The frequency is about 100 kHz.
The secondary coil has more than 30 turns.
The source voltage is around 18 V.
The center core diameter is bigger than
18 mm, though there are combinations with
center core around 19 mm that presents higher
values of SAR and current density, as shown
in the square.
The coil thickness is more than 2.8 mm.
The selected primary coil selected by MGA has
between 38 and 45 turns. This parameter affects the
efficiency, regulation, SAR and current density
depending of the combination with the other
parameters, as it can be seen on Figure 6 and 7,
which show that same number of turns for the
primary coil can entail good and bad values of these
observed functions.
These analyses are very important at the moment
of the choice of the configuration to use since the
MGA returns a set with more than one non-
dominated configurations. It is also important to
note that even though a penalty function was added
to limit the distance between the center and inside
cores to make sure that the coil fits the allocated
area, this might not be enough, since in the real life,
it may be necessary to decrease the core center
diameter even more to increase the size of the area
to better allocate the coils.
A reliable model for efficiency, regulation, SAR and
load power as a function of center core diameter,
coil thickness, primary and secondary coil number
of turns, and source voltage and frequency was
created by a Kriging model that used a set of TET
system configurations simulated virtually through a
Flux-2D. Though the Kriging models were not
supplied with the information of using serial
resonant capacitors, they were acceptable with errors
smaller than 15 % when compared with the finite
element method calculations.
This model was used by the MGA to find a set of
32 good configurations (non-dominated set) that
result in high efficiency at lower regulation and SAR
with less computational cost than when using the
finite element method. All the attained
configurations generated tolerable values of SAR
and induced current density with efficiencies
between 92 and 97 % and regulations between 3.4
and 31.2 %.
An analysis of the efficiency, regulation, SAR and
current density versus each of the parameters for the
resulting configurations from MGA was also
performed, indicating that SAR and current density
follow a similar trend. Thus, even though the current
density was not taken into account in the
optimization process, the minimization of SAR is a
kind of indirect minimization of the current density.
The efficiency and regulation also follow the
same trend, but they are contradictory to SAR and
current density.
Since the resulting SAR and current density from
all the configurations of the non-dominated set
presented suitable values within the ICNIRP limits,
the selection of better efficiency and regulation may
prevail at the final choice for implementation.
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