Figure 2: The results for the three datasets are given in column 1 for Art1, column 2 for Art2 and column 3 for Iris. The 1-th
row is for the map from the faGTM model. The 2-nd row is for the graphs of the g sets of curves T
. The mesh resulting of
the first EM step with coordinates s
is in red dot line.
uniform distribution on [0;0.15]. This resulting
dataset counts n = 1000 vectors with d = 15 fea-
- Art2. This dataset is a random sample from one
half of a sphere centered at origin in R
with ra-
dius 1, plus a circular band surrounding the 2-
th hemisphere near the great circle. This dataset
counts n = 1479 vectors of d = 3 features. The
sample from the hemisphere is clustered artifi-
cially into 10 non-overlapping classes.
- Iris. The dataset of the Iris is compound of 150
vectors in a 4-dimensional space and 3 classes.
The trajectory plot is less relevant in this situation
to reveal the 3 clusters which are less separated.
The projections for the three datasets are shown in
Figure 2. The points for the different classes have
different colors on the graphics. The results are very
encouraging, the method adds flexibility to the vec-
tors of basis function, and leads to a novel graphical
representation for the GTM.
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spectives. For instance, the trajectory map as a com-
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