Rafael Mendonça
, Pedro Lopes
, Hugo Rocha
, Jorge Oliveira
, Laura Vilarinho
Rosário Santos
and José Luís Oliveira
University of Aveiro, DETI/IEETA, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Centro de Genética Médica Jacinto Magalhães, INSA, 4099-028 Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Rare diseases, Genetic mutations, Reference centers, LSDB.
Abstract: Information technology is increasingly present in medicine, and is emerging as a crucial tool both in clinical
monitoring and knowledge dissemination, increasing the success rate in diagnosis and subsequently during
treatment. A particular sub-group of diseases are designated rare or orphan due to the small number of
people suffering from these illnesses. They are sometimes disabling, reducing the quality of life of patients
and affect all relatives around them. The aim of this project was to build a Web information system to
support practice and clinical research in rare diseases, and to facilitate the collection of scientific
information, diagnosis, treatment and patient support. Through this system, one can optimize specialized
medical resources, computing resources and data quality, so that the information is available for consulting
and supporting future decisions. This developed system also allows health professionals to share
information that will be important for enhancing the quality and technological advancement in this area of
public health.
The European Organization for Rare Diseases
(EURORDIS) estimates that there are approximately
5000 to 8000 rare diseases in Europe, affecting
about 6% to 8% of the population, and 80% of these
cases have a genetic origin. Due to the reduced
incidence of each individual disease, it is difficult
for patients to find support, both at the clinical and
psychologically level (Aymé et al., 2007). Some of
these chronic diseases seriously affect patients’
quality of life and cause serious damage and
disability in social terms.
The existence of a small number of patients for
each rare disease affects the creation of a minimum
number of cases required for appropriate studies
(Schieppati et al., 2008); (Burke, 2002).
The Portuguese National Programme for Rare
Disorders, approved in 2008, strives towards a
concerted system of patient management, which
relies heavily on a platform designed to gather
information from the different health providers, for
this, we have built a Web-based platform to integrate
all this information obtained from studies, in order to
have a database with information about these rare
diseases and patients. It will support a network of
different public entities in the Portuguese health
system, named reference center, which detains a
wealth of data on patients with rare diseases,
composed of multidisciplinary teams and available
resources for the diagnosis, treatment and medical
monitoring of patients. This organizational structure
permits the best procedures to be available,
simplifying processes and minimizing the resources
needed. Those involved in this information system
administer and register/retrieve clinical information
about the studies performed.
Concomitant with the systematic, widespread
collection of patient data, locus-specific databases
(LSDBs) could be generated, which will not only
facilitate the molecular diagnostic service in the
national context, but also contribute to the global
effort of the Human Variome Project (HVP), that
aims to collect, curate and distribute all human
genetic variation affecting health (Kohonen-Corish
et al., 2010); (Patrinos et al., 2011).
Mendonça R., Lopes P., Rocha H., Oliveira J., Vilarinho L., Santos R. and Oliveira J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003791204230426
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 423-426
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The importance of genetic records in diagnosis and
results of these rare diseases has taken medicine to a
level where research is extremely important to
Databases emerging with information about human
genome such as the HGMD (Human Gene Mutation
Database) (Krawczak et al., 2000). The data are
public and accessible by all the research community,
and it is important to collect and publish this
information in a biomedical application.
Gene mutation databases are dominant in the
area of health care enabling representation of
diseases. However, there is a lack of detail in clinical
information, which indicates the vulnerability of
these patient groups (Schneeweiss et al., 2005). So
there is a need to provide the clinical tools necessary
to register and personalize studies about all rare
diseases. The point of reference in this area has been
the Orphanet, a web platform directed to the general
public, health professionals and patients, to inform
about orphan drugs and rare diseases (Nabarette et
al., 2006).
In scientific communication, it is essential to use
terms transmitting clear and concise medical
information. Many conventions, when known and
used by all, facilitate understanding among users. In
this paper, we highlight the OMIM, Online
Mendelian Inheritance in Man, (Hamosh et al.,
2005) and HGNC, HUGO Gene Nomenclature
Committee (Bruford et al., 2008). The generic
information is obtained building the match between
diseases and corresponding genes of this sources.
This is essential to establish a correct connection and
utilization, eliminating possible errors in data entry
and process simplification.
This information solution presents the user with
a simple way to select and choose the disease and
genes to be studied. It allows the search for disease
groups or by complete name. For instance, in the
Muscular dystrophy group, OMIM presents three
distinct variants: Muscular dystrophy, limb-girdle
type 1A, type 2D and type 2E.
3.1 LSDB
In contrast to general mutation databases, an LSDB
is a repository of genetic sequence variants
associated with an individual gene. Besides the
mutation data, these databases have important
information regarding the gene itself and have been
referred to as knowledge bases. They are usually
used by a group of researchers in collaboration, with
expertise in a particular gene or phenotype, and
provide a valuable tool for analysis of gene
expression and phenotype, both in normal conditions
and disease (Claustres et al., 2002).
Given the need for an LSDB for the registration
of genetic mutations in this application, the system
chosen was an open-source platform LOVD (Leiden
Open Variation Database) (Fokkema et al., 2005), a
solution that can be installed locally and used by
many professionals in this area, which allows
registration of genetic mutations, linking them to
patients who have been diagnosed. It is important to
include this application in this study because it will
allow collection of information about genes and their
variations with the purpose of registering and
visualizing mutations in the genetic code. The
database structure follows the recommendations of
HGVS (Human Genome Variation Society), which
allows the nomenclature used to be generalized
among all users (Fokkema et al., 2011).
The communication between client and server is
performed using the HTTP protocol, using a web
browser to manage users and the reference center
network of this application. This Web-based
platform provides a set of components/services:
patients, genetic mutations, studies, form templates
and administration. The core has three different
tiers: JSPs pages and JavaScript code to
construction/use the forms; the Stripes framework
and Java as the code source of this application; and
the data persistence using JPA (EclipseLink) to
connect to de database server (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Platform architecture.
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
The application is hosted on a Web server in
combination with the necessary LSDB platforms
(LOVD) to store genetic information.
When a reference center is created, the
application provides an initial setup and all the
patients and genes selected as the targets of the
studies are stored. The LOVD platform is
immediately available and configured with all
information needed to start work in analyzing
genetic mutations.
4.1 Data Protection
The main goal of this structure is to protect the
information and permit access only to accredited
members. So this application divides users between
members, when members are in different roles
assigned by the responsible for each reference
center. This approach implies that we have the
master professionals who configure the form
templates and the diseases, and choose the users.
Each reference center has its own independent
data collection and a set of available components;
the application works as a site of the sites.
The authentication used is a simple web platform
when the username and password (encryption in
MD5) are stored in the database. The authentication
between the system and LOVD interface uses
cookies. Every reference center website can access
all patient records, or add a case that does not yet
The application contains generic disease information
taken from a database, available to reference center
members who are able to access such information. In
addition, information is recorded from studies of
patients and this can be screening, diagnosis,
confirmation of diagnosis, treatment and clinical
For better characterization of the different
diseases, it was necessary to construct a forms
engine, which provides the forms so members can
use and later record this information allowing
It is important to highlight that these forms can
be configured according to the needs of the studies
and the disease in question. The forms contain the
title, a short description and a set of fields. The
fields can be of different types: textBox, multitext,
selectBox, radioButton or checkBox. With these
fields we aim to respond to the overall needs of form
personalization. This mechanism of construction to
form templates supports functionalities such as
drag-and-drop and sortable, which makes the
construction more intuitive and user-friendly. If the
reference center requires genetic records, it is
possible to connect between the patient and the
genetic records made in their LOVD platform.
So the information collected in all patient studies
can be complemented as well as genetic analysis
carried out by experts trying to solve and create a
standard in each disease, giving support and
diagnosis as accurately as possible.
This application has with baseline a Web front
end, for two different parts of the system: the
management of the centers of reference network;
and healthcare support for rare diseases with an
LOVD platform to connect patients to genetic
results, to collect all clinical information found.
The administrator has permission to initiate the
creation of the reference center and can be an entity
such as a National Health Service, which should
manage the activity of reference centers and can
send invitations to new users of this system.
The patient register is unique and only the user
with access is able to visualize this information and
use these tools. So this unique register permits all
information to be centralized and available for future
decisions, and prevents data replication. Each patient
has a set of the information like studies and genetic
mutations (Figure 2).
Figure 2: User interface using the reference center
The studies part presents data about medical
progress, treatment, procedures and health
monitoring. This contains the entire history of all
studies made, allowing a specific search for a date or
a diagnosed disease, for example. It also allows
clinical professionals to add a new study, and choose
and collect all the relative information, with the
support of the template forms, and if desired, to
highlight any associated suspicion or confirmation
of a rare disease.
The genetic mutation part contains all the
variants found and the associated gene, with a link
that connects to the LOVD interface, showing all
registered information about mutations. This
information contains all details about Exon, DNA
change , RNA change or Protein.
Over time, medical records are stored and used
among different healthcare institutions. This
problem is even more acute in rare disease due to the
lack of information about diseases, symptoms,
diagnostics and genetic causes. As such
concentration in a single reference center all this
information is of paramount importance for
physicians, diagnostic labs, patients and their
families and for research proposals.
In this paper we have presented a Web-based
information system that allows gathering and
managing all information about these patients along
their lives – from genotype to phenotype. Through a
common Internet connection, users have access to
information that they can manage according to their
profile in the system and to their role in each study.
It is possible to manage, in an integrated way,
clinical information (patient data, diagnostics,
procedures, …) and genotype data, such as patient
mutations. The platform’s customization allows
configuring the system according to each disease
requirements. The incorporation of LOVD is also a
great asset, considering its wide adoption in the
field, since it can be also used outside our platform
in an independent yet complementary way.
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HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics