J. Festa, C. Silva and P. M. Mendes
Centro Algoritmi, University of Minho, Campus de Azurém, 4800-058, Guimarães, Portugal
Keywords: Mobile Health, Ambient Assisted Living, Vital Signs Monitoring.
Abstract: Mobile devices able to monitor diverse health condition parameters are becoming widely available. Also,
mobile devices with wireless communications with significant computing capability (e.g., tablets,
smartphones) are becoming available every time everywhere. Placing such devices to operate together will
allow to deploy the so called ambient assisted living technologies, which allows for individual health
condition monitoring almost everywhere and any time required. This paper presents a solution able to
monitor several physiological parameters using the mobile platforms running android. The implemented
solution permits to integrate transparently services from remotely distributed devices.
The use of information and communication
technologies is nowadays widely accepted as a way
to offer new solutions for healthcare. Those
solutions will improve the quality of life of patients,
reducing costs at the same time. However, before
that happens, new solutions, including both
hardware and software, must be available in order to
acquire and store the required signals, to process and
extract information from those signals, and to detect
a set of features required to fire alarms and/or
electronic assistance.
Despite the availability of several platforms for
signal acquisition (Pantelopoulos and Bourbakis,
2010), a few technological issues must be solved
before they can be used. The platforms must offer
quality of service, be wearable, and operate for a
comfortable period of time. The systems should
allow to remotely monitor one or a set of subjects
and to monitor their health and activity. Based on
that, and on a set of information associated to that
subject, it is possible to offer different levels of
services. One will be self-remainders that are preset
by the subject; the other will be reminders by some
familiar or caregiver; and finally, a health service
based on clinical data may also be offered, if good
enough health engines are available to extract the
“health condition”.
Despite highly desirable, the success of such
technologies depends on the users’ (patients,
caregivers, medical doctors) technology
acceptability. One way to increase the acceptability
is to design the solutions based on devices already
widely familiar to users.
One solution already proposed is to use android
based platforms. Such solutions were already used to
record physiological signals and make them
remotely available (Altini et al, 2010; Colunas et al,
2011). However, such solutions were not designed to
support a significant number of signals, patients, and
caregivers supplying and accessing to physiological
We present the architecture of a complete system
for a distributed monitoring system for ambient
assistant living. We also describe the components of
one of the subsystems, an application for a
smartphone and the supporting hardware for vital-
sign acquisition.
The paper is structure as follows: in the second
section, we describe the complete architecture for
our distributed system and its main subsystems. In
the third section, we describe the hardware of our
acquisition system. The fourth section, describes the
Android application that implements the components
of the mobile subsystem. Finally, we conclude.
In Figure 1, we represent the application’s scenario
targeted by our system. In this scenario, we identify
Festa J., Silva C. and Mendes P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003784903410344
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES-2012), pages 341-344
ISBN: 978-989-8425-91-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
three key elements of our system: an e-UMIHealth
domain controller (care centre), an e-HealthDroid
device and a bio-signal device.
An e-UMIHealth domain controller is a caregiver
centre. It is the entity in the network that manages
the e-HealthDroid devices. A key aspect of the
management is the definition of the users’ profiles.
These define categories of users that have different
access to the data, such as medical doctors, nurses or
other personnel. The e-HealthDroid device is a
smartphone based on the Android OS that
implements our software stack. Through its
application-programing interface (API), it provides a
bridge to its associated bio-signal device. In this
sense it works as server for the sensors’ data
acquired by the bio-signal device. The bio-signal
device is the sensing element that acquires the
several biological signals. A bio-signal device is also
called a secondary entity, since its sensors’ data is
only accessible through an e-HealthDroid device. An
e-HealthDroid device may have no bio-signal device
associated to it, but be used to inquire data on
another e-HealthDroid device (server). The e-
UMIHealth domain controller and the e-HealthDroid
device are also called primary entities, since they
interact directly among them.
Figure 1: Business use case.
2.1 Architecture
In Figure 2, we present e-HealthDroid architecture.
The e-HealthDroid subsystem has five components:
service manager, event manager, subscription table,
profile table and user table.
In the following subsections, we describe the
main components and their interaction.
2.2 Service Manager
The service manager manages all incoming service
requests. These requests are session based; therefore,
the manager requires that the requesting entities
must authenticate themselves before issuing any
further request besides the authentication service.
After opening a session, several services may be
issued till the session is closed. Upon receiving an
authentication service request, the service manager
contacts its e-UMIHealth domain controller to
validate the credentials of the user and its profile.
This information is recorded in the user table and it
is active while the session is open.
Figure 2: e-HealthDroid architecture.
Table 1: Description of services.
Service Description
The authentication service is used by a
primary entity to authenticate an user in
order to request further services. All
services are subject to authentication
and are subject to the level of access
defined for the user’s profile.
This service permits that a primary
entity may subscribe to one or the
several sensors’ data. This subscription
can be issued for a single value
(pressure at the moment) or a stream or
chunk of data (ECG signal).
Any primary entity may get a list of all
kinds of sensors present in the bio-
signal device.
Using the localization service, we can
find the position of the e-HealthDroid
device. This service uses the
capabilities provided by the Android
BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
When a primary entity requests a subscription
service, the service manager updates its subscription
table, taking into account the user’s profiler. This
information is used by the event manager. In Table
1, we list all the services provided by the service
2.3 Event Manager
The event manager is responsible for routing the
sensors’ data (events) according to the information
contained in the subscription table. The routing is
based on the publisher/subscriber model
(Buschmann, 1996). The data may be requested as
different types of events: a single sample event, a
chunk of samples event or a stream of samples
event. Upon finishing serving a single sample or a
chunk of samples, the event manager clears the
respective entry in the subscription table. An entry in
the subscription table may also be cleared by the
service manager if the associated session is closed.
In addition to the developed software, and for test
purposes, it is also required to implement an
acquisition system able to be worn by users. One
solution is to develop regular clothes with the
acquisition devices directly embedded. The other is
to develop small enough devices to be hidden in
regular clothes, with the ability the record the
required signals. Figure 3 shows the available device
used for signals recording (bio-signal device).
Figure 3: Physiological acquisition device.
This in-house device allows recording one lead
ECG, oximetry, and temperature. This device has
then possibility to be directly connected to an e-
HealthDroid device (android platform) through USB
or using a wireless link. Either case, the recorded
signals may become available through the e-
HealthDroid device.
Figure 4 presents the various screens for the Android
application that implements the API of the e-
HealthDroid sub-system. This application enables
the user to connect to his bio-signal device or other
servers (e-HealthDroid devices), choose events from
the ones permitted by each server and see the
received data in the form of a dynamic graph or a
numerical value. The e-HealthDroid device can itself
be a publisher for the user’s events (associated bio-
signals device) and so permissions should be defined
in the profiles.
The principal screen (Figure 4a) is the one where
the user fills the user and password’s login and
writes the name of a server to which is intended to
connect. The login is necessary so that the server can
obtain the client’s category (by contacting the Care
Center Database) and tell the client what events can
be then subscribed. The Figure 4b) shows the
Subscribing screen, where the user selects one of the
servers to which is already connected and is
presented with the events that has permission to
subscribe. In the exampled case, the user selected
the Festa-HP device, for which has permission to
subscribe the ECG, the Heart Rate, the SPO2, the
Temperature and the Server’s Profile. In this case,
the user is going to subscribe the ECG event. After
this subscription the user is conducted to the
graphical screen (Figure 4c), the most important
screen, for the visualization of the ECG signal in
real time, sent by the server’s device.
Every screen has at least two options: the
configuration and the application exit. The
configuration option leads to the permissions area
(Figure 4d and Figure 4e) where the user can define
the permissions for each category of clients
(profiles) who are allowed to subscribe each event.
This can be done by first selecting the event and
then choosing its desired corresponding permissions
from the categories defined as Everyone (in case the
event could be subscribed for every person
connected), Doctor, Nurse, Other Medical Staff
(such as an auxiliary or a medical student) and Care
Other options are the Subscribing, which lead to
the subscribing screen to add more events to the
subscribed ones, and the unsubscribing screen,
where the user is conducted to a similar screen to the
previous one, but where the events presented are the
ones already subscribed and where the user selects
the ones to stop subscription. The last option is Start
Menu, where the user goes back to the principal
screen, with a new connection opportunity.
(a) (b)
(d) (e)
Figure 4: UMi-HealthDroid application screens: (a) Start
screen – connection to servers (with Android Menu button
pressed), (b) Subscribing screen, (c) Graphical screen in
landscape, (d) Permissions screen (to selected event), (e)
Permissions screen (to define permissions for the selected
event) for each profile.
In this paper, we presented a distributed system for
vital-sign acquisition. It permits that health
professionals may monitor remotely and
transparently critical information, as well to locate
the patient using the capabilities provided by current
smartphones based on Android OS. Another
important aspect is the use of permission profiles
that allows customising the access through a central
authentication that ensures privacy of information.
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Based Body Area Network Gateway for Mobile
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pp 188-189.
Buschmann, F., Meunir, R., Rohnert, H., Sommerlad, P.,
Stal, M., 1996. Pattern-Oriented Software
Architecture: A System of Patterns. John Wiley.
Colunas, M., Fernandes, J., Oliveira, J., Cunha, J., 2011.
Droid Jacket: Using an Android based smartphone for
Team Monitoring. 7th International Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing Conference –
IWCMC 2011. Istambul.
Pantelopoulos, A., Bourbakis, N., 2010. A survey on
wearable sensor-based systems for health monitoring
and prognosis. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics, vol. 40, pp 1-12.
BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices