compensating with this component we can use the
former methods to integrate the signals.
The accuracy can be increased by a stronger
lowpass filtering of the angular acceleration signal,
since it can be assumed that angular acceleration has
a very low frequency.
In a non-ideal case the two sensors cannot be
perfectly aligned in the space on the printed circuit
board, thus, there will be a mismatch in the direction
of the axes. This results a difference in the
acceleration signals of the two sensors even without
rotation. The observed “false” angular acceleration
depends on the acceleration and the angle between
the axes of the two sensors. The angle mismatch is
distorted by a trigonometric function (sin(x)). For
small angles the sine function might be
approximated by its argument. The angle mismatch
should be determined based on offline calibration
measurements. This should be done only once, after
the soldering of the sensor. However, knowing this
component means that the measured acceleration
needs to be compensated regularly with
Please note that in this case the axis x is the
“average” of the two axes of sensors.
Figure 6: Effect of the rotation of the sensors, together
with acceleration.
In the former sections we neglected the effect of
gravity as we assumed a horizontal motion. In the
case the sensors are not constantly moving in hori-
zontal plane, the gravity adds an extra acceleration
to the sensor signals. Fortunately these additional
accelerations are constant while the sensors are not
moving. The heuristic filter – which we have applied
on the speed signal – is designed for this case. Thus,
applying the same heuristic filter on the acceleration
signal can cancel the effect of gravity.
We can improve the gravity cancellation by us-
ing the rotation estimation. If we apply 3D acceler-
ometers, we can calculate a 3 dimensional rotation
and so the direction of gravity. After this the gravity
components can be subtracted from the signals. In
order to make a good gravity cancellation, the two
methods should be applied together.
In this paper we investigated the use of two
accelerometers to measure the acceleration and
estimate the speed and position of elderly people
suffering from dementia, for home health monitoring
We developed a heuristic filter to suppress the
measurement disturbances, which would make the
estimate impossible because of the integration of the
raw signal data. We also developed an algorithm to
detect and correct for the rotation of the sensors.
Fabrication or installation mismatch of the axes of
acceleration sensors can also cause problem, for
which we developed also a compensation method.
Simulation and measurement experiments show
that speed estimate is quite reliable based on one
time integration, after utilising the proposed
heuristic nonlinear filter. Precise position estimate
not possible, however, in the case of fractal
movement the shape of the trajectory can be well
reconstructed, which is a useful information about
the patient.
This work has been supported by BelAmi and
Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA), grant
number TS-73496. Support of Bolyai János
Scholarship is also acknowledged.
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BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices