Figure 8: Number of occurrences for Input Processing Al-
gorithms, taken from the gathered articles.
The ”Automated Sequence” result refers to the lack
of a man-machine interface, and is therefore related
to the results for ”No Input” in the ”Sensor Input”
data. Algorithms with less than three occurrences
were gathered into a single group called ”Other”.
”Undisclosed Algorithm” is the term applied
when an article doesn’t mention what kind of al-
gorithm the device uses for interpreting the man-
machine interface(Raparelli et al., 2007).
”Custom Algorithm” refers to either a combina-
tion of the other mentioned algorithms or a com-
pletely new formula (Andreasen et al., 2005; Kong
et al., 2009). In these cases, an ”off-the-shelf” solu-
tion isn’t applied.
As seen in Figure 2, active orthoses and exoskeletons
have suffered a recent increased interest throughout
the scientific community, starting in 2005. This fact
can be explained through general advances in con-
trol and actuator technologies, the increasingly larger
trend of researching technological solutions for oth-
erwise difficult tasks and the ageing of the population
in certain countries.
The actuator statistics show that the most popular
actuator for active assistive devices is the DC Motor
so far. Although this actuator technology presents a
relatively low torque/weight and torque/volume ratio,
its matured control methods makes it the most widely
adopted choice.
However, when studying a wearable device with
weight and volume constraints, as we see in Fig-
ure 6, the DC Motor is seen to be adopted in less than
half of the studied projects. As actuator technologies
with higher torque/weight and torque/volume ratios
become mature, it may be expected to see DC Motors
being gradually replaced for wearable devices, partic-
ularly by McKibben actuators.
Regarding the statistics relative to the sensors
used, it can be seen that although force-related sensors
are actually being tried out in larger proportions, the
magnitude of occurrences is similar for all the classes.
The statistics relative to the Input Processing Al-
gorithm show that most of the time, a custom-made
algorithm is necessary to develop an efficient compu-
tational method to translate the user/patient’s ”will”
to move the actuated limb or body part. This means
that creating an algorithm to efficiently control an ac-
tive orthosis or exoskeleton usually becomes a very
relevant and time-consuming task during the develop-
ment of a functional device.
As for future work, the Authors’ plan is to keep
updating the database on a yearly basis, in order to
follow the technological advances and trends on ac-
tive motion-oriented assistive devices.
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