Giovanni Schmid
and Francesco Rossi
High Performance Computing and Networking Institute (ICAR), Naples, Italy
University of Naples Parthenope, Naples, Italy
Identification (entity authentication), Zero knowledge protocols, QR codes.
Mobile devices are becoming ubiquitous, getting rise to a pervasive network through which people can share
information and get also very complex services. A key factor for the security of both consumers and providers
in this emerging business scenario is the ability for a user or a service to reliably and efficiently authenticate
itself. In this paper, we consider a unidirectional visual channel of interaction between the user and the
service. Identification indeed takes place by using a QR Code symbol which is displayed or scanned by the
mobile device of the user in the proximity of an access point for the service. We consider protocols for strong
authentication which, if correctly implemented, does not reveal any useful information both to the verifier and
to any unauthorized observer (zero-knowledge protocols). Our experimental results show the feasibility of our
approach for a wide range of mass-market devices and applications, including physical access to restricted
or pay-per-use areas (military or parking zones, etc.), logical access to resources or services (e.g., ATMs,
computer systems and Internet services), and privacy-aware voting and testing centers.
Thanks to computing and networking technologies,
and because of the incentives of availability, lower
costs and easier use, a variety of services requiring
interactions in the physical world with their users are
being digitalized, and somewhat virtualized and aug-
On the other side, as camera-equipped and
display-equipped mobile devices (in particular, smart-
phones and tablet PCs) approach ubiquity, they be-
come excellent platforms for the deployement to mil-
lion of users of the above services in a user-friendly
but secure way. Indeed, because of the general pro-
liferation of services at our disposal as mobile users,
these could act as consolidation platforms that avoid
the inconveniences and, in some cases, the secu-
rity threats deriving by using many different special-
purpose devices and tokens (e.g. identity cards, one-
time password generators, credit cards, membership
cards, etc.). Of course, one could object that the cen-
tralization of different security services is a threat in
itself. However, we believe that simple designs - com-
bined with software security principles and prudent
engineering practices - can result in multi-purpose,
service-oriented mobile platforms whose use would
be by far more secure and privacy-compliant than our
actual habits in managing an increasing number of
different tools.
In the present work, we propose to use the cam-
era or the display of a mobile device as a unilateral
visual channel to achieve strong entity and message
authentication thanks to Quick Response (QR) coding
(ISO/IEC, 2006b). Although today’s devices increas-
ingly feature convenient, wireless communication in-
terfaces (e.g. Bluetooth, WiMax and 802.11), the vi-
sual channel offers the advantage of being immune to
Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) (Menezes et al., 1997) at-
tacks in suitable usage contexts, when one or both the
parties in communication were not previously authen-
ticated. Indeed, conversely than the wireless channel,
the visual one can provide for demonstrative iden-
tification (Balfanz et al., 2002) of the communicat-
ing devices. Moreover, by using the visual channel
we can deploy cryptographic protocols whose secu-
rity does not rely on those of the underlying wireless
transmission protocol and its related software subsys-
tem, which historically suffer of many vulnerabilities
(for a report on Bluetooth security, see for example
(Bialoglowy, 2010a; Bialoglowy, 2010b)).
In the following, we will focus on a client-server
architecture and two kind of application scenarios:
1. The enrollment of a user to a service and its subse-
quent secure accesses to it through personal iden-
Schmid G. and Rossi F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003807200790086
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2012), pages 79-86
ISBN: 978-989-8565-00-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tification, eventually in pay-per-use mode;
2. A trusted service giving corroborate evidence to
users of having got a correct interaction and out-
put by it thanks to a service’s receipt, but in such
a way that the receipt does not transfer the above
evidence to unauthorized parties.
Examples fitting in scenario 1 include physical ac-
cess to restricted or pay-per-useareas, such as parking
zones or military areas, or logical access to resources
or services like ATMs, Internet services and computer
systems. In this case the user acts as a prover, that is
she claims an identity to be proved, whilst the service
is the verifier. Auditing and non-repudiation mecha-
nisms should be put in place at the server-side, expe-
cially in case of pay-per-use or critical services.
As per scenario 2, noticeable examples are those
of voting and testing centers. Conversely than in the
previous cases, the roles of prover and verifier are
now played by the service and the user, respectively.
Moreover, user’s privacy concerns take now prece-
dence over service’s tracking issues. Suppose for ex-
ample an automated analysis facility for a given ge-
netic syndrome: a user would be sure to have cor-
rectly performed the test and to have got the right an-
swer, and she would perhaps share that result with
some physicians and other people. However, she
would be probably displeased if such analysis results
were made public or could be used against her as
proof of disease by a life insurance company.
For both application scenarios, we assume a uni-
directional visual channel built by displaying a single
QR Code symbol by the prover and by acquiring such
symbol by the verifier through a QR Code scanner or
a camera.
The symbol contains the session transcript of
a zero-knowledge identification protocol, that is a
strong identification protocol which has the property
of not revealing any useful information both to the
verifier and to any unauthorized observer. We con-
sider two of such protocols, one suitable for the re-
quirements of scenario 1 and the other fitting those of
scenario 2.
We implemented a prototypal system and run ex-
perimental tests which show the feasibility and prac-
ticality of our approach.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 dis-
cusses related work. Sections 3 and 4 introduce to
the entity authentication problem and zero-knowledge
protocols, respectively. We focus in particular on two
protocols, suitable for the application scenarios dis-
cussed above. Section 5 serves as a brief introduc-
tion to QR Code technology, whilst in Section 6 we
outline the sequence of operations involved in QR-
Identity, a prototypal QR Code-based identification
system implemented as a proof-of-concept of our ap-
proach. Some experimental results with QR-Identity
are reported in Section 7. They show the good per-
formance of the system, and the fact that, assuming a
correct scanning positioning, it is is immune both to
false positives and false negativesin various illumina-
tion conditions. Finally, Section 8 draws up conclu-
sions and future work.
A system that uses 2D barcodes and camera phones
as a visual channel was proposed in (McCune et al.,
2009). The authors used that channel for human-
verifiable authentication, providingthe user assurance
that her device is communicating with another de-
vice visually recognized by her. This is a special case
of demonstrative identification (Balfanz et al., 2002),
which is used to rule out MitM attacks and allow-
ing the bootstrap of authentic public keys. The ap-
proach used in (McCune et al., 2009) can be profitably
combined with ours to allow users in application sce-
nario 2 to acquire “at runtime” the service’s authentic
public-key thanks to the camera of their mobile de-
The visual channel available using barcode tech-
nology may have insufficient bandwidth for an ef-
ficient and robust implementation of cryptographic
techniques, also for some 2D barcode approaches. In
(McCune et al., 2009) the workaround was the use
of multiple symbols to encode hash function digests
of public-keys, at the dual cost of a degradation in
security and a major complexity (and errors) in the
scanning process. However, this and other older ap-
proaches intended to overcome the bandwidth limita-
tion of a visual channel, as that proposed in (Laur and
Nyberg, 2006), appear awkward and all in all useless
after the standardization of 2D barcodes which are ca-
pable of encoding thousands of alphanumeric charac-
ters in just one code symbol.
Although we chose QR Codes (ISO/IEC, 2006b)
for our implementation, some other standardized 2D
barcode technologies exist which can accomplish the
requirements of the application scenarios considered
in Section 1, e.g. Data Matrix (ISO/IEC, 2006a)
and Aztec Code (ISO/IEC, 2008). A comparison be-
tween these technologies was outside the scope of our
present work.
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Entity authentication (in the following also referred as
identification) is perhaps the most basic security ser-
vice. It is a functionality required by any access con-
trol framework both in physical (e.g. gates and guard
stations) and logical security domains (as in computer
login, network access control, access to data, etc.);
moreover, it is a pre-requisite for authenticated keys
exchange in network protocols, which in turn is re-
quired in secure communications.
The general setting for an entity authentication
protocol involves a prover or claimant A and a ver-
ifier B. B is presented with the supposed identity of A,
and the goal of the protocol is to give B corroborate
evidence that the identity of the claimant is indeed A.
The most basic objective of an identification protocol
just states its effectiveness:
Completeness: in the case of honest parties A and
B, B - at least with overwhelming probability -
will complete the protocol having accepted As
Protocols trying to satisfy only the completeness
property are called weak identification protocols. Ex-
amples are fixed password schemes; they are sub-
jected to replay attacks (Menezes et al., 1997), ex-
haustive password search, password-guessing and
dictionary attacks (Menezes et al., 1997). Therefore,
we will focus only on strong identification protocols,
that is protocols having the following two security ob-
No-impersonation: the probability is negligible
that any party C different from A, carring out the
protocol and playing the role of A, can cause B to
complete the protocol accepting As identity.
No-transferability: the probability is negligible
that B can reuse a previous identification by A
to successfully impersonate A in an identification
session with a third party C.
Ideally, in strong identification protocols no-
impersonation and no-transferability properties
should remain true also if:
a (polinomially) large number of previous proto-
col executions between A and B has been run, and
eventually observed by C;
C has participated in previous protocol execution
with either A or B, and;
multiple instances of the protocol, possibly initi-
ated by C, may be run simultaneously.
The meanings of the adjectives overwhelming and neg-
ligible depend on the application, but generally imply that
the probabilities of failure are not of practical importance.
Strong identification protocols achieve their objec-
tives through a challenge-response interaction be-
tween the verifier and the prover: B generates a
time-variant challenge for A, and A demonstrates the
knowledge of a secret, associated by construction
with her identity, by performing a suitable crypto-
graphic operation on the challenge. The output of the
above cryptographic operation is the response, and it
depends on both As secret and Bs challenge.
Challenge-response identification protocols can
be based both on symmetric-key techniques and
asymmetric-key ones. In the first case, the claimant
and the verifier share a secret key, and large systems
require a trusted on-line server to effectively man-
age keys for all the couples of communicating par-
ties. In our architecture, the role of trusted on-line
server could be well implemented at the server side
of the application. However, that would result in a
server database containing the secrets of all the users
enrolled with the service, a condition which exposes
to massive identity thefts and, for some application
scenarios, to the “big-brother” issue.
Public-key based protocols are immune to these
drawbacks, since no secret must be shared by the
claimant and the verifier. There are two most typical
ways in which public-key based identification proto-
cols can be obtained, which consist in using asymmet-
ric techniques for realizing the challenge-response in-
A decrypts a challenge encrypted by B under its
public key, or alternatively;
A digitally signs a challenge that B will verify.
The asymmetric system used for such mechanisms
should not be susceptible to chosen-ciphertext attacks
(Menezes et al., 1997), otherwise C may attempt to
extract information by impersonating B and chosing
strategic rather than random challenges. Although
this concern may be addressed by incorporating a ran-
dom number (a so called confounder) into the data
over which the response is computed, a more radical
approach consists in turning to zero-knowledge pro-
tocols. These have indeed the property of not even
reveal any partial information which makes Cs task
any easier whatsoever, no matter how many protocol
executionsC could have been monitored.
Zero-knowledge protocols were introduced in (Gold-
wasser et al., 1987) (see also (Goldwasser et al.,
1989)), as special cases of interactive proof systems,
where tipically the proverA and the verifier B repeat a
three-moves commit-challenge-responseprotocol un-
til B rejects a response from A, or otherwise the prob-
ability of cheating by A lowers under a previous estab-
lished security threshold (in which case B accepts As
claim). The set of commit-challenge-response moves
related to a protocol session is called a protocol tran-
script, and if the transcript represents a (probabilistic)
proof of knowledge of a secret (e.g. a private key)
by A, then the interactive system is said an interactive
proof system of knowledge.
Technically speaking, the zero-knowledge prop-
erty for an interactive proof system of knowledge, as
reformulated by (Feige et al., 1988), can be stated as
Zero-knowledge: the system admits a simulator,
that is a polynomial time algorithm which can
produce, upon input of the assertion to be proven
but without interaction with the real prover A (i.e.
without knowledge of As secret), transcripts that
are probabilistically indistinguishable from those
resulting from interaction with A.
Thus, the zero-knowledge property implies the no-
disclosure properties previouslystated for ideal strong
authentication systems, but in a stronger sense, since
any number of protocol runs does not increases the
chances of subsequent impersonations or identity
transfers even by computationally unbounded adver-
Compared to protocols based on asymmetric en-
cryptions or signatures, zero-knowledge protocols of-
fer no degradation of security with usage, being in
particular immune to chosen-text attacks. Moreover,
in some cases they are between one and two orders of
magnitude most efficient - in terms of modular mul-
tiplications performed by the prover - than an RSA
private-key operation (Menezes et al., 1997). This is
particularly appealing for our application scenario 1
(see Section 1), being the prover constrained by the
computational and power autonomy limits of mass-
market mobile devices.
For our prototypal implementation (see Section
6) we have selected Schnorr identification protocol
(Schnorr, 1990; Schnorr, 1991) and Jakobsson signa-
ture protocol (Jakobsson et al., 1996). Both are zero-
knowledge protocols based on the discrete logarithm
problem (Menezes et al., 1997), and - as such - they
can take great advantage in term of memory require-
ments (key sizes), computations (number of modular
operations) and communication bandwidth (transcript
This assertion refers specifically to perfect zero-
knowledge. In computational zero-knowledge the assertion
remains true only for polinomially bounded adversaries.
sizes) if reformulated in the arithmetic framework of
elliptic curve cryptography (Hankerson et al., 2004).
Schnorr protocol is suitable in application scenar-
ios like the first one described in Section 1, whilst
Jakobbson protocol fits the requirements demanded
by the voting center scenario described therein.
Jakobsson signature protocol allows for desig-
nated verifiers at the cost of some more computational
efforts both at server-sideand client-side, and a bigger
transcript. The verifier B is designated in the sense
that he (and he only) can simulate correct protocol
transcripts. This means that a third party C cannot be
convinced by B of a successful As identification pre-
viously occured with him. Thus, Jakobsson protocol
is suitable when a user B whishes to have a receipt R
corroborating his correct interaction with a service A
and its output, avoiding that any other partyC can get
the same evidence from R.
For both protocols, we are interested in their non-
iteractive versions, since in any case we assumed a
unidirectional visual channel used only by the prover.
That can be easily obtained from protocol’s original
versions thanks to the Fiat-Shamir heuristic (Fiat and
Shamir, 1987), which consists in replacing the ran-
dom challenge of the verifier with a pseudo-random
hash digest of the concatenation of the prover’s iden-
tifier (or the message being signed by her) with the
commitment. Actually, the Fiat-Shamir heuristic
transforms an interactive proof of knowledge system
into a non-interactive digital signature scheme. How-
ever, since the adoption of the visual channel implies
the presence of the prover A during a protocol ses-
sion, this turns out again into an identification session,
provided that previous transcripts are recorded by the
verifier to avoid replay attacks.
QR (Quick Response) Code is a two dimensional
Barcode developed by Denso Wave Corporation and
now established as an ISO (ISO/IEC18004) standard
(ISO/IEC, 2006b). QR Codes data encoding capacity
depends on their version, each version being charac-
terized by having a different number of modules, that
is the black and white dots that make up a QR Code.
A QR Code is omni-directional readable through po-
sition detection patterns located at three of its four
corners. Moreover, it has error correction capability:
data can be restored even if the QR Code is partially
dirty or damaged. Information is coded in vertical
and horizontal directions, so the last version (version
40) can encode up to 4,296 alphanumeric characters,
several hundred times more data than traditional bar-
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
This high capacity in data encoding and the error
correction capability are very important for our ap-
proach, making QR Codes very suitable for the appli-
cation scenarios depicted in Section 1. As shown in
Section 6.4, it is possible to encode an identification
protocol transcript in just a single QR Code of suitable
version, avoiding the display of more than one image
that would result in a more complex, slow and error-
prone protocol. Various running tests with a previous
prototype (see Section 7) show indeed that the adop-
tion of a coding scheme producing multiple images
for a single session (e.g. coding the protocol tran-
script by means of naive binary matrices) could result
in high transmission times and high false negatives in
authentication, because of severe limitations imposed
by mass-market displays and acquisition devices.
Figure 1 depicts a QR code resulting from an iden-
tification session with the Schnorr zero-knowledge
protocol. The code has version 13, error correction
level H (High)
, and contains an item description 55
characters long for a total of 231 characters protocol
transcript. In this case, the minimum QR symbol size
is of 57.75 mm for a scanning distance of 150 mm.
Figure 1: A QR code resulting from an identification ses-
sion and having a minimum scanning distance of 150 mm.
As a proof-of-concept of our approach, we developed
QR-Identity, a prototypal client-server application im-
plementing both Schnorr and Jakobsson non interac-
tive protocols, and which uses QR Codes symbols to
convey protocol transcripts through the visual channel
provided by the display of a mobile phone at the client
side and a webcam at the server side. The application
This is the highest correction level, with a maximum of
30% restorable codewords.
allows the owner of the mobile phone to perform iden-
tification or signature sessions w.r.t. an access control
point implemented through a webcam-equipped lap-
6.1 Application Workflow
Restricting for brevity our description to scenario 1
of Section 1, the goal of QR-Identity is to allow the
owner (and only the owner) of a mobile phone to get
a service thanks to a visual identification session re-
alized via a QR Code symbol. To obtain the service
(see Section 1 for a list of possible services), the user
has to use its mobile device to generate and display a
single QR Code symbol in proximity of the service’s
access point, getting back the service feedback in case
of a successfull identification, and nothing otherwise.
Since we make use of asymmetric cryptography, the
identification process assumes that the service has got
an authentic user’s public key. This is achieved by
means of a one-time, suitable enrollment phase of the
user with the given service. Scopes of the enroll-
ment phase are both user’s registration in a service’s
database and the creation of a tamperproof copy of the
client component of QR-Identity for such a user.
Figure 2: Sequence diagram of the enrollment phase for
We suppose that the user registers itself to the
service through the service website and a standard
HTTPS connection. The registration process (see Fig-
ure 2) requires the input of information that properly
identifies users according to service’s requirements,
plus the choice of a passphrase P as authentication to-
ken to access QR-Identity client-side. After registra-
tion is successfully completed, the user can download
and install a trusted copy of the client component of
QR-Identity, released with the identifier A of the user
w.r.t. the service and preconfigured to be accessed
We must stress here that, in the cases for which we con-
sidered the Jakobsson protocol (i.e. the application scenario
2 of Section 1), the QR Code symbol should actually be
displayed at the server side and captured through the user’s
camera-equipped mobile phone. We considered this aspect
uninfluential for our proof-of-concept
only with the passphrase P defined during the reg-
istration process. The authenticity and tamperproof
properties of a such client component are guaranteed
by a suitable digital signature generated by the service
and added to the code.
To access the application, the user has to input
P, which is also used to encrypt on disk her private
key thanks to a symmetric cipher (e.g. AES (FIPS,
2001)). At its first run, the client of QR-Identity gen-
erates a couple (a, ˜a) of private-public keys for A and,
by connecting through the login coordinates (A, P), it
registers ˜a as As authentic public key in the service’s
After the out-of-band, one-time enrollment phase
described above, the user can access the service a po-
tentially unlimited number of times through the iden-
tification process described in Figure 3. The sequence
diagram depicted therein reflects the software mod-
ules composing the application both at the client-side
and at the server-side. As stated in Section 1, the
client-side acts as prover in case of application sce-
nario 1, and as verifier in case of scenario 2. For the
server-side, roles are obviously inverted.
Figure 3: Sequence diagram of the identification phase for
6.2 Computational Costs and
The computational costs for our application are
mainly related to the modular arithmetic computa-
tions (exponentiations in the first place and, sec-
ondary, multiplications) which are required by prover
and verifier to create and verify a protocol tran-
script, respectively, since the transmission of tran-
scripts along the visual channel occurs with almost
no delay.
A Schnorr protocol identification session requires
one modular exponentiation and one modular multi-
plication by the prover, whereas the verifier has to
perform two modular exponentiations and one mod-
ular multiplication.
A signature verification session with Jakobsson
protocol requires instead four modular exponentia-
tions and two modular multiplications by the prover,
whilst the verifier must perform six modular exponen-
tiations and three modular multiplications.
Bandwidth occupancy of the visual channel is par-
ticularly relevant w.r.t. the robustness of the applica-
tion, since too big transcripts result in QR code sym-
bols that are difficult to scan.
Assuming an identifier A 64 bits long and for the
system parameters the default sizes of |p| = 1024 and
|q| = 160 bits, a Schnorr protocol session results in
a transcript of 1264 bits, including separators. Thus,
Schnorr identification transcripts can be conveniently
coded by using a QR Code version 12 symbol with
the highest error correction level H (ISO/IEC, 2006b).
The adoption of the highest error correction level is
motivated by the fact that, depending on the operat-
ing environment (illumination, presence of shadows,
light reflections, occlusions, etc.), the visual channel
is generally affected by noise.
With the same sizes for p, q, and assuming 256
for the receipt R, Jakobsson transcript takes in-
stead 2824 bits including separators, requiring a ver-
sion 20 symbol for the H error correction level.
Both transcripts, public-key sizes, and computa-
tions can be substantially reduced by considering ver-
sions of the above protocols based on elliptic curve
cryptography, as we did in QR-Identity (see Section
6.4). This is especially advisable for applications like
those described in scenario 2 of Section 1. In this
case, in particular, the transcript sizes for Schnorr and
Jakobsson scale down to 584 and 1416 bits, respec-
tively, allowing ligther symbols (i.e. versions 8 and
13) to encode sessions.
6.3 Security Considerations
Since 2D barcodes are intended to be machine read-
able only, a human cannot distinguish between a valid
and a tampered code. In many usage scenarios, that
circumstance turns out in 2D barcodes as possible at-
tack vectors toward automatic readers. (Kieseberg
et al., 2010) gave a comprehensive analysis of QR
code tampering in view of obtaining DOS or vari-
ous command injection attacks. These threats how-
ever do not apply for our usage scenarios, where bar-
code symbols do not code cleartext information to ac-
cess some service or resource, but are instead crypto-
According to (ISO/IEC, 2006b), alphanumeric encod-
ing requires about 5.5 bits/char. Thus 256 bits corresponds
to about forthy five alphanumeric characters.
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
graphic tokens that have to be processed by a control
enforcement point. Moreover, in our case symbols
are displayed at video rather than printed on paper.
Code tampering based attacks are thus ruled out, and
the only threat to be considered is symbol cloning for
identification thieft purposes, which on the other hand
is nullified by the immunity of the visual channel to
MitM attacks and by the adoption of strong identifi-
cation protocols.
6.4 Implementation Details
Although we deployed QR-Identity on a Samsung
S5660 with Android OS (client-side) and a x86-based
laptop with Windows Vista OS (server-side), it can
be easily ported to a wide range of hardware devices
and operating systems. It was indeed developed in
the Java programming language. Besides portabil-
ity, Java offers a complete set of APIs both for or-
dinary and elliptic curve cryptography (through the
proprietary java SE 6 (Sun-Oracle, 2010) or the open-
source Bouncy Castle (Bouncy-Castle, 2011) crypto
package). Moreover, the JRS-257 standard (Java-
Community, 2011) has been published which adheres
to ISO/IEC18004.
At the server side, we used the Bouncy Castle
package both to implement public key cryptography
on elliptic curves and to do hash computations. At
the client side, we instead used for all crytographic
computations the Spongy Castle(Tyley, 2011) library,
a special porting of Bouncy Castle for the Android
operating system.
Barcode management was realized both in client
and server through the Zxing library (ZXing-
Community, 2011), which currently is the most
adopted open-source, multi-format 1D/2D Barcode
image processing library.
The main critical aspect of identification systems
based on barcodes is the fact that symbols could be
not readeable because of a wrong scanning distance
or other factors such as optical occlusions and back-
ground “noise” in the scanning environment. Of
course the scanning range decreases as symbol ver-
sion is increased, so our first test set was to check the
practicality of our approach in term of admissible dis-
tances between the user’s mobile phone and the cam-
era of the service’s access point.
Figure 4 shows a comparison of the scanning
range for four QR Code symbols having the same size
of 45 mm (which can be displayed on the majority of,
Figure 4: Scanning range of four QR code symbols having
the same size (45 mm) but different versions.
if not all, the mobile phones nowadays on the market),
and whose versions include those effectively used by
QR-Identity (see Section 6.4). The results show a
scanning range from about 150 mm to about 200 mm
for all the considered symbol versions, which has to
be considered viable for many usage scenarios.
The second test set simulated scanning environ-
ment contexts that could not allow symbol decoding.
We did precisely the following three kinds of tests:
Scene Background Noising. For a correct acqui-
sition of a symbol, it is very important that the
symbol is detached from the background. We con-
sidered three working hypothesis: uniform back-
ground, low and high noised background. The
background was reproduced as a black and white
pattern. In all cases symbols were correctly de-
coded thanks to the position detection patterns in-
cluded in the QR Code structure.
Partial Occlusion of Position Detection Patterns.
Damaging or partially covering one or more de-
tection patterns resulted in no acquisition of sym-
bols. Instead, symbol decoding was possible in
case of data areas partially occluded or damaged,
provided that the error correction level parameter
was adequately set.
Addition of Faked Position Detection Patterns.
The addition of false position detection patterns
did not affect negatively the decoding process,
since it makes use of spatial information that
avoid the recognition of faked corner in the scene.
All tests were made with day brightness conditions,
and without shadows or light variations.
In this work we propose to use the camera or the dis-
play of a mobile device as a unilateral visual chan-
nel to achieve strong entity and message authentica-
tion thanks to Quick Response coding. The joint use
of a visual channel and zero-knowledge protocols re-
sults in very efficient, reliable identification and sig-
nature systems suitable for various usage scenarios in
which a contactless interaction between the user and
the service access point is required or preferred. As a
proof-of-concept of our approach, we developed QR-
Identity, a prototypal client-server application which
allows the owner of the mobile phoneto perform iden-
tification or signature sessions w.r.t. an access control
point implemented through a webcam-equipped lap-
top. The experimental results show the good perfor-
mance of QR-Identity, and the fact that, assuming a
correct scanning positioning, it is is immune both to
false positives and false negatives in various illumina-
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ence of occlusions, shadows, rotations, light reflec-
tions, etc. Moreover, we are working on new zero-
knowledge protocols having specific security proper-
ties, and whose computational costs allow their uti-
lization in scenarios like those considered in this pa-
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