are more detailed food textures under it as shown in
Figure 3, from the knowledge of the labeled plot, the
food texture elasticity is mostly inside the soft part
and food texture crunchiness is mostly inside the hard
Common ways for food texture measurement is to use
equipments that cannot be used for continuous eating
habits monitoring. However, it is very important to
monitoring eating habits by observing the food tex-
ture of foods people eat in daily life.
In this paper, the possibility of estimating food
texture in daily life monitoring is explored, and a
model of detailed food texture estimation using sound
for wearable eating habits monitoring is developed.
The proposed model’s efficiency has been validated,
showing an high accuracy and a good stability for dif-
ferent individuals and different food types with vari-
ety of food textures.
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realizing safe and secure societies: research project
on ”Development of a Physiological and Environmen-
tal Information Processing Platform and its Applica-
tion to the Metabolic Syndrome Measures”.
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HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics