Combining Color, Shape and Appearance to Enable Real-time
Road Sign Detection
Peng Wang, Jianmin Li and Bo Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology and Systems, Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science
and Technology, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Keywords: Object Detection, Road Sign, Haar-wavelet, Cascade Detector, HSV Color Space, Contour, RANSAC.
Abstract: Although specific object detection has undergone great advances in recent years, its application to critical
real-time circumstances like those in automated vehicle controlling is still limited, especially when facing
strict speed and precision requirements. This paper uses a hybrid of various computer vision techniques
including color space analysis, Haar-wavelet cascade detector, contour analysis and RANSAC shape-fitting,
to achieve a real-time detection speed while maintaining a reasonable precision and false-alarm level. The
result is a practical system that out-performed most rivals in an automated vehicle contest and an indication
of feasible CV application to speed critical areas.
1.1 Motivation
The real time road sign detection system introduced
by this paper was motivated as a crucial subsystem
of an automatic driving system for vehicles. Three
challenges arise in designing such a real time object
detection application which cannot be fulfilled
together by a single existing computer vision
algorithm: the strict requirement of speed, of
precision and the diversity of target objects.
1.2 Outline
To tackle all these three challenges, we designed a
combination of various computer vision techniques
to utilize color, shape and appearance information
all together. The design principle of our system is to
rely on a stable detection algorithm, which may be
time consuming, to act as the main detector, while
utilize various kinds of pre-processing and post-
processing stages to shrink the area of regions
performed on by this main detector. The reduction in
regions of interests (ROIs) compensates the slow
speed of the main detector. For orthogonality, these
pre and post processing stages should exploit
information different from that used by the main
We designed a pipeline architecture to combine
these pre and post processing stages and the main
detector. The pipeline of our road sign detection
system consists of 4 stages, as shown in Figure 1. At
the first stage, color space analysis is used to spot
approximate ROIs. After that, the potential regions
are tested against contour analysis to shrink the
number and size of candidate regions. At the third
stage, a Haar-wavelet cascade detector plays the
major role of detecting road signs. At the final stage,
these detected signs are checked by a RANSAC
shape-fitting post-validator.
Figure 1: The 4-stage pipeline.
Color-based methods (Broggi, 2007; Escalera, 1997;
Escalera, 2003) use thresholds within certain color-
space to pick up the pixels that comprise the target
object. The biggest problem of color-based methods
is the poor distinguishing power and weak
robustness of sole color information, and hence the
difficulty in distinguishing road signs from
background noises in a similar color.
Contour Cascade RANSAC
Wang P., Li J. and Zhang B..
A REAL WORLD DETECTION SYSTEM - Combining Color, Shape and Appearance to Enable Real-time Road Sign Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0003814306750678
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2012), pages 675-678
ISBN: 978-989-8565-03-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Papageorgiou (2000) showed that compositions
of simple features like Haar-wavelet turned out to
have a great advantage in speed while not suffering
much from precision drop. Viola (2004) introduced
the canonical Cascade Classifier. The problem of
shape-based methods is that they are all aimed for
one specific kind of visual object. If we force the
training samples to contain various kinds of objects,
the output will be a detector poor in both hit rate and
false-alarm rate. If we train a detector for each kind
of objects, the computational resources required
during detecting will be overwhelming.
3.1 Color Space Analysis
Among the many color spaces that can be used for
color space analysis, our system selects HSV
because it is the most coherent with the intuition of
human conception. Rendering a road image in H, S
and V channels, we found that road signs stand out
prominently in H and S channels, but not so much in
V channel. Via setting upper and lower thresholds
on H and S channels, we can approximately pick out
pixels that belong to a road sign. These pixels will
connect with each other to form irregular regions,
which, after certain image processing techniques,
can be used to calculate bounding boxes that most
tightly contain them. These bounding boxes form the
ROIs for the next pipeline stage.
3.2 Contour Analysis
Computer Vision toolset like OpenCV usually
provides some contour analysis tools, which can be
used to extract contours from a binary image, to
match a contour against a template contour, etc.
Contour analysis is based on the binary image output
of color thresholding. Contour matching algorithms
take as input two contours and output a real number
indicating the extent to which they match. A
threshold can be put on this number to rule out
candidates whose contours are too far away from the
wanted contour. Contour algorithms do not use
sliding window, thus is much faster than algorithms
that are performed in a sliding window manner.
3.3 Haar-wavelet Cascade Detector
The design of the cascade detector is the same as
Viola (2004). Because cascade detector is used in a
sliding window manner, it is the biggest time
consumer of the whole system, and the major way of
speeding up is thus to reduce of area of regions this
sliding window is performed on.
3.4 RANSAC Shape-fitting
When we get some points that are believed to be
generated from the edge of certain shape, in
principle we can recover the generating shape (i.e.
its parameters) from the information provided by
these points. Typically we will have much more
points than theoretically needed. RANSAC
(RANdom SAmple Consensus) (Fischler, 1981) is a
method that exploits this redundant information to
improve the precision and stability of shape fitting.
It randomly selects points that are mathematically
sufficient to calculate the shape parameters, and
repeat this procedure certain times to get multiply
sets of calculated parameters. The final values of
parameters are decided by a voting among these
calculated parameter sets.
In addition to gaining the values of shape
parameters, RANSAC can also be used to check our
presumption of shape model. For example, if we
assume the generating shape is a circle, but the
calculated parameter sets differ too much from each
other, i.e. the statistical deviation exceeds some
criteria, then we should forgo our previous
assumption and claim that the shape would not be a
circle. RANSAC is used in this way as a shape
validator in our system.
To stabilize the sizes of ROIs, we implemented a
tracking mechanism. When a sign is detected and
ensured (for example by a consecutive series of
appearances), subsequent detection will be
performed only on its neighborhood, with a
thorough detection every several frames to allow for
new signs.
There are 25 kinds of signs as shown in Figure 2.
Theoretically we should train one cascade detector
for each sign, leading to 25 cascade detectors in total.
The speed requirement cannot afford such an
amount of computing, thus we grouped the signs
into 9 groups and trained a detector for each group,
as shown in Figure 2. Multiple detectors also open
the possibility of parallelization.
For trade-off between hit rate and false-alarm,
we prefer lowering false-alarm rate to lifting hit rate
during parameter adjusting, because a low false-
alarm rate can serve both to precision and speed, and
VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
a moderate hit rate is somewhat tolerable in object
detection, since the detection is measured object-
wise, that is to say, the detection of an object should
be considered succeeded as long as one of its many
appearances is detected.
To measure our system’s precision and speed, we
conducted a suite of experiment on a set of videos
captured from real road. The set consists of 33
videos with resolution 1280*960, containing totally
11345 frames. About 20% of the frames contain one
or more road signs. A road sign is one of the 25
target road signs used in this experiment, as shown
in Figure 2. We thoroughly annotated the bounding
boxes of the signs on all frames, and used them as
ground truth for testing. The training samples were
extracted from a different set of videos than the
testing set, containing 12,454 patches as positive
samples and 384 full images as the source of
negative patch samples.
Figure 2: Road signs used in this experiment. Each cell
contains a group sharing the same cascade detector.
For measurement, we defined several criteria. A
detect (the bounding box of a sign) is treated as
‘correct’ or ‘hit’ is it intersects with a ground truth
rectangle, and the area of intersection is larger than
both 80% of the area of the detect and 80% of the
area of the ground truth. Hit rate is defined as the
proportion of the number of the ground truth
bounding boxes been hit over the number of all
ground truth bounding boxes. The number of false-
alarms is the number of detects that do not hit any
ground truth. We reported it in the form of false-
alarms per frame. We reported the speed of the
system as Frames Per Second (FPS). The speed is
measured on a quad-core Intel i7 CPU with 2.8GHz
main frequency.
5.1 Full System Performance
Table 1 shows the performance of turning on all four
stages of the pipeline. A FPS of about 8 is a
conservative estimate, which doesn’t take advantage
of the optimization techniques like tracking
described in Section 4, whose results will be
reported in Subsection 5.5. A false-alarm rate of
about 0.13 is good enough to be based by further
process such as consecutive appearing validation
during tracking and validation during recognition.
Table 1: Performance of the full system. HR stands for hit
rate. FA stands for false-alarms per frame. FPS stands for
frames per second.
0.586 0.132 7.86
5.2 Effect of Contour Analysis
Turning off the contour analysis stage and thus
letting all the ROIs output by the previous stage to
reach the next stage, we got results shown in Table 2.
Note the increase of hit rate, but also the increase of
false-alarm and the drop of FPS. As the FPS was
nearly halved as a result of the removal of contour
analysis, and dropped to an intolerable level, we can
prove that the contour analysis stage is really a
crucial component of the whole system, especially
when it is intended to be used in a real-time
circumstance. It also justifies our bias stated in
Section 4 that in object detection tasks, we should
better prefer a low false-alarm rate to a high hit rate.
Table 2: Performance with Contour Analysis stage turned
0.782 0.244 3.834
5.3 Effect of Color Space Analysis
The effect of removing color space analysis is very
obvious as shown in Table 3. (Because the contour
analysis is based on the output mask image of color
thresholding, that stage have to be also removed.)
Putting the nearly unchanged hit rate and the
dramatic boost of false-alarm rate aside, the FPS
alone would make the system unworkable. This
simple result is enough to show that color space
analysis is a fundamental part of our system.
Table 3: Performance with Color Space Analysis stage
turned off.
0.572 1.446 0.694
A REAL WORLD DETECTION SYSTEM - Combining Color, Shape and Appearance to Enable Real-time Road Sign
5.4 Effect of RANSAC
Turning off the RANSAC stage, we got results
shown in Table 4. Turning off RANSAC stage
doesn’t affect hit rate much, but increases false-
alarm rate by about 15%. Equally saying,
introducing RANSAC can lower false-alarm rate by
about 9% without sacrificing hit rate. The speed is
not affected much either. This proves that RANSAC
is a safe and feasible post processing stage for the
system, though the influence is not as dramatic as
color and contours.
Table 4: Performance with RANSAC stage turned off.
0.583 0.154 7.93
5.5 Effect of Tracking
In addition to the full system tested in Subsection
5.1, we can add simple tracking mechanism
described in Section 4 to stabilize the performance
and further boost the speed. The results of this
addition are shown in Table 5. Surprisingly and
happily, both precision and speed enjoy a significant
enhancement. The precision is enhanced in that the
false-alarm rate drops by more than 60% without the
hit rate suffering much. The FPS is increased by
about 50%. Both benefits are due to the dramatically
reduced ROI sizes. Some detects and false-alarms
are shown as Figure 3.
Table 5: Performance with tracking mechanism added.
0.535 0.081 11.750
Figure 3: Some detects and false-alarms.
In this paper we presented a system that can fulfill
the task of road sign detection in real-time and real
world circumstances. By effectively utilizing various
computer vision techniques, we proved that though
there may not be a single algorithm that can tackle
all the challenges in a real world task, a wise
selection and hybrid of existing techniques can still
produce a feasible and robust application.
This work is supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant No.
90820305, National Basic Research Program (973
Program) of China under Grant No.2012CB316301,
and Basic Research Foundation of Tsinghua
National Laboratory for Information Science and
Technology (TNList).
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications