the development of an energy harvesting system
from multiple sources for smart hip prosthesis.
Considering the energy obtained from the movement
as the most abundant in the human body, three
energy harvesting power bio-generators, namely a
piezoelectric-based and two electromagnetic-based
harvesting elements, were designed to harvest energy
from several movements over the femoral component.
They were able to produce energy to supply the
power needs of a telemetric system. This approach
ensures the availability of the electric power supply
and operates autonomously, safely and without
maintenance during the lifetime of the hip prosthesis.
An ongoing optimization of the harvesting elements
is being conducted in order to improve the electric
power bio-generation up to levels required by the
active actuators that would prevent the aseptic
The present work was conducted with the support of
the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology,
under the PTDC/EME-PME/105465/2008 project.
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BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices