Luís A. Bastião Silva, Carlos Costa and José Luis Oliveira
University of Aveiro, IEETA/DETI, 3810-190 Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: PACS, DICOM, Medical imaging, Telemedicine, Teleradiology, Cloud computing.
Abstract: Over the past decades, healthcare institutions adopted Picture Archive and Communication Systems in their
workflows. The exchange and interaction between different equipment is performed with Digital Imaging
Communication in Medicine (DICOM), which is a very extensive protocol covering many areas of imaging
laboratories. However, the communication of a wide domain composed by several medical institutions is
not well supported. This paper presents a solution to share DICOM services across healthcare institutions.
The proposed implementation is supported on public cloud resources, creating the opportunity to exchange
information between medical devices across several institutions.
The adoption of collaborative work has greatly
increased in healthcare in the past over decade and
the exchange of medical data across institutions is
already quite common in several modalities (Huang,
2004). Its importance has increased due to cost
saving for the medical institutions and also because
it can be used in several areas, such as expertise
consultation, cooperative environments and sharing
of images between multiple image centres.
Nowadays, PACS (Picture Archiving and
Communication System) is one of most valuable
tools to support medical decision and treatment
procedures. A PACS is a key point to store, retrieve
and distribute medical images in the various steps of
the clinical practices. Digital Imaging
Communication in Medicine (DICOM) supports the
distribution of the medical imaging, although this
standard is oriented to a single institution. The
communication of a wide domain composed by
several medical institutions is still a challenge.
Commonly, the image repositories or PACS archives
are not shared between medical centres due to
technical challenges and security concerns.
Although DICOM standards support SSL/TLS
layers, there are many medical devices that do not
support these features. Moreover, DICOM networks
are blocked by the firewall to access from outside of
the institutions to keep data safety in the intranet.
This prevents users located outside the institution
from accessing the PACS archive. Medical
institutions often use VPN (Virtual Private
Networks) to share medical resources. However, this
solution requires point-to-point configurations,
which is not scalable. Other possibilities to exchange
exams between medical institutions are processed
through CD/DVD delivered, for instance, by
conventional mail or using email.
Cloud computing is largely used to share files
over the Internet and allow users to communicate
with each other using external infrastructures. This
technology allows access to applications and data
without any infrastructure inside the medical
institutions (Rimal and Choi, 2010). However, there
are also some important issues that must be
considered during the implementation of a solution
(infrastructure and/or application) in a public Cloud
provider (Rosenthal et al., 2010). There are critical
concern related with data security and privacy.
The main idea of this paper is to promote
DICOM inter-institutional communications,
allowing the establishment of shared workflow and
exchange of documents across them. The proposed
DICOM relay service aims to be a communication
broker, allowing search, store and retrieve of
medical images over a group of hospitals, in
different sites. This solution allows, for instance,
remote access to the institutional PACS storage. The
communication between different islands is
supported on the cloud services, but it keeps the
A. Bastião Silva L., Costa C. and Oliveira J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003788104090412
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 409-412
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
interoperability with the devices adopted by the
medical community. The proposed DICOM routing
mechanism has a transparent application to end-user
maintain the standards used by medical imaging
devices and repositories.
2.1 Collaborative Work in Medicine
Currently, most equipment in medical institutes uses
the DICOM standard to communicate, store and
visualize information. In theory, DICOM standard
solved all issues regarding the communication
between different collaborators, but it still has some
gaps in real environments, mainly in inter-
institutional cooperation, which have barriers in
“many-to-many” collaboration.
Teleradiology is one of important cooperative
areas in medicine and it increased in the last two
decades. The medical centres cannot afford
specialists from all areas and it is usual to outsource
some services, including report of procedures
produced inside institutions. There are hospitals and
small centres that have technicians and acquisition
devices to perform exams. However, in some
modalities, i.e. Computer Radiology (CR), they do
not have enough specialists to report these exams. In
these cases, the remote report is a very common
practice. There are also other user cases like, for
instance, the telework scenarios, where healthcare
professionals need to have remote access to medical
repositories and information systems of their
To summarize, telematics platforms appear as
fundamental tools to support medical services and
processes. Moreover, these new technologies can be
decisive in some scenarios, mainly in regions with
difficult communication accesses or with few
2.2 Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a risen technology that allows
enterprises to hold scalable resources without having
any IT infrastructure. There are several cloud
providers, such as, Amazon AWS, Google and
Rackspace that embraces many areas, since storage,
databases, signalling and message queue. These
providers supply elastic computing power and
unlimited storage (Vaquero et al., 2008); (Oliveira et
al., 2010) to their customers.
There is a huge amount of interest in the IT
industry to migrate services to Internet Cloud
platforms (Hajjat et al., 2010). In order to response
to their request, many cloud companies have been
created to meet their demands. There was a
significant effort from Cloud providers to offer new
features to clients. For instance, Amazon Web
Services has released many services to fulfil their
customers’ requirements: S3 (S3, 2011), SQS,
SimpleDB and many others. In turn, Google
AppEngine (Google), Windows Azure (Microsoft)
and many others improved their solutions with new
APIs to overcome the challenges of their targets.
It is evident that the computing-as-utility is a
business model becoming prevalent in the electronic
world and numerous institutions are adopting these
solutions. Furthermore, the emergence of Cloud
computing providers creates a great opportunity to
tackle the costs of purchase hardware and software.
The market is changing and there are new
paradigms to deploy applications and to store
information that are always available on the Internet.
We believe that medical solutions will also adopt
these new models to improve their business
processes. For example, Microsoft Healthvault
(Microsoft, 2011) provide a management panel
easier to access for the personal health information,
always available.
3.1 Description
Cloud computing is largely used to share files over
the Internet, and many examples can be pointed out,
such as, Dropbox (Dropbox, 2011) and Gmail
(Google, 2011a). Moreover, Cloud providers offer
high availability and scalability of their services.
Our DICOM relay architecture takes advantage of
the cloud computing services to exchange
information between several locations.
The communication between the components of
the digital medical laboratories is mainly used
through DICOM. This protocol runs over TCP/IP
protocol, but contains its own addressing model
through the AETitle that identifies the medical
device (DICOM-P7, 2009). Due to network filters
(i.e. firewall’s), this communication does not work
in WAN (Wide Area Network) scenarios. To extend
the communication to different institutions, the
proposed approach takes advantage of the DICOM
addressing mechanism to route the information to
the correct location (i.e. AETitle is the DICOM
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: Relay architecture: the boundary Router assures the communications between DICOM devices and the Cloud.
address mechanism). The public cloud infrastructure
is used as a communication mechanism to support
information forwarding among the involved entities
through these routes. Furthermore, additional Cloud
provider support is simplified due to a plugin-based
system. To create an abstraction over the cloud
storage, we have developed a Cloud I/O stream
mechanism that allows writing in the cloud storage
as a data stream. New cloud providers can be easy
supported, by implementing the interfaces supplied
by Cloud I/O.
3.2 Components
The proposed DICOM relay service has two main
goals: assure the secure/reliable connection between
the actors and create a simple solution to access the
internal medical repositories “anytime and
anywhere”. Our architecture (Figure 1) contains two
major components: 1) DICOM Bridge Router and 2)
DICOM Cloud Router.
3.2.1 DICOM Cloud Router
The DICOM Cloud Router (Router) is a software
component that is mainly responsible to handle the
DICOM services and forwarding messages to the
correct place. To do so, it uses AETitle routing
tables, i.e. for each AETitle belonging to the
DICOM network domain, it associates the type of
services that is providing and the username of the
Router, which will allow to reach the correct router
to forward the messages. In fact, manual
management of those tables are actual practices
because the DICOM standard does not provide a
mechanism to auto-discovery of the DICOM nodes.
Also, for security reasons, only allowed medical
devices should be accessed from outside the medical
institution and those tables also work as access
control list. So, the Router has a graphical interface
to setup the IP, port and the services available inside
the medical institution.
Real world objects were mapped directly in the
DICOM standard. For instance DICOM equipment
is represented as a “Device” in the defined concepts
of the standard. The Router supports multiple
devices (i.e. as many as are online in the WAN
DICOM network), each one with a different AETitle
and transfer syntaxes (i.e. the data codification
Finally, each medical institution or isolated
DICOM network that wants to share services to the
WAN DICOM network needs to run a Router inside
the private network that will work as a standard
DICOM node supporting several services.
3.2.2 DICOM Bridge Router
The DICOM Bridge Router or Bridge, works as a
relay mechanism between different DICOM Cloud
Routers dispersed over several locations. This
component works in a partnership with the cloud
providers. The huge amount of information that
flows in WAN network needs to be
uploaded/downloaded to the cloud providers.
DICOM Bridge Router is an important part of the
architecture because it stores residual information
about all devices (i.e. AETitles) and corresponding
services supported. Moreover, it has accounts from
routers and a list of cloud providers that routers can
use to store temporary information. It needs to be
always available over the Internet because routers
need to write information in the Bridge to provide
communications. It can be deployed in several
places like, for instance, in a private cloud detained
by a medical institution or a public cloud provider.
Due to privacy concerns, we strongly recommend
deployment of this component in a trustable provider
or in-house (i.e. medical institutions).
The management of the diverse Routers is
supported by a temporary information system
located on the Bridge and it is accessible through a
RESTful web service. Only registered users have
access to the DICOM WAN Network. Moreover, the
Bridge is a very important component because it
stores the session key used to cipher DICOM
messages of an association. Thus, it should be
located in a trustable location, to safeguard the
The Bridge is considered the main component of
the architecture because it performs the management
of the relay service. It only contains a reduced
amount of information, and during the dataflow it
just store a minimum amount of data, i.e., the
confidential shared key. The remaining information
is transmitted through the cloud in a ciphered mode.
It is used two different cloud services: blobstore and
signalling. The Cloud providers supply, on the one
hand, temporary storage of blinded data (encrypted
DICOM objects/commands) and, on the other hand,
a signalling service that allows establishing
communication in real time between the routers.
The presented solution allows DICOM standard
communication between medical devices located in
distinct institutions. The proposed architecture
allows creating a federated DICOM network across
distinct medical institutions, with a unique view of
all resources.
Our DICOM relay service does not need
complex setups to start communicating with external
repositories, allowing interoperability with any the
DICOM standard device.
With this system, radiologists can work
remotely, in the same way that they do in the
hospital, without changing their methods.
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HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics