intensity distribution profiles. In figure 4B and 4D
are underlined the saturated value by red lines. In
figure 5A we show as our mathematical model
where the parameters have been obtained through
the minimization of (3), is able to accurately de-
scribe the distribution of values of a 2D-GE spot.
Figure 5: A) In red is plotted the Gaussian distribution, in
green is plotted the spot non-saturated profile. B) In blue
is plotted the Gaussian distribution while in yellow is
plotted the spot saturated spot.
Finally, in figure 5B we show how the method
can effectively enable correct spots values recon-
struction fixing the spot saturation issue.
The procedure ran on more than 50 2D-GE im-
ages, each of them acquired at three different exposi-
tions (i.e. acquisition parameters).
Saturation of abundant spots is a general problem in
2-DE evaluation, in particular working with complex
samples like serum or plasma, which have a very
uneven protein distribution.
Currently available commercial software are not
able to perform 2D-GE image analysis in presence
of saturated spots. The only alternatives are to re-
move the saturated spots or rescan the gel image
with different acquisition parameters.
In this paper is presented a new approach for
treatment of over-saturated protein spots in 2D-GE.
Using experimental 2D-GE images we have demon-
strated that saturated protein spots can be found by
our algorithm.
Subsequently, we applied a Gaussian function to
calculate the real experimental spot volume (and
thus the correct protein expression) through the
reconstruction of intensity distribution of non-
saturated spots. The accuracy of reconstruction was
verified by comparing the same gel acquired with or
without saturated spots.
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BIOINFORMATICS 2012 - International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms