At 94 seconds there is a very strong amplitude
in the negative voltage area of the horizontal signal.
This is due to the crossing of the slide from the right
cross to the left cross. The values validate again that
the distance the eye has to cover is proportional to
the change of the EOG signal.The same is observable
when the subject had to look at the upper cross. Du-
ring the left-to-top-movement the signal of the verti-
cal movement changes, too. The upward eye move-
ment is clearly detectable (-300 µV). The same is ob-
served for the down movement from the top cross to
the lower cross (450 µV). Afterwards the signal con-
verts into a negative run because the eye moves from
the lower cross to the middle cross and the sequence
is over. During those movements the horizontal signal
evens out at around zero because no further left-right-
movements are made.
It was easy to detect eye movements through an
EOG system. The proband is not restricted in the usu-
al movements and a technical calibration, like it has
to be done for the commercial eye tracking system,
is not needed. The disadvantage of the EOG system,
compared to the gaze positions from the eye tracking
data, is the lack of quantification of the voltage values
in order to receive pixel positions. An attempt of such
quantification is mentioned in subsection 3.4.
3.4 Quantification of EOG Data and
Eye Movements
The filtered (Notch filter) EOG signal, provided by
the Neurowerk software, was analyzed to derive exact
gaze points from voltage values. The quantification
was done for a task slide which consists of four lines
to be read (see figure 1). The signal has been ”split-
ted” into four parts to be able to measure and compare
voltage values and gaze points (see fig. 7). The ampli-
tudes of the line breaks (end of one line to the begin-
ning of the next line) for vertical and horizontal mo-
vements were chosen for a sample quantification. The
length of the signal change was measured and quan-
tified. In order to compare those values to a distance
covered on screen, the gaze points for the reading sec-
tion have been examined within EyeValuation.
During vertical movements one pixel can be re-
presented by 0.95 µV, during horizontal movements
one pixel covers about 1.76 µV. It was possible to
calculate approximated values for the vertical move-
ments. First the starting point had to be determined
from the position of last upward movement until the
peak of normalization (striving towards 0). The cal-
culated starting point is around 385 px. The starting
point according to the gaze points in EyeValuation is
375 px, so it is a pretty good result.
Figure 7: Filtered and labeled EOG data (from Neurowerk).
For the starting point of line two the distance from the
last peak up until the starting of the downward mo-
vement (maximum amplitude) is needed. The calcu-
lation of the starting point of line 2 result in a value
of around 478 px. Compared to the gaze point from
EyeValuation, which is around 480, the result is very
satisfying. The same happens with the other two li-
nes, the results are always in the proximity of the eye
tracking position.
The calculation of horizontal positions is a bit mo-
re complicated. The micro jumps caused be fixations
and saccades while reading have to be included into
the calculations, therefore increasing the amount of
work. These calculations are not part of this paper.
The information gain of the EOG when compared to
proven measuring systems (eye tracking system) is
high. It is recommendable to use the EOG system in
combination with commercial eye tracking systems to
obtain verified results. EOG data is useful in the field
of eye movement analysis. The problems described in
section 3 are the initial point for the continuation of
this experiment. The first results were satisfying for
vertical eye movements.
The development of an eye tracking system with
an integrated EOG system to visualize and interpret
both data sets could be the next goal, offering fields
of application in health business.
Duchowski, A. (2007). Eye Tracking Methodology: Theory
and Practice. Springer Verlag.
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing