Clint Landrock
, Bozena Kaminska
, Yindar Chuo
, Badr Omrane
and Jeydmer Aristizabal
Department of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, Canada
IDME Technologies Corp, Vancouver, Canada
Keywords: Energy harvesting, Integration, Micro-sensors, Polymer electronics, Solar cells, Photovoltaic, Super-
Abstract: In this work we present the novel design for a polymer based energy harvesting and storage system for thin
flexible wearable biomedical devices. The energy system employs novel long lasting polymer solar cells
and polymer hybrid sodium-ion super capacitors capable of both immediately storing harvested photo
energy and slowly discharging power for micro to milli-watt devices. The polymer nature of this platform
system makes its suitable for roll-to-roll print manufacturing, supporting applications requiring high volume
and low cost. We present performance results for the two energy system components along with results for
an integrated single cell energy system.
One the most important challenges in sensors and
systems deployed in wireless, portable or wearable
applications will be in selecting the energy source.
For most electronics, the energy required to power
its microprocessor is negligible, however, its’ sensor
and actuator elements may consume significant
amounts of power. In medical applications as in
remote hospitals or home-monitoring, ultra-
lightweight systems with small footprints operating
autonomously are required. Often the primary
energy source for such applications is a battery,
which must be substantially larger than the system it
powers in order to meet the requirements for
wireless use. In wearable systems the battery
footprint becomes a very important issue.
Recent efforts to reduce this battery footprint
along with increasing device lifetimes and reliability
have included supplementary power sources using
solar or mechanical energy harvesting. Integrated
solar cells on outdoors wireless sensor nodes, and
vibration energy harvesters used on automotive
sensor units are some commonly found examples.
Assisted powering of autonomous electronic devices
with energy harvesting is a non-trivial challenge that
requires the matching of function and environment,
and hence, there is no universal solution (e.g.,
photovoltaic energy harvesting is not suitable with a
subcutaneous implantable bio-sensor).
Solar energy is attractive as it is arguably the
most accessible energy source found on Earth.
Silicon-based solar cells can achieve 20% in power
conversion efficiency (PCE), but their high material
and manufacturing costs along with rigid and fragile
structures discourage greater use. Unlike silicon-
based solar cells, polymer solar cells (PSC) cost
much less to manufacture due to roll-to-roll
processing and the extremely low quantities of
active material required. The polymer inks used for
the active layers can be printed onto thin, flexible
substrates using a variety of print-based
manufacturing such as roll-to-roll, or ink-jet
printing. Recent advances in polymer solar cell
technology have increased its PCE to higher than
8% (Green et al, 2011) and efficiencies could reach
as high as 17% in the near future (Park et al, 2009).
PSCs have comparable PCEs to silicon-alternatives
such as Cadmium-Telluride (CdTe) and Copper-
Indium-Gallium-Selenide (CIGS) solar cells without
the toxicity concerns. Combined with a low cost of
manufacturing, PSCs can offer a very attractive sub-
dollar-per-watt figure, and are anticipated to greatly
surpass silicon-based solar cells in both use and
application range.
Despite their exciting outlook, a few challenges
hinder the widespread use of flexible PSCs. First,
Landrock C., Kaminska B., Chuo Y., Omrane B. and Aristizabal J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003793802390244
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES-2012), pages 239-244
ISBN: 978-989-8425-91-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
their lifetime is limited when they are fabricated in
air. A controlled fabrication chamber is needed to
completely eliminate oxygen and moisture in order
to produce long-lasting PSCs; however, such
specialized equipment greatly increases the
fabrication costs. Second, to provide a complete
energy solution, the PSCs must be integrated with an
efficient energy storage reservoir. This reservoir
system should exhibit both high power and energy
densities, and must be similarly thin, flexible, and
lightweight to take advantage of all the PSC
Recent studies have shown that ionic polymer
metal composites (IPMC) as energy storage films
exhibit supercapacitor and rechargeable battery like
characteristics (Landrock and Kaminska, 2011).
Polymer ion-exchange membranes based on
perfluorosulfonic acid (PSFA) based films such as
Nafion™ (DuPont) and Aquivion™ (Solvay
Solexis) are low cost and widely available. Without
hydration these ion exchange membranes can be
used in the construction of polymer energy storage
(PES) devices, which can be conveniently shaped
and scaled into nearly any dimension or geometry,
and operated at high-temperature conditions
(Landrock and Kaminska, 2010). Furthermore, the
ions can be tailored within the polymers for specific
applications. Here we present on a sodium-ion
(Na+) hybrid super-capacitor. Sodium-ions have the
distinction of being very stable, low in toxicity and
high in energy density, making them an ideal choice
for use in biomedical devices.
Many recently developed biomedical devices
consume power measured in the mW and even nW
range. Marzencki et al (2010), have presented a
wearable wireless sensor system requiring 2.1V
operating voltage with 1.86mW to 16.6mW power
used in conjunction with a mobile phone for data
collection; while Xiaodan et al (2009) have reported
on a 1V sensor interface chip requiring a mere
450nW of power. However in order to take
advantage of these devices small footprint and
flexible nature a powering system that is comparably
small and flexible.
This paper presents a fully flexible polymer-
based powering system with a footprint of 1cm
less than 50um thick, capable of supplying an
operating voltage of 2.7V and 100uA continuously
during day light hours.
Several methods in improving the lifetime of
polymer/organic solar cells have been reported in the
recent past. Inverted solar cell structures were
demonstrated to have better stability in air by
(Krebs, 2008), while allowing for better roll-to-roll
processing. The stability of the enhanced, inverted
PSCs is up to a few weeks, however, with a low
power-conversion efficiency (PCE) of ~0.08%
(Manceau, 2010). A new interfacial layer containing
chromium-oxide was inserted between the cathode
and active polymer to improve performance and
stability of polymer solar cells (Wang, 2010). The
improved interfacial layer provided stability up to
one week holding a PCE of 3.5% in an inert
environment, but decreased by half within 12 days
(Wang, 2010).
Thin, flexible, disposable batteries have been
demonstrated and are available (in limited
quantities) off-the-shelf from niche companies that
provide “soft” batteries such as Enfucell,
PowerPaper and BlueSpark. The batteries are
primarily based on zinc/manganese-dioxide
technology. Typically a zinc anode and manganese
dioxide cathode surround a polymer electrolyte.
Most devices range from 0.3mm to 1mm thick, and
provide energy capacities between 2 to 5mAh/cm
The nominal cell voltage is configured to 1.5V, a
requirement for aqueous electrolytes as water
electrolyzes above 2V. The internal resistances of
the devices are typically high, around 300. The
energy sources also only provide low nominal
continuous current (0.03mA to 1.5mA). It is
common for the devices to have a limited operating
temperature range between -20°C to 60°C. These
devices are not applicable tor solar energy
harvesting applications, where cells can easily be
heated under the sun to temperatures above 70°C.
Here we present the latest performance results of
novel PSC and PES devices as well as a combined
system for energy harvesting and storage in
2.1 Stable Polymer Solar Cells
It is well known that polymer solar cells are subject
to oxygen and moisture degradation. Figure 1
illustrates the typical structure of a solar cell
comprised of a bulk heterojunction (active layer)
such as poly(3-hexlthiophene) and [6,6]-phenyl C61
butyruc-acud-nethyk-ester (P3HT:PCBM blend).
The active layer degrades due to oxidation of sulfur
BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
atoms in the P3HT thiophene ring (Krebs, 2008).
Oxygen and moisture in the active layer are
generated by two known mechanisms. The first is
due to oxidation of the cathode (typically
Aluminum) that allows for Oxygen diffusion
directly into the active layer. The second is oxygen
diffusion into the active layer from the transparent
anode, typically Indium-Tin-Oxide (ITO) via the
hole-transporting layer, poly(3,4-
commonly known as PEDOT:PSS. This degradation
leads rapidly to dramatic drops in PCE and failure of
the device.
Figure 1: Structure of a generic polymer solar cell and
photograph of a working polymer solar panel. The panel
consists of 12 cells connected in series and can generate
5Vin outside light.
Photooxidation due to exposure to UV rays acts as a
catalyst in the degradation process. PSC device life
times typically run from several hours to several
days (Manceau, 2010; Wang, 2010). The high-
quality polymer solar cells that are achieved
typically are done so in controlled fabrication
chambers filled with inert gas (e.g. nitrogen) or
under high vacuum. The additional costs associated
with the use of specialized air-controlled and high
vacuum chambers conflicts with the cost
effectiveness of roll-to-roll (R2R) or print-types of
Our group has recently shown a polymer solar
cell with a PCE around 2% that has lasted for over
one year and shows little evidence of degradation
using a novel cathode (Hohertz et al. 2011). The
novel cathode design allows diffusion of Indium
ions into the active layer, which attract oxygen
atoms creating a non-reactive Indium-oxide
compound (In2O3) before degradation can occur.
Evidence of this diffusion has recently been shown
using X-ray photoelectric spectroscopy (XPS), a
sensitive technique that probes the chemical
composition within a sample (Hohertz et al., 2011).
Figure 2 shows XPS results (Kratos Axis Ultra DLD
XPS) of active layers from newly prepared and six
month old novel PSCs in comparison to a standard
PSC fabricated with an Al cathode. It can be clearly
seen from the energy peaks that In, InO-, and In
are present in the novel PSC sample after 6months,
and appears to be just forming in the newly
fabricated samples. The Al-cathode device however
does not show this behavior. This result strongly
suggests that Indium diffuses into the active layer
and forms a strong oxide bond, preventing the
oxygen atoms from destroying the Sulfur bonds.
Figure 2: Broad-spectrum scans of Aluminium Cathode
vs. Indium Cathode based PSCs.
2.2 Hybrid Polymer Energy Storage
We have recently demonstrated a novel hybrid
energy storage film, which exhibits high temperature
resistance, good chemical resistance, and good
durability, an ion-transport/electrolyte medium
(Landrock and Kaminska, 2011; Landrock, 2010).
Intensity (A.U.)
Binding Energy (eV)
Indium 6 Month Old
Indium 1 Day Old
Al 6 Month Old
S 2p
C 1s
O 1s
In 3d
The traditional fabrication processes for PFSA-based
ionic polymer metal composites involve tedious
electrode compositing steps to ensure good electrode
implantation; however, we have shown that
simplified fabrication techniques can results in
devices (Figure 3) with reasonable power and energy
storage capacity (Landrock, 2010) ranging from
40F/g to 332F/g and 31mAh/cm
respectively with a
working voltage of 2.7V for a single sodium-ion
Figure 3: Schematic of a IPMC-based Na-ion hybrid
energy storage film and photograph of a basic device.
2.3 Architecture of Energy System
For an energy-harvesting device to be useful a
storage reservoir is necessary for that energy unless
it can be consumed immediately through a matching
load. Energy harvesting devices are usually
independent from the energy storage reservoir,
which is inefficient, inconvenient, and as an
incomplete system is a major deterrent when
considering energy harvesting solutions. Here we
show an integrated powering system that combines
PSCs along with PES in a thin, compact
configuration. Figure 4 illustrates the flexible energy
stack, as a printed film roll, composed of an PSC
functional layer and a PES layer disposed on the two
opposing surfaces of a flexible carrier substrate. The
carrier substrate acts as the structural backbone of
the flexible energy stack, and can range from 10 to
several 100s of microns thick, largely depending on
the carrier substrate requirements. The electrical
connections and circuit routing between the PSC,
PES, and other application specific system
components are also made within the carrier
substrate layer. This is similar in construction to
flexible circuit board functions. The stack is further
protected on both sides by UV-shielding plastic
films that transmit only the visible light within the
primary, non-damaging, absorbing wavelengths of
the PSC. The percentage of the light intensity
transmitted through the protective film is dependent
on the thickness and composition of the polymer
where 70-90% transmission of the incident light can
be expected when the film is in the range of 100µm
to 200µm thick.
Figure 4: Architecture of integrated energy
harvesting/storage system along with the system blocks
for the integration configured to power a device.
The operational performance of the PSCs was
studied under ambient conditions using a calibrated
solar simulator (AM1.5G 100mW/cm2, Newport
Solar Simulator) as well as in direct sunlight
outdoors (latitude 52°25'N, Vancouver CANADA).
Results for a single cell are summarized in Table 1
in comparison to short-lifetime conventional Al-
cathode based PSCs. The stability of the device was
evaluated based on the percentage drop in
performance over time. The conventional Al-based
PSC showed a decrease in all categories of
performance by more than 50% within 24 hours, and
fully fails within 2 days; whereas the novel-cathode
BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
PSC show less than 5% decrease in open-circuit
voltage (VOC), short-circuit current (JSC), Fill
Factor (F.F), and PCE even after one year. I-V
characteristics are shown in Figure 5. It can be
expected that with improvement in active polymer
blend formulation, substitution with higher
efficiency photoactive polymers, more conductive
anode materials, more efficient electrical
interconnects, even higher PCE values can be
Table 1: Polymer Solar Cell Performance.
Measurement PSC Novel
Conventional PSC
with Al Cathode
(V) 0.55 / 0.52 0.6 / 0
(mA/cm2) 8.5 / 6.2 8.5 / 0
F.F. (%) 65 / 60 70 / 0
PCE (%) 3.03 / 2.05 3.6 / 0
Stability (days) >365 1
Figure 5: I-V curve for a single PSC after 1 year of
The energy storage films have a nominal
capacitance of approximately 3mF/cm
, or 300F/g.
The methods of measurement and characterization
are reported in further detail under another article
(Aristizabal, 2011). The PES films also show very
stable energy storage attributes in the range of 20°C
to 100°C, with less than 10% drop in capacitance at
110°C compared to room temperature. The
breakdown voltage of a 1cm
device is
approximately 10V. The PES film is also fast
charging, and is suitably charged with input sources
anywhere from 0.5mA up to 1000mA. Figure 6
shows the typical discharge curve of a 1cm
cell. It is charged for 2min at constant voltage of 4V,
10mA current limited (e.g. equivalent of what a
small array PSCs connected in series can provide).
The PES cell is discharged through a constant
100uA load until the voltage falls below 50% of its
initial value. The plot shows the full 2.7V potential
from the sodium-ions.
Figure 6: Discharge profile for a single PES cell with a
constant current load of 100uA charged with 5V.
Figure 7: Energy system test results: top photograph
shows the actual energy system with PSC panel and PES
cell that is just viewable behind the solar cells (gold
coloured cell); the bottom plot shows charge/discharge
curve of a PSC-PES system in operation.
Testing of the integrated three-dimensional (3D)
system was initiated by connecting a PES to a PCS
as seen in Figure 7, and ambient indoor low-light
conditions of 0.2 W/m
were used to radiate the
PSC. Measurement of the charge and discharge of
the PES was done by connecting a digital acquisition
PSC active
Current Densit
(DAQ) module to the setup, which allows real-time
monitoring. The 3D test layout configuration is
however ideal for device performance. In two-
dimensional configurations long interconnects
between the organic devices and the capacitors result
in excessive energy lost reducing the effectiveness
of PCSs. This low-light demonstration shows the
versatility of the 3D energy harvesting system
configuration. With more techniques (such as vias
and monolithic fabrication) even more energy
efficient 3D configurations can be envisioned and
have been previously reported by our group
(Landrock et al., 2011), however they are not always
convenient for testing purposes.
This work describes an energy harvesting system
comprised of polymer solar cells and a hybrid
polymer energy storage film. We have shown that
this system may be used to generate and store useful
amounts of electrical power, up to several milli-
watts per cm
, making it useful for a number of
wireless biomedical sensors applications.
This research is supported in part by the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (NSERC) and MITACs.
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BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices