Guidelines for Building Multidisciplinary Collaboration Teams
Sidath Gunawardena and Rosina O. Weber
The iSchool, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Keywords: Recommender Systems, Case-Based Reasoning, Multidisciplinary Collaboration.
Abstract: Finding collaborators to engage in academic research is a challenging task, especially when the
collaboration is multidisciplinary in nature and collaborators are needed from different disciplines. This
paper uses evidence of successful multidisciplinary collaborations, funded proposals, in a novel way: as an
input for a method of recommendation of multidisciplinary collaboration teams. We attempt to answer two
questions posed by a collaboration seeker: what disciplines provide collaboration opportunities and what
combinations of characteristics of collaborators have been successful in the past? We describe a two-step
recommendation framework where the first step recommends potential disciplines with collaboration
potential based on current trends in funding. The second step recommends characteristics for a collaboration
team that are consistent with past instances of successful collaborations. We examine how this information
source can be used in a case-based recommender system and present a preliminary validation of the system
using statistical methods.
Multidisciplinary collaboration brings together
groups of researchers from different fields to solve a
common problem, one that cannot be solved using
the theories and methods of a single field (National
Academies, 2005). US federal agencies encourage
multidisciplinary research through increased funding
initiatives (National Academies, 2005; National
Science Foundation, 2006). Obtaining such funding
is one way that academics, particularly tenure-track
junior faculty, can advance their careers (Higgins
and Walsh, 2009). Thus, academic researchers may
need to find collaborators in fields very different
from their own.
The traditional methods for finding a
collaborator, such as leveraging one’s professional
ties, attending conferences, joining learned societies,
and participating in on-line discussion groups
(Clegg, 2003), by their nature, tend to focus inwards,
towards one’s own discipline (Kogan, 2000). Thus,
such methods are much more likely to be successful
when employed to find a collaborator in one’s own
discipline than when used to find a partner in a
different discipline. Junior faculty members are at
even greater disadvantage as they lack both
experience and personal ties.
Currently available technological means provide
little assistance in solving this problem.
Technologies that leverage social networks to
identify collaborators are limited to single
disciplines (Ayanegui-Santiago et al., 2009; Liben-
Nowell & Kleinberg, 2003; Newman, 2001). Expert
locator systems focus on either finding an individual
with pre-specified expertise or an expert able to
answer to a pre-specified question (Serdyukov et al.,
2008). They solve a very narrow problem of locating
an expert to meet a pre-specified short term
knowledge need. Hence, there is scope for a
systematic, technological method for recommending
synergistic disciplines and the desired characteristics
of potential collaborators.
In order to find data that can help provide useful
guidance, we look to existing successful
multidisciplinary collaborations. In the context of
competitive grant funding, we find repositories of
experiences of successful multidisciplinary
collaborations in the form of funded grant proposals.
In order to make proper use of those experiences, we
adopt a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) methodology,
a reasoning methodology that enables the reuse of
experiences in multiple forms (Bride et al., 2005).
While recommender systems are found in myriad
contexts, we have yet to find any that attempt the
task of recommending collaborators for
Gunawardena S. and O. Weber R..
BLUEPRINTS FOR SUCCESS - Guidelines for Building Multidisciplinary Collaboration Teams.
DOI: 10.5220/0003753503870393
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 387-393
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
multidisciplinary research.
In the next section we present some background
literature, we then detail our data sources in Section
3. In Section 4 we present our methodology and in
Section 5 our experiments and a discussion of our
results. We close with our conclusions, and some
thoughts about future work.
Recommending multidisciplinary collaborations has
not been explored before, so the background of this
work comes from recommending collaborators
within the same discipline and also at the work on
locating experts
2.1 Social Networks
The links between researchers created by co-
authorship, co-publication, or citation, can be
leveraged to create social networks (Barabási et al,
2002; Tang et al., 2008), with co-authorship being
the strongest link. In the case of co-authorship, the
‘distance’ between two authors is represented by the
number of links that have to be traversed to make
the connection between them. The number of co-
authorships between two authors can be used as a
measure of the strength of such linkages (Newman,
2001). Social networks can also be combined with
other approaches as expert location systems to
improve their usefulness to users by taking into
account social dynamics in addition to expertise
(McDonald, 2003). Work in social networking
shows some promise for discovering collaborators
who have the potential to work together, but the
work is limited to researchers in the same field
(Ayanegui-Santiago et al., 2009; Newman, 2003).
2.2 Expert Locator Systems
Collaborator recommendation is related to expert
locator systems (ELS) (Becerra-Fernandez, 2003);
where the system can recommend qualified experts
to a user who has a need for a particular expertise.
The level of expertise must be narrowly defined
either as a question that needs an expert answer
(Serdyukov, 2008) or limited to one organization
(Maybury, 2002; McDonald 2003). When the user
needs a particular type of expertise, the system
selects the candidate that best matches the user’s
expertise criteria. Additional factors such as
availability can also be taken into account
(McDonald & Ackerman, 2000).
When seeking a collaborator, the criteria to be
satisfied are vague and ill-defined. We define
researchers seeking to engage in multidisciplinary
collaboration as collaboration seekers. The
collaboration seeker likely does not know all the
domains where suitable collaboration partners
reside. Furthermore, factors additional to expertise
need to be included. Hence, we perceive the
potential usefulness of recommender systems.
We see collaboration recommendation and
expert location as two separate parts of the process
of finding a collaborator. The recommendation
identifies the disciplines and the characteristics of
the collaborators, and subsequently, expert location
is used to identify the specific individuals who meet
those characteristics.
2.3 Collaboration
A summary of some of the literature on
collaboration can be found in Gunawardena et al. (
2010). Collaboration is an idiosyncratic process, and
when it occurs across disciplinary boundaries it can
create or exacerbate issues such as trust, the need for
negotiation, and the need for a common vocabulary
(Jeffrey, 2003). Thus, when recommending
collaboration teams, factors that can mitigate such
problems need to be taken into account.
Collaborators who are nearby and can facilitate face
to face communications (Kat, 1994), senior
colleagues can act as mediators (Bozeman & Corley,
2004; Wood & Gray, 1991), and collaborating with
those at institutions with high research productivity
can be beneficial (Jones et al., 2008). We examine
data sources to find reasonable proxies for these
factors. An initial experiment on this problem used
funded grants but was limited to only area of
expertise (Gunawardena & Weber 2009) showed
that even with limited information it was possible to
provide a basic recommendation. This work
broadens the scope to include additional features of
researchers known in the literature to have an impact
on collaborative behaviors: the researchers’ location,
their title, which is used as a proxy for their
seniority, and the type of institution they belong. We
take the most literal definition of multidisciplinary;
in the collaborations we study are required to
contain at least two members who have different
departmental affiliations.
2.4 Case-based Reasoning
In CBR, the cases are typically composed of a
problem context and a lesson that can be learned
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
about it (Kolodner, 1993). The lesson can be thought
of as the as the solution applicable to that particular
problem context. In a case-based recommender
system this takes the form of collection (case-base)
of problems and associated solutions. A new
problem is solved by reusing the solution of the most
similar old problem (Bridge et al., 2005). We
approach the problem of recommending
collaborators by looking at what lessons we can
learn from past successful collaborations.
In collaboration recommendation the problem to
be solved is finding suitable collaboration partners
for a faculty member, who is described by a set of
characteristics (title, research area, institution, etc).
The solution is described by the characteristics of
the faculty with the best potential for collaborative
success. Here the solution is presented by the same
features that are used to describe the problem. Thus,
the process of recommendation for a new
collaboration seeker involves searching the case
base for the collaboration with a member most
similar to the collaboration seeker and then
recommending the remaining collaborators in that
collaboration, that is, the complementary portion of
the collaboration, as the recommended collaboration
We use funded grant proposals as experiences of
successful multidisciplinary collaborations. The
grant proposals contain the name and affiliated
institution of the principal investigator and the
names of the co-investigators. Thus, the information
pertaining is incomplete with respect to what is
required for solving the recommendation problem.
