sufficiently accurate for walking. There is room for
improvement especially in the case of running.
Table 2: A comparison of the desired and average outputs
of the neural network.
Walking 693 0 0.0612 0.3175
Running 151 0 0.2116 0.3654
Cheating 251 1 0.818 0.257
Solving the Problem with Punning. At first glance
it may seem problematic to distinguish running from
cheating, since the outputs of the neural network fre-
quently overlap. The solution involves the current
minimum of d from (1), which will be lower for run-
ning steps than for walking steps. This is also the case
with fast as opposed to slow shaking of the phone in
hand during cheating.
The problem can be solved using a moving thresh-
old between valid activity and cheating. As an exam-
ple, a threshold of 0.5 can be chosen for values typ-
ically measured when walking or cheating by slower
shaking. As more vigorous activity is detected, the
threshold may be raised to a higher value, such as 0.7.
This is possible as a consequence of the fact
that more intensive shaking sees the neural network
produce outputs of 1 with a higher probability than
slower, less intensive shaking. The moving threshold
can therefore be used without fear of misinterpreta-
tion of cheating for running.
It is important to realise, though, that in the cur-
rent state the neural network fulfils the purpose it was
designed for. The purpose of the implementation of
the neural network was not to detect cheating with an
accuracy of a hundred per cent. First and foremost,
the purpose was to discourage cheating by making it
sufficiently difficult and tedious, so that it is more re-
warding to take a walk and receive points for real ac-
tivity. The current implementation of our neural net-
work meets this goal.
In this paper, we describe the design and implementa-
tion of an advanced smartphone accelerometer-based
pedometer, which uses an innovative approach to the
detection of cheating. This is important for applica-
tions where activity is a base for rewarding and there
is no natural way of ensuring motivation for being ac-
tive (typically for children).
We have based our solution on the recognition of
patterns characteristic to cheating. To that end, we
have successfully trained and used a feedforward ar-
tificial neural network. The results we have obtained
in evaluation confirm the applicability of an artificial
neural network for the detection of cheating. We have
been able to detect cheating with a sufficient precision
and have thus met our goal of discouraging potential
users from such an activity.
We have developed our advanced pedometer as
part of a larger solution. Specifically, the pedometer is
part of the activity tracking module of our Move2Play
system. The activity tracking module uses GSM sig-
nal strength fluctuation analysis to determine whether
an activity is taking place or not and thus to save bat-
tery life (Bielik, 2011). Activity tracking together
with personalised activity recommendation and eval-
uation are the essential parts of our solution. In order
to evaluate our solution, we realised its specialisation
called Move2PlayKids, which depends on the intelli-
gent pedometer module as children who need to exer-
cise more tend to cheat.
This work was partially supported by the grants
VG1/0675/11, KEGA 028-025STU-4/2010 and it is
the partial result of the OP R&D for the project ITMS
26240220039, co-funded by the ERDF.
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HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics