Figure 9: Second example in Mokhtarian database for the
recognition process.
In this paper, we proposed a new method for
silhouettes recognition. Textual description,
smoothing and indexing were previously performed
(Larabi et al, 2003; Aouat and Larabi, 2010; Aouat
and Larabi, 2009).
We have seen the importance of applying
efficient similarity measures to achieve the
recognition process.
Two similarity measures have been proposed:
- The use of parts areas: indeed when two
objects are almost similar, the difference
between their areas is close to zero. The use
of this measure is not sufficient because
different parts may have the same area.
- The computation of geometric quasi-
invariants in order to efficiently compare the
query silhouettes geometry with the models
Conducted experiments, performed on two
known databases, showed the method efficiency
and its usefulness to resolve the problem of the
recognition process.
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications