number of communication errors occurred over time.
Figure 3: ECG lead signal acquired by the developed
wearable sensor.
Table 2 shows a list of different statistics obtained
during a testing period of one hour, within which the
3 wireless sensor nodes were performing signal
acquisition and transmitted their monitored data
when requested by the network coordinating node,
following a TDMA communication scheme.
Table 2: Statistics of error performance in wireless
communications within the developed network, during a
testing period of one hour.
Connection losses 2
Packets lost due to link errors 60
Duplicate packets received 10
Total number of generated packets/TDMA slots 1383
Packet error rate 5.1%
The obtained packet rate of 5.1% is considerable,
although it could be acceptable for continuous long-
term monitoring applications, where loss of data is
less critical.
From a preliminary analysis of the developed
system, it is expected that the use of a wireless
network of single-lead ECG sensors, using a
protocol based on TDMA and operating in a less
crowed band, could provide reliable support for
continuous monitoring of independent single-lead
signals and for continuous 12-lead ECG synthesis.
Future work will involve testing of the accuracy
of the proposed system for 12-lead ECG synthesis in
volunteers and the development of a new
miniaturised version of the single-lead ECG sensors.
Moreover, tests should be performed to evaluate up
to what degree the data losses caused by errors in
wireless communications affect the accuracy and the
performance of the system for continuous
monitoring of a synthesized 12-lead ECG.
This work was supported by the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology under grant
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BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices