Text Mining Technology allied with Pedagogical Practices to Qualify the Collective
writing Process in Distance Learning
Alexandra Lorandi Macedo, Patricia Alejandra Behar and Eliseo Berni Reategui
PPGEDU/PPGIE - UFRGS, Av. Paulo Gama, 110, 90040-060, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Keywords: Collective Text Editor, Text Mining, Pedagogical Practices.
Abstract: The main goal of this article is to identify possibilities of pedagogical practices from the information
generated by a tool called the Concepts Network. Such information is extracted from texts produced by
participants / students in a Collective Text Editor - ETC. Thus, this study presents a tool and, from it,
alternative teaching practices. The intention is to create conditions so that such practices are developed with
quality and minimize the large work load required in digital work spaces in distance learning practices.
This article presents the development of a study that
had as its objective the construction of a tool which
allows teachers to monitor the process of collective
construction of texts in the Collective Text Editor -
ETC (available at: The
ETC is an online editor, which was developed with
an educational purpose by the Centre of Digital
Technology applied to Education at the Federal
University of Rio Grande do Sul (NUTED /
UFRGS). The first version was built in 2001 and the
system has since been applied and perfected,
boasting, as a reference, validations and evaluations
made by teachers and student users. Some of the
principal adjustments and implementations
developed during its application can be checked in
Macedo et al. (2009). In this period, it was also
noted that teachers frequently reported the difficulty
they had in following the process of students' written
construction, due to the high volume of data
generated in this practice.
From this context began the development of this
study, which developed a tool to support the
monitoring of collective text production in the ETC.
Therefore, the next sections describe the theoretical
foundation that supported the educational
perspective in the use of the tool. The developed tool
is also presented along with the validation process,
the possible applications from the results obtained
and the final considerations.
Advances in science and technology are ongoing and
take place in an ever more dynamic form. In this
context begins the teacher’s challenge, which is to
develop strategies that enable the formation of a
subject that takes account of this complexity. In
order to achieve this, on the basis of studied theory,
the following assumptions were elected in this
research: the construction of autonomy, critical
thinking, the process of learning to learn and
knowing how to articulate oneself in collective
contexts, cooperating and communicating with all
involved in the process.
The process of the student's personal
development involves, among other elements, the
development of autonomy. It is this that may offer
conditions to allow the subject to realize the
complexity and the challenges they encounter
throughout the learning process.
For Piaget (1973), autonomy is directly related to
the type of respect that the subject has for rules or
standards. According to the author, there are two
kinds of respect: heteronomy and autonomy.
For Piaget (1994), only cooperation leads to
autonomy. Thus, it is necessary to favor cooperation
in the educational context, not only restricting the
social exchange between teacher and student, but
also encouraging the exchange among peers as "[...]
Lorandi Macedo A., Alejandra Behar P. and Berni Reategui E..
CONCEPTS NETWORK - Text Mining Technology allied with Pedagogical Practices to Qualify the Collective writing Process in Distance Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0003801500710076
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 71-76
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
criticism is born out of discussion and discussion is
only possible among equals, therefore, only
cooperation will realize what intellectual constraint
is incapable of realizing" (Piaget, 1994, p. 298-299).
Based on these conditions, it is understood that
to achieve the highest levels of autonomy
development, it is necessary that, throughout the
educational process, teachers and students take on
distinct actions in which the former must create for
the latter, ever more challenging situations for
resolution and development, offsetting practices
which are limited to reproduce or copy. The
intention is for the students to be able to support
their actions within the principles of critical thinking
about their own process. In this study, critical
thinking is considered as a sense of experience and
need for logical consistency that are placed in the
service of an autonomous reasoning, common to all
individuals and not depending on any external
authority (Piaget, 1998). Thus, social exchange acts
as a tool that encourages creativity and critical spirit.
The construction of critical spirit is fundamental to
the intellectual and social development of the
individual (Piaget, 1986). It is from the social
relations which follow the cognitive conflict that
subjects are enticed to question, doubt and criticize
the different points of view and from there are
motivated to propose solutions and alternatives that
are shown as more viable for conflict resolution.
This set of elements shows the complexity of
students' reflection, the complexity that is found in a
critical thought (Parrat-Dayan, 2007). Thus, Piaget’s
perspective (1986) indicates that pedagogical
practice must insist on the exchange of different
points of view in order to provide mutual enrichment
between subjects. Such a perspective consists of
leading each individual to think for themselves and
position themselves relative to another.
Different challenges can make the subject feel
the need to seek elements, information that will help
him/her to realize the given situation. The measure
to which the student can realize their limitations,
procure and articulate new information to enable
him/her to overcome the challenges posed is that we
can talk, beyond autonomy and critical thinking, of
learning to learn.
Piaget’s perspective (1973) on learning focuses
on the reflexive action of each individual with the
world and exchanges between individuals. For the
author, real learning is that which generates
It is noteworthy that, on a permanent basis, inter-
individual exchanges touch on the basic assumptions
of pedagogical practice highlighted in this study. In
this sense, each subject is responsible for their
production and learning and may ultimately
contribute to the learning and production of others,
since the interaction can enable favorable conditions
for this process. Hence the need for pedagogical
practice to consider and contemplate actions that
allow the articulation of the subject in collective
This study understands the articulation of the
subject in collective contexts from the social
exchanges dealt with by Piaget (1973).
It is noteworthy that the focus of the problem
identified by teachers who utilize collective text
practices is the amount of time required to monitor
the high volume of data generated in the writing
construction process. It was at this point, from
numerous analyses and investigations that we chose
Text Mining technology for the development of the
tool, here called the Concepts Network, in order to
meet the demands posed.
When based on statistical methods, Text Mining
(Feldman and Sanger, 2006) depends on the
frequency with which the terms appear in the texts.
To generate the Concepts Network, the first
processing step comprises the lexical analysis, where
the produced text is broken down word by word.
Following this, all extracted concepts are subjected
to statistical analysis. At this point, based on the
statistical data, a base of concepts is created, which
will then assist in building the Network. In the next
step, the system removes words that do not add
meaning to the text, such as articles, conjunctions of
the verb to be and have, as well as pronouns. This
process was based on the method used by Schenker
The representation of information extracted from
the texts requires specific data structures such as
Vector Space Model (VSM). The VSM-based
representation is basically a list of keywords
commonly used in Information Retrieval - IR –
(Greengrass, 2001). In the process of indexing, each
document is represented by a list of keywords. When
the user submits a query to the system, it is
converted also into a list of terms. Both lists
subsequently undergo a process of comparison,
using the scaling method (Russel and Norving,
2003). Thus, the search may return documents in
order of relevance and of similarity. However, the
VSM has, in its own model, some undesirable
characteristics. One such characteristic relates to the
way in which words are stored, as it prevents one
from knowing the order in which they appear in the
text and their relation to the context (Greengrass,
2001). Given these considerations, an alternative
approach is highlighted that permits the organization
of words extracted from the text and the relationship
between them – graphs.
Graphs form part of a line of research known as
'Graph Theory'. One of the most famous problems
involving the use of graphs is the problem of the
bridges of Königsberg, in the XVIII century, and
formulated by Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler
(Berry and Linoff, 1997). In short, graphs are
abstractions created to represent relationships. In
essence, the graphs are comprised of two distinct
parts, as described below:
Vertices (singular Vertex) – contain information
which generally represent the inter-related points;
Edges – represent the relationship between two
vertices, so two vertices that are in some way related
will be connected by an edge.
The process of implementing and testing the tool
in the Collective Text Editor was initiated using the
results generated by the Concepts Network. It was
then that, with the objective of meeting the demands
identified in the study, the first contact between the
results of the Network and the original texts were
delineated. The next step involved the application of
the tool.
At the start of the analysis, without the original
texts having been read, the Networks which showed
a similarity in the presentation of terms were
grouped. They were separated into two groups: one
with a higher incidence of loose terms and the other
with a higher incidence of related /connected terms.
The analysis showed that the first group is made up
of texts that need improvement, the absence of
linkage coming from the productions lacking in
logical sequence. Meanwhile, the second group, with
an incidence of terms related to each other, is made
up of texts presenting coherence, sequence and logic
in the development.
In parallel to the applications described, one in
particular (Klemann, et al, 2011) was developed in
order to ascertain the degree of precision in the
correspondence between the text and the result
presented by the Concepts Network. In this
experiment, students were challenged to construct a
production based on a text made available on the
curricular subject proposed in class. Subsequently,
the text base was mined, and from there, a
comparative analysis was done between the concepts
extracted by the Concepts Network and the concepts
from the reference text used by the students in their
own productions. In this process, it was noted that
the texts produced by students contained 61.6% of
the words highlighted by the Concepts Network.
This statistic shows that the tool was able to
emphasize a considerable number of relevant terms
from the base text.
Once in possession of the collected data,
pedagogical practice notes were created with the
objective of offering support to the teacher who uses
the tool.
This section aims to establish relationships between
the results obtained with the Concepts Network tool
and the theoretical perspective chosen in this study.
4.1 Focus on the Subject Studied
The results returned by the Concepts Network
showed that, depending on the written structure of
the text, if well written or not (presence or lack of
cohesion and coherence), it is possible to identify the
theme of production even without having read the
text before.
It is worth highlighting that based on the
interpretation of data, it was noted that the result of
the Network is closely related to the structure and
content developed in the text. Thus, if the Network
does not give indications of the subject, this may be
an indication that the text produced did not focus on
the proposed subject to be developed. Faced with
this observation, care should be given in relation to
the exchanges. It is known that the Concepts
Network is the result of social changes in the
Collective Text Editor during the construction of a
When there is an imbalance in this exchange, it
can also be directly related to the type of respect that
students have regarding the rules constructed in the
group. Thus, if in the construction of the text, the
exchange between participants is supported by a
type of heteronomous respect, where obedience
governs the development of the writing, the chances
that the group cannot adjust to the perspectives of
the participants regarding the clarity and objectivity
of the production increase and may compromise the
Figure 1: Concepts Network with incidence of loose terms.
Figure 2: Concepts Network with incidence of interrelated terms.
Only cooperation leads to autonomy and the
scope for mutual respect, where individuals can
understand the result of agreements between
different points of view and in this way integrate, a
group that transcends the perspective of a single
individual (Piaget, 1973).
Freire (2003) points out that autonomy is
founded upon the experience of many decisions. In
this sense, the pedagogical practice should focus on
stimulating experiences of decision and
responsibility (Freire, 2003). So, when the Concepts
Network does not give evidence of the approached
subject, indicating that the production did not focus
on the proposed theme, it is suggested that the
interaction between the teacher and student group
adjusts to that focus.
The challenges and questions proposed, in
addition to promoting the development of students,
may also serve as a reference to the teacher who
needs to know the potential and limitations of each
It is further highlighted that, in a context where,
from the Concepts Network it is possible identify the
developed theme, indicating that the written
production gives focus to the proposed issue, the
teacher may use this information as a basis for
investigating students’ level of knowledge on the
topic. Based on this, the teacher can provide
materials and discussions that allow theoretical
deepening about the subject. Thus, such conditions
can leverage the knowledge and relationing of the
theme in question with other aspects, encouraging
new developments, increasing knowledge and
improving social exchanges that support the
collective writing of text.
A pedagogical practice which encourages and
creates favorable conditions for research, reading,
analysis, inter-individual discussion and the
production of new knowledge, can provide the
development of autonomy, forming a subject with
critical spirit, with initiative go in search of elements
that meet their needs (learning to learn), articulating
and confronting their perspectives with others, who
think and argue from different points of view. Thus,
in this study it is believed that, having the Concepts
Network as support for detecting if the text
production focused on the proposed theme, can
qualify the teaching practice in order to point out the
need for new strategies which meet the needs posed.
4.2 Focus on Quality of Text
In addition to identifying the theme dealt with in the
text, the Concepts Network differentiates
productions which require perfecting and those
textual productions well developed. The Networks in
which isolated terms or small groups of terms
prevailed, were drawn from texts that needed
perfecting. Figure 1 shows a Network with these
In this case, the studied texts showed a greater
need, in regard to clarity in development and
objectivity, as well as in the sequence and
consistency in the development of the writing. On
the other hand, Networks in which related terms
prevailed were also identified. Here, in contrast to
the previous situation, the studied texts showed
clarity, objectivity, sequence and consistency. Figure
2 shows a Network with an incidence of interrelated
Subjects build their knowledge from their
interaction with the physical and social environment
(Piaget, 1973). In this sense, reading, reflecting,
building a perspective on the selected theme and
discussing it with other subjects is a learning
exercise. It is this direction that it is believed that the
pedagogical practice which is concerned with
creating conditions to foster interactions should be
supported, buoyed in conditions of equilibrium as
predicted by Piaget (1973).
In addition to the conditions already considered,
another important factor to investigate associated
with Concepts Networks which show evidence of
the need for improvement in the text, is the presence
or absence of relationships based on self-
centeredness, coercion and cooperation.
When in the presence of self-centeredness, the
subjects fail to coordinate their points of view, once
they understand the things and the other individuals
from their actions. The movement that this writing
requires depends fundamentally on the articulation
and coordination of the propositions of the subjects
involved. Otherwise this relationship is governed by
an unbalanced situation.
In this perspective, it is understood that the
teacher must recognize when to intervene to foster
the relationship the student must make between the
object of knowledge and the level of development
that the student finds himself/herself in that moment.
This does not imply a single method of work. On the
contrary, it is understood that the pedagogical
practice should adopt different ways of working for
different necessities, always with the goal of
building the student's knowledge.
It is worth noting that this study does not intend to
reduce the teaching strategies that were
contemplated in this writing, as it is aware of the
diversity of situations and variables that a learning
process may involve.
This study shows that the Concepts Network can
both indicate the theme developed in the text and
provide qualitative indicators of this production.
Qualitative indicators differentiate the texts
requiring improvement from those which were
developed with clarity and objectivity. All these
situations can be identified through the Network,
without the prior reading of the original text. It is
understood that this option only makes sense if it
serves to support a teaching practice committed to
the process of student learning and equally
committed to its own qualification. From this
perspective, four assumptions were taken as
minimum to account for the complex relationship
that involves the process of collective text
production, they are: autonomy, critical thinking,
learning to learn and knowing how to articulate
oneself in collective contexts. It is noteworthy also
that this research brings, as a support perspective for
these assumptions, the reflective practice of the
teacher who must deal with diversity, with differing
needs and different demands resulting from the
process of collective construction and in this sense, a
“single only” or an “ideal model” does not make
Bearing in mind the above, the principal
contributions that result from this study are
presented in an objective form. First, there is the
significant reduction of reading time required of the
teacher to monitor students' collective text
production. As a result, there is an increase in the
length of direct interaction time between students
and teacher, which can provide significant
qualification in the teaching-learning process. In
addition, the indicators shown by the Concepts
Network can help the teacher to focus on his/her
actions, acting directly on the needs and potentiality
of students. Such conditions can extend the
possibilities of knowledge building and skills of
written production. Finally, it is emphasized that the
possible strategies of pedagogical practices may
qualify the practice of the teacher who cares and
always aims to achieve ever higher and significant
levels of excellence in what he/she does.
This study has been partially supported by CAPES,
through grant No 2737/2010.
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