the W. Suppose q = 500 and n = 53, time
complexity of LS-LDA becomes almost 500 times of
our proposed method.
From the experimental result, we can conclude as fol-
lows. Firstly, the proposed lighting normalization is
an alternative solution for large face image variability
due to lighting variations. Secondly, the face recogni-
tion, which considers much more features, tends to
provide better achievement than that of single fea-
tures. Thirdly, the SM-LDA based classifier can solve
the retraining problem of CLDA on incremental data
which provides stable recognition rate over recent
ILDA methods. Finally, the integration of the pro-
posed lighting compensation and shifting-mean LDA
classifier as well as fusion score for face recogni-
tion give sufficient and robust enough achievement in
terms of recognition rate and it also requires short pro-
cessing time.
In future, the research will be continued for avoid-
ing the eigen analysis in determining the optimum
projection matrix and finding another strategy to solve
retraining problem on incremental data which belong
to known class (old data). Furthermore, more experi-
ments are required to know the robustness of the pro-
posed lighting normalization against to large variabil-
ity face due to lighting variations, such as the test us-
ing data from FRGC data set.
I would like to send my great thank and appreciation
to the owner of YALE, INDIA, and FERET face
databases, to Image Media Laboratory of Kumamoto
University for supporting this research, and to the re-
viewers who have given some helpful comments and
suggestions for improving the paper presentation.
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