Maria Claudia F. Castro
Electrical Engineering Department, Centro Universitário da FEI
Av. Humberto de A. C. Branco, 3.972, 09850-901, São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil
Keywords: Elbow angular position, Myoelectric signal, Linear discriminant analysis, Artificial neural network, Pattern
Abstract: The increasing popularity of an Artificial Neural Network for pattern recognition and the absence of
comparative studies showing its real superiority over Discriminant Analysis Methods motivated the present
study, aiming at comparing the accuracy levels achieved for a Feed-Forward Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
and a Linear Discriminant Analysis (RLDA) applied to myoelectric signals to classify elbow angular
positions. The results showed that there were no significant differences (t-student test p<0.05) between the
average classification accuracies achieved for both methods even with the search of configuration
parameters more appropriate to each situation. Both methods achieved average classification accuracies
above 80% for a number of classes up to 4. However, 5 subjects achieved good results in a 5-class setup,
which means a 20o shift between consecutive classes. Considering that for MLP there is an effort to define
the architecture parameters and also learning parameters, its use is only justified if there is a need of
generalization that cannot be achieved by the RLDA that does not require the predefinition of parameters, it
is practical and fast, and performs very well.
An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a system
composed of many processing elements operating in
parallel, the neurons, that are organized in
interconnected layers. This structure allows the
knowledge acquisition through a learning process that
is built based on the mathematical function that
defines each neuron and the strengths of interneuron
connections. So, the ability to learn and to generalize
to data that it has never seen before have made ANN
an attractive tool for pattern recognition (Zhang,
2000); (Basu et al., 2010).
On the other hand, according to statisticians, a
Feed-Forward Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) can be
seen as a multiple linear or nonlinear regression or
discrimination models. In those procedures, a
functional form is imposed on the data, some
assumptions about the input-output relationship are
done, and also probabilistic models are considered in
order to define classification decision boundaries.
The effectiveness of these methods depends on the
assumptions that are made, and so, on the user
knowledge of both model and data properties.
However, if this causes some difficulties, on the other
hand, it allows you to test the relationships among
process variables (Cheng and Titterington, 1994)0;
(Sarle, 1994); (Warner and Misra, 1996).
A MLP with sigmoid activation function can be
used as a universal curve-fit, but it will never reveal
the functional relations among the variables.
Furthermore, the number of hidden layers and the
number of neurons, activation function and learning
parameters, usually are defined empirically (Warner
and Misra, 1996); (Zhang, 2000).
The increasing popularity of ANN for pattern
recognition is a fact and it is not clear its superiority
when compared with Discriminant Analysis Methods
(Parker et al., 2006); (Ahsan et al., 2010); (Scheme
and Englehart, 2011); (Peederman et al., 2011). So,
the present study aims at comparing the accuracy
levels reached for a MLP and a Linear Discriminant
Analysis (LDA) applied to myoelectric signals to
classify elbow angular positions.
F. Castro M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003761203510355
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2012), pages 351-355
ISBN: 978-989-8425-89-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Data
Seven volunteers (4 men and 3 women) keeping a
low level of contraction of biceps and triceps,
developed elbow flexion and extension movements
from 0o to 90o with 3s of steady position each 10o
shift. Myoelectric signals were sampled at 1000Hz,
filtered within the range 20-500 Hz, rectified, and
smoothed with a low pass filter to obtain the
amplitude envelope (PowerLab – AdInstruments).
This protocol was approved by COEP – USJT –
For each volunteer there were at most g=18 steady
positions or classes (9 for flexion and 9 for extension)
and Ni=15 samples of d=200ms dimensional data per
2.2 Linear Discriminant Analysis
The LDA achieves class separation by means of using
linear combinations of features to maximize the
between-class scatter matrix Sb and to minimize the
within-class scatter matrix Sw. According to Fisher
criterion, this can be seen as a typical problem of
eigenvectors for (Thomaz et al., 2006).
However, in practical applications, may not
exist, and in order to overcome this limitation, a
Regularized LDA (RLDA) adds a constant to the
diagonal elements of the Sw, where 0< <1 is known
as the regularization parameter (Guo et al., 2007).
The method Leave One Out was chosen as the
classification algorithm, due to the small sample size.
This was applied for each class, in order to ensure the
same number of samples in each class. So, there is a
training matrix with N-g samples and a test matrix
with g samples, one of each class. Finally, class
assignment was done based on Euclidean distances.
2.3 Feed-forward MLP
A MLP with sigmoid, as activation function, was
used. The number of hidden layers and the number of
neurons were empirically investigated, and the results
will be discussed. Back propagation was the learning
algorithm chosen, with a learning rate of 0.3,
momentum rate of 0.9 and a maximum number of
epochs of 10000. The generalized delta rule with
gradient descent was utilized in each network’s
learning process.
Prior to the application of the MLP,
dimensionality reduction was done using Principal
Components Analysis. The number of components
defined the number of neurons in the input layer
while the number of neurons in the output layer was
coincident with the number of classes to be
recognized. The method Leave One Out was also
applied for MLP as the classification algorithm.
The 2-class setup matches the extreme positions 0o
and 90o and the 3-class setup matches 10o, 50o and
90o positions. In the 4-class setup, positions differ by
30o shift while in the 5 and in the 10 classes setup
they differ by 20o and by 10o respectively.
Table 1: Average classification accuracies.
g Phase Rate(%) Rate(%)
2 Flex. 96.19 95.24
Ext. 97.14 98.10
3 Flex. 79.36 80.63
Ext. 86.35 88.89
4 Flex. 77.14 77.14
Ext. 77.62 79.05
5 Flex. 61.71 59.05
Ext. 66.86 70.29
10 Flex. 43.90 39.14
Ext. 46.10 42.19
Table 2: Best classification accuracies for volunteers A and
g Phase Rate(%) Rate(%)
2 Flex. 100 83.33 100 76.67
Ext. 100 90.00 100 90.00
3 Flex. 100 64.44 100 68.89
Ext. 100 57.78 100 66.67
4 Flex. 88.33 53.33 90.00 51.67
Ext. 85.00 58.33 83.33 56.67
5 Flex. 89.33 41.33 85.33 49.33
Ext. 80.00 36.00 82.67 48.00
10 Flex. 66.67 22.00 61.33 21.33
Ext. 55.33 26.00 52.00 24.67
(g - number of classes, Flex. - flexion, Ext. - extension, Rate (%) -
classification rate, V
- V
– Volunteers A and B).
Average classification accuracies are presented in
Table 1, showing rates above 80% for 2 and 3 classes.
The rates achieved for both methods were almost the
same and for all configurations they were higher
during the extension phase. However, as the number
of classes increases, the effect was the decrease of
classification accuracies. This occurred even for
different regularization parameters for RLDA and
different network parameters such as the number of
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
hidden layers and the number of neurons.
Table 2 shows individual results, corresponding to
the best and to the worst results, for each method.
Volunteer A reached high classification accuracies
until 5 classes, and the results for flexion phase were
better than those for extension phase. Other five
volunteers had classification accuracies similar to this
volunteer and only one had results similar to the
volunteer B.
Despite the increasing popularity of ANN in pattern
recognition applications due to the belief of better
performance and better generalization ability, the
results showed a different situation. Table 1 showed
in 50% of the cases classification accuracies of MLP
greater than those obtained with RLDA and in 40%
of the cases classification accuracies of RLDA
greater than those obtained with MLP. The other 10%
the result was the same for both methods. However,
the differences are not significant for the classes setup
(t-student test p<0.05). The fact that the classification
accuracies were the same for both methods can be
explained due to the linearity between class
boundaries as shown in a previous work (Castro,
2011) that used RLDA in order to separate up to 18
classes. What was surprising is that it was possible to
linearly separate those classes, while the results here
showed that the classifiers, based on the same feature,
did not achieve a good performance for the same
number of classes.
In Englehart et al. (1999), LDA showed in some
cases using time-frequency features better
performance than MLP, however using time domain
features MLP exhibited better performance.
According to them, the difference was due to the fact
that as the feature set dimensionality grows, the
degree of nonlinearity between class boundaries
diminishes, and so decreases the advantage that a
MLP may have over an LDA. Oskoei and Hu (2006)
found similar results investigating the discriminant
information provided for many features in time and
frequency domain, using LDA and MLP as
classifiers. Hargrove, Englehart and Hudgins (2007)
in other work comparing surface and intramuscular
myoelectric signal, the performance of the LDA was
again better than the MLP. In a more recent work
showing the state of the art, Scheme and Englehart
(2011) mentioned a comparative study aiming at
investigating the performance of various classifiers in
11-class motion setup, with nondisabled subjects and
transradial-amputation subjects, which also showed
the superiority of LDA over ANN in both cases.
These results disagree with the current assumption
that an ANN is always better than a statistical
Another observation is that the classification
accuracy decreased with the increase of the number
of classes in the same way for both methods, even
with the use of different configuration parameters
aimed to better adapt to the data. The generalization
ability of the classifier depends not only to its own
characteristics but also to the data characteristics,
number of input components and the number of
classes. Data characteristics are represented by
features extracted from the original raw data. This
study used amplitude envelope that, for a small
number of classes was adequate, however with the
increase of the number of classes this feature has not
provided sufficient discriminant information for both
classifiers. Some authors have studied the duo
feature-classifier, feature of providing discriminant
information and the classifier in recognizing this
information, showing that for each classifier there is a
feature or subset of features that is more adequate to
it and so, resulting in better classification accuracies
(Englehart et al., 1999; Oskoei and Hu, 2006;
Hargrove, Englehart and Hudgins, 2007).
Table 2 showed the classification accuracies for
two volunteers, that reached the best and the worst
scores. Other five volunteers had similar distribution
of classification rates from the Volunteer A and
another one had results close to the volunteer B. And
for all of them the performance of both methods was
the same. The poor results obtained for two
volunteers were due to electrode positioning
problems and a poor skin electrode interface. If those
data were eliminated, the average classification
accuracy would improve above 80% for at most 4-
class setup. However, there were volunteers that
reached good classification accuracies for 5-class
setup, which positions differ by 20o between
consecutive ones.
It is important to note that besides to the great
similarity between classes, which occurs mainly from
the configuration of 4 classes, the contraction level
was kept at low levels during the movements, making
them close to the normal way to perform them, and
so, making SME hardly discernible from background
activity. Itakura et al. (1996) in a similar experiment
using 4 classes of wrist angular positions classified by
a MLP achieved averages of discrimination rates
from 70.3% to 76.0% that were smaller than those
obtained here.
This configuration differs from the other works
which use very different positions in each class and to
reach each one some muscle strength is applied.
Another difference is the use of amplitude envelope
instead of some other feature combination in time or
frequency domain. This may be the reasons to the
smaller classification accuracies for a number of
classes greater than 5 compared to the results
obtained from other authors, which continue with
classification rates above 90 for these class
configurations (Hargrove, Englehart and Hudgins,
2007; Ahsan, Ibrahimy and Khalifa, 2010; Basu,
Bhattacharyya and Kim, 2010; Scheme and
Englehart, 2011). However, considering the type of
movement and distinctive classes, the low level of
contraction and the use of the amplitude envelope,
which require a minimum processing effort, for a
small number of classes, the systems had performed
On the other hand, the process based on RLDA
was very fast, while the process based on MLP was
time consuming as much to define adequate
parameters as for as network training. There was no
pattern for the number of hidden layers and the
number of neurons. These parameters varied for each
volunteer and for each class configuration, aimed at
obtaining the best classification accuracies. Usually, 2
or 3 hidden layers were enough, but the number of
neurons varied from 9 to 100 depending on the case.
Englehart et al. (1999) and other researchers such as
Basu, Battacharyya and Kin (2010) and Zhang (2000)
defend that MLP, as long as properly trained and with
an appropriate configuration will always match, if not
exceed, the performance of an RLDA. But usually,
due to the need to automate MLP training over a large
number of interactions, the number of hidden layers
and also the number of neurons are fixed. For a given
subject and a specific number of classes however, the
configuration may be inappropriate, and will be
inhibit the generalization performance of the MLP.
The RLDA, on the other hand does not require these
specifications, and performs very well.
This study showed the same performance for RLDA
and MLP in a problem of elbow angular position
classification, based on the SME amplitude envelope.
Both methods achieved average classification
accuracies above 80% for a number of classes until 4
but individually, 5 subjects achieved similar results in
a 5-class setup, which means a 20o shift between
consecutive classes. May be a better classification
accuracy can be reached with another feature instead
of amplitude envelope that was used. However, this
probably will also change the comparative
performance between the methods. Considering that
for MLP there is a great effort to define the
architecture and also learning parameters, its use is
only justified if there is a need of generalization that
cannot be achieved by the RLDA that does not
require the predefinition of parameters, it is practical
and fast.
The author thanks FEI and FAPESP for sponsoring.
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