We first analysed and classified the temporal aspects.
Then we used them in order to define importance
functions describing the temporal aspect-based (sub-
jective) importance of media objects. Explicit and im-
plicit temporal aspects that result from the media ob-
jects themselves were used for the TA replacement.
Implicit temporal aspects that result from user’s be-
haviour were used for aTA. As the evaluation results
show, both approaches outperform a standard LRU re-
placement. However, we are aware of the fact that
there are plenty of other replacement strategies we
should analyse in comparison to TA and aTA. How-
ever, before doing this, we will take a deeper look
into the zone definition and the zone numbers of aTA.
Furthermore, we plan to use dynamic zone definitions
instead of fixed ones.
A more general research question results from the
data preprocessing. For our experiments, we man-
ually tagged the media objects. In order to adapt
our approaches to other applications, one has to find
proper ways to harvest time and date information
from arbitrary media objects. Our prototype contains
rudimentary support for Websites. However, not all
dates mentioned on a Website have to be expiration
dates. Another open issue is the support for durations
of validity. We currently only support expiration dates
and assume that validity starts at the first time an ob-
ject is accessed before caching. A more detailed study
on time/date ranges could improve temporal aspect
based caching approaches.
Last but not least, we are planning a more detailed
evaluation including some of the mentioned future
works and involving more users for a longer period of
time. Therefore, we are working on porting WeIS to
Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android platform and also
include the cache filtering. The latter was not eval-
uated during the experiments presented in this paper,
but might improve the cache hit ratio dramatically if
used in a proper way.
We want to thank all students of the Mobile Me-
dia Group of the Media Department at the Bauhaus-
at Weimar, who participated in the con-
ducted evaluation.
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