Estimating the Noise Model, Constant and Time-varying Parameters
of Long-term Clinical Data
Andr´as Hartmann
, Susana Vinga
and Jo˜ao M. Lemos
INESC-ID, R. Alves Redol 9, 1000-029 Lisboa, Portugal
IST-UTL, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
FCM-UNL, C. M´artires P´atria 130, 1169-056 Lisboa, Portugal
HIV-1 viral dynamics, Parameter identification, Non-linear, Differential equation, Time-varying parameter.
The importance of a system theory based approach in understanding immunological diseases, in particular the
HIV-1 infection, is being increasingly recognized. This is because the dynamics of virus infection may be
effectively represented by relatively compact state space models in the form of nonlinear ordinary differen-
tial equations. This work focuses on the identification of constant and time-varying parameters in long-term
dynamic HIV-1 data.We introduce a novel strategy for parameter identification. Constant parameters were es-
timated using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and time-varying parameters were captured with Extended
Kalman Filter (EKF). As EKF relies on the noise strongly, the measurement noise was also inferred. The re-
sults are convincing on clinical data: similar noise parameters were detected for two different subjects, a good
overall fit was reached to the data, and EKF was found efficient in estimating the time-varying parameters,
overcoming drawbacks and limitations of existing methods.
The exhaustive study of HIV viral dynamics since the
early 90’s has lead to a deeper insight into the pathol-
ogy of the infection (Perelson et al., 1996). Ordi-
nary differentialequations(ODEs) were introduced as
a powerful tool to describe the underlying processes
(Perelson and Nelson, 1999). Of course, well estab-
lished models and identification algorithms are essen-
tial, which are intensively developed, see the com-
prehensive review (Wu, 2005) and references therein.
The importance of long-term dynamics in HIV infec-
tion modeling was just recently recognized. In the
early models parameters were considered as being
constant, which is a good approximation for the short-
term behavior, however in long-term dynamics some
(if not all) parameters may change over time due to
variation in treatment effects. Time-varying parame-
ters for drug adherence were studied in (Huang et al.,
2003; Huang, 2008). Recently, (Liang et al., 2010)
claimed to be the first to estimate both constant and
time-varying parameters from the time-series only,
not using historical parameters from prior studies in
any sense, nor similarity with other time-series.
The contribution of the present paper consists in
suggesting a novel strategy for more flexible identifi-
cation of time-varying parameter by avoiding splines
and without introducing new parameters to the model.
As the method relies on the statistical noise model,
we also characterized the noise contaminating the
data, which was found to be multiplicative zero mean
2.1 Dataset
The longitudinal clinical dataset used here was pre-
viously introduced by (Liang et al., 2010) for pa-
rameter estimation. It contains long-term viral
load (copies/ml) together with CD4+ T cell counts
) data of two patients. The infected and
uninfected cells are measured together, thus only the
total CD4+ T count (T +T
) is accessible. The small-
est detectable viral load with the available technology
is about 50 copies/ml. In the original dataset the val-
ues below were substituted with the threshold. In this
study, the undetectable values were excluded.
Hartmann A., Vinga S. and M. Lemos J..
IDENTIFICATION OF HIV-1 DYNAMICS - Estimating the Noise Model, Constant and Time-varying Parameters of Long-term Clinical Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0003758902860289
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS-2012), pages 286-289
ISBN: 978-989-8425-90-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.2 Estimation of the Noise Model
To estimate measurement noise, the time-series were
smoothed with least squares estimates regularized up
to 4
order local derivatives as described in (Liang
et al., 2010). To ensure that the noise could come
from independent identical normal distribution, nor-
mality of the noise was tested with two differentmeth-
ods: Chi-square and Lilliefors test. Gaussian noise
model has the advantage that it is easy to deal with,
and has only the first two moments (mean and vari-
ance) as parameters, which could be determined from
the dataset. However central limit theorem suggests
that the noise should be Gaussian, to the best knowl-
edge of the authors this has never been tested empiri-
cally before.
2.3 The Dynamic Model of the HIV-1
Although many, more complex parametric ODE mod-
els of the HIV infection can be found in the liter-
ature, incorporating different aspects of the process
(Wu, 2005), the most widely used one is the three di-
mensional basic model described by Eqs. (1-3) see
e.g. (Perelson and Nelson, 1999). This is a conse-
quence of the reduced datasets available and the fact
that in many cases data is collected with a very low
sampling rate, suggesting the usage of models as sim-
ple as possible.
T = s dT βTν (1)
= βTν ξT
ν = kT
cν (3)
The model includes three state variables: the concen-
tration of healthy CD4+ T cells (T = T(t)), infected
CD4+ T cells (T
= T
(t)), and free virus particles
(ν = ν(t)). Healthy CD4+ T cells are produced at
a constant rate s, and have an average life span of
1/d days. These cells can be infected by free virus
particles, and become infected cells. The infection is
modeled using a simple mass-action type term, with
a rate constant β. Infected cells may have a different
life span (1/ξ) than healthy cells, which means that
in general ξ 6= d. Finally, free virus particles are pro-
duced in infected cells, and released at a rate k, having
an average life span of 1/c.
The basic model was subject to several identifi-
ability studies, where all constant and time-varying
parameters were found structurally (mathematically)
identifiable in case the initial conditions are known
(Wu et al., 2008; Liang et al., 2010).
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
Patient I. virus log(error)
−0.5 0 0.5
Patient I. CD4+ T log(error)
−2 −1 0 1
Patient II. virus log(error)
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
Patient II. CD4+ T log(error)
Figure 1: Fitting Gaussian to the estimated noise.
2.4 Parameter Estimation
Parameter estimation is the process where the best fit-
ting parameters (given an objective function) are de-
termined. First, all parameters of the ODE system in
Eqs. (1-3) were treated as being constant, and iden-
tified with PSO (Kennedy et al., 1995). This resulted
in an initial parameter set, which was further refined
by introducing the time-dependency to the infection
rate (β). For the estimation of the time-varying pa-
rameter, a continuous-discrete version of EKF (CD-
EKF) (Sarkka, 2006) was applied. The continuous
ODE model together with the initial parameter set and
the noise model was plugged in into the filter. The
time-varying parameters were estimated from the dis-
crete measurementsat hand. The time update between
the measurements was simulated by solving the dif-
ferential equations, while a measurement update of
the standard EKF was executed any time a measure-
ment was available. This approach was introduced in
(Sarkka, 2006; Kristensen, 2004), and handles both ir-
regular sampling and missing data problems. All the
noise was considered to be measurement noise, while
process noise was set to zero.
The noise on the virus concentrations shows
exponential-like decay, and thus the log-errors were
plotted in Figure 1. Note that for patients with treat-
ment, the virus concentration also has an exponen-
tial decay, and in the earliest models even exponen-
tials were fitted to the data (Perelson et al., 1996; Wu,
2005). The visual fitting of the noise on the viral load
indicates that it may be approximated with Gaussian.
On the other hand, the number of data instances in
CD4+ T data is insufficient to reach a conclusion upon
visualization only, and it is even hardly enough to test
against a distribution numerically. The results of the
numerical normality tests in Table 1 confirm in most
cases that the hypothesis of normality is not rejected.
Chi-square test indicates that the errors of the viral
IDENTIFICATION OF HIV-1 DYNAMICS - Estimating the Noise Model, Constant and Time-varying Parameters of
Long-term Clinical Data
Table 1: Results and P-values of normality tests on the estimated noise. These tests include the null-hypothesis that the
data has normal distribution with the outcome being 1 if the null hypothesis can be rejected at the 5% significance level
(P-value<0.05), and 0 otherwise. The P-value=NaN indicates that it could be determined due to insufficient amount of data.
Patient I Patient II
V T + T
V T + T
Result P-value Result P-value Result P-value Result P-value
Chi-square 0 0.0661 0 NaN 0 0.7091 0 NaN
Lilliefors test 1 0.0108 0 0.1821 0 0.4925 0 0.4928
Table 2: Sample mean (µ) and standard deviation (σ) of the
Patient I Patient II
µ -0.0599 -0.0118 -0.0623 -0.0163
σ 0.2790 0.1503 0.3422 0.1768
load are Gaussian, while it failed to determine the fit
on the CD4+ T error because of insufficient amount
of data. The Lilliefors test considers all the errors to
be Gaussian except the one corresponding to the vi-
ral load of Patient I. The empirical parameters of the
noise were found to be similar for the two patients and
are listed in Table 2. According to these results, in the
rest of the paper we will consider multiplicative zero
mean Gaussian noise.
There is some variation among the discovered
constant parameters, but they are of the same mag-
nitude, see Table 3. For comparison purposes pa-
rameters estimated for the same time-series by (Liang
et al., 2010) are also represented. Figure 2 shows re-
construction using constant parameters discovered by
PSO. Figure 3 shows the time-varying parameter es-
timated by EKF using the noise parameters in Table
By smoothing the data in the mean-squared sense
we could reach the conclusion that the noise model
should be rather multiplicative then additive. Even if
in some cases the applied normality tests suffer from
insufficient amount of data, mostly they implied that
a zero mean Gaussian distribution is a good approx-
imation of the noise. The fact that the noise param-
eters (sample mean and standard deviation) for two
different time-series were found to be similar, sug-
gests that the estimation procedure was appropriate
and the noise model is valid. Note that, for a solid
proof it should be confirmed on a larger, statistically
more significant dataset with possibly more measure-
ment instances.
Similarly to other previous studies like (Huang,
0 100 200
time (days)
Patient I. virus data
0 100 200
time (days)
Patient I. CD4+ T data
0 200 400
time (days)
Patient II. virus data
0 200 400
time (days)
Patient II. CD4+ T data
Figure 2: Reconstruction using constant parameters.
0 50 100 150 200
x 10
Patient I.
0 200 400 600
x 10
Patient II.
Figure 3: Time-varying parameter estimated by CD-EKF.
2008), inter-subject variability was observed in terms
of parameters. It is worth noting that the discovered
constant parameters with PSO are of the same mag-
nitude, while parameters revealed by the MSSB and
SNLS algorithms respectively show much larger de-
viations, (see Table 3). The differences between the
parameter estimates of MSSB and PSO are also no-
ticeable. This can be due to the different algorithms
or the differences between the initial values, that can
lead to completely different results (Wu, 2005). An
another difference is that in this study we excluded the
non-detectable values, while in (Liang et al., 2010)
fitting was made to these values as well.
As the noise could be treated as zero mean Gaus-
sian, the CD-EKF algorithm was a suitable choice
to estimate the time-varying parameter: the Kalman-
gain forces the parameter at every step towards its
most likely value. Even with different constant pa-
BIOINFORMATICS 2012 - International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
Table 3: Estimated constant parameters with PSO compared with the results of the multistage smoothing-based (MSSB)
approach and the spline-enhanced nonlinear least squares (SNLS) approach, see (Liang et al., 2010).
Patient I Patient II
s 368.94 254.49 397.09 238.40 18.38 45.45
d 0.46 0.34 0.49 0.58 0.04 0.10
ξ 2.16 1.09 1.09 2.48 0.43 0.43
k 1317.35 1284.27 288.57 1283.17 1190.81 479.18
c 3.60 2.46 2.46 2.50 3.78 3.78
rameters, the time-varying parameter shows similar
behavior to those discovered with SNLS: After an ini-
tial perturbation they remain mostly constant. Patient
I data shows much more significant overshoot in β
than patient II, this can be due the different treatment
effects, but it is also possible that this is an artifact
of the method (e.g. numerical instability). Unlike
SNLS algorithm we avoided the usage of splines for
parameter estimation, that would address the design
questions: what kind of spline and of which order to
choose, moreover it would introduce new parameters.
Here we introduced a novel strategy for the estimation
of constant and time-varying parameters of the long-
term HIV-1 dynamic time-series. As this methodol-
ogy depends on the noise, first the noise model was
estimated from the data. The noise was found to be
multiplicative zero mean Gaussian. Constant param-
eters were then estimated with PSO, while the time-
varying parameter was further refined using an EKF
algorithm adopted to continuous models. In com-
parison with existing methods here we found much
smaller deviations between the estimated parameters,
on the two patients. No approximation with smooth-
ing or splines were used, instead, with EKF we ap-
plied the noise model directly to estimate the time-
varying parameter in a Bayesian manner. Thus we
believe this method offers a simpler and more flexible
framework for estimating the time-varying parameter.
Our future work aims at better characterization of
the noise and the time-varying parameter involving
more patients’ data and simulated experiments.
This work was supported by FCT (Portugal) un-
der project PTDC/EEA-CRO/100128, HIVControl -
Control based on dynamic modeling of HIV-1 infec-
tion for therapy design, and INESC-ID multi-annual
funding through the PIDDAC program funds. Andr´as
Hartmann received PhD fellowship from FCT - Fun-
dao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia under the reference
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IDENTIFICATION OF HIV-1 DYNAMICS - Estimating the Noise Model, Constant and Time-varying Parameters of
Long-term Clinical Data