A. Anier and J. Vain
Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia
Model based control, Continual planning, Cognitive architecture, Online safety monitoring.
The paper presents a model-based robot planning and control framework for human assistive robots - namely
for Scrub Nurse Robots. We focus on endoscopic surgery as one of the most relevant surgery type for applying
robot assistants. We demonstrate that our framework provides means for seamless integration of sensor data
capture, cognitive functions for interpretation of sensor data, model based continual planning and actuation
control. The novel component of the architecture is a distributed continual planning system implemented based
on the Uppaal timed automata model-based verification and control tool suite. The distributed and modular
architecture of the framework enables flexible online reconfiguration and easy adaptability to various appli-
cation contexts. Online learning and safety monitoring functions ensure timely and safe updates of software
components on-the-fly.
The assistive robotics sets high standards to cogni-
tive capabilities, autonomy and movement precision
for robots. Functionally, it means understanding hu-
man intention and providing adequate reaction to it.
Technically it means human-in-the-loop collaborative
action control, fusion of various sensor information,
high accuracy actuation and reliable software imple-
mentation. Action and trajectory planning safety is-
sues become critical in the conditions where the robot
shares user’s working envelope to achieve required
physical interaction.
This paper presents a software integration frame-
work for Scrub Nurse Robot (SNR)(Miyawaki et al.,
2005) focusing on distributed model based continual
planning and control issues. The goal of a SNR is to
learn the interactions between a surgeon and a scrub
nurse during a laparoscopic surgery and to replace the
(human) nurse on demand. The key aspect for in-
corporating the SNR in the collaborative action (e.g.
when the human scrub nurse has to deal with unex-
pected emergencies) is to avoid the need for the sur-
geon to re-adapt to the changed partnerwhile still pre-
serving the “original feel” and the accustomed work-
flow. A physical scene of a SNR example deployment
is shown in Fig.1.
A scrub nurse must hand a surgical instrument to
a surgeon as soon as it is requested. If the scrub nurse
Figure 1: SNR intraoperative scene(Miyawaki et al., 2005).
has to spend time searching for the instrument after
the request the procedure is interrupted, valuable time
is lost and an unnecessary burden is placed on the sur-
geon. That possibly reduces the quality and effective-
ness of the operation. The scrub nurse must be fully
attentive to the activity in the operative field and an-
ticipate accurately what a surgeon will need to avoid
delays. For this to be possible the scrub nurse not
only needs to know the surgical procedure as well as
the surgeon does, but must also be highly disciplined.
The “ideal” scrub nurse (if one exists) is able to pass a
surgeon whatever is needed without any verbal order
at the moment that the surgeon’s hand is extended to
receive it.
The goal of the SNR software project is to de-
velop a human-adaptive SNR capable of adapting to
Anier A. and Vain J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003783503820385
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 382-385
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
surgeons with various levels of skill and experience,
also to different personalities and moods . In other
words, the SNR ought to function as an “ideal” scrub
nurse. Highly developed cognitive faculties such as
machine vision and speech recognition as well as
adaptive robotic arm path planning and targeting are
required to attain this ideal.
In conventional surgical operations a scrub nurse
frequently has to handle an array of different instru-
ments. It is difficult to make the SNR adaptive to
such busy operations. Therefore, the SNR prototype
has been designed for endoscopic surgery which only
needs limited types of surgicalinstruments. The adap-
tivity of the SNR requires unsupervised learning by
observing skilled nurses’ interactions and behavior
during surgical operations.
Online recognition and anticipation of surgeon’s
motions while operating is essential to classify which
motions are common to all surgeons and which are
specific to individuals. This in turn will aid in an-
ticipating a surgeon’s needs and in adapting to the
changes of procedure. On the other hand - the results
of the investigation of intraoperative behavior have to
be abstracted and memorized in the form of mathe-
matical and/or formal models in order to reproduce
the variety of motion trajectories that can be expected
from various combinations of surgical procedures and
varying external factors. The model of a nurse’s be-
haviors as he or she reacts to other surgical staff (sur-
geon, assistant and others) serves as a high-level be-
havior specification for the SNR action planning.
The SNR’s control architecture depicted in Fig.2
comprises of the following components: 3D posi-
tion tracking system that is capable of measuring the
position-tracking marker’s coordinates with precision
more than 1 mm with sampling rate up to 200 fps. The
surgeon’s hand movement sampling data is passed to
gesture recognition module that uses multiple recog-
nition methods in parallel. These methods of detect-
ing operator’s current motions and the voting mecha-
nism(Vain et al., 2009) maximize the confidence of
the recognition. The identified motion and its pa-
rameters are inputs for reactive motion planning that
compares the observed movement of surgeon’s hand
with that of predicted by surgeon’s behavior model
and surgery scenario model.
Such online conformance monitoring allows to
correct the current model state with precision of min-
imum sampling error. By the corrected state infor-
mation and surgery scenario model the next SNR ac-
tion is planned and the resulting control parameters
are transferred to the actuation control unit of SNR.
The information about surgeon’s possible reactions
predicted by the surgeon’s model is returned to the
Computer mouse3DMS cameras
EvaComm2 SDK
Mouse Tracker
MotionAnalysis EVaRT
Object definition subsystem
Rapid Miner
Voting automata
TA automataTA generator
Spread Proxy
Motion rec.
Spread op.
EVaRT op.
Motion rec.
Spread op
EVaRT op.
Motion rec.
Spread op
EVaRT op.
Figure 2: Architecture model.
motion recognition module for discrimination of the
decisions space when new movement is being recog-
The control architecture described above is imple-
mented based on the open middle-ware platform dis-
cussed more thoroughly in the following sections.
2.1 Data Acquisition
SNR doesn’t have integrated vision. Instead, the vi-
sual feedback control is implemented by means of
external MotionAnalysis Hawk near-infrared active
3D measurement system (3DMS). 3DMS is not the
only source of information. There are various sen-
sors to monitor the state of the robot and peripheral
interfaces that contribute to the overall situation and
context awareness. For instance, the position data
of surgical instruments is backed by RFID readings
of ceramic RFID tag positions that are attached to
the instruments. Abdominal video imaging from la-
paroscopic camera provides more accurate informa-
tion about the course of surgery.
Middle-ware jEvart unifies 3DMS data with other
data acquisition sources and passes to data analy-
sis and cognitive modules implemented by means of
Rapid Miner tool -
2.2 Data Analysis and Cognitive
The robot control framework and middle-ware pro-
vide a common platform for integration of data ac-
quisition and cognitive functions.
Data analysis and cognitive functions are imple-
mented by means of data mining toolkit Rapid Miner.
It includes hundreds of algorithms ranging from filter-
ing and clustering to machine learning packaged into
an integrated development environment. Rapid Miner
is inspired by WEKA machine learning toolkit(Hall
et al., 2009) improved with extensive data visualiza-
tion and analysis automation tools.
To make the Rapid Miner fit the SNR overall
control architecture some custom plug-ins are imple-
mented. Specifically, it concerns the data acquisition
components to capture the data available for analy-
sis and visualization, but also the DTRON plug-in
that bridges cognitive functions to deliberative con-
trol level functions. The deliberative control is based
on provably correct timed automata models executed
symbolically by DTRON tool.
The SNR timed automata based action planning and
control make use of Uppaal tool suite(Behrmann
et al., 2004). Uppaal editor allows manual con-
struction of timed automata in a way of visual pro-
gramming paradigm. Limited functionality of vari-
ous elements of the automata can be encoded using
C-like functions. Although those functions make it
somewhat easy to specify state transitions, their us-
age is prone to state space explosion. The Uppaal
tool-suite includes an extension for Testing Real-time
systems Online (TRON)(Hessel et al., 2008). Al-
though TRON was originally developed for confor-
mance testing, it also supports the functionality rel-
evant to model-based discrete control. To interface
the TRON model-based control module with control-
lable object requires adapters” on the object side.
Adapters intermediate and interpret the signals traf-
ficking between the Uppaal automata and the con-
trol object. TRON was originally designed for single
tester-testee pair and does not scale well with n > 1
testers and m > 1 testees. So it does not easily scale
to distributed control applications. The main limita-
tion of TRON usage is that it requires an extensive
effort for adapter coding between controllers and con-
trol objects. When the adapter-controller pairs are
tightly coupled every change in configuration requires
re-wiring on both adapter ends.
Distributed TRON (DTRON) proposed in this pa-
per is a framework built around the TRON tool to sup-
port multicast messaging between TRON instances
running in parallel. In the ISO OSI networking ar-
chitecture sense it implements the whiteboard pattern
where publishers publish data and subscribers get no-
tified about this. On the other hand, it embraces the
dependency injection programming paradigm to make
the controller-controllable object pairs loosely cou-
pled for much better scaling.
To multicast is to send a message not to one recip-
ient but to n recipients. DTRON is able to intercept
the designated transitions within one control agent
(model) and inform the other control agents of inter-
ests about it. The designation is defined by predicate
on a synchronized transition of the controlling agent
model. The synchronization and communication be-
tween agents is implemented by means of multicast
message passing that allows the agents (dynamically)
to join and leave a multicast wheneverthey want with-
out the need to re-configure existing infrastructure. It
only requires an agreement or protocol how messages
are defined and what data they carry when they tra-
verse the multicast.
Continual planning(DesJardins et al., 1999) denotes a
planning strategy where the interactions between the
controller and controllable object cannot be planned
deterministically up front. The control signals have
to be chosen depending on the situation as it emerges.
The controller “knows” the state of the control object
it tries to reach, but has limited control over stimuli
or limited observation power of the control object be-
havior. The continual planning controller stimulates
the object by limited set of stimuli step-by-step driv-
ing it towards the control goal by adjusting the stimuli
to the control object responses.
Timed automata based planning and control suits
for continual control due to its non-deterministic na-
ture. Observations are mapped to automata struc-
ture and transition guards that encode the selection
of stimuli to guide the (possibly) non-deterministic
moves of the controllable object.
Uppaal comes with a formal verification engine
that is used to establish weather a “plan” always
drives the object to a desired state, provided the ob-
ject responses are (at least partially) known. An ex-
treme case would be a fully non-deterministic object
that implies that it cannot be guaranteed or estimated
which conditions should hold in order to reach the
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
target state. This sets practical limits to the control-
lability for the SNR. If major deviations from pre-
specified scenario model occur the SNR would safely
disengage human interaction from the working enve-
lope and switches to manual override.
For continual planning and control the SNR actions in
nondeterminstic situations are synthesized on-the-fly.
The synthesis is based on the interaction model the
SNR has learned by observing and recording Scrub
Nurse and Surgeon’s interactive behavior. The timed
automata model learning algorithm used for that has
been introduced in (Vain et al., 2009). The synthesis
of reactive planning controller(Vain et al., 2011), that
guides the SNR action when being active is based on
the interaction model learned. The intended control
goal of the SNR operation is encoded in the scenario
automaton that specifies the sub-goals of the control,
their temporal order and timing constraints. When-
ever one of the sub-goals has been reached it triggers
resets on guard conditions of the interaction model
and activates driving conditions to reach the subse-
quent goal or one of the alternatives if multiple equal
goals are reachable. In case of violating timing con-
straints or blocking an exception handling procedure
or reset is activated and diagnostics recorded. Spe-
cial care has been taken to address the safety precau-
tions in SNR control. An independent safety monitor-
ing process is running to check if all safety invariants
are satisfied. Whenever safety violation is detected
the disengagementprocedure from continual planning
unit is activated.
The cognitive robot architecture framework described
in this paper supports several innovative aspects
needed for implementing assisting robots in different
applications. Our experience is based on the Scrub
Nurse robot control architecture and software plat-
form development exercise. We demonstrated that
DTRON model-based distributed control framework
provides flexible infrastructurefor interfacing data ac-
quisition and cognitive functions with the ones of de-
liberative control level planning and decision mak-
ing. The architecture also incorporates a module for
learning human interactions and model construction
with reactive planning controller generator and run-
time execution engine. The timed automata based in-
teraction model learning, on-the-fly reactiveplanning,
controller synthesis and online safety monitoring are
steps towards the concept of provably correct robot
design of cognitive assisting robots.
This work was partially supported by the Estonian
Science Foundation under grant No. 7667 and by
Centre of Research Excellence in Dependable Em-
bedded Systems - CREDES.
We want to thank Fuji Miyawaki for the produc-
tive discussions and suggestions on this subject.
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