Ferran Diego
, Georgios D. Evangelidis
and Joan Serrat
Dept. Ciencies Computacio and Computer Vision Center, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics,University of Patras, Rio-Patras, Greece
HCI, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Video surveillance, Video synchronization, Video alignment, Change detection.
This paper addresses the problem of video surveillance by mobile cameras. We present a method that allows
online change detection in night–time outdoor surveillance. Because of the camera movement, background
frames are not available and must be ”localized“ in former sequences and registered with the current frames.
To this end, we propose a Frame Localization And Registration (FLAR) approach that solves the problem
efficiently. Frames of former sequences define a database which is queried by current frames in turn. To
quickly retrieve nearest neighbors, database is indexed through a visual dictionary method based on the SURF
descriptor. Furthermore, the frame localization is benefited by a temporal lter that exploits the temporal
coherence of videos. Next, the recently proposed ECC alignment scheme is used to spatially register the
synchronized frames. Finally, change detection methods apply to aligned frames in order to mark suspicious
areas. Experiments with real night sequences recorded by in-vehicle cameras demonstrate the performance of
the proposed method and verify its efficiency and effectiveness against other methods.
Lately, visual–surveillance systems have attracted in-
creasing interest from urban and building security,
military related field and security and video patrolling
systems. Such systems aim at detecting potential sus-
picious items or signs of intrusion, and consequently
generate a warning to a human operator. This de-
tection mainly consists of identifying changes be-
tween images of the same scene but temporally sep-
arated. Most change detection methods proposed in
the literature deal with stationary cameras as surveyed
in (Radke et al., 2005). This amounts to detect dif-
ferences using a stationary background thus reflect-
ing minor applicability when multiple cameras are
needed. This drawback can be overcome by mobile
cameras, but the problem becomes more challenging
due to the non-stationary backgroundand varying am-
bient illumination.
The latter scenario is what we consider in this pa-
per. Specifically, we present a method that helps the
video analyst to robustly detect potential and suspi-
cious signs of intrusion by vehicles that repeatedly
patrol sensitive areas and private buildings at night–
time. This detection cannot rely on specific clas-
sifiers mainly due to the following factors: (1) the
video quality can be significantly degraded at night–
time and (2) these signs may be random or station-
ary anomalies (e.g. intruder, suspicious suitcase),
with arbitrary shapes, color or texture. To this end,
we propose an efficient framework to detect poten-
tial anomalies exploiting similarities occurred by re-
peatedly patrolling the same ride. This consists of
comparing a pair of video sequences recorded by a
forward–facing camera attached to the windscreen
of the vehicle whose view is what the driver sees.
Hence, signs of intrusion or missing objects occurred
in the interim of successive rounds can be detected
by background subtraction methods. This obviously
requires the spatio–temporal alignment of the current
sequence with the one captured during the previous
round, i.e. the video synchronization and the spatial
registration of corresponding frames.
Video synchronization algorithms estimate the
temporal relation between two sequences once they
have been acquired. However, our goal is to online
detect changes at a reasonable rate. Thus, instead of
solving an offline global optimization problem, the
proposed framework counts on a Frame Localization
And Registration (FLAR) scheme. In short, given
Diego F., Evangelidis G. and Serrat J. (2012).
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 365-371
DOI: 10.5220/0003758103650371
each newly acquired frame, we temporally localize it
against the background sequence of the previous ride.
This aims in other words at assigning each current
frame to a background frame so that their viewpoints
are the closest ones. Since efficiency is of major im-
portance in online solutions, the extraction of the cor-
responding frame relies on an image retrieval scheme
based on the SURF descriptor (Bay et al., 2008). A
temporal filter applies to the outcome of the retrieval
task in order to handle false positives (outliers). Then,
we have to spatially register the corresponding frames
into the same coordinate system. As the video acqui-
sition takes place at different times, the appearance of
corresponding frames varies. To cope with such vari-
ations, we adopt the recently proposed ECC image
alignment scheme (Evangelidis and Psarakis, 2008)
that offers the desired robustness. As a final step, dif-
ferent metrics that count on image differences are ap-
plied to detect changes and mark areas of interest.
The contribution of this paper is summarized as
follows: 1) A challenging case of night–time outdoor
surveillance by mobile cameras is investigated. 2)
The proposed FLAR scheme reflects a solution for
online surveillance instead of postprocessing. 3) It
incorporates efficient tasks that allows us to envision
a real-time execution in GPU-based environment. 4)
The desired invariance to the motion style of surveil-
lance vehicle (speed, backward motion) is fulfilled.
1.1 Related Work
The challenging problem of detecting changes be-
tween videos acquired by mobile cameras at differ-
ent times is considerably less tackled than the case
of stationary cameras (Radke et al., 2005). Marce-
naro et al. (Marcenaro et al., 2002) proposed an
outdoor–surveillance based on fixed and pan/tilt mo-
bile cameras that exceeds the limitations of the fixed
camera which monitors the entire scene, but the po-
sition of the mobile camera must be known anytime.
Primdahl et al. (Primdahl et al., 2005) presented a
method for automatic navigation of cameras in a spe-
cific, well–defined corridor. Sand and Teller (Sand
and Teller, 2004) proposed a video matching scheme
for two sequences recorded by moving cameras fol-
lowing nearly identical trajectories. Although it al-
lows pixel–wise comparisons to detect differences, its
key limitation is the computational time of computing
a robust image–alignmentfor several possible pairs of
corresponding frames. To make it efficient, Kong et
al. (Kong et al., 2010) temporally aligned sequences
using GPS data only and detect abandoned suspicious
objects via inter–sequence homographies. In contrast,
Soiban et al. (Soibam et al., 2009) and Haberdar
and Shah (Haberdar, 2010) found manually the cor-
responding frame in the first video for each observed
frame of the second one. Finally, Diego et al. (Diego
et al., 2011) proposed a video alignment framework
based on fusing image–based and GPS observations
to spot differences between sequences taken at dif-
ferent times and by independently moving cameras,
while Chakravarty et al. (Chakravarty et al., 2007)
presented a mobile robot capable of repeating a man-
ually trained route that detect any visual anomalies us-
ing stereo–based algorithm; these anomalies are sub-
sequently tracked using a particle filter.
The rest of this paper is organizedas follows: Sec-
tion 2 describes the whole frameworkand specifically,
subsection 2.1 presents the frame localization ap-
proach, while the spatial registration and the change
detection tasks are discussed in subsections 2.2 and
2.3 respectively. Experiments tovalidate the proposed
algorithm are presented in Section 3 and results are
discussed. Finally, in Section 4, the main conclusions
are drawn.
Suppose we are given two video sequences repre-
sented as I
= {I
and I
= {I
, be-
ing M,N their number of frames and
x = [ ˆx, ˆy]
, x =
their spatial coordinates respectively. The for-
mer denotes the reference or background, taken in
a previous ride, whereas the latter is the current se-
quence being recorded in the current ride following
a similar trajectory. Then, the anomalies occurred in
the meanwhile between successive rounds can be de-
tected by matching and comparing the two sequences.
That is, the proper thresholding of image differences
between spatio-temporally aligned sequences allows
the detection of changes.
To solve the above defined problem we propose a
Frame Localization And Registration (FLAR) frame-
work that is shown in Figure 1. The only assumption
we make is that the vehicles follow a similar, approx-
imately coincident, route. The most likely frame of
a previous ride is extracted for each newly acquired
frame in the current ride (localization step). This im-
plies a challenging task because of the independently
moving cameras and the non-coincident trajectories.
As a result, the speed and the position of the cam-
eras vary, while the ambient illumination can be dif-
ferent. A few video alignment approaches (Sand and
Teller, 2004; Liu et al., 2008; Diego et al., 2011) could
be adjusted to our problem. However, none of them
is able to estimate the frame correspondence during
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 1: FLAR system for video surveillance with mobile
the acquisition of the current sequence due to their
complexity. Therefore, we propose an efficient on–
line video synchronization algorithm that relies on an
image retrieval scheme based on the SURF descrip-
tor (Bay et al., 2008) and a temporal filter. This es-
sentially assigns the n
current frame to the reference
with t
[1,M], thereby providing the desired
invariance to the motion style of cameras. Once the
correspondence pair (n,t
) has been found, the dense
alignment of the assigned frames is required (registra-
tion step) in order to compare them pixel–wise. This
kind of comparison is necessary for our endmost goal,
that is, the identification of regions that changed in the
interim between the records.
2.1 Image–retrieval Scheme
The image–retrieval scheme based on SURF descrip-
tors aims to efficiently evaluate a confidence matrix
that measures the similarity of all possible pairs, thus
allowing the association of the current frame to the
most similar reference frame. Our implementation
resembles (Sivic and Zisserman, 2009) but we dis-
able the vector quantization step and use only the in-
verted file. In short, we run the SURF algorithm to
localize keypoints and describe their neighborhood in
all background frames. A visual dictionary is then
learned and an inverted index list is built as shown
in Fig. 1. Note that all this can be done off-line
without having the current sequence at our disposal.
Given now a current frame of the new ride, we ex-
tract its SURF descriptors and look for their closest
visual words, thus voting for the assigned reference
frames. To ignore very frequent visual words, we en-
able the inverse–document–frequency(IDF) weighting
scheme (Sivic and Zisserman, 2009).
2.1.1 Temporal Filtering
To extract the time mapping result, for each observed
frame one could simply choose the reference index
with the maximum confidence value. However, it
might return an erroneous synchronization signal with
sharp changes due to isolated points. To avoid sharp
transitions, we choose for any query frame the maxi-
mum reference index subject to the constraint that lies
in a tolerance interval. The latter is defined around
the reference index assigned to the previous query
frame. By recalling that t
is the correspondence of
the n
, [t
+ 10] is the tolerance interval of
the (n + 1)
current frame for our experiments (the
value of 10 can vary with the application). In order
to obtain a far smoother signal, we propose the use
of a filter that applies to the signal t
. Specifically,
such a filter can be described by the standard differ-
ence equation (Lathi, 1998)
n j
where T
defines its output. In general, it constitutes
an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter, but when
= 0, it turns into a Finite Impulse Response (FIR)
filter of order K (Lathi, 1998). It is important to note
that this filter is a causal system and the current out-
put depends only on previous input and output values,
being capable for online and real-time solutions. Both
type of filters were tested using K = L = 3, b
= 0.4,
= 0.3, b
= 0.2, b
= 0.1 and a
= 4, a
= 2,
= 1. In either case, these values establish a low-
pass filter. IIR provides smoother results because of
its higher, theoretically infinite, order. On the other
hand, FIR deals better with peaks (outliers) due to its
finite order. The frequency response of the filters and
the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) (Lathi, 1998)
magnitude of the output signals are shown in Fig.
2. The input is the time mapping sequence resulted
when the proposed method applies to a real sequence.
The ground smooth signal obtained by postprocessing
(curve fitting) is given for comparison. Although both
filters behave similarly in low frequencies, IIR output
is more close to the ground signal in high frequencies.
2.2 Spatial Alignment
In order to obtain accurate alignment between a ref-
erence frame I
(ˆx) and the current observed frame
(x), we propose the use of a recently introduced
algorithm that is called ECC algorithm (Evangelidis
and Psarakis, 2008). This scheme seems to be ro-
bust in noise while at the same time is insensitive
to global illumination changes. The algorithm uses
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Normalized Frequency (×p rad/sample)
Magnitude (dB)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Normalized Frequency (×p rad/sample)
Magnitude (dB)
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
|DFT| (dB)
Input signal
FIR filtered
IIR filtered
6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
Figure 2: Left: Frequency response of the (top) FIR and
(bottom) IIR filter. Right: The DFT of the input, the outputs
and the ground signal (video rate: 25fps).
an enhanced version of the correlation coefficient as
an objective function and the goal is its maximization
through an iterative scheme.
Let us suppose that the warp W(x;p) is a 2D map-
ping based on the standard homography model with
eight parameters (Szeliski, 2010), i.e.
x = W(x;p),
that provides dense correspondences. Then, ECC al-
gorithm tries to estimate the warp so that the observed
and the warped reference images are similar. In other
words, it solves the following maximization problem
. (2)
where i
and i
(p) are the zero-mean vectorized forms
of images I
(x) and I
(W(x;p)) respectively. Since
the above maximization problem is highly non-linear,
the solution of a sequence of secondary problems that
follow a closed form solution is proposed in (Evan-
gelidis and Psarakis, 2008). By considering the up-
date rule p = p
+ p, the vector i
(p) can be approx-
imated by i
(p) i
) + Jp using the first-order
Taylor expansion formula, where J is the Jacobian of
(p) with respect to p evaluated at p
(see (Evange-
lidis and Psarakis, 2008) for details). Although af-
ter linearization the objective function remains non-
linear in p, it has been proved that the optimum cor-
rection vector obeys the following closed form solu-
p = (J
, (3)
with λ being
λ =
, (4)
where P
= I J(J
is an orthogonal projection
operator and I the identity matrix. Finally, by itera-
tively following the above parameter update rule, we
can obtain an acceptable solution by setting a stop-
ping criterion or fixing the number of iterations. Note
that the complexity of this scheme is O(N
) per it-
eration, where N
is the number of parameters and N
is the number of pixels.
2.3 Change Detection
Although we present a video surveillance algorithm,
we do not focus on change detection since this subject
has been extensively studied. A nice survey for image
detection algorithms can be found in (Radke et al.,
2005). Hence, since FLAR provides the correspond-
ing background frame appropriately warped, we use
known methods to detect changes between registered
images. Specifically, we use the Simple Differencing
(SD) method by thresholding the image differences, a
Mimimum Description Length (MDL) model to clas-
sify changed and unchanged regions and a statistical
method that considers a Gaussian model for the noise
(GN) (for details see (Radke et al., 2005)). All these
methods return a binary image (mask) at which we ap-
ply trivial morphological operations in order to locate
bounding boxes in the image of interest.
In this section, we present qualitative and quantita-
tive results to validate the proposed approach. Specif-
ically, we compare the performance of different coun-
terparts of the proposed algorithm with the most re-
lated works (Diego et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2008; Yang
et al., 2007). The evaluation counts on experiment-
ing with six real video sequence pairs recorded by
in-vehicle cameras, whose trajectories are approxi-
mately coincident. Although we aim at registering
nighttime sequences, we consider essential to also
test the algorithms with daylight sequences. To this
end, we used three sequences of each class denoted as
Night1, Night2 and Night3 (Serrat et al., 2007), and
as Day1, Day2 and Day3 (Kong et al., 2010) respec-
tively. Their alignment implies a quite challenging
task, since the speed of vehicles varies. The average
length of night sequences is 2500 frames and the spa-
tial resolution is 720× 540 pixels, whereas daylight
sequences are shorter in both space and time (200
frames of size 512× 384 pixels).
3.1 Synchronization Evaluation
In this section, we evaluate the performance of tem-
porally localize each newly acquired frame during the
current ride against the background sequence of the
previous ride. To properly assess the quality of the re-
sults, we have manually annotated the ground–truth
for these datasets, i.e. a narrow reference interval
] that each current frame must correspond to; the
length of these intervals is 3 frames on average. Sim-
ilar to (Diego et al., 2011), the synchronization error
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 3: (First row) Query (current) frames of Night1 sequence and synchronization results obtained by (second row) ex-
haustive search, (third row) SIFT-based retrieval and (fourth row) SURF-based retrieval.
for a candidate pair (n,t
) is defined as
0 if l
|) otherwise
The performance of synchronization is quantified
through the percentage 1
) > ε)/N for
ε = 0,1.
An an exhaustive search scheme given a query
frame, we can succeed in temporal matching by
obtaining a short-list (i.e. top-10) of background
frames using the image–appearance model proposed
in (Diego et al., 2011). Then, a spatial coherence step
using ECC algorithm re-ranks the list w.r.t. the cor-
relation coefficient, thus emerging the closest frame.
In the context of retrieval, we also try our scheme
by only changing the SURF descriptor with the SIFT
one (Lowe, 2004).
Table. 1 shows the synchronization performance
achieved by these three methods. We provide results
for ε = 0 and ε = 1 to show the error variance. We ob-
serve that the SURF–based method achieves higher
synchronization scores than the two other methods
across all sequences. It is important to note that the
Frame Localization (FL) based on SURF or SIFT
descriptors accurately discriminates the background
frame by just retrieving the best neighbor. IIR fil-
ter provides slightly better scores with both descrip-
tors. However, the contribution of SURF descriptor
instead of SIFT is clearly evident especially for night–
time sequences. Specifically, SURF–FL (SURF–
based FL) outperforms SIFT–FL (SIFT–based FL) by
6% on average while the proposed scheme achieves
a 8% better score than that of the exhaustive method.
Note that we do not count on geometric constraints,
since we aim at investigating the performance of the
net algorithm. However, it is obvious that SURF–FL
scheme would be benefitted by such constraints. Note
also that SURF-FL and SIFT-FL need 0.88 and 2.8
secs respectively to synchronize a night frame.
3.2 Alignment and Detection
To assess the alignment, we use a color RGB represen-
tation, where the G channel of the current frame has
been replaced by the warped G channel of the back-
ground corresponding frame. This way, changes are
marked by green and pink colors. In Fig. 3 the cor-
responding frames obtained by the synchronization
methods are shown for various night frames includ-
ing challenging cases. Given the results of the pro-
posed method (Fig. 3 (bottom)), Fig. 4 presents align-
ment instances obtained by the SIFT-flow algorithm,
the Generalized Dual-Bootstrap version of the ICP al-
gorithm (Yang et al., 2007) (GDB-ICP) and the ECC
scheme. Note that the goal of SIFT-flow is a pixel–
wise alignment instead of estimating a global geo-
metric transformation as ECC and GDB-ICP do. All
Table 1: Synchronization scores (%) obtained by the proposed methods and the competitors for two values of error tolerance
ε. Symbol ”–“ means that the exhaustive method totally fails for Day1 due to repeated patterns in frames.
Synchronization scores (ε = 0\ε = 1)
Night1 Night2 Night3 Day1 Day2 Day3 Average
Exhaustive search 71.5\84.5 61.4\78.8 68.9\83.8 93.2\98.6 85.0\99.3 76.0\89.0
FIR 67.5\82.9 48.7\68.6 66.9\83.1 70.0\85.0 99.3\100 92.5\96.6 74.2\86.0
IIR 71.8\86.7 52.2\70.7 77.1\88.8 74.0\93.5 100\100 95.2\100 78.4\90.0
FIR 72.6\86.3 53.4\71 73.6\87.4 74.0\90.5 99.3\100 88.4\95.2 76.9\88.4
IIR 78.8\90.6 60.6\76.6 82.6\92.8 96.5\99.5 100\100 100\100 86.4\93.3
Figure 4: Alignment instances in negative color for (first row) SIFT-flow, (second row) GDB-ICP and (third row) ECC
algorithm based on the frame pairs between the top and bottom row in Fig. 3.
algorithms behave quite well in the absence of occlu-
sions. As we can see, however, when the scene con-
tains objects visible only in the one sequence, SIFT-
flow fails as it creates artifacts or disappears objects.
This is probably because it works in a flow (local) ba-
sis. On the other hand, ECC and GDB-ICP achieve
remarkable results despite the noise and the low infor-
mation content, with GDB-ICP providing local mis-
alignments in some of two of the depicted frames.
The average registration time of half-size images is
29.2, 42.2 and 0.48 sec/frame for SIFT-flow, GDB-
ICP and ECC algorithms respectively.
Detection results for SD, MDL and GN models
are shown in Fig. 5. Instead of presenting binary
masks, we use boundingboxes superimposedin query
frames to annotate detected changes. An ”empty”
bounding box means that something is missing com-
pared to the background frame (see also the bottom
row of Fig. 3). Otherwise, it may be due to local
misalignment, different illumination and reflectance,
shading etc. We observed that GN method provides
slightly better result than MDL and SD methods. We
must point out here that, normally, errors in alignment
and detection do not happen in successive frames but
randomly (see supplemental material). This is helpful
for the video analyst who can ignore instant changes.
The time required by SD method is meaningless. The
complexity of the MDL and GN method is slightly
higher, but not prohibitive for real–time applications.
Please refer to
Surveillance/ for video results of the proposed
We presented a novel framework for helping a video
analyst to robustly detect changes in night-time out-
door surveillance by mobile cameras. In order to
avoid exhaustive cross-frame search of finding back-
ground frames, a Frame Localization And Registra-
tion (FLAR) is proposed to solve the problem effi-
ciently. The frame localization builds upon retriev-
ing the most similar background frame based on the
SURF descriptor together with a temporal filtering ap-
plied to the retrieval results to handle outliers. Then, a
recently proposed alignment scheme that overcomes
appearance variations between frames acquired at
different times is used to register the correspond-
ing frames in space; thus applying a simple change
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 5: Change detection results using (top) SD, (middle) MDL and (bottom) GN method.
detection to aligned frames allows the detection of
suspicious areas. Experiments with real night se-
quences recorded by in-vehicle cameras demonstrate
the performance of the proposed method and verify
its efficiency and effectiveness against other methods.
Moreover, the ability of the proposed scheme to deal
with daylight sequences was experimentally verified.
This work is supported by Spanish MICINN project
TRA2011-29454-C03-01, and Consolider Ingenio
2010: MIPRCV (CSD200700018).
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