cal doctors that will be provided with smartphones
running the application. The participants will follow
their daily routine, treating patients in the emergency
department, and use our system to record and store
media files (photos, videos, audio files) and issue re-
quests for consultations via the functions of our sys-
Also several senior doctors and medical experts
will be equipped with the desktop version of the client
on their workstation. This ensures that they can be
reached by requests for consultation.
All involved medical doctors will be asked to par-
ticipate in a structured interview after the trial. The
data from the interviews will allow us to evaluate the
usability of the system as a whole, and of the specific
client user interfaces in particular.
We have built a mobile collaboration and decision
support system that can enhance and speed up the pro-
cesses in an emergency department of a hospital.
The features of the system were defined and devel-
oped in close collaboration with the end users (med-
ical doctors) and the first feedbacks were encourag-
ing. The system will be evaluated in a trial in early
2012 in the University Hospital Basel. The data gath-
ered from log files during the trial and the findings of
the interviews conducted after the trial with involved
medical doctors, will allow us to examine and judge
the usefulness of the system.
This work was supported by funding from the
Swiss Innovation Promotion Agency CTI. The au-
thors would like to thank the University Hospital in
Basel, the Academy for medical training and simula-
tion AMTS and Agfa Healthcare for their support.
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HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics