Figure 7: Extended InfoMax PI evolution for different num-
ber of channels as a function of the data length.
previous work (Palmer, 2010) stating that, for EEG
signals, using sphering instead of classical whitening
would result in more physiologically plausible sepa-
rated sources (i.e. more dipolar).
Three popular ICA algorithms, often used to anal-
yse EEG signals, have been tested for different data
lengths and number of signals. The main objective
was to define a low bound of data length for robust
separation results, in order to take into account the
short term stationarity of the EEG signals. The re-
sults on simulated mixtures of subgaussian and su-
pergaussian sources are significant enough to extract
an empirical rule for the minimum data length, de-
pending on the number of channels. This result is
based on an original distance measure inspired by the
computer vision community and leads to a reasonable
time length (approximately 10s for 18 channels, sam-
pled at 256 Hz). An auxiliary objective was to test the
convergence robustness of these algorithms for differ-
ent initializations (whitening or sphering). Separation
Performance Index turns out to be similar whether
the decorrelation step is performed using sphering or
whitening method, confirming the robustness of these
Still, these results are not sufficient to conclude
on the impact of different decorrelation methods on
real EEG signals. We are considering further work on
EEG-like (dipolar mixtures) simulated data corrupted
with noise, in order to evaluate the importance of the
decorrelation step from a physiological point of view
(source dipolarity). If such sensitivity is confirmed,
a longer term ambition would be to find an adequate
decorrelation scheme that guarantees the convergence
of ICA algorithms to plausible physiological sources.
Finally, an immediate perspective would be to
extend our study to more HOS algorithms and
more channels, but also to use more realistic time-
structured data allowing the evaluation of SOS BSS
algorithms (SOBI and similar).
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BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing