João Carlos C. B. Soares de Mello
, João Erick M. Fernandes
and Luiz Flávio Autran M. Gomes
Departamento de Engenharia de Produção, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Passo da Pátria 156, Niterói, Brazil
Costa do Sol Táxi Aéreo, Maricá, Brazil
Ibmec/RJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywords: Fuzzy sets, Regional Aviation, Stochastic evaluation, Multicriteria Decision Aiding, Entropy, NAIADE
Abstract: This article deals with the problem of multicriteria selection of an aircraft. The problem has eight
alternatives to be evaluated under eleven different criteria, whose measurements can be exact, stochastic, or
fuzzy. The technique chosen for analyzing and then finding a solution to the problem is the multicriteria
decision aiding method named NAIADE (Novel Approach to Imprecise Assessment and Decision
Environments). The method used allows tackling the problems by working with quantitative as well as
qualitative criteria under uncertainty and imprecision. Another considerable advantage of NAIADE over
other multicriteria methods relies in its characteristics of not requiring a prior definition of the weights by
the decision maker. As a conclusion it can be said that the use of NAIADE provided for consistent results to
that aircraft selection problem.
Decisions form part of our day-to-day routine. Some
are simple and do not require great developments,
others are more complex, requiring a greater degree
of expertise and a methodology which is coherent
with the approach to the problem. This work
essentially deals with a decision making problem of
the more complex type, whose importance requires a
theoretically structured approach.
The problem presented in this article is faced by
a non-regular aerial transport company. The
company under study is a start-up company, derived
from an economic group whose principal activity is
logistics. Founded in 1969, the group is noted for its
capacity for diversification, in 2005, possessing 12
companies acting in diverse sectors, varying from
hotel services to agro-business. During the process
of qualifying as an airline operator, the managers of
the company studied analyzed the opportunity of
acting in the market of non-regular public flights,
known as charter flights, within routes typically
characterized as regional. In this modality, the public
are generally offered seats to destinations which may
or may not be attended by regular airline companies.
Among the analyses necessary for the formatting of
the new product to be offered, the managers
identified a factor of vital importance to the success
of the new service, the correct choice of airplane to
be used in this type of operation.
The company under study came into being in
1983 with the aim of producing ultra-light planes for
the practice of aerial sports. Since its foundation, the
company has been based at the Maricá aerodrome in
the Brazilian State of Rio de Janeiro. After being
acquired by a highly diversified group in 1991, the
organization suffered from lack of investment, later
ceasing its activities. The company remained
inactive until 2007, maintaining its assets by means
of renting its facilities. At the end of that year,
studies were initiated to reactivate the company with
a view to making use of the buildings available to
install a company in the aeronautic sector; the
decision being made for an air-taxi company. The
regulations for the creation of an air-taxi service
permit the exploitation of passenger flights on
demand, a modality known as charter flights. Based
on this, the managers of the company proposed an
evaluation, with the aim of formulating an economic
plan for the addition of this type of operation.
The critical problem encountered in this
evaluation was the choice of an aircraft, as this
Carlos C. B. Soares de Mello J., Erick M. Fernandes J. and Flávio Autran M. Gomes L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003758804270431
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2012), pages 427-431
ISBN: 978-989-8425-97-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
represents the main part of the investment necessary,
surpassing even the initial investment calculated for
the operations. This amount can be vital for a
company of the scale of the one studied (Bercovitz
and Mitchell, 2007). In addition to this, the selection
process was also shown to be complex at the
beginning, given the number of criteria and their
variations of measurement as well as the quantity of
alternatives to be chosen.
The adoption of a multicriteria decision aiding
tool, providing the managers with well-grounded
decision making, is justified therefore by the
importance for the company and the complexity of
the decision making problem. As it belongs to an
economic group, the decision was the responsibility
of the president of the group. The information
passed on to the decision analyst originates above all
from internal research, with the director of
operations also responsible for the evaluation of the
value of the qualitative variables necessary to the
process and which would be treated by means of
fuzzy logic (Zadeh, 1975).
It fell to these two agents, assisted by the
decision analyst, to make the definition of the set of
alternatives and the family of criteria. To help in
solving the problem, a multicriteria decision aiding
method was chosen with qualities more aligned to
those which the problem required. The actors that
participated in the process were the managers of the
company. The multicriteria method chosen is the
NAIADE method, created by Munda (1995). This
method encompasses, to a greater or lesser degree,
characteristics of resistance to trade-offs – in
contrast, for example, to MAUT, in which there is
an explicit exchange between values in a
multiattribute utility function (Keeney and Raiffa,
1976) – and the possibility of the application of
variables of diverse types. According to Munda
(1995), the application of the NAIADE method
consists of three steps: pair comparison, aggregation
of the criteria and the analysis of the alternatives.
For the application of the first step, the
difference of values between the alternatives must be
obtained. The way in which this difference is
obtained constitutes the larger part of the foundation
of the method. For this reason, even before knowing
how each one of the three steps is executed,
attention must be given to the functioning of this
In the literature there are already some uses of
MCDA in Air Transportation. For instance, a high
density route, the Belgrade – Zagreb air shuttle
service was evaluated by Teodorović (1985) using
the TOPSIS method, and another high density route,
the Rio de Janeiro – São Paulo was evaluated by
Soares de Mello et al (2003) using the MACBETH
method (Bana e Costa and Vansnick, 1994).
ANAC – the National Agency of Civil Aviation is
the Brazilian authority responsible for the regulation
of air transport. Constituted by Law no. 11.182,
ANAC regulates the sector supported by the
Brazilian Aeronautical Code and specific
regulations, called the Brazilian Regulations of
Aeronautic – RBHA. According to the RBHA 119
and 135, aircraft permitted for regional charter
operations are those with a capacity equal to or less
than 30 passengers, which already significantly
limits the viable alternatives. Also according to these
regulations, some advantages can be obtained by
companies which opt to use aircraft with a capacity
equal to or less than 19 passengers. The main
advantage can be found in RBHA 135.3(b), where
the company is dispensed from more detailed
training of the crew. Another significant advantage
can be found in RBHA 135.107, which dispenses the
company from the need for a qualified steward on
board its flights, which significantly reduces the
operational costs, of training, and of the preparation
and maintaining of the documents necessary for
With this new cut-off, the universe of choices
was reduced even more. According to the managers
of the company, the alternatives to be evaluated are:
Cessna Caravan, Fairchild Metro, Beechcraft 1900,
Embraer EMB-110 Bandeirante, LET 410, De
Havilland DHC 6, Dornier 228 and the CASA 212.
In relation to the criteria, one of the ways of working
with the definition of the criteria is by creating a
hierarchy in the form of a tree, in this way becoming
very similar to the AHP method (Saaty, 2005). At
the higher levels are the more wide ranging criteria
which are subdivided in other more detailed criteria
until a sufficiently specific family of criteria is
formed which can be evaluated effectively.
At the first level the criteria are divided into
three groups. In the financial group, there are the
criteria which result in direct expense or which
produce some impact on the financial or economic
administration of the institution. In the group of
criteria linked to logistics are listed the criteria
which are most significant for the operation of the
aircraft and their limitations. Lastly, in the group
linked to quality, the criteria reflect, either directly
or indirectly, the level of relative satisfaction on the
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
part of the users of the alternative.
The criteria which will effectively be evaluated
are on the second level. For a better understanding
of the importance of each criterion inside the model,
there follows a list of each of these criteria:
Acquisition Cost; Liquidity; Operating Costs;
Range; Flexibility; Cruising Speed; Replacement
Parts Availability; Landing and take-off distance;
Comfort; Avionics; Availability; Safety (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Subdivision in levels of the Criteria.
The Impact Matrix summarizes the problem,
showing what is relevant for the application of the
methodology. Munda (2006) suggests that the most
useful information must be present in the impact
matrix and that they should include the alternatives
analysed, accompanied by all the criteria and their
values, as well as the weights practiced for each
For the purposes of organization, the impact
matrix for this problem was broken down into two
matrices. The first is a matrix of the information on
the criteria (Table 1), which brings information on
measurement, weights and intersection for each
criterion. The second matrix is the impact matrix
itself (table 2), bringing the values collated for each
alternative in each criterion.
The following stage consists of calculating the
distance of the values and the pair comparison of the
distances calculated, in order to, in this way,
construct a matrix of indices of intensity of
preference for each criterion.
Munda (1995), as previously mentioned, presents
two possibilities for comparing the alternatives. The
first analyses the degree of truth in relation to the
statement “according to the majority of the criteria
...” with the variants “... a is better than b”, “...a is
indifferent to b” or “... a is worse than b”.
Table 1: Impact Matrix – Information on the criteria.
In order to aggregate the criteria, a table of size
N x M is used, where N is half of the number of
pairs of alternatives and M the number of relations
of preference considered. Table 3 presents the result
of the aggregation of the criteria.
Table 2: Impact Matrix – Values for the Criteria.
The second possibility is the ranking of the
alternatives by means of the intersection of two
flows adapted from the PROMÉTHÉE method. As
the first case is related by Munda (1995) merely as a
complement, the analysis will be carried out by
means of the flows, presented in table 4.
The order of preference of the alternatives for the
pilot application is, according to the flows is
presented in table 5.
Both by the positive flow and the negative flow,
alternative a3 is the optimum alternative, according
to the data supplied by the company and its
The NAIADE method is capable of formatting and
aiding in the solution of decision problems which
involve criteria of various types. In this problem it
was possible to apply mechanisms of the method
which allowed this property to be used.
In meeting the primary objective of this work, it
was possible to apply the NAIADE method to the
problem, even though the usual applications of this
method do not correspond to the profile of this work.
Therefore, it was possible to define the alternative
which best reflects what was being sought by the
administration of the company under analysis.
The option for the LET-410 aircraft was
therefore recommended to the decision maker, as
this stood out as the one which best met the
specifications and values sought in the equipment
for the carrying out of the intended activities.
Table 3: Aggregation of the Criteria.
One of the weak points detected during the
application of the methodology is the lack of
simplicity when approaching variables of diverse
types. Although conceptually the method is simple,
when the component of uncertainty of the variables
is added, the mathematical calculations begin to
acquire undesirable levels of complexity, which
could compromise the transparency of the
recommendations of this work to the decision
Table 4: Analysis of the Alternatives.
In relation to the results obtained, it is also
important to comment on the difference between the
rankings supplied by the negative and positive
flows. Although some inversion is expected, the
rankings in the greater part were very different. This
phenomenon simply demonstrates how close the
alternatives are, according to the values practiced by
the decision maker. Nevertheless, it can be observed
by the value of the positive and negative flows that
the optimum alternative is found to have a
comfortable difference in relation to the other
alternatives. Therefore, observing this phenomenon,
the recommendation becomes clear for the choice of
this aircraft as the best placed in the ranking of the
Table 5: Ranking of the Alternatives.
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
In relation to the alternatives, as an option for
these, the decision was made to select aircraft with a
maximum capacity of nineteen passengers, which
significantly reduced the universe of possible
alternatives. The choice of this cut arose solely due
to the strategy adopted by the company, therefore,
no study in greater depth was carried out on the
alternatives which exceed this level of cut. It is
possible that a wider ranging study in terms of the
number of alternatives would point to greater
viability with larger aircraft.
The criteria were defined according to the values
of the managers of a pre-operational company. Even
though they have been defined with the greatest
rigor possible, it is possible that the cast of important
criteria is modified when the operation becomes
effective. Obviously, the same would occur with the
weights and intersection points. A valid suggestion
for a future study is to repeat this analysis after the
operations have begun, so that it becomes a useful
tool when the decision is made to increase the fleet.
The method used was the fruit of a choice
oriented by some characteristics observed above all
by the decision analyst. This does not mean that no
other method can be used to attempt to solve the
same type of problem. The comparison of this work
with another which seeks to solve the same problem
with another methodology would be interesting, as it
would make it possible to verify the mathematical
model practiced in this work.
For CNPq, for its financial support.
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