patient’s record). After the tests we have concluded
that while the query time for a record is independent
of the volume of the database (approximately
0.65ms), the insertion time increases with the
numbers of records already inserted (with 30000
records inserted, it took 423ms to insert an
additional one). The major conclusion is that this
repository is best suitable for systems that require a
fast query response to patient centric queries.
Using the index system mechanism offered by
BaseX it was possible to obtain the same response
time to query a patient’s medical record,
independently of the number of records inserted. It
also made no difference which position the record
occupies in the repository file.
Information centric queries, i.e. search for
special attributes along a set of patients, are much
slower and depend on the number of records inserted
(Figure 3). In our approach, queries like, for
instance, “how many patients have high blood
pressure?” obligates to analyse the whole
information inserted. To cope with this we need to
deploy a more extensive indexing solution based on
Lucene, for instance.
Figure 3: Attribute Search.
In this paper we have presented a generic and
dynamic database, able to store electronic health
records according to the openEHR standard.
Additionally, the developed SOAP API offers a
unified access to the repository, making it possible
to integrate it with any kind of application. The goal
is to promote the development of health information
systems based on the openEHR standard, allowing
an integration of all clinical areas (e.g. radiology,
administration, pharmacy) and making the process
more unified. Besides the repository and its clinical
usage, we have also developed a set of web services
and an administration web application that allow
patients to enter their own medical information into
secure health records. This support to PHR (Personal
Health Records) systems is an important asset,
considering the document centric approach of our
solution – every patient has all his information
stored in just one record.
The repository created and the services provided
enable the creation of client applications in an easy
way. The use of web services and the format of the
record stored on XML allow the use of generic
technology and programing languages.
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