status tests are satisfied.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
section 2 discusses related work; section 3 presents
the tool for planning, reconfiguring and evaluating
the network performance; section 4 shows the
experimental results obtained for TDMA (schedule-
based) and X-MAC (contention-based) protocols
and section 5 concludes the paper.
In this section we first review related work on MAC
protocols and its adaptation, planning and
monitorization. One important key issue in WSNs
that influences whether the deployed system will be
able to save battery power or to handle high
sampling rates gracefully is the MAC protocol and
its configurations. WSN MAC protocols can be
classified into two main families or their
combination: Carrier Sense Multiple Access
(CSMA), and Time Division Multiple Access
(TDMA). TDMA protocols will schedule the
activity of the network in a period in which all nodes
will be active. In the idle times between data
gathering sessions, nodes can turn off the radio
interface and lie in a sleep state. Thus, the main and
most important advantage of TDMA is time critical
and low power consumption. There are innumerous
works addressing TDMA protocols. Several
protocols have been designed for quick
broadcast/convergecast, others for generic
communication patterns. The greatest challenges are
the spatial-reuse of the time-slots, interference
avoidance, low-latencies, and energy-efficiency.
SS-TDMA (Kulkarni) is a TDMA protocol
designed for broadcast/convergecast in grid WSNs.
The slot allocation process tries to achieve cascading
slot assignments. Each node receives messages from
the neighbours with their assigned slots.
In RT-Link [Rowe] and PEDAMACS (Ergen)
protocols, time-slot assignment is accomplished in a
centralized way at the gateway node, based on the
global topology in the form of neighbour lists
provided by the WSN nodes.
CSMA protocols may be suited for event-driven
WSN applications with dynamic topologies. Some
protocols such as S-MAC, B-MAC, WiseMAC and
X-MAC are frequently used in WSN. S-MAC (Ye)
defines periodic frame structure divided into two
parts, with nodes being active in the first fraction of
the frame and asleep for the remaining duration. The
length of each of the frame parts is fixed according
to the desired duty-cycle.
B-MAC (Polastre) and WiseMAC (El-Hoiydi)
are based on Low-Power Listening (LPL) (Polastre)
that is a very simple mechanism designed to
minimize the energy spent in idle listening. X-MAC
(Buettner) also is based on Low-Power Listening but
reduces the overhead of receiving long preambles by
using short and strobed preambles allowing
unintended receivers to sleep after receiving only
one short preamble and the intended receiver to
interrupt the long preamble by sending an ACK
packet after receiving only one strobed preamble.
Monitorization tools can be used to evaluate
network performance. It is necessary to have
information on the fraction of packets and
application messages losses, latencies and other
simple metrics that provide enough information
about the network health. It is also necessary to have
alternative in-network processing approaches.
We have reviewed existing tools to monitor
network health (SNMS, SNIF, DiMo), and designed
our own simplified tool adapted to our planning
objectives. Our current tool does not include some
important parts that the reviewed tools do include
and which we plan to add later, such as node failure
detection mechanisms.
To avoid congestion, our work uses in-network
data processing. Data processing in sensor networks
has been studied extensively, and in-network
processing is the general term used for techniques
that process data on a node or group of nodes before
forwarding it to the user.
Our study is related to these ones in that in-
network data processing approaches are used to
decrease the amount of communication that is
needed. But in our work these approaches are part of
an integrated system, with guaranteed delivery of
messages with minimal loss, and monitorization and
configuration to reduce network traffic to acceptable
In this section we devise the basic network planning
approach, considering schedule-based with a fixed
topology and simple slot-based planning. We also
discuss why this approach can also be a basis for a
first-cut plan on contention-based protocols,
although more testing is required in that case to
determine whether the system will behave gracefully
with strict sampling rates.
SENSORNETS 2012 - International Conference on Sensor Networks