Kazutake Uehira and Mizuho Komori
Kanagawa Institute of Technology, 1030 Shimo-ogino, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa, Japan
Keywords: Optical Watermarking, Portrait Rights, Invisible Pattern.
Abstract: We propose a new optically written watermarking technology that uses a one dimensional high frequency
pattern to protect the portrait rights of 3-D shaped real objects by preventing the use of images captured
illegally with cameras. We conducted experiments using a manikin’s face as a real 3-D object assuming that
this technology would be applied to human faces in the future. We utilized the phase difference between
two color component patterns, i.e., binary information was expressed if the phase of the high frequency
pattern was the same or its opposite. The experimental results demonstrated this technique was robust
against the pattern being deformed due to the curved surface of the 3-D shaped object and a high accuracy
of 100% in reading out the embedded data was possible by optimizing the conditions under which data were
embedded. As a result, we could confirm the technique we propose is feasible.
The importance of techniques of digital
watermarking has recently been raised because
increasingly more digital-image content is being
distributed throughout the Internet. Various
approaches to concealing watermarking in images
have been developed ((I. J. Cox et al., 1997), (M. D.
Swanson et al., 1998), (M. Hartung et al., 1999)).
However, conventional digital watermarking
techniques rest on the premise that people who want
to protect the copyright of their content have the
original digital data and can embed watermarking by
digital processing. However, there are some cases
where this premise does not apply. One such case
can arise for images that have been produced
illegally by people taking photographs of real
objects that have high value as portraits, e.g., art
works at museums that have been painted by famous
artists or faces of celebrities on a stage. The images
produced by capturing these real objects with digital
cameras or other image-input devices by malicious
people have been vulnerable to illegal use since they
have not contained digital watermarking.
We have proposed a technology that can prevent
the images of objects from being used in such cases
((K. Uehira et al., 2008), (Y. Ishikawa et al., 2010)).
It uses illumination that contains invisible
information on watermarking. As the illumination
contains the watermarking, the image of a
photograph of an object that is illuminated by such
illumination also contains watermarking. We
treated flat objects in a previous study assuming
famous paintings were being illegally copied and
used a 2-dimensional high frequency patterns as
watermarking patterns. We demonstrated that this
technique effectively embedded the watermarking in
the captured image.
However, if we use this technique for 3-D
shaped objects that have curved surfaces, the
embedded information for watermarking cannot be
read out correctly because the projected patterns on
the surface of objects are deformed. We previously
tried to correct deformation in the projected
watermarking pattern using two dimensional grid
patterns (Y. Ishikawa et al., 2011). We found this
technique made it possible to correct deformation
and accurately read out watermarking information.
However, it needs the additional projection for grid
pattern in addition to watermarking pattern,
therefore, it cannot be applied to moving object.
This paper proposes a new technique that does
not need patterns to be corrected. It uses one
dimensional high frequency patterns as
watermarking patterns. A one dimensional pattern is
expected to be robust to deformation of the projected
pattern because of its simplicity compared to two-
dimensional patterns. We used a human face as a
Uehira K. and Komori M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003806700750078
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2012), pages 75-78
ISBN: 978-989-8565-04-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
real object in this study assuming its portrait rights
were protected. This paper also presents results
obtained from experiments where we evaluated the
accuracy with which the watermarking could be read
out with our new technique.
Figure 1 outlines the basic concept underlying our
technology of watermarking that uses light to embed
information. An object is illuminated by light that
contains invisible information on watermarking. As
the illumination itself contains the watermarking
information, the image of a photograph of an object
that is illuminated by such illumination also contains
watermarking. By digitizing this photographic image
of the real object, the watermarking information in
binary data can be extracted in the same way as with
the conventional watermarking technique. To be
more precise, information to be embedded is first
transformed into binary data, “1” or “0”, and it is
then transformed into a pattern that differs
depending on whether it is “1” or “0”. This pattern is
transformed into an optical pattern and projected
onto a real object. It is this difference in the pattern
that is read out from the captured image.
The light source used in this technology projects
the watermarking pattern similar to a projector.
Since the projected pattern has to be imperceptible
to the human-visual system, the brightness
distribution given by this light source then looks
uniform to the observer over the object, which is the
same as that with conventional illumination. The
brightness of the object’s surface is proportional to
the product of the reflectance of the surface of the
object and illumination by incident light. Therefore,
when a photograph of this object is taken, the image
on the photograph contains watermarking
information, even though this cannot be seen.
The main feature of the technology we propose is
that the watermarking can be added by light.
Therefore, this technology can be applied to objects
that cannot be electronically embedded with
watermarking, such as pictures painted by artists.
We used a method in our previous study that
used two-dimensional inverse Discrete Cosine
Transform (iDCT) to produce the watermarking
pattern. The illumination area was divided into
numerous numbers of blocks. Each block had 8 x 8
pixels. We expressed 1- bit binary data as “1” or “0”
Figure 1: Basic concept underlying technology of
watermarking that uses light to embed data.
by using the sign of the high-frequency component.
This method, however, is not robust to deformation
of the projected pattern when it projected onto a
curved surface.
In contrast, we propose the one dimensional
high-frequency pattern in this study shown Fig. 2,
where each vertical pixel line has 1-bit binary
information of “1” or “0”. We use two color
components to express “0” or “1”, i.e., if the phase
of the high-frequency pattern of two color
components are the same, the binary information is
“1” and if not, it is “0”. Even if we cut out a small
area of the pattern shown in Fig. 2 using this pattern,
we can determine whether the binary information is
“1” or “0” because we just need to check if the phase
of the patterns of two color components are the same
or not in the line.
We assumed that for a small area, displacement
of the projected pattern caused by the curvature of
the object surface would not be very large. Since we
captured the object image with double resolution (as
will be explained later), the phase calculated from
some pixel lines was not affected by the deformation
seen at the right of Fig. 2, so that the phase of the
pattern changed substantially. This technique is
expected to be robust to deformation of the projected
pattern, since we can use an arbitrarily small area in
regard to the y-(or x-) direction while for a two
dimensional pattern, the area where one bit binary
data are embedded is fixed and the effect of
deformation is significant.
Information to be embedded
Digital camera
Captured image
Read out by image
Real object
Light source
VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: One dimensional optical watermarking pattern.
We carried out experiments to demonstrate the
feasibility of the technology we propose in this
study. We made test patterns where each vertical
pixel line was assigned the one bit information in
Fig. 2. We used a color image, and the G-color
component was used for the signal pattern and the
B-color component was used for the reference
pattern. We set the average brightness (DC) to 200
and the highest-frequency component (HC) was
changed as an experimental parameter. These values
were on an 8-bit gray scale whose maximum was
We used a digital light processing (DLP)
projector that had 1024 x 768 pixels for each color
to project the watermarking image. We used the face
of a manikin as a real 3-D object. Figure 3 is a
photograph where a watermarking image has been
projected onto the manikin’s face. The whole
projected area was 80 x 60 cm; therefore, the
manikin’s face was part of the whole projected area.
We confirmed that high frequency patterns projected
onto the manikin’s face were imperceptible when
they were viewed at a distance of 2 m.
Figure 3: Manikin’s face used as 3-D real object in
experiment. Parts of areas in each rectangular area were
cut out to read out embedded binary data.
The projected patterns were captured with a
digital camera that had 3906 x 2602 pixels. The
captured image had over twice the pixel density of
the projected image. This was because over twice as
many pixels were needed according to the sampling
theorem to restore the original high frequency
patterns in the projected image. After it was captured,
we changed this ratio to just twice by digital
processing. The high frequency component in the x-
row of the captured image was calculated with Eqs.
1 and 2
xiIiHxHC ]][[][[1][1
--- and (1)
xiIiHxHC ]][[][[2][2
--- (2)
where I[i][x] indicates image data at pixel [i][x] and
H1[i] and H2[i] are the following matrices.
H1[i]=1 (if the remainder of i by four is 0 or 1 ),
-1 (if the remainder of i by four is 2 or 3)
H2[i] =1 (if the remainder of i by four is 1 or 2)
-1 (if the remainder of I by four is 0 or 3)
The summations in Eqs. 1 and 2 were done over N
pixels in the y-direction. We chose 8, 12, 16, 32, and
60 as N. Since the captured image had twice as
many pixels as the projected image, we obtained a
frequency component that was half the highest
frequency. We calculated two frequency
components, HC1[x] and HC2[x], which had the
same frequency but their phases differed by 90
degrees using H1[i] and H2[i] to obtain the phase of
the pattern in the captured image with Eq. 3.
)][1][2arctan(][ xHCxHCx
--- (3)
We obtained θ[x] for the signal pattern and the
reference pattern. We determined the binary data at
x to be “1” if the absolute value of the difference
between the phases of the two patterns was less than
90 degrees and we determined it to be “0” if it was
over 90 degrees. This was because we set the phase
of the original signal and reference pattern to be the
same when we assigned the “1” of binary data and
we set the difference between two patterns to be 180
degrees when we assigned the “0” of binary data, as
can be seen in Fig. 2.
We cut out the two areas of the image on the
manikin’s face shown in Fig. 3. One was an image
on the forehead that was relatively flat and the other
was an image on the cheek that was largely curved.
Area cut out
Reference pattern
Projected pattern
Signal pattern
Captured image
Table 1: Accuracy with which embedded data were read
out. N indicates number of pixels.
Table 1 lists the experiment results for the accuracy
with which the embedded data were read out. The
accuracy is indicated by the percentage of data that
were read out correctly from the entire amount of
data. We established four main findings from Table
1: 1) Accuracy was very high for small numbers of
N under 16 not only for the forehead area but also
for the cheek area where the surface was largely
curved, 2) it was highest at N=16, 3) it was poor for
a large number of N over 32 for both areas, and 4)
accuracy was poor for an HC of 20.
The reason that accuracy was excellent for small
numbers of N and poor for large numbers was
because the results from calculations were largely
affected by the object surface being deformed when
the area used for the calculations was elongated. As
N decreased, on the other hand, the summation of
the frequency components in Eqs. 1 and 2 decreased,
and this caused a decrease in accuracy. This was
considered to be the reason for accuracy to peak at
N=16. However, the results revealed that accuracy
for very small N under 12 was still very high. This
reason for this was because we chose a human face
as the 3-D shaped object, which had uniform
characteristics with regard to its image signal. As it
did not have a high-frequency component, the values
were almost all obtained from the projected pattern.
Result 4) was what we had expected because of
the small frequency component.
As we can see from Table 1, a high degree of
accuracy of 100% in reading out the embedded data
is possible by optimizing the conditions for reading
data. Therefore, we could confirm the feasibility of
the proposed technique. Moreover, since we can use
an error correction technique in practice, over 90%
accuracy is sufficient for practical use.
We proposed one dimensional optical watermarking
to protect the portrait rights of 3-D shaped real
objects and we conducted an experiment using a
manikin’s face as a real 3-D object assuming this
technology would be applied to human faces in the
future. We used a method of phase difference where
two out of R, G, and B-color components were used
and binary information was expressed if the phase of
the high frequency pattern was the same or its
opposite. The experimental results demonstrated this
technique was robust to deformation of the pattern
due to the curved surface of the 3-D shaped object
and a high degree of accuracy of 100% in reading
out the embedded data was possible by optimizing
the conditions for reading data. As a result, we could
confirm the feasibility of the proposed technique.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHII (No.
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8 12 16 32 60
20 90.0 97.5 95.0 82.5 85.0
30 95.0 95.0 95.0 85.0 87.5
40 100.0 100.0 100.0 97.5 90.0
50 97.5 97.5 100.0 87.5 60.0
(b) Cheek
8 12 16 32 60
20 95.0 95.0 100.0 97.5 92.5
30 100.0 100.0 100.0 90.0 55.0
40 97.5 100.0 100.0 82.5 42.5
(a) Forehead.
VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications