
pattern matching algorithms when executed in par-
allel on a hybrid distributed and shared memory ar-
chitecture. The algorithms were used to locate all
the appearances of any pattern from a finite pattern
set on four biological databases; the genome of Es-
cherichia coli from the Large Canterbury Corpus, the
SWISS-PROT Amino Acid sequence database and
the FASTA Amino Acid (FAA) and FASTA Nucleidic
Acid (FNA)sequences of the A-thaliana genome. The
pattern set used consisted of 100.000 patterns where
each pattern had a length of m = 8 characters.
It was concluded that the parallelization rate of
most multiple pattern matching algorithms depends
on the type of sequence database used. The par-
allel implementation of the algorithms had the best
speedup when used on the E.coli and the worst on
the FAA sequence database. It was also shown that
the Wu-Manber algorithm was up to 19.2 times faster
than its sequential implementation, the Commentz-
Walter was up to 14.5 times faster while the Salmela-
Tarhio-Kyt¨ojoki family of multiple pattern matching
algorithms had a speedup of up to 15.3 times.
The work presented in this chapter could be ex-
tended with a more accurate performance prediction
model as well as with experiments that use additional
parameters like patterns of varying length and larger
pattern sets. Since biological databases and sets of
multiple patterns are usually inherently parallel in na-
ture, future research could focus on the performance
evaluation of the presented algorithms when parallel
processed on modern parallel architectures such as
Graphics Processor Units.
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