To obtain a fuller picture of the collaborations we
use additional sources of information.
3.1 Grant Data
For our experiments, we use grants funded by the
Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (OMA), a
directorate of the National Science Foundation
(NSF), whose goal is to fund research in the
mathematical and physical sciences that crosses
disciplinary boundaries. We also utilize two
additional sources to obtain the data required for
these experiments. COS Scholar Universe, is a
database of 2 million profiles of full time faculty
supported by ProQuest LLC
. We obtain our data on
researchers’ departmental affiliations and titles from
this source. Our third source of data is Academic
Analytics LLC
, a private company that provides the
ranking of doctoral programs. We obtain our
information on institution type and location from
this source.
3.2 The Data Set
The dataset includes NSF grants from the period
2005-2010 that are composed of two to five
members, with at least two members from different
departments. The dataset contains 173
collaborations, involving 530 total faculty members
from US academic institutions.
We aggregated the data, limiting the
collaborations chosen to those comprised only of
researchers with the titles of Assistant Professor,
Associate Professor and Full Professors. Table 1
presents a summary of the data, and how it is coded.
The departmental names have non-relevant terms
removed to assign values to the feature Discipline
(e.g. Department of Physics would be reduced to
Table 1: Summary of data.
Feature Description
Title Full, Associate, or Assistant Professor
143 possible values (Chemistry, Astrophysics,
Civil Engineering, …)
Large Research Inst, Small Research Inst,
Specialized Inst.
Region (Northeast, Midwest, South, West)
We use the definition employed by Academic
Analytics to categorize institutions by type. A
university is considered a Large Research University
(LRU) if it has at least fifteen PhD programs each
with at least ten faculty members. A Small Research
University (SRU) has between one and fourteen PhD
programs. A Specialized University is one that
awards a majority of their degrees in one field.
In this section we describe the evolution of our
research process, as we sequentially developed our
method, with each step of the process informing the
design of the subsequent experiments.
BLUEPRINTS FOR SUCCESS - Guidelines for Building Multidisciplinary Collaboration Teams
4.1 Similarity Functions
We begin by explaining similarity in CBR and go
onto describe the similarity functions we employ.
In CBR, the similarity function determines
which cases in the case-base are selected, and thus
which solutions are reused. The similarity function
compares the characteristics of the new problem to
the problems in the case-base and gives each case a
score based on how similar it is to the new problem,
with the higher scores assigned to the candidates to
have their solutions reused.
Our initial analyses employed standard
similarity methods: weighted and unweighted
feature counting. We compared these to a baseline
method of random recommendation and also to a
modified random recommendation based on
location. The purpose of the experiments is to
demonstrate that the data does contain knowledge to
make recommendations and then build on that to
determine how to make more accurate
4.1.1 Baseline Method: Random
A collaborator is selected from the dataset and then
n collaboration teams are randomly selected, with no
team being selected twice, where n has the set of
values {1, 3, 5, 10}.
4.1.2 Random Recommendation by Located
A collaborator is selected from the dataset and then
randomly n collaboration teams are selected from
the same region as the original collaborator, with no
team being selected twice, n {1, 3, 5, 10}.
4.1.3 Feature Counting
As a first step, this method considers the selected
features to have equal importance for similarity
assessment. In a feature counting method, the
similarity between the target artificial case t and
candidate case c is given by Equation (1):
Similarity =
Where n is the number of features and Sim(t
) = 1
if t
= c
, and 0 otherwise. Each collaboration has as
many candidates as members. The similarity score
used is the highest score obtained from all members.
The remaining collaborators in that collaboration
will be the team that is recommended.
4.1.4 Weighted
The weighted similarity method takes into
consideration the relative importance of the features.
Here the similarity between the target artificial case t
and candidate case c is given by Equation (2):
Where n is the number of features, w
is the weight
associated with feature i, and Sim(t
) = 1 if t
= c
and 0 otherwise.
To determine weights, we employ a genetic
algorithm, a machine learning method used for
optimization. It is based around the evolutionary
principle of survival of the fittest, that is, in a
population, the strongest genetic chromosomes
survive and are passed on to future generations
(Kelly & Davis, 1991). Genetic algorithms are a
common method to derive weights for use in CBR
systems (Beddoe & Petrovic, 2006; Dogan et al.,
2006; Fu & Shen, 2004; Jarmulak et al., 2000). In
this experiment, each characteristic of a collaborator
(title, research interest, etc) is a chromosome. A
genetic algorithm can be broken down into the
following steps: initial weight generation, fitness
evaluation, reproduction (including possible
mutation). It also requires a predefined stopping
criterion to terminate the process. For this
experiment we apply a genetic algorithm with the
following parameters: a crossover of 0.5 where each
parent has an equal chance of providing the
chromosome, a 1% chance of mutation where a gene
is replaced by a new, random chromosome. The
fitness function which determines which genes go to
the next generation is determined based on accuracy
at the top1 threshold. The algorithm will stop after
100 iterations. The execution of the genetic
algorithm produced the following weights:
Table 2: Genetic algorithm derived weights.
Title Discipline Region Inst. Type
0.24 0.34 0.34 0.08
4.2 Two Step Recommendation
There are two broad dimensions required to be
considered when making this particular
recommendation: a collaborator’s research interest
and their personal characteristics. The derived
weights suggest that, combined, the personal
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
characteristics (title, region, institution type)
combined have a greater importance than that of
research interest. This does not make intuitive sense
as if a mathematician is seeking to engage in
collaboration, then the previous collaborations of,
for example, biologists have little value for the
purposes of identifying potential domains. Thus, we
take into account the practical aspects of a useful
recommendation, similar to Baccigalupo & Plaza
(2007) who in their work on song recommendation
ignore songs that are irrelevant based on the user’s
specifications. Here the discipline is the primary
determining factor, and the other factors secondary.
To reflect this, in this experiment, we break the
recommendation process into two steps.
Step 1: determine all the cases in the case-base
that could provide useful recommendations. This is
done by limiting the cases used to those that have at
least one member from the same discipline or a
discipline that is a sibling on a disciplinary
taxonomy as the collaboration seeker. For our
experiments we use the taxonomy used by the
National Academies to classify doctoral programs
Step 2: recommend the secondary
characteristics of collaborators based on the
characteristics of the collaborations seeker. We use
the remaining features, title, location, and institution
type to then recommend a potential team: the
complementary portion of that collaboration.
The recommendation of the disciplines is
decoupled from the recommendation of the
characteristics of collaborators. Thus, with the two
step approach the system is no longer limited to
recommendations that exist as collaborations within
the case-base. It can recommend the disciplines from
one collaboration with the collaborator
characteristics of another if it determines that that is
the best recommendation for a particular
collaboration seeker.
4.2.1 Feature Counting with Two-step
In the first step we limit the cases to those that have
at least one member from the same discipline or a
discipline that is a sibling on the disciplinary
taxonomy as the collaboration seeker. Then we
perform the feature counting similarity assessment
as before, but only using title, location and
institution type as features.
4.2.2 Weighted with Two-step
Here too we apply the two-step approach, using the
first step to reduce the case-base and then run the
GA to determine the weights of the remaining three
features. We execute the GA using the same
parameters as before. The execution of the genetic
algorithm produced the following weights:
Table 3: Genetic algorithm derived weights.
Title Region Inst. Type
0.26 0.51 0.23
Thus we have the following hypotheses:
H1: Randomly selecting teams by region is
more accurate than random selection.
H2: The feature counting method is more
accurate than randomly selecting teams by
H3: The weighted method is more accurate than
the feature counting method.
H4: The 2 step feature counting method is more
accurate than the feature counting method.
H5: The 2 step weighted is more accurate than
the weighted method.
H6: The 2 step weighted is more accurate than
the 2 step feature counting method.
In this section we present the experiments we
conducted on the grant dataset to demonstrate the
effectiveness of this approach. These experiments
are used to increase our understanding of the data, to
allow us to determine whether it can be utilized to
make useful recommendations.
5.1 Evaluation
A leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) is a
standard method to evaluate recommender systems.
To apply LOOCV, a collaboration is removed from
the collection and its members used as target cases.
Accuracy is measured by whether the system
retrieves the most similar case to the complementary
portion of the removed case. However, we do not
have the ability to determine similarity between
collaborations to determine second best solution. To
overcome this hurdle, we use what we term
‘artificial collaboration seekers’ who we can
artificially create as being very similar to the
original collaborators in the system. We describe
this process in the following section.
BLUEPRINTS FOR SUCCESS - Guidelines for Building Multidisciplinary Collaboration Teams
5.2 Generating Artificial Collaboration
From a collaboration we select each collaborator in
turn and randomly select one of the features
(discipline, title, institution type, or location) and
modify it. The modification is such that when a
feature value is modified, it is changed to an
adjacent value, that is, a collaborator’s title may
change from assistant to associate professor, but not
to full, where as an associate professor may be
changed to either a full professor or an assistant
professor. If the feature to be modified is discipline,
then we use the taxonomy and modify the discipline
and replace it with one that is a sibling.
5.3 Accuracy
In our experiments we measure accuracy as follows:
when an artificial collaboration seeker is submitted
to the system as a new target problem the retrieval
set contains the complementary members of the
original collaboration that generated the artificial
collaboration seeker is retrieved within the top n
cases. We examine results for the top n cases,
considering n = {1, 3, 5, 10}. Tied values are
considered to be equivalent in rank when
determining whether a particular retrieval was
successful or not. An artificial collaboration seeker
is created for every collaborator in the dataset and
accuracy is measured by whether collaboration team
of the original collaborator is one of the top n
recommended teams, n = {1, 3, 5, 10}. Each
experiment is repeated ten times with an average
accuracy calculated.
A one-way ANOVA test is used to determine if
there is a significant difference between the means
of the various methods (α = 0.05), post hoc analyses
of Scheffe, Tukey’s Honest Significant Differences,
Bonferroni Adjustment, and Least Significant
Differences are then used to perform multiple
comparisons between the means. A difference is
reported as significant only if all four tests concur.
The random methods are outperformed at all levels
of accuracy, but the other methods only show a
significant difference only when the top result is
5.4 Results and Discussion
Based on the post hoc analysis at the 0.05
confidence level, we are able to reject the null
hypothesis that there is no difference between the
random methods and the feature counting and
weighted methods at all levels of accuracy. In
addition, at the top level of accuracy, the weighted
methods outperform their feature counting
counterparts and the two-step method shows an
improvement in accuracy in both weighted and
feature counting methods (Table 4). No significant
difference was observed between these 4 methods at
other levels of accuracy.
Table 4: Average accuracy (standard deviation) top1
Feature Counting 0.492 (0.012)
2Step Feature Counting 0.521 (0.012)
Weighted 0.526 (0.017)
2Step Weighted 0.551 (0.011)
Our results versus a random baseline show that this
data does possess knowledge and can be used as the
basis for the recommendation of multidisciplinary
collaboration teams. The subsequent results are
mixed, showing statistically significant improvement
only at the top level of accuracy. This is less
improvement than expected of the two step method.
However, the two step method recommends the best
potential collaboration, which may not be one that
exists in the case-base, penalizing its accuracy.
In this paper we show how funded grants may be
used as a basis for solving a novel problem:
recommending multidisciplinary collaboration
teams. Using the grant dataset, we demonstrated that
the proposed approach can provide
recommendations that are superior to random, and
showed further improvements to increase their
quality. These results suggest this is a viable
approach to using this data on this problem. This
approach has room for improvement but it is unique
in its use of the data and in providing a solution to
this problem. Out of many possible improvements,
we name a few. Instead of discipline the use of
publication keywords can provide a more detailed
recommendation. Additionally, these experiments
focus solely on analogical reasoning, incorporating
analytical knowledge from the literature on
collaboration may add to the quality of the
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BLUEPRINTS FOR SUCCESS - Guidelines for Building Multidisciplinary Collaboration Teams