Ying Wang and Masahiro Takatsuka
Vislab, School of IT, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Keywords: Reverse Painterly Rendering (RPR), Painterly Rendering, Image Feature Extraction.
Abstract: Traditional painterly rendering algorithms transform photographic images to their artistic representations
such as paintings or drawings. However, the reverse process of painterly rendering has never been
discussed, which could be useful for studies in heritage and forensic science. This paper presents a novel
reverse painterly rendering algorithm which restores “oil painting-like” images to photo-like images.
Results show that our algorithm can improve the photorealistic appearance of “oil painting-like” images.
Previously, many painterly rendering algorithms
were proposed to automatically generate artistic
‘painting-like’ images from photographic images.
However, procedures involved in these algorithms
are usually non-reversible, meaning that original
photographic images cannot be regenerated from
rendered results. However, the reverse process of
painterly rendering can be useful to some
applications such as artwork restoration in heritage
studies, facial reconstruction from sketch in forensic
science. In case where paper based artworks need to
be visualized, reverse painterly rendering can
enhance the realistic appearance of painting images
by transforming them into ‘photograph-like’ images.
This paper mainly focuses on the reverse process of
painterly rendering problem, and aims to develop a
reverse algorithm to restore photographic images
from painterly rendered images with oil painting
effect. To solve reverse painterly rendering (RPR)
problem, 48 image features are extracted, from
which 5 key features are selected. Then an artificial
neural network is trained to predict the 5 key
features of the output (‘photograph-like’ image)
from the input (painterly rendered images with oil
painting effect). Using the selected key features,
signal independent noise which was mainly caused
by additive background texture can be removed and
then we adaptively adjust the colour style and the
smoothness of the contour through our selected 5
key features. Finally, the performance of our
algorithm is measured against ground truth.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
section 2 briefly reviews previous works in painterly
rendering; section 3 introduces our proposed reverse
painterly rendering (RPR) algorithm; section 4
presents the results of our algorithm; section 5
discusses the results; finally, section 6 concludes the
Previously, many “forward” painterly rendering
algorithms were proposed. Typically, they take
photographic images as inputs and generate images
with artistic styles. Based on the rendering
techniques, they can be categorized as “stroke-
based” and “example-based” painterly rendering.
In stroke-based painterly rendering, an image is
created by combining an ordered list of strokes
described parametrically by a stroke model
(Hertzmann, 2003). Haeberli was the earliest who
demonstrated an interactive painting application for
simulating painterly brush strokes (Haeberli, 1990).
Although his application does not automate brush
strokes rendering, it demonstrates the earliest idea
on stroke based painterly rendering. Hertzmann
formulated stroke based painterly rendering as an
energy minimization problem (Hertzmann, 2001).
However, solving an energy relaxation problem
remains a computationally expensive task. Although
some stroke based algorithms focus on rendering
specific artistic styles such as impressionist
(Litwinowicz, 1997) and Chinese painting (Xu et al.,
2006); most of them do not explicitly have control
over the rendered styles.
Wang Y. and Takatsuka M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003814802410247
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2012), pages 241-247
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Example-based painterly rendering algorithms
present a new approach for painterly rendering.
Hertzmann et al. present a novel framework called
“image analogy” for transforming photos into
painting-like images by examples (Hertzmann et al.,
2001). In their work, painterly rendering is
formulated as a problem of finding analogy. The
output image is constructed by a block-wised multi-
resolution synthesis. The central idea of this
synthesis technique is to search for the best match
image block from the examples and the input image.
In summary, stroke-based algorithms simulate
the actual painting process. Since brush strokes are
placed one by one on the canvas just as artists do, it
is extremely difficult to derive the reverse process.
Exampled-based painterly rendering algorithms
produce the output by investigating and synthesizing
the pixel level features of examples. However, the
reverse process remains rather difficult because
photographic image details are lost during the
synthesis process. Although various algorithms were
proposed to solve painterly rendering problem, none
of them addressed its reverse process. This is
particularly useful for studies in heritage and
forensic science where photorealistic images of
paintings may be needed. We will introduce reverse
painterly rendering (RPR) algorithm in the next
3.1 Problem Formulation
Assume the original photographic image is x(i,j),
and its painted version is y(i,j), the problem of
painterly rendering (particularly with oil painting
effect) can be formulated as:
i, j
= ( ((i, j)))+ . (1)
Where n is signal independent noise, which are
caused by adding background textures such as the
texture of canvas to photographic image x. c denotes
a filtering process which incurs signal dependent
noise or distortion to x. For instance, c particularly
causes the distortion of x’s edges and gradient. h is a
2d filter that transforms x’s colour style from
photographic colours to painted colours , * is 2D
Therefore, the problem of RPR is to estimate the
original photographic image x through the painterly
rendered image y.
3.2 Solving RPR
3.2.1 Features Extraction
A number of image features are extracted. They can
be categorized as: colour-related, texture-related and
wavelet-related features (Table 1).
Table 1: Extracted image features.
Categories Specific Image Features
Colour- related
Smoothness of colour
Colour palette
Colour saturation
Prevalent colour coverage
Global Gabor filter responses
Local Gabor filter responses
First order statistics of first
scale wavelet sub-band
In colour-related features, Smoothness of colour
presents the spatial variation of colour in an image
plane. Colour palette accounts for the number of
unique colours in an image. Colour saturation is the
saturation of pixel colours indicated by H channel in
HSV colour space. We extract above three features
using methodology described by (Cutzu et al.,
2005). Prevalent colour coverage presents the
coverage of the most frequently appearing colour in
an image, which was used to distinguish
photographs from graphics on the web in (Athitsos
et al., 1997).
Following the methodology introduced by
(Bianconi and Fernandez, 2007), we extract texture
features using statistics of Gabor filter responses at
five different scales and four different orientations.
Global Gabor filter response is obtained by
averaging Gabor filter responses from all scales and
orientations of a gray scale image. Local Gabor
filter responses are Gabor filter responses from five
different scales (0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) and four
different orientations (0,
), respectively.
The four first order statistics (mean, variance,
skewness and kurtosis) of wavelet sub-band
coefficients were used in (Lyu and Farid, 2005) and
(Wang and Moulin, 2006) to distinguish computer
generated photorealistic images from real
photographic images. Similarly, we adopt first order
statistics of first scale wavelet sub-band coefficients
as wavelet-related features.
All the features described above are normalized
by the size of the image so that we obtain a score for
each individual feature. RGB colour images are
converted to greyscale images to extract texture and
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
wavelet related features. All the extracted features
form the feature space F. F is a 48 dimensional
vector, and each dimension of F corresponds to an
extracted feature. The notation of F is defined as
: smoothness of colour
: colour palette
: prevalent colour coverage
: global Gabor filter response
: kurtosis and variance of 1
wavelet high frequency (i.e.
horizontal, vertical and diagonal)
components coefficients
: mean, variance, skewness and
kurtosis of 1
scale wavelet sub band
coefficient histograms
: skewness and kurtosis of colour
saturation histogram
: local Gabor filter responses
To testify if above features can identify the
differences between photographic images and “oil
painting-like” images, we build a Support Vector
Machine (SVM) classifier using above features to
distinguish photographic images from “oil painting-
like” images. We first obtain an image dataset
(Martin, 2001) containing 500 photographic images
and then apply “oil painting effect” to the entire
dataset in Photoshop. Totally, 1000 images (500
photographic images and 500 painterly rendered
images) are obtained. Then, we extract features
defined in formula (2) from obtained image pairs.
Finally, we use 700 images for training SVM to
label them as either “photo” or “painting”, and 300
images for test.
The accuracy of the classification is 0.91.
Therefore, we conclude that features defined in
formula (2) are able to characterize the differences
between photographic images and “oil paint-like”
3.2.2 Key Features Selection and Prediction
Among all the obtained 48 image features, we want
to further select the key features that contribute most
to the classification result. We use t-test (Guyon and
Elisseeff, 2003) to assess the significance of each
feature for separating two labelled groups (“photo”
and “painting”). Table 2 shows 10 highest ranked
In Table 2, the top 5 key features are: f
, f
, f
, f
(see formula (2) for definition).
Table 2: List of ranked features by t-test.
10 highest ranked
Feature category T-test scores
Colour-related 19.8797
, f
, f
, f
, f
Texture-related 18.2364~
, f
, f
Wavelet-related 12.6664~
We then use 5 highest ranked features to train the
SVM classifier again. The accuracy of the
classification is 0.82, proving that the 5 highest
ranked features (out of 48 features) are able to
represent the entire feature set.
To reverse an “oil painting-like” image to a
“photo-like” image, we need to predict the above 5
key features of the original photographic image.
Artificial neural network was used for the
prediction. We use the same image dataset to train a
back propagation neural network with key features
of 350 image pairs (i.e. 350 painterly rendered
images as inputs, 350 photographic images as
targets). 150 image pairs are used for test. Table 3
shows Mean Squared Error (MSE) of predicted 5
key features.
Table 3: MSE of predicted key features.
Features f
MSE (×10
) 3.1 6.1 5.5 5.4 5.6
Given an “oil painting-like” image as input, the
output of our RPR algorithm should be an image
whose key features are close to the key features of
the photographic image.
3.2.3 Signal Independent Noise Removal
Based on formula (1), the additive noise n needs to
be removed. The cause of n is primarily from adding
a background texture such as canvas to an image,
therefore n is independent from x. We assume n has
constant variance which can be estimated by feature
: global Gabor filter response. 2D adaptive wiener
filter is used for noise removal. At each pixel point
y(i, j), we calculate the local mean and local
variance of y(i, j) within its neighbourhood, and then
the following formula is applied to reduce the noise:
) .
Where mean
and var
are local mean and local
variance of pixel point y(i, j) within its
neighbourhood. y
is the result image. var
is the
variance of the signal independent noise estimated
by Global Gabor filter response (feature f
). The
result of applying this filtering to a painterly
rendered image is shown in Figure 1(b).
3.2.4 Colour Style Adjustment
In formula (1), the effect of 2D colour filtering h
needs to be reversed. To adjust the colour style, we
make use of the highest ranked feature f
: colour
palette. First, we convert the image y
in formula (3)
from RGB to HSV colour space. Then 2D LMS
(Least Mean Square) algorithm is applied to the
saturation channel of the image y
. After the process,
the image is converted back to RGB colour space.
At each iteration,
Where m and n are the height and width of the
image y
. w is a 2D weight mask used for filtering. r
is a constant that controls the learning rate. This
colour filtering process will run iteratively until error
is less than 0.01. The result of colour style
adjustment is shown in Figure 1(c).
3.2.5 Contour Smoothing
Finally, we need to reduce signal dependent
distortion c in formula (1). From our observation, c
primarily causes the jerkiness of edges and the
uneven changes of colour (i.e. gradient) in an image.
In the feature space, c causes the differences
between painterly rendered images and photographic
images in local Gabor filter responses, i.e. f
, f
and f
. The effect of c can be alleviated by
iteratively smoothing the contour of the image.
Since LUV colour space separate image luminance
from colour, we smooth the image contour in each
channel of LUV colour space. We first extract the
edges of an image. Then we remove small objects
from the edges and smooth the remaining edges
using local regression. For each point on the
remaining edges, we sample its N neighbouring
points on each side and a local regression line is
computed. Then the current point is projected on this
line. The result of smoothed edges is shown in
Figure 1(f).
After we obtain the smoothed edge (e.g. Figure
1(f)), we use it to smooth image contour obtained
from colour style adjustment (e.g. Figure 1(c)). We
first convert the image to LUV colour space. For
each channel, we calculate the gradient towards
horizontal direction and vertical direction. And the
gradient map is the magnitude of the gradient, i.e.
GradientMap =
. (7)
Where ∇x and ∇y are image gradient toward
horizontal and vertical directions.
For each pixel in the image, if it is on both of the
original edges (e.g. Figure 1(e)) and the smoothed
edges (e.g. Figure 1(f)), we leave it unchanged. If it
is on the original edges but not on the smoothed
edges, we change the pixel value to the value of its
nearest neighbouring pixel that has the minimum
gradient indicated by gradient Map. Similarly, if it is
not a on the original edges but on the smoothed
edges, we change the pixel value to the value of its
nearest neighbouring pixel that has the maximum
gradient indicated by gradient Map. We run this
smoothing algorithm iteratively until local Gabor
filter responses (f
, f
and f
) are close to the
predicted values. The final result of applying
contour smoothing is shown in Figure 1(d).
3.2.6 Algorithm
The work flow of RPR algorithm is summarized in a
chart (Figure 2). Our algorithm first extracts
potential features for classifying the image data set
(section 3.2.1).Then based on the classification
result, we select and predict five key features to
control the process of RPR (section 3.2.2). Given the
input painterly rendered image, we first remove the
signal independent noise (section 3.2.3); then adjust
the colour style (section 3.2.4) and smooth the
contour (section 3.2.5) to obtain the restored
photograph-like image.
4.1 Experimental Data
To acquire image pairs for our experiment, we
download UC Berkley image segmentation dataset
(Martin, 2001) which contains 500 photographic
images of various subjects. The sizes of these
images are either 481×321 or 321×481. Then we use
Photoshop to apply oil painting effect to the entire
dataset. Eventually, a total number of 1000 images
containing 500 original photographic images and
500 painterly rendered images are obtained.
4.2 Experimental Result
Figure 3 shows our RPR result compared with
ground truth images. In Figure 3, Column A (left) is
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
a. Painterly rendered image. b. After noise removal.
c. After colour filtering. d. After contour smoothing.
e. Original edges. f. Smoothed edges.
Figure 1: Three step process of RPR algorithm.
images with oil painting effect; Column B (middle)
is the photo-like images restored by our RPR
algorithm; Column C (right) is the original photos.
Images of column A are obtained by applying oil
painting effect to column C in Photoshop. Therefore,
column C can be used as ground truth for measuring
the performance of the result.
4.3 Performance
We first compare the absolute image difference
( D
) between our restored photographic
images and the original photographic images with
the difference ( D
) between the painterly
rendered images and the original photographic
images. Since LUV colour space separates
luminance from colour, we calculate the average
pixel-wised absolute difference through three
channels in LUV colour space. Table 4 are
and D
of images shown in
Figure 3.
Table 4: Comparison of the image differences in Figure 3.
row of Figure 3 3.6906 6.4089
row of Figure 3 2.5018 4.2270
Average 3.0962 5.3180
From Table 4, we can see that our algorithm
manages to reduce the pixel-wised image difference
between painterly rendered images and photographic
Figure 2: The workflow of RPR algorithm.
Furthermore, we compared the five key features
, f
, f
, f
, f
) of our experimental result shown
in Figure 3. Figure 4 is the comparison results. To
measure the differences of key features shown in
Figure 4, we can calculate the Euclidean distances
between predicted and original key features, key
features of our restored and original photos, key
features of painterly rendered images and original
photos. In Figure 4, key features of restored
photograph-like images are closer to the original
photographs than “oil painting-like” images. In the
feature space, our algorithm manages to reduce the
A. Painterly rendered images. B. Restored photographs by RPR. C. Original photographs.
Figure 3: Results of Reverse Painterly Rendering (RPR).
Euclidean distance between key features of painterly
rendered images and photographic images.
From measuring the pixel-wised image
difference and Euclidean distances of key features,
we can conclude that our RPR algorithm indeed
improves the visual realistic appearance of painterly
rendered images by reducing the pixel-wised
difference and distance of key features from their
original photographic images.
From the results, we can see that our RPR algorithm
manages to reduce the differences between “oil
painting-like” images and true photographic images.
However, our restored images are still visually
different from photographic images. Especially
when the original photographs have more detailed
regions (such as trees or grass), our algorithm does
not perform very well. This is because important
image details are lost or distorted during the forward
process of painterly rendering. Furthermore, since
the distortion of image edges and gradient in the
process of painterly rendering is still not well
studied, our contour smoothing algorithm remains to
be improved. Additionally, our painterly rendered
images are limited to the “oil painting effect” in
Photoshop; this is because we found the “oil
painting effect” generated by Photoshop is closer to
oil paintings produced by human artists than any
other software such as Irfanview or Paint shop pro.
However, in the future, we would still like to work
on real oil paintings of various styles and
particularly study how contours of objects in oil
paintings are differentiated from photographs.
Meanwhile, image super-resolution and synthesis
technique may be adopted to recover the details of
photographic images.
In this paper, we present a novel RPR algorithm
which can reverse the painterly rendered images
(with oil painting effect) to photograph-like image.
We first formulate the process of painterly rendering
with oil painting effect; then to reverse the process,
we extract important image features through
classifying photographic images from their painterly
rendered images; removing signal independent
noise; adjusting colour style and smoothing
contours. Finally, we measured the performance of
our RPR algorithm. The result shows that our
algorithm is able to improve the photo-realistic
appearance of “oil painting-like” images.
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
a. Key features of images in 1
row of Figure 3.
b. Key features of images in 2
row of Figure 3.
Figure 4: Comparison of five key image features.
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