lead to many pedestrians switching routes simulta-
neously which decreases the efficiency with which
pedestrians are able to evacuate the building. In ev-
ery building layout tested, when pedestrians have only
learned distance information, the performance is the
worst of all possibilities considered. Interestingly
though, a pedestrian having system information but
ignoring current congestion levels and using only dis-
tance information is able to egress from most build-
ings quickly. However, the distance information of
such a pedestrian is complete. One would expect that
with enough training, pedestrians having learned only
distance cost would also be able to egress from build-
ings with similar efficiency.
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tic for many pedestrian egress situations. However,
manually specifying specific route knowledge can be
a difficult and time-consuming task. We have shown
that reinforcement learning can be applied to success-
fully represent different levels of knowledge about a
building layout and produces egress times dependent
upon the knowledge level of the pedestrians. We have
also provided three different metrics for measuring
the amount of building knowledge an agent has.
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that learning congestion cost in addition to distance
costs leads to quicker egress times. However, reacting
to current congestion levels has ambiguous results.
This is consistent with similar studies in the traffic
management domain. The layout of the building is
found to have an impact on the strategy a pedestrian
should use to minimize egress time.
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